There are still quite a few from Cynthia's camera which I've yet to get from her.
On Sunday, 15th March...
On Tuesday, 17th March...
To view the description of each video, open in a separate browser instead of clicking the play button from here. For people unfamiliar with YouTube, the descriptions are on the right. Click on "more info". Also after viewing in a separate browser, it would be good to close my blog's window.
My music so noisy... how u listen to the audio in the video with the background music blaring? BTW for those who asked for the song's title, it's stated on the left sidebar as Kimi Wo Sagashiteta. It's quite difficult to search for it via search engines. It it helps, the singing version is by CHEMISTRY taken from the soundtrack of the Japanese drama serial "Wedding Planner" starring my favourite Naoko Iijima.
Visiting cyn and the kids
15th March
Kh and I went to visit Cyn and the kids last Sunday. There was quite a number of gifts from kind-hearted souls to pass to the kids.

The kids were really happy!
Charmaine received lots of Dora stuff while Jase had his fair share of gifts too. We’ve to ensure that we give the gifts almost equally. Each time, I took out a gift for Charmaine from the bag, I’ve to take out another prepared gift for Jase the next. I hope he wasn’t able to tell.
Thank you all who pass me the gifts.
Special thanx to L****a for being so thoughtful to buy generous gifts for both kids and even taking the trouble to meet me at my bridal studio just to pass me the stuff.
Kh and I have such a good impression of L! Even though she is not a direct contact of cyn’s and mine and probably wouldn’t even see this I just have to make a special mention of her as she is really such a sweet lady.
Jase opening his gift from L which was a remote control car

Char had a Dora magnetic writing board

We were so fascinated with the coloured magnetic writing board! I never knew there was such an invention. When Charmaine started to write and saw the colours, she was quite taken by surprise as well. Haha…
This photo was taken by Charmaine... Ugly also must post up. =P
I could still see the tension between the 2 kids but it wasn’t as serious as the last time I visited them. It could be due to the fact that there were only kh and me and cyn’s fren, a***** who arrived later.
17th March…
I took half day leave to meet cyn to settle important stuff and from that day onwards, cyn got aquainted with the ditsy apr. I like it when my frenz know each other. Dun worry apr, cyn had a favorable impression of you even though your bimbocity has been congealed in her mind. =P
Next we went to shop for groceries at Cold Storage, chatted amidst dinner and finally went back to cyn’s home.
It wasn’t intentional but I thought char’s expressions were quite similar to 喜 怒 哀 乐

I like it whenever she pretends to be on the phone. Sometimes she would pretend to call mummy and say,
“Mummy I’m at NTUC ah. Where are you?”
Char’s hair has been dropping non-stop. They are everywhere. Cyn said she did let her know that she would have to shave her head soon and surprisingly the vain little darling was fine with it. However, when the time comes, we don’t know if she would be very upset.
Ah Beng jase

Only that night did I realise that Jase is damn good at lion dance! I’m guilty of not taking notice of that previously. He learnt all the moves from watching recordings of actual lion dance.
As a 5-year-old, cyn and I really impressed by his imitation: his jerks, his varying volume of “dong qiang”, eating the “leek” or “orange” etc.
Cyn recorded an entire performance by him afterwhich, we clapped and cheered for him. One could really tell how elated he was.
Beautiful colouring by Ah Beng

Cyn told me that there was one day when jase sat her down very seriously and in a solemn tone told her,
“Mummy I dunno how to smile.”
HAHAHA… I used to call Jase’s smile the “Chandler smile”. Jase has this problem of smiling to the camera. He can be laughing with huge dazzling smiles and all but once aware that the camera is on him, he would do his “Chandler smile” subconsciously.
Jase's neat Chinese handwriting
Photo collage of the kids on the wardrobe

The kids are soooo cute in the photos!
Cyn made jase’s collage together with him the day before as he was terribly upset at being neglected. Not neglected by cyn I emphasise.
The kids were SUPER DUPER 乖 that day!
Jase who had been exhibiting all the negative behaviour of sibling of cancer patient the past few weeks was such a darling kor kor that day.
When char was colouring in her Dora book, jase was doing the same in his Mickey Mouse book. He ran out of red while colouring Mickey’s shorts and asked char politely if she could lend him hers.
Surprisingly, char answered a flat “no”.
J: “Please?”
C: “No!”
Cyn mummy and godma Jolene looked at each other not knowing what to do next. Then cyn reminded char how jase shared 4 sticks of his Yan Yan with her earlier on.
Jase silently put up his fingers to indicate 5 and gave a pitiful face.
Cyn mummy corrected herself and said 5 but char continued saying no.
Not long after, Jase crawled stealthily behind char’s back (literally!), took a red colour pencil from her case, looked at me and went sshh… smiled and crawled back.
I witnessed all these dumbfounded as I was at a loss of what to say. Should I chide him for stealing or should I commend him for not kicking up a fuss by borrowing without permission?
I told cyn what happened and we LOL like siao. Meanwhile, char was still oblivious of what had happened. After jase was done coloring Mickey’s shorts, he crawled silently to char’s pencil case to put the red colour pencil back.
Everyone got their way with no quarrel.
Jase was such an agreeable boy that day. He was obliging to char and often gave in to her whenever she wanted something.
He was performing his lion dance when char wanted to be the “head”. I thought he would say no but he immediately removed the costume and helped mei mei to wear. He even taught her how to dance like a well… lion.
The video up there was taken when he was teaching her the 2nd time.
I feel so bad whenever I’m with the kids at home and they refuse to sleep. It’s tough getting them to sleep when all they wanna do is to play. I left their place at about midnight as they had to turn in early for the hospital visit the next day.
Trial Make Up Session Last Wednesday
Catty Catty Jo
These are the most un-cat ones kh could manage to capture.
BTW, can you see the people in the framed photo in the background? They are Cynthia Koh and her ang mo hubby. I didn't even know she was married!
Ok I look more like myself here...

My MUA (make up artist) said she would paste thicker tapes to make my crease higher and attach full falsies on the photoshoot (PS) day and actual day (AD).
I like the shimmers in my eyes. I'm not an eyeshadow person so the shimmers really accentuate the brightness of my eyes which aren't even bright to begin with. Lack of sleep!
The rest of the make up (MU) is very thick and those who saw me agreed that I don't look like myself. I almost could not recognise myself in the mirror too.
When kh arrived after the trial MU, he gave me a raised-eyebrow look.
Back at home, I asked my family members if the MU is nice.
My da jie went, "Well, it's very different from your usual dinner party look with thick eye make up."
Mum just looked and asked if that was gonna be my look for my wedding.
Dad said he lao hua yan cannot see.
Me think they cleverly evaded my question. Ha!
Jase saw the photos on my camera and he said, "Godma Jolene like that not pretty."
Only cyn was screaming in excitement that it was nice.
Hahaha... nvm... I guess everyone's not used to this look. I like it even though it doesn't look like me. I've affinity for cats, remember?
I like my MUA a lot. Let's call her S. She was highly raved about in SG Brides forum Whitelink thread a few months back. I'm not one who is easily convinced just by hearing raves and assumed that S might be the high and mighty sort since so many people wanted her to be their MUA. I decided to make decision based on my own judgement and not by sieving info from the thread.
Imagine my surprise when they assigned S as my MUA!
She is really nice and motherly. A soft-spoken lady who listens to what I want while offering her own suggestions. When told that the charge for including fake lashes on PS and AD is $30--$50 each (forgot the price), I casually told her that I know how to do it myself and she was cool about that. She included cut fake lashes for half the eyes at no extra cost even though trial MU doesn't include that service.
In the end, I like her so much that I was simply willing to let her earn all these little costs.
Gimme good and comfortable service anytime!
An off day with errands and tasks packed full to the brim
It was such a jam-packed day of settling vain stuff and pampering myself like:
1) Dyeing my hair and going for hair treatment
2) Going for manicure and pedicure
3) Shopping last minute with deardear for photoshoot stuff
4) Dining late night at the chi chi Canelé Pâtisserie Chocolaterie
On the issue of hair…
I had to dye my healthy black hair to a lighter shade for photoshoot purposes. Curls always look better in brown than black.
After having a full head of black hair for the longest time ever, I felt a bit hesitant to dye it. It's been a long time since I had much healthier black hair. People who know me since sec school days would know that I have never sported black hair since then. It all started in sec 3 when I bought those off the shelf hair colour and mum helped me to dye my hair.
Yes, I know… what kinda mum dyes her 15-year-old daughter’s hair right?
I wanted a very dark and natural shade of brown, hopefully ash. I really love ash brown but unfortunately, one has to bleach one’s hair in order for the ash tone to appear. Either that or one has to be apr who has naturally ash brown hair.
Sick and tired of my blonde days, I kept reiterating the fact that I wanted a very dark brown tone to my nice hairdresser/ stylist. I left the place feeling very satisfied. In the end, nobody at home noticed I dyed my hair. Kh noticed though, and because my hair was crimped straight, he liked my new do a lot. It reminds him of those long straight hair days in the past which he absolutely adores.
By the way, my hair colour keeps getting lighter with every wash and I so totally miss my black hair!
At the chi chi Canelé

Lesson learnt: Always share your desserts
We both had too much chocolatey stuff that night.
Kh simply loves to snap unglam photos of me.
This large rimmed specs reminds me of Miss V
OMG... My eyes turn watery when i see the video. Can see the amount of hair loss on Charmaine's head due to the chemo ={
ReplyDeleteActually when i was buying her the tops, i also want to get her a hat. Saw nice ones but i really don't know what size to get.
Nice eye makeup! =) Can't wait to see your wedding pictures! Hee
ReplyDeleteHi June,
ReplyDeleteI'm still in the midst of updating this entry. Lots of tots to pen in words.
Other than the hair, char is still doing fine. I hope her spirit would remain high even after 2nd chemo.
Char got lots of dora hats, caps and beanie from the gift pack the other time. I notice that her head is quite small. Getting adjustable ones would be good.
You think the eye MU is nice? So far only cyn and you said so... Oh and me too.. Wahaha...
I also cannot wait to see the photos! PG showed us some nice shots on his screen every now on Friday PS which made me can't wait to see the all the photos.
Hey Jolene, i really mean it when i say i like ur eye makeup =) Maybe i'm quite into shimmer shades when it comes to eye colours. Hee!
ReplyDeleteDo update soon the moment you got your pics. I want to see your pics! =)
Did you put up new photos and added more on the blog? Can see Charmaine's hair getting lesser. She is still very cute. Neway, your mua is good. I know who she is in Whitelink. Like your almond shape eyes and clear complexion especially the 2nd last mu photo.
ReplyDeleteHi June,
ReplyDeleteHehe... I like the shimmers too coz I'm never an eyeshadow person so it's a refreshing change. Mascara and eyeliner is my daily fuss-free MU. But I just can't help thinking I look like a cat there.
I'm going to Whitelink this Sunday to select the photos!!! Can't wait. =)
Yes I did. I updated this post with more words and photos.
Charmaine is always our cute little princess. =)
Thanx for your compliments. My photoshoot make up style last Friday was quite different from this trial MU.
Hey gal, your makeup is nice! Doesn't look too thick from the photos. The eye make-up looks natural but it enhances your eyes very well. I think you'll look even prettier with thicker eyelid tape and falsies. Maybe she can apply a darker shade of eyeshadow on the crease to further accentuate your eyes too.
ReplyDeleteHaha I realised I've only been talking about your eye make-up thus far. I really love eye make-up that's why :P. I think she did a great job on the face too. Makes you look every bit the glowing bride. :)
Glad that you're feeling better now..better take good care of yourself!! And post the pics when you get them!
Charmaine still looks very cheerful and bubbly..hopefully she will continue to be in high spirits.
Dear Jolene,
ReplyDeleteI agree with all that the eye make up is nice. It look alittle different from the photo shoot make up. The photo shoot look more like yourself but this one make you look different but also pretty. I love your complexion. What facial product do you use?
Your godkids are as cute as ever. I wish Charmaine all the best in fighting the cancer.
Hi Reg,
ReplyDeleteHahaha... Thanx for your sweet words.
The foundation was really very thick. When make up is very thick in real life, it would always look good in photos. =) It really cracked that day and also on the PS day.
Heyhey... read what I wrote on my latest entry about my eyes looking quite ugly at certain angles. Haha... But overall kh and I really like many of the pictures.
Yes... I can't wait to get the photos in mid or end May. Only till then then can post up.
I'll be visiting cyn and the kids this Thur and I can't wait! Do keep Charmaine in your thoughts. =)
Hi Yen,
Yup both have got very different look. My complexion from the photos are deceiving. It's due to the very thick layer of foundation that's why. Hahaha... My facial products are not fixed but I do swear by aspirin mask every now and then.
Thanx. Do continue to keep Charmaine in your thoughts. =)
Copied and pasted from tagbox for remembrance
ReplyDelete22 Mar 09, 10:36
JO: Hi can i know what watch u wearing with ur post wearing the black spec? TIA
24 Mar 09, 23:39
Jo to JO: Sorry to miss this out. All along I saw the "JO" as myself and tot it was my reply w/o reading the content. Watch is from Seiko. It's guys watch. HTHs!
9 Apr 09, 20:22
Justina: Hey Jo! Found ur blog thru links left in lil Char's blog. Hope u dun mind me popping by =)
11 Apr 09, 22:59
Jo to Justina: Hi, I sorta "know" who you are on the internet realm from ourfeistyprincee and I certainly don't mind u popping by. Welcome aboard!
14 Apr 09, 09:18
Justina: Jo, try soaking peeled garlic with hot water and drink it. It is good for the throat too =)
15 Apr 09, 09:05
Justina: Jo, any idea where to buy that magnetic writing board?? I also wanna buy!!! haha
15 Apr 09, 15:00
Jo to Justina: Thanx for e tip! Which magnetic writing board? With colour or e normal one?
15 Apr 09, 16:02
Justina: Jo, the colour one
16 Apr 09, 23:31
Jo to Justina: I heard fr e person who gave e gift tt she got it fr Robinson's. Hope this helps. The board is really v shen2 qi2. We were speechless when we saw e colours. Dunno is it we suaku or what. Haha. =)
22 Apr 09, 17:05
Justina: I managed to find n it seems they have already started selling in the market... haha...prob we are real suaku
26 Apr 09, 03:26
Jo to Justina: Glad u found it. Hope u're having fun writing in cheerful paddlepop rainbow ice cream colours. Heh...