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Monday, September 24, 2012

Not used to the new blogger interface...

but heck, this kitty made my day. Photobucket

My giveaway is ending in a few days time. Have you participated yet?


  1. :D Very cute! Hope you had a nice weekend.

  2. oh my, kitty is cute. Y_Y

    I've been thinking recently that I actually prefer cats than dogs. I want a chubby kitten that plonks down next to me whenever I sit down lol!

    This picture made my day. ^^

  3. hahaha this video is soo so cute!

    to answer your question about our doggies.. we flew with them :) they flew in the cabin with us in front of our sweats :)

  4. haha jo! i feel just like that kitty right now. hope all is well and have a fabulous week!

  5. Hey, I will actually enlighten everyoen wha the comic means.
    It's actually to do with the state o fmy blog and the transitions that i've been working on when I have time :)

    The installment is premature but I'm really excited about it haha :D

  6. Oh my.. The kitty looks so much like a doll((:

    Thank you, Jo for considering me to participate your giveaway. The giveaway is awesome. Too bad I'm about to late. I'll join your next giveaway for sure. hehe..

    Till next time, Jo.

    Dreamy Princess

  7. AbbieJames,

    Thanx. I love seeing newcomers around. Welcome aboard!



    Thanx for the input. I would wait for the launch after this "prototype".


    Dreamy Princess,

    You are still not late, my dear. The giveaway ends 30 September 2012 at 12:01 AM SGT. And I think Jakarta and Singapore time difference isn't a lot if not none. =) So you are still eligible if you are keen. Happy weekend!

  8. I have only eaten korean bbq once, and I was like 6 years old. These are great photos of your parents!

  9. Bravoe Runway,

    Oopsy, this comment was meant for the post above eh? hehehe...


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