As blog authors, we all love reading comments on our blogs. We all love hearing your opinions and getting your feedback. It makes us feel really happy that there are people out there who enjoy reading what we have written and appreciate the amount of time and effort we take crafting each post. In fact you would see this short description above my comment form:
"I love reading sincere comments and hearing your voice. While blatant self promotion of blogs and follow for follow requests are not advisable, I would love if you leave a mark here with a trackback link so that I could connect with you. I reply to comments here or on your blog so don't forget to check back on replies! =)"
After years of blogging and getting slews of cursory comments from bloggers who obviously do not bother to abide by my comment description (why of course, they don't bother to read), I'm inspired to write a post on this.
- This post consists of my personal views though I know that many like-minded blog authors would nod their heads vehemently in agreement too.
- The contents here may possibly offend some of you. However if you're offended, it means that we shouldn't even be on each other's blogs anyway.
- I'm usually nice but I can't help my alter ego, the Mean Bitch to come out every now and then and she would be making a cameo appearance in this post.
- Notice how I use the terms "blog authors" and "bloggers"?
- I will continue to publish silly comments that commit all the don'ts here and let all of us have a good laugh at the irony.
1. I Follow You, You Follow Me

Desperate Blogger:
Such a lovely blog! Maybe you want to follow each other? Let me know on my blog and I'll follow right away!
Mean Bitch Jo:
If you find my blog really lovely, why don't you follow me, Hun?
Desperate Blogger:
Nice blog. Follow for follow? [insert blogger's url] Follow me, when I see I follow you back. When you follow my blog, write me on comment.
Mean Bitch Jo:
Thank you. I wonder which part of my blog you think is nice or perhaps you did not even read my post at all considering the fact that you only landed on my page and left a comment 5 seconds later. Oh yes, and I don't do follow for follow.
Desperate Blogger:
Would you like to follow each other on GFC? Please let me know on my blog so I can follow back. Thank you. xoxo
Mean Bitch Jo: What? Nothing about the contents of my post in your comment at all? Why should I even visit back much less follow you?! Ok at least you're polite enough to thank me.
Desperate Blogger:
I LOVE YOUR BLOG SO MUCH! Do you want to follow each other [bla bla bla...]
Mean Bitch Jo:
If you love my blog so much, just follow me and don't expect me to follow you since the feeling isn't mutual.
[Insert one liner] Follow me at [insert blogger's url]
Mean Bitch Jo: I wish to delete your comment but I guess I would publish and leave it here for people to look at how shallow you are.
I sometimes wished that my alter ego would reply as above but to most of these comments, I would continue to be the nice Jo that I am and reply something along the line of:
I love seeing newcomers around. I would usually follow back if we have enough meaningful exchanges and connections. Looking forward to seeing you around more often. =)
On top of that, I actually visit their blogs and read their post before commenting. Of course I couldn't help but to thank them for visiting my blog and to include whatever I have replied to them. I know that 99% of the time, these people wouldn't check back on my replies and so leaving a comment on their blog is the surest way of subtly putting across to them about how I appreciate meaningful exchanges.
There are tons of bloggers out there looking to gain followers on their blogs and leaving comments is almost a surefire way to gain followers. For some, gaining followers is just a number game --the more the merrier. However gaining followers does not always mean gaining readers. Do you really enjoy seeing so many followers for your blog with no real engagement whatsoever?
I certainly don't for sure and I know many of my loyal blog readers and friends share the same sentiments. To me, readership, 2-way interaction, connecting with fellow blog authors and building friendship all over the world are more important than merely gaining blog followers.
DON'T leave a comment only asking a blog author to stop by your blog and follow you.
DO instead comment on their post or blog SINCERELY, let them know you are following them and then you can then say something like "I'd love to have you stop by my blog if you have time". Personally, I would be touched by sincere comments like this. Most blog author would too and would stop by without you asking them to. I noticed and eventually followed a fairly new blogger after a few exchanges just because her comments were sincere enough. See below:
First of all, happy birthday!!! it looks like you had a great time with your family and friends :) loved your cute pictures!
I invite you to visit my blog and if you like it let me know if you would like to follow each other and keep in touch.
[Insert blog url]
WOW the room looks wonderful! have a great time in such a beautiful place :)
I invite you to visit my blog and let me know if you would like to follow each other to stay in touch.
[Insert blog url]
Hi Jo!
I love instagram diary posts!!! It is so cool that you can describe what you were doing or how you were feeling at a point of time with a picture and share it with your friends/followers :) loved your not so healthy breakfast and beautiful nail art pictures! you are so adorable. Thanks so much for your lovely comment on my blog, I understand if you don't want to follow for follow,I’m following you on Bloglovin because I want to stay in touch.
[Insert blog url]
This is how you subtly get blog authors to visit your blog or even follow you back. I'm very sure if you practise leaving more engaging comments like this sweet lady, you would be gaining lots of followers in no time. And please, do not expect a blog author to follow you just because you followed.
2. Nice Post!

Nice post!
Cool post!
Beautiful post!
Great photos!
Thanks for sharing!
Basically any adjectives could be replaced in those one liners followed by lines after lines of links to the blogger's latest post, the blogger's url, instagram url, facebook url, twitter url , pinterest url, giveaway... you get the drift.
It is effortless to leave generic one-liner comments and you could definitely "visit" 50 blogs in the same amount of time as a reader who writes a lot more but visit 5 blogs. However, whom do you think would get noticed by blog authors more? (See section above on how to get noticed the right way.) Many blog readers and I are now blog friends because either of us started off with leaving sincere comments and continue to do so even after a few years.
DON'T ever leave a blog promotion that's longer than your comment. In other words, don't blatantly advertise for your blog and all of your other social media accounts. It is a total lack of respect for the blog author and it is obvious that you are merely using the space to advertise for yourself with zero interest in the blog or post.
DO instead comment on their post or blog SINCERELY. The comment should indicate that you've read their post. Most often, blog authors would return a visit to your blog if you at least have a sincere comment followed by your links. They might even follow you if there's meaningful 2-way engagement. Be noticed for the right reasons!
3. Commenting Without Reading

This section would have the same contents as the above sections. But the difference is that your comment offended the blog author obviously because you did not read the post or did not get simple details right.
A couple of times I was writing about something rather thought-provoking but I included inspirational/malancholic/beautiful photos in the posts as well, and bloggers would comment about the photos instead. Nothing at all about my text contents. There were also times when I was writing about sad stuff and the comments received were totally unrelated. I do not want to embarrass anyone outrightly by quoting examples coz the posts and comments could easily be found should I quote their comments.
Sometimes little details like referring to my husband as my boyfriend when it is stated all over the post that he is my hubby or asking something that is obviously mentioned in the post would also irk me as it points out that you do not bother to read. I've been getting lots of such comments recently but upon visiting their blogs and realising that they do not write in English, I was more tolerant (not that tolerant towards English speakers). I mean it definitely took a lot for non-English speakers to write a comment in English right?
DON'T comment just for the sake of commenting. It could be a return visit and you feel obliged to comment back but if you've got nothing constructive to say, it would be best if you keep quiet and wait for another post which you could have something to comment on.
DO at least read that one post that you are going to comment on. You never know how stupid you look especially if your comment is left on the post for all to see.
4. I Love This Post!

What exactly do you love about this post? Is it the humorous style or the lyrical style of writing? The way the points are put across? Is it the photos that go along with it? What is it about the photos that you like? Perhaps you like the review of certain products and why so? Probably you like the warmth and fuzziness in this post?

DON'T leave generic comments. I understand that some generic comments come from non-English speakers but hey, if I could use Google Translator to read your post and comment sincerely, I hope you would be able to do the same too. No excuses for English speakers at all.
DO leave constructive comments. There is always so much more to say about a post. Show that you are genuinely interested in the post. A blog author always loves to listen to your views and connect with you. Be engaging! Oh yes, and it helps to address the blog author by name. That's how you get a blog author to notice that you stand out among a sea of "I love this post" and "Great photos".
5. Copying and Pasting the Same Comment On Every Blog

Honestly how do you feel when you are blogwalking and copying and pasting the exact same comment on the most recent post of every blog you visit? Do you feel exhilarated knowing that you've covered the quota of visiting and commenting? Do you feel a sense of bated anticipation as you await the deluge of return visits and possible following of people who think like you? Do you feel accomplished knowing that half of these people you've spammed followed you back coz they do follow-for-follow just like you?
Serious blog authors who take pride in their writing would definitely not bother about you. They may be nice or feel obliged to visit you back but they have actually already formed a negative impression of you. But then what's there to worry when you've already achieved your goal of attracting people and gaining followers right?
DON'T be an insincere person. It is easily sniffed out.
DO be a genuine person.

6. Leaving A Comment In Reply
More apt to the title would be leaving a comment in reply to a blog author's comment on your page with totally no reference to the post you are commenting. This is kind of impolite. Yes, I get that you are polite in that you are replying to the comment but do at least make some reference to the post. This is not a cardinal blog comment sin but I do make the effort to talk about your post before replying you and I see many sincere blog authors do that as well. It would be great if you could do that too.
Thank You to My Followers, Blog Readers and Blog Friends
To my followers on GFC and bloglovin',
I know some of you are silent followers and do not have interaction with me at all but I thank you all the same for finding interest in my blog and following me without expecting me to follow back.

To my blog readers who visit and comment on my blog regularly,
I may not be able to visit and comment on your blog as regularly as you do. However, I would always reply to your comments and return blog visits even if I'm weeks late as I really appreciate you for taking the time to connect with me. For those who comment regularly but with generic comments, I hope that we would be able to have more meaningful engagement. It makes the blogging journey a lot more fun as we get to know more about each other.
To my blog friends,
You definitely know who you are. I consider us friends coz we have been on each other's blogs for years or long enough to know a lot about each other even if blogging is only one facet of your life. You are those genuine readers turned friends and would always stick around no matter what. You are those who are connected with me on platforms other than blogging like Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and we also send personal emails to each other. Some of you have stopped blogging but I still treasure our friendship.
To newcomers of my blog,
If you have the patience to read up till here and share the same sentiments as me on being engaging and connecting meaningfully through our blogs, make yourself visible and let yourself be heard. Feel free to follow me on GFC/ bloglovin'/ Instagram/ Pinterest but remember, I don't entertain blatant follow for follow request.
What makes you want to comment on a blog? Have you ever commented on someone’s blog just because you felt like you had to, or because they had commented on yours? As a blog author, what are the types of comments you love to receive? What kind of comments drive you crazy? I would love to hear what you have to say. Leave me a comment and remember not to commit the cardinal comment sins up there.
I've replied to all your comments on the previous post and would get down to visiting your blogs soon! Have a lovely weekend ahead!
There is one other comment related item that annoys me. I have encountered blog authors who are welcoming and engaging, until you follow them. Then you become invisible to them. They just wanted to add a follower.
ReplyDeleteI can see that I need to improve my commenting. :)
Hello Rick, it is fortunate that I haven't come across many bloggers like that but I do remember some from a while ago. Maybe I should look through my "following" and unfollow these bloggers. You could too, especially if they no longer engage. No point leaving them in your reading list.
DeleteYou don't have to improve on your commenting at all. For many posts, I like the way you sometimes pick on very unique aspects to comment on-- things which usually people wouldn't pick out and that's very refreshing. Your sense of humour expressed in a nuanced manner certainly doesn't need improving.
You are too kind--which makes me know if MB Jo ever shows up she is completely justified!!!
DeleteGreat pos.....oh wait....I am having a big giveawa...oops...Those pictures are so amazi...hmmm. Performance anxiety strikes again :)
ReplyDeleteI adore this essay, dear. And I also adore how strong and non-needy the stance you take is. I am the poodle of blog writers; even one tiny pat on the head makes my day. Those things that annoy you so much still delight me. When Milex, if you are familiar, used to come through and leave the oddest, most random comments it still made me smile. Sue, so many of these people are just trying to get followers, most likely in an attempt to commercialize their blog, but that's OK. I do not get charged any money for each comment left me and I figure maybe at least they will one day see something that makes their day better, even if it is just a picture I found on Google Images to accompany my poems. I include the pictures just so people can have this option actually. Super needy of me? I suppose. But it seems to satisfy.
My bigger issue has been trying to connect at a different level with my more devoted, serious readers. That is where my frustration lies when there is any. People who really seem to like my writing, my photos, me, but who back away like skittish fawns when even slightly spooked. Forging real connections where I can be my fully open self freely has eluded me and it often leaves me feeling a little empty regarding the blogging. But, as I said, for now it seems to satisfy.
Do you know what I do not understand most of all? People who crave thousands of followers on Instagram. Are people getting sponsorships on there too or are they just egomaniacs. I actually have over 600 followers and that is plenty for someone like me who feels obliged to follow back. I follow over 1000 on IG but am trying to pare it down. Oddly, many of the people who comment and follow my blog will not do so on Instagram. It probably comes as no surprise to you that this fact confuses me greatly and leads to the feelings in paragraph 2.
Anyhow, that is like the longest rambling blog comment ever. Should have stuck with nice post :) I am giving away a free chance to read my latest poem on my blog as well which I see you already were successful at. Congrats :) Great writing and so fun. I like angry you, she is even more amusing than sweet you. Though I should probably not encourage angry you thusly :) xoxo <<<< that is my blog, look there it is, right there, my blog, see it? :)
As what you termed as your giant comment, it sure reads like an essay on my phone screen through the email app. It sure looks normal on my laptop screen. I didn't know about Milex or Sue, or are they names you give to people of those generic categories? I remember I commented once on one/some of these insincere and totally unrelated comments on your post. Not too sure if they are the ones you're referring to. You're a nice gentleman, Rick. You managed to pick out the delight in seeing the best of these comments and commenters and smile at them. Including pictures to accompany your text isn't needy at all. I feel that these pictures beautify the whole post in general.
DeleteI haven't experienced the bigger issue you faced to really comment much on this. However, I believe that as long as we try to be our genuine self while maintaining an accepted social media norm (which could be tricky) connecting with devoted, serious readers, they would definitely appreciate it. There is no need to go all out to specially maintain a connection by putting in a lot more effort than the other party. Just let things flow naturally and perhaps the current would balance out.
Instagram is a whole new story and a post should be dedicated on it too! Instagram is fast, direct and instant which is very different from blogs. It is also a lot easier to gain Instagram followers and hence people would do just that. I'm one who likes to maintain my follower list coz I do not like seeing too many stuff on my newsfeed. I only follow very good friends, not so close friends whom I have frequent interaction on social media, blog friends with connection and frequent interaction and people with photos I like. When I first started out, I followed back friends who are not so close but who followed me. I sort of felt obliged to. But then I realised that I do not exactly like their photos or that they do not post at all. Unfollowing them would seem shallow and I just left it be. I've since minimise following back due to obligation. It is very true that even though I do monthly recap of Instagram on my blog and I have new bloggers coming everywhere telling me they LOVE my Instagram photos, I never get any visit or follow from them. I especially do not like it when they say that just for me to visit or probably follow them on Instagram. Do you get that too? And yes, there are Instagram sponsorship too. Maybe I should not blabber so much here and write a post on Instagram too.
I like reading comments long or short as long as they are meaningful. Ramblings can be so much fun too. Ooh, I love angry Jo too but I need to maintain a certain decorum you know? Hahaha...
Yes, yes, yes! :P I usually figure that the "follow for follow" commenters are just brand new bloggers who don't know what they're doing yet, and I hope they learn quickly that that isn't a good strategy to gain real readers. Why comment if you don't actually want to read the post?
ReplyDeleteHi Rachel, That's true but sadly many of these brand new bloggers would not get it or would not bother coz they are only concerned with the numbers. Well, I hope they are happy doing what they are doing then (w/o annoying too many people). Haha.
DeleteHello Jo! Oh well, you are talking about a very "hot" topic and bloggers drama, which I know very well too. I echo every single word you said and I agree with your thoughts. Sometimes my "alter" mean bitch (LOL) inside would exactly reply the same, but instead just do not reply or delete those comments. At first, when I start to blog and I didnt know anything about it I even take the time to stop by in their blogs or follow. Now, I just I love to interact with my fellow blogger buddies and the new ones if I see they are different. You also forgot the ones, the supposed good ones, who unfollow everywhere once think they have got a good amount of followers (so sad, I still havent learnt how to not be disappointed) and the ones who stop by all over again the same last post just to have a comment back, very annoying and impolite, just spam. Im not an English speaker, either know it perfectly so took time to write comments (thanks also to wordreference lol). Happy Sunday Jo, "thanks for sharing" (just kidding!:P), kisses! xo (ps mooncakes make me watering now!)
ReplyDeleteFirstly Lilli, I think you write really very beautiful English for an Italian. Ooh, please don't diss me off for being stereotypical as I truly mean it as a compliment. I know that many Italians do not speak, much less write English well and the fact that you write your posts mainly in English and write beautifully sweet and thoughtful comments to everyone is really very admirable. You put in lots of effort and many of your readers and blog friends definitely see that. That's why we love you!
DeleteI haven't experienced much of those who unfollow me everywhere. I could count them with less than 10 fingers I suppose. I don't care much for them but for those whom I supposedly thought had good relationship and engagement, it could get puzzling, upset and angry too. I get maybe they are trying to maintain a list not to have too many "following" with respect to "followers" coz I do that too. But I will never unfollow somebody whom I have good connection and interaction. I wonder why they do things like that. I would give a few chances and continue to engage with them but once I find it becoming 1-way, I would unfollow too as I don't think that person is worth the effort. You're too sweet to be treated like that. xoxo
This makes me embarrassed because I think I probably used to be one of those people when I started out in the blogging world! I think I was just following the crowd and doing what I thought other bloggers would do, but I quickly learned that's not the way to go about things. I definitely hope I'm not that type of commenter now, although everyone has their different opinions and could see me as a 'good' or 'bad' blogger. This is the whole reason I deleted my first dozen initial posts and then wrote a massive confessional about why I had done so. I realised that I wasn't entirely happy with what I was writing about, and that I was writing about what I thought others would like to read. Then I realised that I wasn't creating original content and I wasn't blogging for the reasons I had started out to in the first place. I guess that is kind of like this 'fake' comments post, where 'readers' comment what you think you want to hear. I still get that thrill when someone says 'I love your blog!', though I have learned to be more wary. I'm glad you have posted something quite deep because a lot of the time, blog posts just seem like fun and happiness and marshmallows and make up. I love it when there is a more meaningful post from time to time, and I can tell you put so much effort into writing this. It is definitely quality over quantity; I know that I posted about writer's block and the difficulties of a blogging routine a few days ago, but you are an exemplary blogger in that you may not post every day, but you put a lot of thought and effort into your posts, engage with your readers, and as a result, have a lovely, genuine following. Rosemary x
(I hope you don't hate me for my blog url there!)
Hello Rosemary, I hate you for putting your blog url... Kidding! I won't, I can definitely tell the difference between blatant self advertising and leaving a trackback link. In fact, I appreciate when bloggers leave their links under their sign off coz it is so much easier for me to get to their blogs from there so please continue to leave your link.
DeleteI think we found each other's blog a little late and I don't think I saw all your initial posts. I also don't think I've experienced the newbie side of you when you said you were committing these acts. All I know of you is that you always read the posts and comment sincerely. =) It is true that you should blog about topics that matter to you and not just blogging for your audience as it would become a chore very soon. Blogging about something close to your heart which also attracts readers is the key to maintaining a passion for blogging. I hope you continue to write the way you are doing. And thank you so much for your kind compliments at your last line. I feel very honoured and I really appreciate you letting me know that. xoxo
I love this post. Please get back to me so we can follow eachother!
ReplyDelete(I do love this post. It reminds me of the first couple of comments I got on my blog. Now it's all just crawlers saying this or that post relates to their sister's research subject in school - I can't see how a post on tall women would relate to a serious research subject, but whatevs - or how they couldn't open my website in either of their browsers - then how did you comment, huh? How did you?)
Also, I'm so so sorry for not commenting more often! Blogging and the likes seem to not have been a priority lately :/ But I've seen your last few posts, eventhough I didn't really read through them all that thoroughly :/ When I saw your mama on the post where you visited the flower show, the first thing I thought was: dayum the lady looks good! Bless your genes, Jo!
Bibi, I hate you. You're so funny, Why are you like that? No way, I'm just so glad to see you here! As mentioned in my comment on your blog, I seriously thought you stopped blogging. So glad that you left me this comment so that I could click and visit back and discover my boo boo that your blog is very much alive and kicking just like you! As I'm quite bz nowadays and with GFC down now and then, I've stopped visiting blogs except to return visits for those who comment. Every once in a while for blogger friends who do not comment regularly but whom I miss (like you), I would type in the url on my browser and catch up on as many missed posts as possible. Thank you for your compliments about my mum. I must not tell her how many of you said the same of how young she looks or she might just float away never to be seen again.
Delete"Nice post!", "Thanks for sharing!", "Amazing outfit!', "Just popped in to say hi!", "Stunning pictures!", etc.
ReplyDeleteOh, this comment is going to be long. Ok, first of all thank you very much for taking the time to write down all of this because everything you said above is TRUE! I love seeing new comments on my blog, it's my favourite part actually. But sometimes when I see a comment that has nothing to do with the whole post, I really want to say something that wouldn't be nice and I don't know how it would sound to other bloggers. And I've done it... And I don't regret. Because it's offending. You probably have been writing this post a whole day and in the end you receive a comment like "Amazing outfit", wtf? Please, keep this "meaningful" comment to yourself and behave yourself!
I have about 10 great readers, fellow-bloggers that we keep in touch, we comment on every post of ours, but it's interesting for me to follow them on their journey, their life, their every day is interesting to me. I usually comment back on every type of comments, because I think that's how it should be. But when I see that someone read my post and left a nice comment, I read their new post too and comment back the same way. Because that person deserves it.
And I don't do follow for follow. Actually when I see I have a new follower, I follow them back. But when I find a new blog that's interesting to me, I just follow it because I like it and I don't leave comments like "Just followed you, would you follow me back?". No, no, no! That's wrong! Probably that is the reason I have only 71 followers on Bloglovin for a 2 years blogging... But honestly, I don't care about followers. I care about my fellow bloggers, friends and readers and I am so so happy to have them. Fake following is not for me.
I think that's enough. Thank you once again for sharing your thoughts in a post, I absolutely agree with you. Hope that more bloggers will read this and think about it...
Have a nice Sunday, Jo!
Hello Stanislava, Firstly "Thanx for following me. I'm following you back now!" Hahaha... I sound like those annoying people. Ok, I'm really following you on bloglovin (can't find GFC) coz I appreciate our 2-way interaction so far and I know that we would definitely CLICK. =)
DeleteI'm in awe that you actually said something back to people who annoy you. I think you must have felt really good and I wondered what happened to that person? She probably didn't click back to read? Or did you shoot those words off on her blog? Share with me? It would be exciting to know.
I would sometimes commit the cardinal sin of asking for follow back though I do it in a way that I really appreciate our communication and to let them know I'm following them and that I wish to continue keeping in touch. I've been blogging for EONS (if you look at my sidebar and history of posts) but I only started opening up my blog and visiting blogs from all over the words only a few years back. I think I've only got 80+ bloglovin followers so you're good at 71 for 2 years. I do not follow every new follower back but when we have enough interaction, I would show my support and follow. Similar to you, I'm happy with a smaller number of readers and blog friends who interact than to have too many followers.
Thank you for sharing with me your thoughts and for your loyal coming back here to see what's up. Hahaha...
i am also not for the follow for follow, hate it :(
ReplyDeletehave a good sunday
I'm glad to see another like-minded person, Carmen. Have a great week ahead! =)
DeleteOMG Jo, you made me laugh so hard with this post! but it is SO true!!! I often get those annoying "nice post (url)" or "love it all (url)" comments and they def make me sad you know! I spent a long time creating the posts I publish and I would like people to read and enjoy them :) not just stop by, look at the pretty picture, leave a meaningless comment and not come back. Oh and the funny thing is that I do the same thing you do, even though their comments are ridiculous, I stop by their blogs, take the time to read their posts and comment about it like every blogger should do. Thanks for sharing your thoughts in such a funny way! lol oh and thanks for featuring me as the sweet blogger that post meaningful comments! haha when I was reading it, I was like "oh that is something that I would say... "and then I was like... "wait a minute! I said tha"t haha :) it made my day!
Hello Milu, Before even reading this comment, I can tell that we are quite similar. I'm glad I made your day. You totally deserve the sweet mention! I can tell that you really take the time to read the posts before commenting a thoughtful one and I see your comments on other blogs too. They are always so sweet and well-put together. Did you continue to stop by the blogs who frequently leave 1 liner? I'm curious to know. I think I probably shouldn't be wasting too much time on the wrong people. You know what? I think those one-liner and follow for follow people really do get it at times coz I don't see them commenting on this post. I always thought they do not get it. =)
DeleteOh and I forgot to tell you! I don't have GFC :( when I joined the blogging world, GFC was not available anymore, only G+! If it helps, I post every Wednesday, Friday and Sunday so if you are bored on any of those days you know I will have something to share for sure :) haha have a great sunday darling! xoxo
ReplyDeleteI didn't know that new bloggers do not have GFC! So it is right when the rumour mentioned that GFC will no longer be around. I saw that it showed the reading list on blogger and also saw people continue to follow by GFC and thought it was all a sham. So it only work for those who had it before that! Thanx for letting me know. Have a good week ahead!
Deletefirst of all thank you for dropping by my blog....I love this post because I do feel the same..there is just so many annoying comments...I dont mind follow for follow...but myself If I dont like or had never read any of the blogpost i will not jus leave a comment and ask to follow my blog..usually when I found some new blog I love in google I would comment like usual i.e: wow thank you for the review of this lipstick...i can buy them without worry it's over drying..btw had follow ur blog,would be glad if you do the same or just visit my blog at bla bla...hahahha
ReplyDeleteHello Cindy. Yup follow for follow isn't bad at all if we've read the post and somewhat know something about the author but it is totally shallow if the comment is just there for soliciting follows. When I google a review and get to a blog, I usually don't leave comments except to pose a burning question. It is nice of you to thank them and show appreciation. I'm mainly a silent reader when it comes to blog reviews I found from Google. Maybe I should thank them if their review indeed help a lot.
DeleteThis post made me laugh multiple times. :) I hope I never become one of those 'follow for follow' people. I'm totally new to the world of beauty blogging, not blogging in general - I used to have a graphic design blog for years and followers was never a problem because people just came by to download Photoshop resources. It was a different kind of problem then, and I felt like saying 'I'm glad you're following me, but can you please remember to give me credit for my work? kthnxbye'
ReplyDeleteANYWAY, what I'm trying to say is, great job on a humourous and well-written post. I'm glad I started following you. :)
x Sneha |
First of all, thank you for following me on bloglovin, Sneha. I'm following you back now. Hahaha... I sound like those annoying lines. Ok, I'm really following you on bloglovin (can't find GFC) coz even though we're new to each other's blog, I appreciate our 2-way interaction so far and I look forward to knowing you and your blog more. Your blog is beautiful. I like the clean, sleek look and the images accompanying your text. You have a graphic design blog? That must be really great and kudos for sharing photoshop resources. That's really generous of you. I hope people give you the credit you deserve. Look forward to seeing you around more often!
DeleteYou're very welcome! And thank YOU for following me back! I'm glad you like my blog. :) Yes, I used to have a graphic design blog but getting credit for my work was a little tricky. I'd ask people to comment when they took something, but the number of downloads and comments never quite added up. Oh well! :) Anyway I look forward to reading more from you as well, have a lovely week!
Deletex Sneha |
ReplyDeletebahahaha, man, these are really my pet peeves. I don't mind if people just come and look and pictures because I know we're all busy people and don't have time to read eeeeeveryting (even I am guilty of skimming occasionally, or going quickly through posts I would normally read entirely through, especially during the school year) but that doesn't mean you can't take an extra few seconds to thoughtfully compose something rational. This is a great post!
Hey Ali, Oh yeah. "I've followed you. Please follow me back as promised." <--- Imitating some people doing this too. =D Everyone is guilty of skimming but you're absolutely right that it doesn't mean they can't leave a more proper and thoughtful comment. Even when I skim, I would still be able to gather details to write a thoughtful comment and I know you are the same too.
DeleteHi dear.:)
ReplyDeleteYour blog is beautiful. This blog is my fav.:)
And follow me on instagram (@radunovicana) I follow back pls;*
Thank you for dropping by and commenting, Ana. I love seeing newcomers around. Perhaps you might want to read or skim through this post again? I would usually follow back if we have enough meaningful exchanges and connections. =)
DeleteHahaha, I came here like 10 times today (maybe you have noticed on feedjit). I was curious what other bloggers have written and Ana's comment was the one I was looking for...
DeleteLoL! You're such a nosey parker but I like it. I was laughing at my phone screen when I read your comment. =D
DeleteHi my lovely Jo! You are one of my true blogger friends and I'm grateful that we have found each other through blogging. For me that's the best part about it. I (of course) have read your post and I always do but I will be honest. I don't read everyone posts. Esp. if people like you mentioned above leave copy paste comments. So cool, nice look, great post. I return the "favour" eye for and eye haha. That's my revenge :D. My favorites are those who comment: I have followed your blog now. Please follow back and you have followed them back years ago. So I usually unfollow them hahaha. I know you are angry at these guys but I don't care. They can write what they want. Some stalker let's call her A wrote comments all the time telling me that I have no clue about fashion and that I'm ugly and I should burn in hell and immediately stop blogging! I wrote back: Comment what you want as long as you visit hahaha. Don't let these guys annoy you. There's a beautiful say: Does the moon care when the dogs bark at it haha. I'm so sorry that F. hasn't contacted you. They were probably looking for non Asian bloggers. Maybe next time. Have a happy Sunday Jo :D
Ooh Mira Devils... You are quite the little devil! I like your revenge acts. So devilish. I think I've only encountered one who asked me to follow when I've already done so. I remembered that her blog was quite pretty and her 1st comment to me was nice and sweet and that was why I followed though I honestly couldn't remember who it is anymore. If I could, I would take your revenge plan in mind to unfollow her. Oh my, how could anyone say such mean things of you (and your sisters)? You did it right by playing it cool. Remaining calm and happy really annoys the hell outta haters. About F, no worries at all. I'm just glad that you thought of me and glad that we found each other and became friends. I feel exactly the same for you as of you to me. Though I may not comment on every post, I would click back to read those I've missed. How not to keep up with your sense of humour peppered all over the posts? You sisters are too funny!
DeleteI think I nodded along as I read most of these Jo. If one has been blogging long enough, I think we've all probably experienced some version of every one of these types of commenters at some point. I think most people would actually be able to leave some sort of meaningful comment if they bothered to even read some of each blog post but sadly there are too many self promoters out there who are just trying to get you to follow them. Usually I just ignore them but I definitely have wanted to fire back one of your "Mean Jo" comments every now and then. Lately I've been getting people telling me to visit their blog because they know that I will just love it and I'm like how would you know what I love when you don't know me and you don't know what I love.
ReplyDeleteI'm one of those who replies to comments along with my comment on other blogs because that's just how I like to keep the dialogue going with my blogger friends but you already know that because we've corresponded for awhile. I appreciate that you're a thoughtful friend who actually bothers to read my posts and it definitely comes across in your comments :0
Thanks for your sweet comment today! Yes I was quite lucky to get to attend that fashion show and the clothes were actually even prettier in person if you could imagine. You should take care of your sprained ankle as well. As I've learned the hard way, a lower body injury is much harder to fully recover from unless you can stay off your feet completely. I injured it really badly last year - multiple artery sprains and tendon tears and it been slow to heal and very prone to reinjury. I feel like it's still vulnerable so I started wearing my brace again recently and I'm still getting physical therapy treatment for it. Let's hope for a full recovery from our ankle injuries for both of us very soon!
Rowena @ rolala loves
"I'm like how would you know what I love when you don't know me and you don't know what I love." I swear Mean Jo and Mean Rowena would have this exact same line with regard to this "breed" of commenters you mentioned. Do you continue to reply your nice and sweet way when you return visits to those self promoters? Or do you delete/ignore their comments?
DeleteIt's not that hard to leave a more proper and thoughtful comment even with skimming through a post. These people are just using our space to promote. I could easily not publish their comments but sometimes I feel gleeful that their published comments would only show what kinda blog personality they possess. I'm happy that we found each other and became friends. I feel exactly the same for you as of you to me.
Multiple artery sprains and tendon tears sound intensely serious and I cannot imagine the pain and the agony of going through it. The brace looks so big and sturdy that I know your injury was really bad. And yes, speedy recovery for our ankles!
Hi :D
ReplyDeleteFirst - thank you for your visit. I'm glad you like my ELLE outfit.
Second - you wrote great post, it's nice you are not like everyone who just want to have followers. I thought that this post will open opeople's eyes but i read some comments are still the same like Ana two comments above mine.
Anyway I following you just becouse like your honestly and familiar post, but just becouse I'm not sure I'll visit you everytime (becouse have time to visit only people who are visiting me) just please - don't follow me back.
Kisses from Poland, Nabil ;)
Thank you for the follow and this comment all the way from Poland, Nabil. I'm glad that your very first comment had led me to discover your blog. You're such a fashionista and I don't have a male fashionista blog reader and follower so thank you for that. I've also followed you as I appreciate our 2-way interaction so far and I look forward to knowing you and your blog more. It's nice that you try your best to write to me in English when English isn't your 1st language. This post did open some eyes up and I realised that many people visited but didn't dare to comment. The number of cursory, short and self-promoting comments have definitely decreased to 2 (for now) as compared to all my past posts. Look forward to seeing you around more often!
DeleteI'm glad to read that. Nice to know that your commenters are much more honest and they are trying to be better :D Anyway thanks for everything, for your great words and visit. I'm sorry for my english. I'm embarrassed that it's not good enough, it should be much better if I want to show my blog and style not only in my country. Other people visiting you are good speakers even if their 1st language is not english... I'm ashamed. However thank you for everything and see ya soon Jo :))
DeleteYou're too humble Nabil! You need not be embarrassed and ashamed. I think your English is already very good for a Non-English speaker. Thanx for the lovely comment and everything!
DeleteI have been waiting for a post like this because I think a lot of us agree with this but not many people have the honesty to write it. I agree with everything you wrote but for me the most frustrating is the same generic extremely short comment that is obviously copied and pasted onto at least 50 blogs. GRRR!!!! I loved that quote ”thank you for leaving that extremely short yet vaguely positive comment on my blog” sums it up perfectly. Great post, thanks for sharing are just so meaningless. Also leaving a comment in reply but not actually reading the content of a blog post is frustrating too. I like to get to know bloggers better than that and have personal and meaningful discussions….I wonder how many “great post” like comments you will get on this post.
ReplyDeleteHello Imogen. Appreciate your comment and sharing your feelings on such comments. Over the years, I've seen some blog authors addressing this issue but not as a whole post but rather, as a slight little rant or outburst in some paragraph. I've always got so much to say about this that I figured I need a whole post to get it out. Surprisingly as of now, I've only gotten 2 of such comments that fall into the categories written in this post. This post did open some eyes up and I realised that many people visited but didn't dare to comment. I too, like to get to know bloggers better and have personal and meaningful interaction. I've just followed you on both GFC and bloglovin. I prefer GFC as I seldom log into bloglovin but I followed on the latter too as I'm afraid Google might once more talk about removing GFC.
Deleteumm, I hope I do not belong to the category of bad bloggers, because I actually wanted to leave some comments longer, but because I could not speak English correctly, I am afraid to even leave the wrong impression to you hahahaa.
ReplyDeleteNot to worry at all about giving any wrong impression, Winda. I remember during my giveaway, you told me that you've been following me just that you were a silent. I was surprised as I thought you were a new blogger. I know that it takes lots of effort to write in English esp when it isn't your 1st language so I truly appreciate that you are leaving me comments more often now.
DeleteI've been writing since 2011 and still can not write in English very well, what a shame hahahaa,
DeleteBut I never tell someone to follow me back on any social media or my blog.
Because I knew it was NOT POLITE!
Thats why I was very grateful when I see you follow me back on GFC, thank you so much JO ^_~
OMG Jo when I saw this mentioned on Insta I had to make time to come and read this post. (BTW excuse my long absense, long, boring story) And this is just amazing. I have to scroll down and write my comments as I read because I'm flooded with one liners lol. Follow for follow. Man do I hate that shit. The "i love your blog, follow me and I follow you" is the worst. Like you said, you love it then like it and follow along. I'll visit yours and if I like I'll follow you back. I don't need to be reminded or asked. Oh and there is nothing that offends me more in comments then when someone does not read what I write. It's my biggest blog-peeve. That and when they just scroll down to your comment section and say "nice look, follow and I follow you back?" Harmless enough unless it's a food post, or something that has zero relevence to fashion. Sure it was funny the first time, but not anymore. I know when I first, first started I also engaged in that behaviour but I stopped soon after. And I only did it to fellow bloggers who had advertised similar crap on other blog sites. I can sometimes excuse other bloggers who came over and leave "nice post" if english isn't their first language. You can always tell because they don't have a shred of english on their own blog postings but I always try to say more on theirs anyway. There are a few who go around and leave simple love hearts on everyones blog. It's so impersonal and the point of a comment is to strike opinions and conversations, not spam (oooh don't get me started on those anon spammers, f***ing hate them, hundreds a week I have to delete grrrr) and if you're going to say "nice look" don't bother.
Hey Sonia. Great to hear from you! Yes, you were away for quite some time and I missed you so. It's so cute how so many of you admitted to having such behaviour initially and then stopped. I couldn't imagine the initial part since I knew most of you as being really sweet and sincere. Your first comment was so sweet and thoughtful, I could tell you really read my post. Talking about reading post (or not), yeah I think I really dislike those who do not bother to read coz 99% of these people include "I follow you, you follow me", "Nice post", "I love this post" and "Copying and Pasting"... All encompassing in other words. Those who leave hearts definitely should leave their hearts on social media platforms like Instagram, Weheartit and the likes and I'm fine with them on all these platforms except for blogs.
DeleteI used to have lots of spam bots and ads until I activated the word verification. I know it is an extra step for commenters and some dislike that but this tool really eliminates my spam comments from bots. I can't remember if you have that turned on. Try it if you don't.
oh, this issue is familiar to any blogger:) It was fun to read your thoughts about it:)
ReplyDeleteAs for me, such comments as "Nice blog. Follow for follow?" I'm just adding to spam, because it's really spam, isn't it? Such comments where a blog promotion is longer than a comment itself regards spam as well, to my mind.
I don't mind it much, because there are always people who sincerely like your blog and sharing their thoughts about your posts, and there are people who don't really care. I think it's normal, because it is impossible to please everyone.
p.s. I must say thank you for always leaving your sweet comments to me, it's really nice to have you as a reader, and hopefully you feel just the same about me:)
Take care!
Hello Alexandra. You're a really pleasant and patient person not to mind all these. That's so gracious of you. You must definitely have received lots of such comments since your blog is so popular. Yes, your idea of what is considered spam definitely makes sense, especially since their blog promotion is longer than their comments. Awww... thank you for your sweet compliments. I love how English isn't your first language but you write such beautiful English to accompany your gorgeous photos. And also your sweet comments in English must have taken quite a bit of effort too. Thank you. I definitely feel the same way about you and it is my privilege to have you as a reader too.
DeleteI guess this is how it works. People comment in order to get attention to their blogs, usually without reading any of the posts. Your Mean Jo's comments are incredibly to the point though. Keep up the good work!
ReplyDelete(wouldn't it be hilarious if someone left a "cool post" comment in the certain post?)
Froso M.
Style Nirvana
Thank you for dropping by and sharing with me your thoughts, Froso. I love seeing newcomers around! Oooh... there are still quite a couple of "great post" style of comments though it has significantly decreased just for this post. I guess there are some people who got it but still, some people haven't bothered to read. >_< Will be checking out your blog soon!
DeleteHello doll!! I have seen these kinds of comments very much so on my blog. I find it really annoying when someone just leaves, 'nice post' on my blog. I understand that not everyone that comes along speaks or writes great english and that is ok as I understand and usually one can tell those readers apart from the rest. Or the ones that go and comment on a post that was days or even weeks ago, that annoys me slightly as well. The ones that annoy me too is where the person has left a really short like one word comment and then leaves me this long message about their blog and come see their post and how great it is, haha. I delete them. Sadly manners is not always universal I guess. 'Great post' doll, hahaha!! Really interesting read though, it is true, all of these are things we all get from time to time and they should be noticed. Maybe it will make others be more attentive or think more. I hope you have a gorgeous week my dear :))) xx
ReplyDeleteHello Kizzy doll. Maybe I could consider deleting those spammy, self-promoting annoying comments too. In a way, I continue publishing them in a bid for people to see how shallow and silly those bloggers look. You must definitely have received lots of such comments since your blog is so popular. Oooh... I'm curious to know why commenting on a post that was days or weeks ago would annoy you slightly? I've never thought of this point and I think I'm guilty of doing that when I visit blogs and see the current few posts all at once. Ah, I think I might have done that on your blog too. *sheepish smile* I hope I haven't annoyed you with that. *oops* Thanx for sharing your thoughts. I enjoyed reading them. =)
DeleteHi Jo. I don´t want to sound like one of ,,these" bloggers, but I really love this post, I laughed a lot at first point. You´re so right at everything. I hate same comments from one person, sometimes they even don´t belong to post. I also see no point at comments like ,,nice" and nothing else. It´s so visible that the person didn´t even bother to look at pics. And follow for follow is ridiculous too, some people even don´t follow back, although they said they would. For many bloggers it´s just about hitting as many traffic as possible. Happy start of new week. :)
ReplyDeleteFashion Happenss
Thank you for stopping by and sharing with me your thoughts, Lia Crystal. I enjoyed reading them. You definitely won't sound like those annoying bloggers even if you start with "I love this post" since whatever that comes next are all well thought out. Yes, it's so sad that many bloggers these days are only concerned about their blog traffic and followers in numbers and prefer quantitative over qualitative.
DeleteHello Jo, Sorry about the last comet, as you said yourself that uses the google translator I also use, and sometimes it does not translate to certain sentence nor the slang, so just getting a little crazy that comment, lol sorry right!
ReplyDeleteAlways come back to my blog, ok? I hope you rs
Blog da Cristtine
Fan page
I'm happy to see you on my blog again Jessica. Don't need to apologise at all. I'm not angry or anything as I know that you do not really write in English. In fact, I'm touched that you actually use a translator to read my post and comment. =) Sure we would continue to visit each other. Hope to see you around more often.
DeleteGreat Post <3
Thank you, dear. I understand that you do not write in English. If you have the time, it would be great to use google translate to read or skim the post. =)
DeleteWell... I'm a little nervous to say anything at all after this! ;) I'm just kidding, I can understand what you mean from every angle and in particular when someone copies and pastes the same message onto hundreds of blogs, it can become a little disheartening! I often mention beneath my URL that I follow back on Bloglovin', as it's a fabulous way of building up my network without bombarding people and forcing them to follow me. I have to say that I genuinely enjoy blogging for the visuals and general social interactions, so I feel you with regard to disliking the 'follow me now' messages!! Have a lovely week ahead, girl!
Lol... I seem to be making everyone who comment tread with trepidation after writing this post. You must definitely have received lots of such comments since your blog is so popular. Thank you for stopping by and sharing with me your thoughts, Gabrielle. I enjoyed reading them. I appreciate our 2-way communication and hope to see you around more often.
DeleteJo, you should get an award for this post! It was brilliant. When I first started blogging, I understood it was about READING! Somewhere along the years it has been watered down to just pictures. I can write ONE paragraph and no one wants to take the time to read 5 sentences. It's sad. One blogger wrote something very sentimental (she was very sad) and people were commenting about her skirt!!! I'm like she's depressed! It's sad. Bloggers are more concerned about the number of followers they have so they can get perks, instead of reading posts and caring. Some bloggers don't give a crap about what you write! If you live meaningful comments on their page, they want you. Not because they like you or your blog, but because YOU make THEM look good. I try to develop friendships with my readers. Many bloggers don't want that either anymore. View my page and subscribe! That's all they care about. The audacity of someone to leave a comment without even giving the blogger the respect of commenting on SOMETHING in the post is TOTAL DISREGARD and DISRESPECTFUL! It speaks of the lack of regard and decorum some bloggers have.
ReplyDeleteHi Kim. I KNOW you would have strong feelings about this. Your blog is so popular and I remember seeing many of such comments that we all dislike over the years. Both of us have been blogging for so long and we could definitely see the shift from valuing a blog post's contents to merely gaining viewership (not readership) and followers. I totally feel you about the commenting on the skirt example! I experienced that before and it's really very disrespectful to not even bother to read the sad words but instead comment on how gorgeous the pictures are. My heart goes out to the poor girl. You know what, with respect to the one about bloggers wanting you coz you leave meaningful comments on their blog, I haven't really thought in line about YOU make THEM look good. Now, you really opened my eyes that this could be true for some people. Great insights, Kim!
DeleteJolene!! Thank you for this post!!! This is what needed to be heard and said! I also have encountered too many of such readers. And you know what sucks? It ironically demotivates you to write. I mean, you could be writing a cancer cure in that post, and all they'd comment would be.."nice post!"...WTF? That's why I try so so hard to completely eradicate such commenters by not even approving their comments!! UGHHH!!! *RANT OVER*
Totally feel you, Anshul. It was great hearing your rant. How could such an intellectual and thought-provoking post have comments that only say "nice post"? Like oh come on, why can't they just even skim and say something more constructive right? In a way, I continue publishing such annoying comments instead of deleting them in a bid for people to see how shallow and silly those bloggers look. Not too sure if it works as this new wave of bloggers simply do not care. =/
DeleteHi Jo,
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for writing this post! I literally LOL! I'm so embarrassed because when I first blogged, I'm guilty of doing some of the things you mentioned. Oh no, but now, I can honestly comment or read blogs that I relate with or read on a regular basis. My biggest pet peeve is when people don't read your post and commented things like "I love your dress" when I wrote clearly that it's a "skirt". And my blog posts are so short and people can overlooked like that. Seriously, I dislike writing but I feel like it's nice to write so people can get a feel of what your post is all about. I'm pretty content with just pictures. Haha.
xo Jo
Always happy to see you here, Jo. It's so cute how so many of you admitted to having such blogging behaviour at the start. I couldn't imagine the initial part since I knew most of you as being really sweet and sincere. Your comments are always thoughtful that I could tell you read my posts. Having short paragraphs or 1 liner to caption pictures are always helpful for readers to form better understanding and I don't get how people could not even bother to read those that you wrote.
DeleteHi Jo, hope you have been well….Great and insightful post! I've been too busy with work and studies recently so I had to take a break from blogging. I will try yo get back to it when I have some free time. Missed reading your posts…Have a great week. You can find me at
ReplyDeleteIt must have been tough working and studying at the same time. I once did that while I was still in university so I completely understand. It's ok, Sam. No pressure at all and I'm glad that you continue to stop by here. Hope things would be more manageable for you soon!
DeleteTo me at first bothered me much ocmentarios such, but it's like fighting against the tide. I'm so sorry, but it's a great post.
Hahaha... You don't have to be sorry at all for saying it is a great post coz at least I know you've read.
DeleteI must say that I chuckled quite a few times when reading through this post because I've experienced each and every one of these annoying comments where people leave one word comments and expect me to diligently comment back (I still do reply sometimes with thoughtful comments but stop when they don't reply the same way in return). There are a few bloggers who continually say "nice" or "super" on my posts. I keep on replying to their posts for some reason-- because they are foreign I give them more leeway? Well, that stops now! I love your wide assortment of hilarious memes like the ones about the "Nice Post" (so true)!
ReplyDeleteThank you for leaving that thoughtful post on my blog earlier by the way! I would have replied much sooner but I had such a busy weekend and this week seems just as busy... So I forced myself to wake up early just to get things done, which included replying back to all of my lovely fellow bloggers who bothered to write a great comment on my posts <3
Hope you have a lovely week and enjoy the first few days of fall (it's getting rainy and colder in Vancouver finally)!
xx Debbie
Hey Deborah. Oh my, I think we are quite alike when it comes to commenting. I still do reply sometimes with thoughtful comments for those who comment one-liner or one-word on my post and I continue to do so with each return visit to them hoping that they would get it. If they don't get it after 3 times then byebye, I would stop. But you know what, the next time when they return and leave me more than a line, the cycle starts again. Haha... Thank you for stopping by and sharing with me your thoughts. I enjoyed reading them. Thanks for following me too. I am following you back on both GFC and bloglovin as I appreciate our 2-way communication. Hope we continue to keep in touch.
DeleteWhen I came back to blogging after I finished my program, I realized that about 99.9% of the people I follow do not have the same interests as me. We obviously followed each other just for the sake of getting our follower numbers up.
ReplyDeleteIt's great that you posted this up since so many people (myself included) are culprits of these blogging bad manners (I call them bad manners but I guess they're more like little irks). I think the worse comments are the ones where they just post "Follow me at whatever." It goes to show that they only want to blog for fame/attention/free crap.
On a side note, your post pictures made me snort, it was so unexpected.
Hi Richelle. I've never felt that you belong to those group of bloggers who are "culprits of blogging bad manners" coz your comments to me are sweet and certainly not those annoying ones. I like seeing all your Japanese character features of Rilakuma and so on. In fact, I've never come across a blog with such unique contents as yours. Thanx for sharing with me your thoughts. I enjoyed reading them.
Deletethanks for sharing this, i also like comments~ hehe
ReplyDeleteHello Happy walker. Great to see you around frequently. Perhaps you might want to read or skim through this post again as the post isn't about the first picture. =)
Deleteahahaha. i know someone who does this whenever she comments. ALL OF THE NO-NO'S YOU HAVE MENTIONED, I SWEAR. hahaha. and i. am. actually. very. irritated. truth be told, i am so irritated with that "follow for follow" comment blah (though i used to do this during my first months in the blogging and the visit my blog blahblah, but seriously, what's the point of commenting something like that and have many followers but they don't really care about what you post? like seriously?! they just care about themselves. Honestly Jo, your "mean bitch" self is also my "mean bitch" self whenever i read comments like those on my post and i usually just delete them. or if i'm feeling more mean, i'll reply in the same manner they commented on me. surprisingly, they follow me. so i have to follow back. haha!
ReplyDeleteand speaking of those people, i think you have some in this blog post. above mine. haha. yes, i sometimes read other people's comments. ;)
Anyway, thanks so much for the sweet words you left on my blog jo. i really do appreciate. Have a great week!~
xoxo, rae
Oooh... That's a good observation, Rae. And yes, I also skim through other people's comments too. It's fun to read what people have to say. It's so cute how so many of you admitted to having such blogging behaviour at the start. I couldn't imagine the initial part since I knew most of you as being really sweet and sincere. I wonder what would happen if we adopt our mean bitch persona to reply. Hahaha... Thanx for sharing with me your thoughts. I enjoyed reading them.
DeleteI'm BACK! I feel like I end up falling off the face of bloggers...
ReplyDeleteI know what you mean, people who just post these meaningful comments to get follows. It really is just a number, sometimes I feel like it's a case of Facebook friends all over again but with an even less connection to the other person. "Woohoo, I have 1000 meaningless follows, so I can spam their feed".
I think for myself, I am guilty of that when I first started to blogging, trying to get clicks but overtime, it's just not worth it. Those who love my content will come back and those who don't well, that's fine :)
Great post though! And I mean it!! :)
Take care and have a lovely weekend ahead with your friends and family!
Grace! You always go poof and I'm glad that you're still posting on Instagram! It's so cute how so many of you admitted to having such blogging behaviour at the start. I couldn't imagine the initial part since I knew most of you as being really sweet and sincere. Did you think I would strangle yo if you said "great post" w/o explaining that you really meant it. Hehehe...
DeleteThis was great and so very true... when I started blogging back in 2009, I did it for me... then in 2012 when I needed somewhere to put all my feelings down, I started thinking about actually having followers. I joined blogging groups, I never comment with a generic comment and I read a post before I write something down. Also I agree, if I have nothing good to say, don't say anything :)
ReplyDeleteI never ask any one to follow me, I would much prefer people that follow me that really want to interact with me.. My followers and I interact by email, Twitter, Google+, Facebook... if I don't see you posting for a while, I send a message that I miss seeing you and hope things are well. I care about my followers, they are very kind and sincere for the most part.
I think more bloggers should think about this, it really isn't about gaining the most followers, it is about putting out good content and the followers will follow :) (Funniest comment I received... great outfit, want to follow each other? (my blog is not a fashion blog... lol) ... not at all)
I came over fro Imogen's blog Tia_Cherie, ... she is such a sweetheart :)
Hello Launna, Thank you for dropping by and sharing with me your thoughts. You're such a sincere person and it is no surprise that your followers/ readers/ blog friends/ blog friends turn friends are just as lovely. That's how meaningful connections and relationships are built. I love seeing newcomers around and I appreciate your thoughtful comment and follow. It's also nice to hear how you stumbled across my blog coz sometimes I'm always very curious about this point so thank you for letting me know. I just found Imogen recently and just like you, she seems like such a lovely person. I would check out your blog soon!
DeleteThank you for dropping by and commenting, Ira. I love seeing newcomers around. Perhaps you might want to read or skim through this post again? I would usually follow back if we have enough meaningful exchanges and connections. =) It's strange that you said you've followed me on bloglovin but I don't see it on my page.
ReplyDeleteThank you for dropping by and commenting. I love seeing newcomers around. Perhaps you might want to read or skim through this post again? I would usually follow back if we have enough meaningful exchanges and connections. =)
ReplyDeleteI so agree with you 100% I do not like when ask to follow some lie do not follow back even though they suggest it on your blog. Is very courtesy to visit blogger when you are following them not ignore after they follow you also do not wait for someone to comment on your post for you to visit it should be mutual if you following them. Is nice to return when you get a visitor also nicer when you.visit back. Thanks for stopping by doll I enjoy reading this post.
Ah, some people are just after the followers count and it is unfair and impolite not to follow back esp since they were the ones who suggested it in the first place. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me, Jackie. I had fun reading everyone's views. hope we could keep in touch.
DeleteI think exactly the same as you about the follow for follows, if you like my blog then just follow it and leave a comment! I always check out the blog links people have left and if I like their blog I will follow without them having to ask! It's too much about the numbers, and less about having a group of followers that actually enjoys reading every blog post you put up, which kind of takes the spark out of blogging.
ReplyDeleteI also can't stand it when people have blatantly not read a post and commented purely to advertise their own blog, and it annoys me seeing it on other peoples blogs as much as my own - some of us put a lot of effort into each blog post and it's not nice having it used purely for advertising purposes for others. The worst one is when someone has written a negative review and there are comments like 'sounds like a great product, will definitely buy it!' - like, come on girl...
Thanks for this post anyway, glad to see that others feel the same!
The Velvet Black // UK Style & Beauty Blog
Hi Alice, I'm glad to see you here after commenting on my latest post. I always appreciate when blog authors/readers actually take interest in my contents and read them. Thanx for sharing with me your insights on annoying blog commenters. It is always interesting to read what other like-minded people feel esepcially when we put in so much effort in crafting our posts. I agree with you that followers is not about the numbers to me but on the quality of engaging conversation and exchanges with these blog readers. Thanx for popping by. Really love seeing newcomers around and would be visiting your blog soon!
DeleteAhh your recent post brought me here xD
ReplyDeletehahahha i actually had such a great time reading these and it's actually funny because I get so many spam comments on my blog these days, I really understand how annoying it can get sometimes :( It especially irritates me when, like you said, they leave a comment on the blog that is irrelevant to the post or when they get simple details wrong! Like do people even bother to read the content that takes really long to write up??
But it feels so good when you actually get occasional genuine followers who appreciate your blog :) Thanks for sharing this, the post really made my night :')
Hello Fifi, I'm glad to see you here after commenting on my latest post. I always appreciate when blog authors/readers actually take interest in my contents and read them. I haven't seen you around for quite some time and I'm glad we are connecting back again. Thanx for sharing with me your insights and yes... I totally feel annoyed when people comment in an unrelated fashion especially when we put in so much effort in crafting our posts. I love reading what us like-minded people have to say!
DeleteJo, I always enjoy your insight in general, but especially when it comes to blogging. #1 is such a downer for me ;___; I see "2 comments awaiting approval" and I get all excited and do my happy dance, until I view the comments, and it's not pertinent to the post, but yes a request for following. There really isn't a nice or subtle way (for myself personally) to say, thanks for following/visiting, but I won't follow you unless I like your stuff. I've had a few "readers" follow me first, then comment and request follow for follow, then I don't respond and I notice my blog reader number go down one! How rude!
ReplyDeleteLike you, I really appreciate personal relationships and connections with people who read my stuff, and with the people that I read their stuff. It's a fun exchange, and I really enjoy different perspectives; whether it is on products, fashion, or even just personal opinion. You and your blog are truly such a pleasure for me to have come across, and I'm so glad that you speak your mind the way you do.
I won't comment on someone's blog unless I'm compelled to by their content. I only ever comment if I genuinely liked their post, or I felt the need to give my 2 cents. I've never felt obligated and if I do, that's when I typically stand my ground and not comment because that in itself does not feel sincere to me.
As a blog author, I enjoy comments that really engage what I shared in the post. I love also getting feedback, or even suggestions for new things to try, or just a difference in opinion is fun too. I like learning, and I feel it's a good way to do so, through comments from other bloggers or readers.
Comments that drive me crazy are just the ones that are so substandard and obviously appear that I was just another blog on the list to leave a comment, hoping for a follow. Comments that have nothing to do with my post, and like most blog authors, I leave questions at the end of my post asking for opinions, or suggestions and etc, and I think like 40% of the time comments actually answer that. lol
Hi Anna, thanks for letting me know that you enjoy reading my insights and also sharing with me your views on this topic. I'm glad to see you here after commenting on my latest post and it is so interesting to read what you have to say. I agree with most of your points; I was nodding as I was reading. I too, enjoy learning and I find myself acquiring lots of knowledge and new insights from reading blogs. It is indeed an enriching experience! I have to make sure I answer your questions at the end of the post! Hahaha... I know mamy blog authors have those questions but sometimes I don't answer them even if I've read the post. About those people following and unfollowing, it is just so sad that many bloggers these days are only concerned about their blog traffic and followers in numbers and prefer quantitative over qualitative. Thank you for this comment. I enjoyed it!
DeleteYou're very welcome, I love commenting on your posts! It just takes me forever to catch up! haha, that's something I'm working on, is regular posts.
DeleteAnd I don't expect everyone to answer my questions at the bottom of the posts, but it's always helpful to get recommendations or feedback. I mostly put those questions there because it encourages comments, but even then, a large majority of the people who comment just ask me to check out their blog, or giveaway etc. lol -__-;;
wonderfully written! I do agree with what you have written. While most of us care about numbers, turning blogging into a statistic game really makes no sense. To be sincere, I usually do follow those that ask me to because I understand that for some people blogging is a job, so I want to help out. However, if I don't like their blog, I probably won't visit it ever again.
ReplyDeleteI cannot said I'm annoyed by people leaving meaningless comments on my blog yet surely I appreciate the meaningful ones much more. Once it happened to me that I commented regularly for about a year on a blog I didn' t even follow. I just forgot to and that person never asked, but because I liked it so much I commented on every single post. I think that shows the paradox of follow for follow...
Something that seems like a bad comment can sometimes be just a typo- they can happen to everyone. We should keep an open mind. For me the comments are the most important thing about blogging and it makes me so happy to see that all my regular followers really get me....even when I don't write much, they seem to know what I mean...and that's a great feeling.
Hi Ivana, I'm glad to see you here after commenting on my latest post and even more glad that we found each other's blogs. It is sad that many bloggers these days are only concerned about their blog traffic and followers in numbers and prefer quantitative over qualitative. You are so nice to follow people because of that very reason you gave and you're such a tolerant person. It happened to me before with a blog friend. We have always been leaving comments on each other's blogs (really sweet and long one at times) but somehow, we just weren't following each other. When I noticed one day, I actually asked her to follow. Lol! I'm glad that the friendship forged did not render me as one of those annoying people asking for follow. She was just as surprised as she thought that she had all along been following me too. Then recently, it happened to me on Instagram with another sweet blog friend. She had been following me and I even returned visits to her account but I had the impression I was following her when I actually had not at that point of time. When I realised it, I felt so embarrassed.
DeleteYou're really nice! I shall adopt the thinking that every comment is a happy comment and not feel peeved. Thanx for sharing your thoughts!
Hey there! This is my first time on your blog (well, I just left you a comment on your latest post but it was linked to this and it sounded interesting so now I'm here!). I actually read through most of the comments too (mostly just looking for the commenters who wrote exactly what this post was condemning haha and was unsurprised to find a few *le sigh*)
ReplyDeleteI would like to say that I totally agree with you (and most of the others who have commented on this post), but I sort of don't blame those who run by with just a "nice post!!!!1111" comment. Yeah, it's sort of insensitive and if you look at their own blog their posts are filled with similar comments, but really, I feel it's more the fault of the blogging world being turned into an industry, with a focus turned on numbers, pageviews, readers, comments--it's difficult not to let numbers consume your blogging experience, which of course, is very unfortunate.
I wish it would be able to change but I don't really know how the focus could shift from numbers to content--especially in the beginning stages of a blog :/
But yeah, I totally feel you and I do enjoy your blog so you've found a new reader in me! :)
<(') Hoda | JooJoo Azad
Hello Hoda, I'm glad to see you here after commenting on my latest post. Thanx for the interest in this post and for sharing your thoughts. Ho... you're like some of the babes here who also scanned or read through the comments for those who committed the cardinal sins mentioned in this post. Lol... it is just so sad that many bloggers these days are only concerned about their blog traffic and followers in numbers and prefer quantitative over qualitative. Thank you for this comment and for being my new reader. I'm so glad we found each other's blogs and I'm still surprised at how this post and the other one you first stumbled on had allowed me to discover a lot more new and genuine blog readers turned friends. Keep in touch!
DeleteI agree with you Jo - a lot of comments are for either gaining blog traffic or for gaining followers. If I'm critical, a lot of people post quite bland make-up reviews and you can see a very similar post about the same product just going around and around and around meaning that comments end up being bland. Just what I've observed.
ReplyDeleteLizzie's Daily Blog