Not thunder but lightning.
The bright flashes of light scare the hell outta me.
It was pouring so heavily just now that even though I borrowed an umbrella from my tutee, I avoided walking out in the open and kept under the blocks and shelters as much as possible.
At last I reached the small little road to my block.
While crossing, lightning flashed in front of me 4 times.
I was so terrified that I nearly cried.
All I had in mind as I was crossing that little flooded road was:
"Don't strike me. Don't strike me. I still got a lot of things to do."
Can't wait!
Kh is picking me up soon. We're going to Whitelink (WL) to choose the photos. I'm so excited that I can hardly wait.
I hope reason would rule over passion and that I would not go crazy choosing too many photos. I dun wanna end up TOPPING UP 8K, 10K etc like all those stories I've heard about couples overspending on pre-wed photos.
In kh's words:
"Wah lau eh! 10K? I can spray paint my car 10 times leh!"
In Jo's words:
"And I can buy at least 2 Chanel 2.55."
Oh kh is here!
Tata... Enjoy the rest of your Sunday.
Back home updating at midnight
My hair is wet and I can't sleep.
I'm smelling nice and fresh after a refreshing shower. Before that, I smelt like chomp chomp. I'm having a tummy ache now coz we had hang3 her2 (sambal stingray), spicy la la (clams???), dou4 miao2, rice and sugarcane drink when before that I was suffering from gastric.
I'm hunching from the pain as I'm typing but I would rather hunch and type than hunch while marking atrocious compositions.
kh and I were so glad that we managed to cut down from 183 photos to 104. Our PG (let's call him V) was quite impressed when we managed to do that. He said not many people can cut down so much especially when there are quite a number of great shots.
I guess we were both really prudent people when it comes to spending unnecessary $$.
WL's standard package is $78 per photo top up. Choosing 60% of the photos would allow us to have ALL the soft copies returned.
If you do the maths, that would work out to a whooping $8564.40 to get all the soft copies back!
Holy Cow!
Of course, the more you choose, the more discout per photo such that it would slowly become $50 per photo after a certain number. That would still be a total of about 4K to 6K top up.
No way are we gonna spend that kinda $$!!!
I know it is common to spend 2K to buy back all soft copies in other bridal studios and I seriously don't mind spending that amount to buy the photos back. Definitely beats spending 6K rite?
To me, soft copies are more important than having the photos added to the album. With soft copies, I can do all sorts of editing and layout. I can even get my photoshop whizz er jie to do the editing for me.
In the end, V made us such a tempting offer that we decided to take it up. We would be having 2 albums and getting all soft copies raw and unedited as well as edited ones back.
The great thing is we are paying nowhere near 4K to 6K.
But Sssshhhh... cannot let our parents know coz no matter how modern couple would think it's value for money, our parents sure will say we stupid wan. [Edited to add: Surprisingly, our parents tot we got a good deal too.]
We would be going down WL in mid or end May to view all the edited photos and layout.
So sorry to those who have been asking to see more photos. All my sweetie frenz, darlings from LD and my blog readers. We've got to wait till May.
In the meantime, here are some photos which we secretly snapped at WL during PS. WL is really strict on photography. Hence, I had to beg my MUA to let me snap some photos while she closed one eye.
My mtm EG unfortunately did not fit me well on PS day coz I had slimmed down a great deal due to lack of sleep and loss of appetite the past few weeks.
I told my nice designer (let’s call her D) that I die die want the back of my EG to look like this with swarovski crystals lining the V strap. I also told her that I cannot have an EG that flows straight down as I would look too skinny. Modifying my idea of having extra cloth flowing from the bottom of the V strap, D added rosettes and what she termed as “fiu fiu” sash.
Deardear’s look to match my EG

MUA S did deardear’s hair so cool that I was drooling over his new do.
Kh has never spotted such hairstyle before and I absolutely love it! See the diff between the top left pic and the other 3. Top left is how he always look w/o combing and styling his hair coz he doesn’t believe in personal grooming. Hahaha…
Details on my tummy area for my outdoor gown

Unflattering shots of our bands

My MU for PS.

Heavier eye make up with 2 layers of falsies stuck on each eye
These were taken at the end of the day. Each time I changed new clothes, a different hairdo and MU effect accompanied. My hair was so hard and foundation was so thick that there were cracks on my face!
Even though the weather was sweltering hot for the outdoor shoots, V made the whole Photoshoot process realy fun and enjoyable. He is a skinny man with long ponytail and who puffed heavily on his ciggies each time there was a break. He's the Ah Beng, jovial kuai lan sort and I'm not sure if people could click with him. However, even non-smokers, non ah beng and ah lian like us could click with him a lot.
V is always cracking jokes, sometimes poking fun at us humorously as we suan-ed him back. He always made us feel relaxed/natural or made us laugh and then he would capture these moments candidly. He's good at both candid and posed shots. You need not worry about not knowing how to pose, he would give you instructions when necessary but most of the time, you just have to be happy and the smiles/happiness would radiate throughout the pictures.
Cute strays

I don't look like a cat that day [sidenote: I look feline for the trial MU day] but I didn't quite like how my eyes turned out in some of the photos we saw at WL just now. There were many great shots with great poses but my eyes look almost like Jessica Tan's
Jessica Tan then

Jessica Tan now

Ok shit... dun quote me on the surgery part. Kh and I confirmed that her eyes looked really different and that she's not as chio as when we first saw her. However, we aren't 100% sure about the surgery part. Maybe we could term it as aesthetic enhancement? Her crease is too thick and high now; her eyes seem to close to her nose. I really really prefer to old and sweet-looking Jessica.
I love Cynthia!
Cynthia's sms to me...
"Was just thinking the other day in hospital abt your weddin. Am always secretly hoping that we can attend in some ways. Its just really upsetting to know that it wont happen the way we had wished."
"Have you found another pair of flower girl and page boy? I'm just afraid its close to her post surgery and maybe even transplant. Else, I really feel like sneaking the 2 to just walk down the isle with you and send them back home. Hee. Can we get all your guests to wear masks just for that brief few minutes. Haha."
It's really so sweet of Cynthia! I was laughing aloud when I read the above sms amidst breakfast. I showed my hp to kh and he laughed too.
I've long cast aside the idea of having the kids as ring bearers after Charmaine's diagnosis. Even though I really wished for them to walk with us down the aisle, I wouldn't want to subject Charmaine to catching any bug.
I would always have the urge to visit them but whenever I think of how much I am coughing lately, I stop myself from from doing so. I'm not even sick la... When would the cough stop???
Us during happier times...

-- CNY 2009 (2 weeks before char was admitted to KK)