The show must go on and hence the writing of backdated stuff continues!
~*Fremantle by the Singapore River*~
We went to Fremantle Seafood Market at Clarke Quay for a belated birthday dinner for my dad and sis whose birthdays fall at the end of September. With all of us busy with our own matters, it was really difficult to fix a date when all of us could gather for a feast.
We had a seafood feast there!
The make-merry platter was HUGE. On the left shows the picture taken off from the menu and the right shows our actual platter.
Everything was HUGE!
One of Paul's offspring.
My parents were enthralled by the beautiful river at night with all the colourful lights from the mall illuminating the scene. To them, Singapore River is probably the murky brown river with dead bloated pigs floating about back in the 60s.
Us and our seafood platter
Here's what I wore -- casual plaid shirt with shorts which I got off the net. It's really comfortable and cooling. I actually prefer not tucking it in to resemble a boyfriend shirt but kh thinks it looks too kinky, like I'm not wearing shorts underneath. LoLz
~*Out of the Pan again*~
Out of the Pan has become the number one hang out joint for healthy food whenever we meet in the city centre.
This time, I met up with my sis and my favourite cousin for some catching up.
~*Singing Competition*~
The semis of the singing competition organised by my company was held in September but I forgot to upload it in my September post. Each group needed members to participate in a solo and duet.
I was in the duet with my colleague and we sang Atomic Kittens' Cradle. That was the only song that matched both our pitch. How I missed Atomic Kittens. We did not win that round but it was fun practising. The photo below was from the semis.
This was taken during the final round in October. It was one of my colleague's farewell and hence the many photos with her.
~*Marina Bay Sands*~
Marina Bay Sands or MBS for short is an integrated resort fronting Marina Bay. It is developed by Las Vegas Sands and was the latest attraction back in 2010. One of kh's friend managed to snag a room and so the whole lot of us trooped over to check out the spiffy hotel.
We checked out the SkyPark too since it was free entry for hotel guests. For non-hotel guests, the entrance fee is SGD$20 for each adult. After that, we played "Spin the Bottle" for the whole night and discovered lots of juicy secrets.
Here are other October happenings which I've updated previously:
~*Railway Exploration*~
Click here to read more.
~*Halloween 2010*~
Click here to read more.
Any of you experiencing layout problem with blogger whenever you switch from edit html mode to compose mode? I've to manually space out all my paragraphs at least 5 times while doing this post as the formatting would go haywire once I switch to the compose mode to check my pictures. [Note to self: Don't click on the compose mode anymore!]
I can't believe that I've long edited the October photos but only started writing about it a month later. There's so much catching up to do. I haven't started editing any November photos and I do not wanna wait till it's Christmas 2011 before I start updating about Christmas 2010.
that halloween make up is crazy cool!
ReplyDeleteWow, that's a lot of seafood at the top. It looks you have a very handsome family.
ReplyDeleteKH was right about the shirt, you might have gotten some negative attention.
You sing? Cool, it would be great to hear you sometime.
DEar Jo,
ReplyDeleteThis looks like great quality time with family and friends. I was just observing your family dinner photo. Your mom looks so young and beautiful. Do you happened to have 3 siblings (2 sisters, 1 brother)? If you do, then I think we live in parallel worlds, just in different dimensions.
lovely pictures jo! you still have a long way to go but i think you can do it! :D will be looking forward to your updates. ;)
ReplyDeletei'm afraid i don't know much about html so i can't help you with your blogger problem. :(
Haha "wait till it;s Christmas 2011 before I start updating about Christmas 2010". I believe you, you won't! I like your family's birthday dinner with that gigantic seafood platter! you parents look so happy. they are so adorable ^^ It seems that you have so much fun even at work! So much going on. I have heard so much about Marina Bay. My friend went up to the very top floor. Is there a fountain or swimming pool there? lol correct me maybe I am making it up.
ReplyDeleteI have the same Compose mode problem too. That happened to me twice before but seems to be okay now. Hope you don't have the problem again!
Woo so many food pics! Reading this post was making me hungry haha. I love seafood - the seafood fest you had looks delicious! And the dining environment looks so nice too since it is right next to the river.
ReplyDeleteYour ootd is really cute! I have to agree with KH though - it definitely looks a little scandalous untucked haha :P
Too bad you and your colleague didn't win the singing competition but at least it looks like you guys enjoyed yourselves! You're really brave to be able to sing karaoke in front of so many ppl!
And that's really cool that you and your friends all wore matching Halloween outfits! The costume wound looks very realistic! >.<
Wow that's a lot of pictures to digest :p Loved the food porn, yay for seafood! And your costumes for Halloween were awesome!! Very realistic wound make-up.
ReplyDeleteAs to the layout problem, I have that too!! I always thought it was because I use safari - something plug in related, I don't really know too much about computers - but I guess it's a universal thing. I sometimes spend more time trying to get my layout right than writing my posts -___-
ReplyDeleteThank u dear! =)
Don’t run away when you hear me sing next time, ok? =D
Squeeze the Pug,
Hehe... Finally something about us that is different. Nope. I’ve got 2 elder sisters. I’m the youngest and the “boy” you see there is my hubby. He does look like one of us eh? Many people always comment that we look alike, either and husband and wife or... as brother and sister... with him being the younger one... o_O *LOL* I wonder if I really look so much older than him. Some day, I’m gonna stalk you and discover we might just be distant relatives
Sugar sugar,
Thank u dear! I’ll try to update more often. There’s a motivation there when there are people looking forward to it. =) I’m left with 2 more months but there are too many photos.
You really should start leaving more comments coz it’s absolutely pleasant to hear from you. Haha... My many photos make my life seemingly fun and also i don’t take photos of times when I’m down in the dumps or too bz and stressed out. Hehe... so that’s why they’re fun photos all the way. =D I always believe in working hard and playing hard.
Oh you’re definitely right about MBS having a pool on the roof. It’s an infinity pool. You can google it and be awed by the photos. Sadly, the night we went up, it was a little hazy and warm.
Good to hear I’m not alone in the compose mode problem. It’s so frustrating! I’m still experiencing it.
I do get stage fright and I was shivering on stage. I guess this is one hurdle which i’ve to try to overcome. I can speak quite well and sing decently in informal settings but once the stage comes in, I cower.
We had an army theme for Halloween. You can click on the post to read more about our crazy adventures. And I just left you an essay instead of a comment on your page. =D
Thank u! You experience that problem too? Now you know it’s definitely not your safari problem. It’s getting really annoying and I don’t know how to avoid the haywire layout. It must have sucked trying to amend the layout and spending more time on it than your actual writing.
The seafood feast looks amazing!! The Halloween makeup is so awesome!! You all look so badass!
ReplyDeleteoh that looks like a pretty neat restaurant! A superb write up on everything.
ReplyDeleteLet me tell you a small secret... I hate seafood restaurants LOL. Don't want to spoil this and you are very pretty as usual. My whole life I NEVER want to go to seafood places. I don't even know why, I just dislike it. The smell alone makes me not want to eat? But I love crab and stuff at vietnamese restaurants.
Your halloween makeup is crazzzyyyyyy~ I didn't know many people over in asia who celebrated it other than those going to the party district!
ReplyDeleteBadass? Wooh! Me likey.
You don’t like the smell of both raw seafood and cooked seafood? Either way, both have a kind of smell.
Ooh... thank u. It was one of our craziest get up ever. The past few years we had no scars at all. Only gothic make up. The scar-making process was really fun!
I like to read on all your monthly updates whether it is overdue or not. Your life is full of happening activities. I’m so envious of you. I hope you have more time to blog more frequently so that you do not have to wait till christmas 2011 to blog about christmas 2010. Your family look really like a happy family especially your dad and mum. They look so young!
ReplyDeleteI’ve missed you! Where have you been? Oh btw, there were 3 duplicate comments to this posts so I approved only one. My life is busy and I work hard so when I play, I make sure I play really hard too. It helps that I often bring my camera to capture things happening around me. Maybe my life seems happening coz I blog about the photos I took. I dare say there are people with more happening life than me but coz they don’t blog about it, people won’t know.
Thank you. My parents would be so happy to hear that especially my mum. They’re almost 60, not young but look young.