Friday, December 31, 2004
I'm back from KiwiLand.. In Aussieland now... Happy New Year!!
Hi frenz! It's almost 11.45pm here in Toowoomba. Happy New Year in advance! May all of you enjoy the last few hours of year 2004. Gosh.. how time flies... Hope all of you are safe and sound too... God bless.
Friday, December 17, 2004
Hi I’m writing again…
I know I’ve been missed. *angelic eyes*
For those of you who haven’t seen me or talked to me on MSN these few weeks and these few days, you must have the impression that I’m perpetually sick, forever busy and always so disgruntled. Some of you also thought that I was having some problems with kh coz he hasn’t been mentioned for the past few months, coz of “indication” from certain entries and coz my song playing at this present moment is “F U Right Back”. So putting all these together, you thought we were quits.
Cute conjecture. We are pretty much all right. Thanks for the concern. =)
I’ll be out of town from 19 Dec 2004 till 3 January 2005. Will be flying off to Brisbane this coming Sunday, straight after my very last day of work for the term. Then I’ll be spending most of my holiday at NZ in a caravan!!! Since young, I’ve always wanted a to live in a caravan. I believe I watched too many cartoons in the past. The image of a Mickey and Donald cartoon snippet (it was called Mickey and Donald cartoon back then) of a caravan kept flashing in my mind when deardear asked a few weeks ago if I would like to go on a caravan trip.
I was excited initially but busy-ness overcame me. Instead of looking forward to this trip, I felt stressed up the past week coz I’ve so many unfinished stuff to do and stuff to be done when I come back for the new term. I’m sorry I kept snapping at you and complaining that the trip is giving me a lot of stress, dear. My temper has been short recently. I snap at my mum a lot too. Sorry mummy. I’m glad that as the days progress, I’m slowly relieved of my load. I’m not as excited as I feel I should be, but I hope to build up the excitement gradually and let it all loose there.
I really need that break.
For those of you who haven’t seen me or talked to me on MSN these few weeks and these few days, you must have the impression that I’m perpetually sick, forever busy and always so disgruntled. Some of you also thought that I was having some problems with kh coz he hasn’t been mentioned for the past few months, coz of “indication” from certain entries and coz my song playing at this present moment is “F U Right Back”. So putting all these together, you thought we were quits.
Cute conjecture. We are pretty much all right. Thanks for the concern. =)
I’ll be out of town from 19 Dec 2004 till 3 January 2005. Will be flying off to Brisbane this coming Sunday, straight after my very last day of work for the term. Then I’ll be spending most of my holiday at NZ in a caravan!!! Since young, I’ve always wanted a to live in a caravan. I believe I watched too many cartoons in the past. The image of a Mickey and Donald cartoon snippet (it was called Mickey and Donald cartoon back then) of a caravan kept flashing in my mind when deardear asked a few weeks ago if I would like to go on a caravan trip.
I was excited initially but busy-ness overcame me. Instead of looking forward to this trip, I felt stressed up the past week coz I’ve so many unfinished stuff to do and stuff to be done when I come back for the new term. I’m sorry I kept snapping at you and complaining that the trip is giving me a lot of stress, dear. My temper has been short recently. I snap at my mum a lot too. Sorry mummy. I’m glad that as the days progress, I’m slowly relieved of my load. I’m not as excited as I feel I should be, but I hope to build up the excitement gradually and let it all loose there.
I really need that break.
Tuesday, December 07, 2004
For the whole of yesterday, I led a pig’s life.
I had a bad cold, a leaking nose and was burning at 38.3 °C. I couldn’t remember the last time I had a fever that high. My whole body ached and I wasn’t able to support myself at all. Each time I wasn’t lying in bed, I would be slumped on the sofa staring into space. So I slept the whole of Monday away. Woke up at 2pm to slump on the sofa while waiting for lunch to be served, ate and went back to sleep. Woke up at 7pm to eat, slump on the sofa and watch TV. Then I went back to sleep at 8+pm all the way till this morning. In total, I slept for like 30 hours.
Boring day.
Nothing much happened lately. Just feeling disgruntled at times. My busy-ness has dissipated all my energy. I feel like an empty shell, devoid of spirit and soul.
Boring day.
Nothing much happened lately. Just feeling disgruntled at times. My busy-ness has dissipated all my energy. I feel like an empty shell, devoid of spirit and soul.
Tuesday, November 30, 2004
I got myself a digital camera on the last day of the SITEX exhibition!!!!
Was deciding between Canon Ixus 30/ 40 and Fujifilm F450 after my dream camera- pink panasonic lumix fx7 was sold out. Finally gotten the latter because it has more functions and more importantly, the Canon people pissed me off BIG time. “Where Style Meets Substance”… “Engineered for those who live for photography” *scoffs* More like “Where Snubbers Meets Stinking Attitude”… “Staffs engineered for those who live to get pissed off”.
I cannot really marvel at my camera yet as I’ve not really fiddled around with it since I bought it without my parents’ knowledge. They (read: mum) would flip if they knew I spent money on such “unnecessary” stuff. In fact I have to hide my whole freebies package at somebody else’s house coz that package was too large to hide from them.
I cannot really marvel at my camera yet as I’ve not really fiddled around with it since I bought it without my parents’ knowledge. They (read: mum) would flip if they knew I spent money on such “unnecessary” stuff. In fact I have to hide my whole freebies package at somebody else’s house coz that package was too large to hide from them.
Tuesday, November 23, 2004
Wednesday, November 17, 2004
Diary-like Entry (I)
My whole weekend was burnt making materials. I have JUST finished making them. What kind of weekends do I have?! For the first time, I need not make till the next morning and I still have some time to blog. It is tentatively the next morning right now, but you know what I mean. I couldn’t have finished so early without my da jies’s help. Thank you so much jie jie!!! I really owe you a treat. I meant it when I said that just now. Don’t scoff at my kind gesture.
Poor Simba has been going without food for 2 days. She has finished off the last bit of her dry food. And we do not have any emergency canned food at home. (We do have previously, but since Simba doesn’t really like canned food, we figured it would be better not to waste cabinet space and to give those to Nike. Nike is Joel’s gay cat by the way.) She kept meowing at us with her big eyes whenever she’s awake and would do her Flinestones run each time someone walks to the kitchen.
Why Flinestones run? Ever watched the cartoon? When the characters run, they would make those tinkling toes sound. With a little bell around her beck, Simba makes such tinkling sounds too.
Ok back to the pathetic Simba story. While all of us took pity on her by merely exclaiming “Poor Baba. Poor Baba”, my dad actually foraged the freezer for any frozen food suitable for her. He found some fish fillet and micro waved it. My dad is so sweet to Baba! He’s always the one scolding and beating her whenever she does something naughty. So I thought my dad was rather sweet and cute to micro wave a fish fillet for her.
And now, she’s all curled up and half asleep under my table.
My cheeks are really itchy now thanks to Regina. She claims that OXY works wonders for pimples and taught me a secret method of applying: Do not blend into your skin. Leave it as white dots for it to be effective. Hence, I stole er jie’s tube of OXY and did exactly what Regina told me. OXY is probably too drying. After 2 days, my cheeks are really itchy and red. Er jie however thinks they are rosy and cute. Actually, I added the 2nd adjective myself. So since I’m rosy and cute now I’m not so much in a hurry to collect my blusher from you, Regina. Thanx for the OXY advice!. =P
I simply have to be a bimbo and announce to all that I’m one of the lucky 20 HER WORLD readers who have won a free Bio Dermabrasion Session worth $300!
[Please read the above with shrieks and squeals and the below with Oohs and Ahs.]
Bio Dermabrasion is a medical technique for removing the topmost layer of skin leaving it supple and vibrant. Bio Dermabrasion removes this layer of skin by gently abrading the skin with natural diamond chips while at the same time vacuuming the dead skin cells away in a sterile and controlled manner. Removing this outer layer of skin leaves a softer, smoother texture and promises growth.
Doesn’t that sound like an amazing breakthrough? Diamond chips to polish the skin surface wor! No wonder 1 session costs $300.
I called to ask if this offer is transferable and it is. So I’m gonna let Mummy have it. I’m a good kid. I am.
I’ve been grooving to the beat of Eminem’s Just Lose It for the past 1 hour. Thanks to Yihuang who greeted me with that song on MSN even before a “Hello”. Our tastes in music are almost similar. Send me more songs!!
Poor Simba has been going without food for 2 days. She has finished off the last bit of her dry food. And we do not have any emergency canned food at home. (We do have previously, but since Simba doesn’t really like canned food, we figured it would be better not to waste cabinet space and to give those to Nike. Nike is Joel’s gay cat by the way.) She kept meowing at us with her big eyes whenever she’s awake and would do her Flinestones run each time someone walks to the kitchen.
Why Flinestones run? Ever watched the cartoon? When the characters run, they would make those tinkling toes sound. With a little bell around her beck, Simba makes such tinkling sounds too.
Ok back to the pathetic Simba story. While all of us took pity on her by merely exclaiming “Poor Baba. Poor Baba”, my dad actually foraged the freezer for any frozen food suitable for her. He found some fish fillet and micro waved it. My dad is so sweet to Baba! He’s always the one scolding and beating her whenever she does something naughty. So I thought my dad was rather sweet and cute to micro wave a fish fillet for her.
And now, she’s all curled up and half asleep under my table.
My cheeks are really itchy now thanks to Regina. She claims that OXY works wonders for pimples and taught me a secret method of applying: Do not blend into your skin. Leave it as white dots for it to be effective. Hence, I stole er jie’s tube of OXY and did exactly what Regina told me. OXY is probably too drying. After 2 days, my cheeks are really itchy and red. Er jie however thinks they are rosy and cute. Actually, I added the 2nd adjective myself. So since I’m rosy and cute now I’m not so much in a hurry to collect my blusher from you, Regina. Thanx for the OXY advice!. =P
I simply have to be a bimbo and announce to all that I’m one of the lucky 20 HER WORLD readers who have won a free Bio Dermabrasion Session worth $300!
[Please read the above with shrieks and squeals and the below with Oohs and Ahs.]
Bio Dermabrasion is a medical technique for removing the topmost layer of skin leaving it supple and vibrant. Bio Dermabrasion removes this layer of skin by gently abrading the skin with natural diamond chips while at the same time vacuuming the dead skin cells away in a sterile and controlled manner. Removing this outer layer of skin leaves a softer, smoother texture and promises growth.
Doesn’t that sound like an amazing breakthrough? Diamond chips to polish the skin surface wor! No wonder 1 session costs $300.
I called to ask if this offer is transferable and it is. So I’m gonna let Mummy have it. I’m a good kid. I am.
I’ve been grooving to the beat of Eminem’s Just Lose It for the past 1 hour. Thanks to Yihuang who greeted me with that song on MSN even before a “Hello”. Our tastes in music are almost similar. Send me more songs!!
Saturday, November 13, 2004
Nostalgia Visited
I cannot recall the last time I chatted with so many Primary school friends online. Some of whom, I would never talk the way I would in real life. They too, felt the same as I do.
The wonders of the Internet... It allows you to chat with somebody on a different plane.
We talked for hours. About things we would never think of sharing when we are talking face to face. Rhapsodized the past. Sharing music illegally.
The feeling was great.
The last one went offline at 5am. I was supposed to wake up at 6am to fry my Bee Hoon for the surprise Birthday lunch party but drifted off to sleep merrily without setting my alarm, assuming Dad would wake me up. I overslept and woke up with a start at 9. Fortunately, Dad had helped me to fry when my sleepy ass was still in bed. It was delicious. Good thing I overslept or my colleagues would be devouring my not-so-nice Bee Hoon instead.
The day has been good for my tummy. We all had delicious food spread. My colleagues can really cook! We ought to hold more birthday parties.
The wonders of the Internet... It allows you to chat with somebody on a different plane.
We talked for hours. About things we would never think of sharing when we are talking face to face. Rhapsodized the past. Sharing music illegally.
The feeling was great.
The last one went offline at 5am. I was supposed to wake up at 6am to fry my Bee Hoon for the surprise Birthday lunch party but drifted off to sleep merrily without setting my alarm, assuming Dad would wake me up. I overslept and woke up with a start at 9. Fortunately, Dad had helped me to fry when my sleepy ass was still in bed. It was delicious. Good thing I overslept or my colleagues would be devouring my not-so-nice Bee Hoon instead.
The day has been good for my tummy. We all had delicious food spread. My colleagues can really cook! We ought to hold more birthday parties.
Thursday, November 11, 2004
I've finally got some social life!
I've finally got some social life! After convulsing and chortling with my (crazy) primary school buddies last night, I giggled and guffawed with 2 other (geela) buddies after work today. Sorry, the above sentence sounds very contrived as I was trying to alliterate.
Anyway, there were supposed to be more of us but the rest decided not to meet up in the end as they were spoil sports, nerds and their likes and have to study for their upcoming exams. You know who you are. *Glares*
But hey, I understand you all have to study. GO! Go and study and get your honours while we BA souls enjoy ourselves. I'm not bitter. I'm not bitter. I'm not bitter.
I was so excited about the meet up that I decided to find all means and ways to get my hands on a digital camera for the day. I need not rack my brains much for this person came into my mind instantaneously.
This photo-blogging would not have been possible if not for Joel. Thank you very much for coming out to meet me during your lunch break and lending me your camera ungrudgingly. I'll treat you next time. =) See, I said it publicly so I would keep to my word.
So today was one of the rare occasions when evan was early. She has the habit of being late for almost everything that someone once commented that she would even be late for her wedding.
We have not met since September if I’m not wrong. It is considered a long time given that we see each other almost everyday back then in NUS. And when we met up, everything seemed like before. Evan is the same old evan, always giggling and making funny remarks; always being so “tei” and act cute; always being so crappy. I would give exasperated looks jokingly whenever you do your evan antics, but nonetheless, I know that evan wouldn’t be evan without all these trademarks. And suddenly, I realized you were missed coz I’ve not heard all these coming from a friend for quite some time.
Tingfang is still the same too, although she keeps insisting that many said she has changed after working. She is still the chatty and candid girl (okay lady) I knew from the start.
Can’t believe I got home close to 4am when I did not even go clubbing. We had so much to talk about. Evan was tired and left early. Tingfang and me did not want to go home so soon, was under-dressed for clubbing and lazy to think of what to do that we just sat on a bench and chatted till 3+am.
And now, time for photos…
Tingfang and me
Evan and me
Evan luvs acting cute.
Fish and Chips. There were actually 3 pieces of fish but greedy evan and greedy me took 1 each before we realised we haven't taken a photo of the dish. Those beautiful fingers belong to Evan. That greedy girl wanna steal Tingfang's share but alas, her fingers were caught on camera.
There! Without those irritating fingers. I must say the fish is good. It is actually a starter dish. I must also say that I'm lying. Evan was merely trying to arrange the fish to look more photogenic. Well, she failed as the fish couldn't possibly look more photogenic than when it was alive.
After some rearranging and a change in shooting angle, it finally looks more photogenic.
This is good. Not too salty, not too creamy. I think it's some Alfredo pasta or something.
Caught unaware and ugly
Me devouring the last slice of pizza.
And then we proceeded to somewhere which was still opened... Macs, thinking what to do next.
We thought and thought and finally a brilliant thought came up. We decided to pretend to think while evan snap a picture of us pretending to think so that I can post the picture on my blog saying that we are thinking. But of course, after reading this, all of you would know that we are not thinking, but pretending to be thinking. I think I am very funny but I think you all think I'm not.
Here is evan acting cute again.
And again.
Having enough of acting cute, she decided to snap me….
snapping her... No wait.. I wasn't snapping her.
And then the place got so hot that we decided to get an ice cream each. Tingfang announced so proudly that ice-cream's on her. Erm... we appreciate your kindness of 25cents. And since Tingfang is seldom so kind, we have to take a picture of her treat.
Evan and Tingfang's Neoprint shots. They attempted to flash the shot numbers with their fingers but the shutter speed was too fast.
Evan and me
Me and Tingfang
evan's ge ren zhuan ji
Anyway, there were supposed to be more of us but the rest decided not to meet up in the end as they were spoil sports, nerds and their likes and have to study for their upcoming exams. You know who you are. *Glares*
But hey, I understand you all have to study. GO! Go and study and get your honours while we BA souls enjoy ourselves. I'm not bitter. I'm not bitter. I'm not bitter.
I was so excited about the meet up that I decided to find all means and ways to get my hands on a digital camera for the day. I need not rack my brains much for this person came into my mind instantaneously.
This photo-blogging would not have been possible if not for Joel. Thank you very much for coming out to meet me during your lunch break and lending me your camera ungrudgingly. I'll treat you next time. =) See, I said it publicly so I would keep to my word.
So today was one of the rare occasions when evan was early. She has the habit of being late for almost everything that someone once commented that she would even be late for her wedding.
We have not met since September if I’m not wrong. It is considered a long time given that we see each other almost everyday back then in NUS. And when we met up, everything seemed like before. Evan is the same old evan, always giggling and making funny remarks; always being so “tei” and act cute; always being so crappy. I would give exasperated looks jokingly whenever you do your evan antics, but nonetheless, I know that evan wouldn’t be evan without all these trademarks. And suddenly, I realized you were missed coz I’ve not heard all these coming from a friend for quite some time.
Tingfang is still the same too, although she keeps insisting that many said she has changed after working. She is still the chatty and candid girl (okay lady) I knew from the start.
Can’t believe I got home close to 4am when I did not even go clubbing. We had so much to talk about. Evan was tired and left early. Tingfang and me did not want to go home so soon, was under-dressed for clubbing and lazy to think of what to do that we just sat on a bench and chatted till 3+am.
And now, time for photos…
Tingfang and me

Evan and me

Evan luvs acting cute.

Fish and Chips. There were actually 3 pieces of fish but greedy evan and greedy me took 1 each before we realised we haven't taken a photo of the dish. Those beautiful fingers belong to Evan. That greedy girl wanna steal Tingfang's share but alas, her fingers were caught on camera.

There! Without those irritating fingers. I must say the fish is good. It is actually a starter dish. I must also say that I'm lying. Evan was merely trying to arrange the fish to look more photogenic. Well, she failed as the fish couldn't possibly look more photogenic than when it was alive.

After some rearranging and a change in shooting angle, it finally looks more photogenic.

This is good. Not too salty, not too creamy. I think it's some Alfredo pasta or something.


Caught unaware and ugly

Me devouring the last slice of pizza.

And then we proceeded to somewhere which was still opened... Macs, thinking what to do next.

We thought and thought and finally a brilliant thought came up. We decided to pretend to think while evan snap a picture of us pretending to think so that I can post the picture on my blog saying that we are thinking. But of course, after reading this, all of you would know that we are not thinking, but pretending to be thinking. I think I am very funny but I think you all think I'm not.

Here is evan acting cute again.

And again.

Having enough of acting cute, she decided to snap me….

snapping her... No wait.. I wasn't snapping her.

And then the place got so hot that we decided to get an ice cream each. Tingfang announced so proudly that ice-cream's on her. Erm... we appreciate your kindness of 25cents. And since Tingfang is seldom so kind, we have to take a picture of her treat.

Evan and Tingfang's Neoprint shots. They attempted to flash the shot numbers with their fingers but the shutter speed was too fast.

Evan and me

Me and Tingfang

evan's ge ren zhuan ji

Wednesday, November 10, 2004
Shopping Solo
After working my ass off, I went for a retail therapy. It felt heavenly.
Within a span of 4 days, I bought 4 brightly coloured tops (pink tank, yellow tank, white short sleeves top and an orange T shirt), 1 tube dress, 2 jeans, 1 capri, 1 belt, 1 watch for $175.20. I think that’s quite a lot of stuff for that amount of money. At that time, I haven’t gotten my salary but I couldn’t care much for I was in dire need of new clothes.
Shopping alone is good.
I get to buy things I really like, rather than what my friends like.
I can shop slowly and try on as many clothes as possible without worrying about holding anybody up.
Shopping alone is cool.
Sales assistants are more friendly and approachable when you are alone. They attend to you like you are some rich kid. However, most of the times, I prefer them to leave me alone.
Shopping alone is cool.
I tend to feel good in clothes which I bought while shopping alone. With friends, they restrict your buying when they feel something doesn’t look right on you. Without them, you try, you like, you buy and you carry it off quite well that people often compliment on your dressing style and enquire where you get those clothes and apparels from.
You can walk into the library or go book shopping without getting teased by friends for being nerdy.
Shopping alone is cool.
You have higher probability of being approached by people on the street to befriend you.
That isn’t exactly cool, but it’s thrilling to know that you are cool enough to be approached. Or maybe it isn't cool at all. These people must have assumed that you are a pathetic friendless soul.
You can walk along the street in your own little bubble, with random thoughts racing through your mind but never worrying about finding a conversation topic when with a friend.
You tend to observe and listen more to your surroundings. It’s only November but Christmas carols could be heard in every mall. I love Christmas songs. They are one of the finest balm to the ears.
Shopping alone is good.
Before the above few paragraphs predispose people into thinking I’m a solitary animal, I must stress that I’m not.
Having no tuition this week, I finally had some time to meet up with people I’ve not seen for quite some time. I met up with Florence only for a brief moment in the afternoon but that felt good. Later at night, I met up with my primary school buddies Zhu and Geraldine for dinner. Then another primary school friend joined us for prata supper and I can hardly recall when was the last time I laughed so heartily till my jaws ache. I mean I laugh everyday at work with all my crazy colleagues and babies who do the most amazing and funny actions, but my jaws and facial muscles haven’t ached for such a long time.
This week is really relaxing for me as there are 2 public holidays… meaning I have 2 more free days. I better make good use of these 2 days.
Those of you who are working, do enjoy your extra days of break. Those of you who are studying, all the best for your upcoming exams. I bet you weren’t even aware of the public hols as during study break, these public hols do not make much difference, everyday seems the same.
In the meantime, do take care everyone!
Within a span of 4 days, I bought 4 brightly coloured tops (pink tank, yellow tank, white short sleeves top and an orange T shirt), 1 tube dress, 2 jeans, 1 capri, 1 belt, 1 watch for $175.20. I think that’s quite a lot of stuff for that amount of money. At that time, I haven’t gotten my salary but I couldn’t care much for I was in dire need of new clothes.
Shopping alone is good.
I get to buy things I really like, rather than what my friends like.
I can shop slowly and try on as many clothes as possible without worrying about holding anybody up.
Shopping alone is cool.
Sales assistants are more friendly and approachable when you are alone. They attend to you like you are some rich kid. However, most of the times, I prefer them to leave me alone.
Shopping alone is cool.
I tend to feel good in clothes which I bought while shopping alone. With friends, they restrict your buying when they feel something doesn’t look right on you. Without them, you try, you like, you buy and you carry it off quite well that people often compliment on your dressing style and enquire where you get those clothes and apparels from.
You can walk into the library or go book shopping without getting teased by friends for being nerdy.
Shopping alone is cool.
You have higher probability of being approached by people on the street to befriend you.
That isn’t exactly cool, but it’s thrilling to know that you are cool enough to be approached. Or maybe it isn't cool at all. These people must have assumed that you are a pathetic friendless soul.
You can walk along the street in your own little bubble, with random thoughts racing through your mind but never worrying about finding a conversation topic when with a friend.
You tend to observe and listen more to your surroundings. It’s only November but Christmas carols could be heard in every mall. I love Christmas songs. They are one of the finest balm to the ears.
Shopping alone is good.
Before the above few paragraphs predispose people into thinking I’m a solitary animal, I must stress that I’m not.
Having no tuition this week, I finally had some time to meet up with people I’ve not seen for quite some time. I met up with Florence only for a brief moment in the afternoon but that felt good. Later at night, I met up with my primary school buddies Zhu and Geraldine for dinner. Then another primary school friend joined us for prata supper and I can hardly recall when was the last time I laughed so heartily till my jaws ache. I mean I laugh everyday at work with all my crazy colleagues and babies who do the most amazing and funny actions, but my jaws and facial muscles haven’t ached for such a long time.
This week is really relaxing for me as there are 2 public holidays… meaning I have 2 more free days. I better make good use of these 2 days.
Those of you who are working, do enjoy your extra days of break. Those of you who are studying, all the best for your upcoming exams. I bet you weren’t even aware of the public hols as during study break, these public hols do not make much difference, everyday seems the same.
In the meantime, do take care everyone!
Tuesday, November 09, 2004
Riding Along The Champion Wave
A few days ago, I said I wanna blog about TV. In the midst of my hectic life, the only show I catch every night is Ren4 Wo3 Ao2 You2, The Champion. I wanted so much to bitch about that show.
The casts

Few days later, so much has happened that I don’t exactly know what to write about.
Joel has already bitched about The Champion on his blog. Xiaxue too.
What Joel said + What Xiaxue said = 70% of what Jolene would say. Damn, they stole all my thoughts!
8 Days has written many articles on that show. The Straits Times too.
In almost every recent issue of 8 Days, we would see articles on The Champion. And it’s really amazing how BBB (Big Boobs Babe, Boing Boing Boobs whatever) and that famous running along Orchard Road in 2 bikinis photo have been gracing the pages of every local magazine and newspaper.
Fiona ‘BOING BOING Xie appears to be everywhere!!!
I finally decided to flip through the newspapers today, who should I see on the cover of Life! but BBB.
When I said I wanted to blog about TV, I have in mind to say “A TSUNAMI of sun-bronzed hunks and bikini-clad babes has taken over the airwaves at Channel 8 lately, thanks to the popular primetime drama series, The Champion.”
Sun-bronzed hunks

Bikini-clad babes

All of them

But when I decided to leave it for another day to write, media reporter Hong Xinyi stole my words and now I have to write the above sentence in quotation marks.
It’s true! I have planned to start off my entry with a sentence somewhat like that.
The show is over hyped. And the media is making use of BBB to garner ratings for the show. The ratings have since been boing boing consistently since its debut.
Talking about BBB, Joel has an innovative way of typing her name on his blog. It’s amazing how he takes great care in NOT typing her name out lest her fans get misdirected to his blog. PH10!\!4 x13 (fee-oh-na xie). He learnt his lesson from yours truly. Did you come out with that yourself or is it something that everyone should know. Sorry, I’m a suaku.
Right, back to what I wanna say.
Despite being a Y-generation and oh-so-cool show with a combination of mouth-watering local and foreign casts, Mediacorp never fails to offer a smorgasbord of familiar social themes. And in exploring such themes, the plot becomes unrealistic and unbelievable at times.
Theme #1: Every woman must fall in love, get married to a man, settle down, produce babies and increase Singapore’s birth rate.
We have tanned, and sporty yet refined beauty Yixuan thirsting for freedom and determined not to be tied down by marriage and kids.
Yixuan, whom my er jie thinks is a hua1 ping2 in the show

For a moment there, I thought that was pretty refreshing and so unlike the usual Mediacorp-produced shows.
Until Yilin gave her elder sister a long lecture on the role of women. That speech was so long that it would be better to summarize Yilin’s point: EVERY woman HAS to get married and have kids.
Her speech was so long and boring that I fell asleep for a few seconds and I swore I heard the SG Garmen talking. I opened my eyes only to see gorgeous Yilin rattling on.

This is one societal expectation that seem to resonate among Singapore Garmen.
Since all profound theories and explanation did not sink in with our people, the SG Garmen decided to exercise underhand means and let Mediacorp do the job. The hot bod good-looker casts are just a cover up for their propaganda.
Subtlety does the trick. Unfortunately, I thought that was obvious.
Theme #2: Familial ties are extremely important
Like all Mediacorp productions in the 7pm and 9pm belt, the plot is heavily laden with traditional familial values. We have so many filial children in the show, Jingwen, Jinglong, Jingfang, Kaiwei, Kaixin, Jiajun etc and their sacrificing parents.. eh.. I don’t know their names. I find Jeanette Aw’s character the most unbelievable. She is too good to be true and I can’t stand her goody goody character in that show. Give me vicious Yilin anytime.
“All parents love their children. Even as they beat you, their heart is actually bleeding inside.” Loosely translated from Jeanette Aw’s halting Mandarin. I thought that was heart wrenching, heart wrenchingly pathetic.
Theme #3: Teenage delinquency
Well the whole part about those youths hanging out at void decks and basketball courts drinking, smoking and peddling drugs is so farcical. Don’t these scripwriters know that youths don’t do such things at void decks? They do it at pubs.
My, I just realised I used the word “farcical”. I hated that word back in secondary school.
Theme #4: Single parenthood is a No-no in SG
Father and son, Zhengkang and Xiao Jie enjoy each other company. When mother returns from America (It’s always America!) unexpectedly, Mother and son also enjoy each other company. Solution? Put the family back together again. The third party gets the hunk in the end.
With that, let’s explore the next theme.
Theme #5: Third party please scram for there would be a hunk out there waiting for you.
Yes Jingwen. You goody goody two shoes should not break up Zhengkang’s family. Leave the not so handsome guy and snag that hunky Kaiwei.

I don’t wanna explore silly themes anymore. I wanna talk about how dumb some of the characters in the show are. Such dumbness only happen in reel life but as what my dad always says “Zuo4 xi4 ma. If not no show to watch liao.”
Dumbo #1: Jiajun
Jiajun doesn’t stand up for himself and his girlfriend, allowing the misunderstanding to deepen when all could have been solved easily. And I felt like punching his face when he kept begging for Kaixin to listen to his explanation. “Ni ting wo jie shi. Ni ting wo jie shi.” He said it like 65498309 times. No wonder Kaixin refuses to listen, for similar to nagging, if you hear a phrase too many times, you automaically switch off. He should have replaced that phrase with all his explanation instead. Maybe that would make Kaixin see the light. And he had the cheek to give that exasperated look. I mean in real life, no bf would be as stupid as to keep begging for his gf to listen to his explanation without explaining.
Dumbo #2: Kaixin
Kaixin is another dumb one. All she does is to say sorry to people. And I hate it that she doesn’t talk things out with her bf and best friend. After 4 years in a relationship and many years of friendship, I realised the best way to solve a conflict would be to thrash things out. Misunderstandings get cleared up much faster this way. Kaixin is also dumb as she cannot see how every sticky situation is so coincidental and every misunderstanding so contrived. I mean if I were her, I would have found out long ago that my best friend is the bitch all along and I would slap her like 10 000 times.
The dumbo couple

Dumbo #3: Jingwen
When her brother was beaten up so badly by their dad due to some misunderstanding which she obviously knew the truth, all she can say is “Ba4, bu shi4 wan2 quan2 jinglong de cuo4.” And like Jiajun, she said it like 65498309 times. In real life, upon seeing your brother being beaten up like a pulp unfairly, any sane person would immediately clarify the misunderstanding rather than to say “It’s not entirely his fault. It’s not entirely his fault.” And not explain why it isn’t his fault. I felt like punching her face.
And then my dad would appear and say “Zuo4 xi4 ma.”
Dumbo #4: All the lackeys in the Seagull team
Following their leader like a bunch of dogs. Need I say more?
There are many parts in the show that made me cringe.
The exchange of insults between the Seagull team and the Flying Fish team. Really childish and unrealistic. The insults were ludicrous. Don’t they have wittier retorts??? And real sports people do not exhibit such childishness.
Seagull Team

Flying Fish Team

The courtship sequence between Jiajun and Kaixin. Please refer to Joel’s entry.
The viciousness of best friends. With friends like this who needs enemies? I wanna slap Yilin each time she appears on screen yet I cannot help but admire her beauty. She is not exactly pretty but I like her eyes. And she is one good actress to make me hate her to the bone.
I cringe each time I see the pretty girls’ rebonded hair wave delicately on screen. Soft, silky and smooth.The only problem is all of them just had a swim but their hair is unwet. And the clothes supposedly worn on the same day don’t match too. Don’t do they some coordination while shooting?
And of course, I still cringe whenever I hear BBB speaks. She has created her own blend of Mandarin accent. I thought she was more inclined towards English. But did you see that contact lens ad? Her English accent is just the same. Maybe I shouldn’t criticize people’s speech too much as I’m also guilty of speaking Mandarin with a horrible accent. I ought to be shot.
"So what if i speak funnily? My b**bs bigger than yours ok?"

"Can see or not? Confirm bigger than yours right?"

"Still cannot see huh? How about this? You still dare say I speak funnily? I smash your face into my chest ah!"

Sorry BBB! Wo bu gan le... I speak lousy Mandarin too and my chest isn't as big as yours. Karma karma!
All these criticism aside, I faithfully watch the show every night. It is irritatingly irresistible.
Before its debut, I was looking forward to it as I love sports show. Do all of you remember this SBC swimming show aired when we were in primary school? And also the volleyball show with young Chen Liping and Chen Xiuhuan? Sports themed dramas are really engaging.
I was also looking forward to salivate at the bikini babes. Who cares about the hunks in trunks? Give me a babe anytime. The only hunk there would be 715. And I love how he has shed his goody boy next door image for this role.
Goody Two Shoes to... ...

Beach Hunk

And then when it started its runs, I was still giving tuition every night so I got my dad to tape for me. It has since become a must see for the whole family. My disgruntled da jie who watches CSI on AXN grumbled at first for she could not watch her show. Then she started follwing up with The Champion too.
I love watching it for the girls’ dressing. I love to look at how they mix and match their clothes. Their clothes are really gorgeous. BBB and Xiaoqiao have really great dress sense but the former mostly look good in everything coz of her BB.
And on the topic of BB, I simply adore BB. I’m a b**bs kind of person. I go gaga over BB ladies.
And because of all these factors, my personal rating for the show has gone from a 0 star to 4 stars. Call me a bimbo.
And for the more bimbotic ones... Oops.. I meant for the fanatics of the show, check out The Champion home page.
The casts

Few days later, so much has happened that I don’t exactly know what to write about.
Joel has already bitched about The Champion on his blog. Xiaxue too.
What Joel said + What Xiaxue said = 70% of what Jolene would say. Damn, they stole all my thoughts!
8 Days has written many articles on that show. The Straits Times too.
In almost every recent issue of 8 Days, we would see articles on The Champion. And it’s really amazing how BBB (Big Boobs Babe, Boing Boing Boobs whatever) and that famous running along Orchard Road in 2 bikinis photo have been gracing the pages of every local magazine and newspaper.
Fiona ‘BOING BOING Xie appears to be everywhere!!!
I finally decided to flip through the newspapers today, who should I see on the cover of Life! but BBB.
When I said I wanted to blog about TV, I have in mind to say “A TSUNAMI of sun-bronzed hunks and bikini-clad babes has taken over the airwaves at Channel 8 lately, thanks to the popular primetime drama series, The Champion.”
Sun-bronzed hunks

Bikini-clad babes

All of them

But when I decided to leave it for another day to write, media reporter Hong Xinyi stole my words and now I have to write the above sentence in quotation marks.
It’s true! I have planned to start off my entry with a sentence somewhat like that.
The show is over hyped. And the media is making use of BBB to garner ratings for the show. The ratings have since been boing boing consistently since its debut.
Talking about BBB, Joel has an innovative way of typing her name on his blog. It’s amazing how he takes great care in NOT typing her name out lest her fans get misdirected to his blog. PH10!\!4 x13 (fee-oh-na xie). He learnt his lesson from yours truly. Did you come out with that yourself or is it something that everyone should know. Sorry, I’m a suaku.
Right, back to what I wanna say.
Despite being a Y-generation and oh-so-cool show with a combination of mouth-watering local and foreign casts, Mediacorp never fails to offer a smorgasbord of familiar social themes. And in exploring such themes, the plot becomes unrealistic and unbelievable at times.
Theme #1: Every woman must fall in love, get married to a man, settle down, produce babies and increase Singapore’s birth rate.
We have tanned, and sporty yet refined beauty Yixuan thirsting for freedom and determined not to be tied down by marriage and kids.
Yixuan, whom my er jie thinks is a hua1 ping2 in the show

For a moment there, I thought that was pretty refreshing and so unlike the usual Mediacorp-produced shows.
Until Yilin gave her elder sister a long lecture on the role of women. That speech was so long that it would be better to summarize Yilin’s point: EVERY woman HAS to get married and have kids.
Her speech was so long and boring that I fell asleep for a few seconds and I swore I heard the SG Garmen talking. I opened my eyes only to see gorgeous Yilin rattling on.

This is one societal expectation that seem to resonate among Singapore Garmen.
Since all profound theories and explanation did not sink in with our people, the SG Garmen decided to exercise underhand means and let Mediacorp do the job. The hot bod good-looker casts are just a cover up for their propaganda.
Subtlety does the trick. Unfortunately, I thought that was obvious.
Theme #2: Familial ties are extremely important
Like all Mediacorp productions in the 7pm and 9pm belt, the plot is heavily laden with traditional familial values. We have so many filial children in the show, Jingwen, Jinglong, Jingfang, Kaiwei, Kaixin, Jiajun etc and their sacrificing parents.. eh.. I don’t know their names. I find Jeanette Aw’s character the most unbelievable. She is too good to be true and I can’t stand her goody goody character in that show. Give me vicious Yilin anytime.
“All parents love their children. Even as they beat you, their heart is actually bleeding inside.” Loosely translated from Jeanette Aw’s halting Mandarin. I thought that was heart wrenching, heart wrenchingly pathetic.
Theme #3: Teenage delinquency
Well the whole part about those youths hanging out at void decks and basketball courts drinking, smoking and peddling drugs is so farcical. Don’t these scripwriters know that youths don’t do such things at void decks? They do it at pubs.
My, I just realised I used the word “farcical”. I hated that word back in secondary school.
Theme #4: Single parenthood is a No-no in SG
Father and son, Zhengkang and Xiao Jie enjoy each other company. When mother returns from America (It’s always America!) unexpectedly, Mother and son also enjoy each other company. Solution? Put the family back together again. The third party gets the hunk in the end.
With that, let’s explore the next theme.
Theme #5: Third party please scram for there would be a hunk out there waiting for you.
Yes Jingwen. You goody goody two shoes should not break up Zhengkang’s family. Leave the not so handsome guy and snag that hunky Kaiwei.

I don’t wanna explore silly themes anymore. I wanna talk about how dumb some of the characters in the show are. Such dumbness only happen in reel life but as what my dad always says “Zuo4 xi4 ma. If not no show to watch liao.”
Dumbo #1: Jiajun
Jiajun doesn’t stand up for himself and his girlfriend, allowing the misunderstanding to deepen when all could have been solved easily. And I felt like punching his face when he kept begging for Kaixin to listen to his explanation. “Ni ting wo jie shi. Ni ting wo jie shi.” He said it like 65498309 times. No wonder Kaixin refuses to listen, for similar to nagging, if you hear a phrase too many times, you automaically switch off. He should have replaced that phrase with all his explanation instead. Maybe that would make Kaixin see the light. And he had the cheek to give that exasperated look. I mean in real life, no bf would be as stupid as to keep begging for his gf to listen to his explanation without explaining.
Dumbo #2: Kaixin
Kaixin is another dumb one. All she does is to say sorry to people. And I hate it that she doesn’t talk things out with her bf and best friend. After 4 years in a relationship and many years of friendship, I realised the best way to solve a conflict would be to thrash things out. Misunderstandings get cleared up much faster this way. Kaixin is also dumb as she cannot see how every sticky situation is so coincidental and every misunderstanding so contrived. I mean if I were her, I would have found out long ago that my best friend is the bitch all along and I would slap her like 10 000 times.
The dumbo couple

Dumbo #3: Jingwen
When her brother was beaten up so badly by their dad due to some misunderstanding which she obviously knew the truth, all she can say is “Ba4, bu shi4 wan2 quan2 jinglong de cuo4.” And like Jiajun, she said it like 65498309 times. In real life, upon seeing your brother being beaten up like a pulp unfairly, any sane person would immediately clarify the misunderstanding rather than to say “It’s not entirely his fault. It’s not entirely his fault.” And not explain why it isn’t his fault. I felt like punching her face.
And then my dad would appear and say “Zuo4 xi4 ma.”
Dumbo #4: All the lackeys in the Seagull team
Following their leader like a bunch of dogs. Need I say more?
There are many parts in the show that made me cringe.
The exchange of insults between the Seagull team and the Flying Fish team. Really childish and unrealistic. The insults were ludicrous. Don’t they have wittier retorts??? And real sports people do not exhibit such childishness.
Seagull Team

Flying Fish Team

The courtship sequence between Jiajun and Kaixin. Please refer to Joel’s entry.
The viciousness of best friends. With friends like this who needs enemies? I wanna slap Yilin each time she appears on screen yet I cannot help but admire her beauty. She is not exactly pretty but I like her eyes. And she is one good actress to make me hate her to the bone.
I cringe each time I see the pretty girls’ rebonded hair wave delicately on screen. Soft, silky and smooth.The only problem is all of them just had a swim but their hair is unwet. And the clothes supposedly worn on the same day don’t match too. Don’t do they some coordination while shooting?
And of course, I still cringe whenever I hear BBB speaks. She has created her own blend of Mandarin accent. I thought she was more inclined towards English. But did you see that contact lens ad? Her English accent is just the same. Maybe I shouldn’t criticize people’s speech too much as I’m also guilty of speaking Mandarin with a horrible accent. I ought to be shot.
"So what if i speak funnily? My b**bs bigger than yours ok?"

"Can see or not? Confirm bigger than yours right?"

"Still cannot see huh? How about this? You still dare say I speak funnily? I smash your face into my chest ah!"

Sorry BBB! Wo bu gan le... I speak lousy Mandarin too and my chest isn't as big as yours. Karma karma!
All these criticism aside, I faithfully watch the show every night. It is irritatingly irresistible.
Before its debut, I was looking forward to it as I love sports show. Do all of you remember this SBC swimming show aired when we were in primary school? And also the volleyball show with young Chen Liping and Chen Xiuhuan? Sports themed dramas are really engaging.
I was also looking forward to salivate at the bikini babes. Who cares about the hunks in trunks? Give me a babe anytime. The only hunk there would be 715. And I love how he has shed his goody boy next door image for this role.
Goody Two Shoes to... ...

Beach Hunk

And then when it started its runs, I was still giving tuition every night so I got my dad to tape for me. It has since become a must see for the whole family. My disgruntled da jie who watches CSI on AXN grumbled at first for she could not watch her show. Then she started follwing up with The Champion too.
I love watching it for the girls’ dressing. I love to look at how they mix and match their clothes. Their clothes are really gorgeous. BBB and Xiaoqiao have really great dress sense but the former mostly look good in everything coz of her BB.
And on the topic of BB, I simply adore BB. I’m a b**bs kind of person. I go gaga over BB ladies.
And because of all these factors, my personal rating for the show has gone from a 0 star to 4 stars. Call me a bimbo.
And for the more bimbotic ones... Oops.. I meant for the fanatics of the show, check out The Champion home page.
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