Looking at my March 2011 folder, I realised that I've got only a few albums and I cannot remember lots of events that happened then. This is what happens when my camera died totally and it also goes to show how reliant I am on a camera in capturing the moments in images and for documenting these memories in words.
Some time in March this year, a bunch of colleagues from the same zone gathered for a buffet lunch at Merchant Court Ellenborough Market Cafe on our common off day.
That was the first time I made an appearance when it came to such gatherings of zones. In the past, my off days were always spent giving 2 to 3 sessions of tuition. I had to make an exception this time as it was a gathering cum farewell for one of my colleague whom I had great working relationship at the branch.
The following photos are taken from my tagged photos on Facebook.

It was a pretty huge turn out.

While updating this post, I realised that for one of the rare occasions, I do not have photos of the food! All the photos are in viv's camera and I did not even get them from her till now.
I've been to Ellenborough Market Cafe twice before this and you can see more of the food spread here and here.
Here's what I wore:
♥ Tokyo Fashion double layer flutter sleeves dress

I'm sure you're wise enough to know that the model above isn't me.
♥ Green Petals bird and flower necklace
♥ DMK nude chunky heels/ clogs

As you can see from the outfit photo above:
1. I seriously don't look as good as the model in that dress.
2. The dress looks a tad sheer and lightweight.
I've to wear a pair of shorts underneath just in case a gust of wind blew.
3. I've gotten my Canon S95 to replace Fujifilm Loyal Pink Bimbo.
I felt so handicapped without a camera that I just had to head down to buy a camera after the buffet.
4. If you're observant enough, you would also see that the background of my mirror outfit shots look different.
I moved back to my maiden home when the hubby was overseas at that time and that's my bedroom with the many bottles of Absolute Vodka (not mine ok?) lining the headboard.
Since you've seen a little of my bedroom from the mirror, I'll let you in on one more view of my room -- the ceiling.
The collection of vodka which signifies someone of legal age to drink is a stark contrast to the ceiling of my room which seems to hint at a child's room.
Glow-in-the-dark stars and planets dusted the path from the door to the the light in what I imagined as the "blackhole".

I put these childish stuff up when I was still in school and even though I've outgrown them, I would not want to waste time and effort climbing up and down the ladder taking them down. Maybe my future kids would love to visit my parents' place coz of these glow-in-the-dark stars.
I'm a little too used to updating events by the month on my blog and since I've switched to updating events as each individual event for 2011, I find myself writing about so many random stuff that trails off topic.
ReplyDeletePesty is back. You always have such a sweet smile in all your photos.
Yeah sure...you were in YOUR room and the bottles of vodka lined up on the table are NOT yours. So very believable huh... :P
Hope you're not too disappointed when I said the no 1 was annoying.
Peh Sun,
ReplyDeleteHello Petsy, my friend of the purple and green creature. You're so fast!
About the vodka, it started from my sister who collects the different flavours and limited editions of Absolute Vodka and slowly I help her to add to the collection too. I don't know who first placed it on my headboard. I guessed it was the only empty place long enough to display the bottles. I don't quite like the taste of Vodka and it's true that I don't really drink them. But you know what? Nobody buys my explanation at all coz everyone thinks I'm an "Ah Lian". Being my neighbour up north, you do know what's an ah lian right?
I'm terribly disappointed at your annoyance to song #1 but it's ok coz we can't always have too many similarities right? lol... For example, you like Barney and that white faced vampire while I like biryani and Cederic Diggory.
I have that exact same top in black, Jo!!!! It sure looks like a great quality piece in the photo but not so in reality. Tell me about it. Your meet up looked fun, I was surprised at no food porn but a reason behind that made a total sense.
ReplyDeleteWhat a nice little glimsp into your childhood bedroom. You should def keep it that way tor your future children. You and Peh Sun are too funny. Would be even more fun if you two met in real life :D
Hahaha, I said I prefer Barney NOT i am Barney.
ReplyDeleteThat is quite an interesting hobby, to collect limited editions of Vodka Absolute. I used to like flavoured vodka and Bacardi Breezers. However, I seem to always end up with a sore throat and fever the morning after (not hanger over btw).
Lol. Yes, I know what Ah Lian is. I also know what is Ah kua.. and you are no where near the description of Ah Lian (you're entirely at the opposite pole).
Biryani who? Cederic what?
Forgot to say, thought I detest the No 1 song (the name I cant even remember now), I have replaying your old post song "Last Christmas" repeatedly yesterday.
ReplyDeleteI like the stars and how you used your imagination. It's nice they're still upon the ceiling.
ReplyDeleteYou are very funny--that model is not very pretty.
I love the dress the you wore! It looks really pretty on you.
ReplyDeletethat dress is pretty!! Your necklace is so cute too ^^ I love what you did to your ceiling! It's not childish at all :D
ReplyDeletethe top looks great! i'm also spilling in all directions in my blog. I guess there is just no main focus! haha but its ok, it helps the readers get to you know wholeheartedly! ^_^
ReplyDeleteLOL! I'm laughing at you Jo and Squeeze the Pug's conversation! HAHAHAHA I mean Petsy! LOL That's a gorgeous outfit!!! I love the ruffles down the side and lace at the bottom. What a nice lunch! Looks like a great group of people. The food looks yummy good. :D ((HUG Jo))
SassyUptownChic xoxo Kim
You look really pretty in that outfit, Jo! I love it, especially the lace details at the bottom. And the heels you wore aith the outfit is just lovely. It's really fun to get together with former colleagues over some great food and equally wonderful conversation. And I can't get enough of your glow in the dark stars! That's some brilliant planning and dedication in placing each and every piece at the right place :)
A Single Girl's Musings
ReplyDeleteYours was a top? Or it’s just like mine too short to be a dress?
Actually it’s my mistake of not clarifying that the bedroom isn’t my childhood bedroom. It’s more of adolescence years when I moved to that apartment. Haha... The rest of the deco isn’t exactly childish/childlike except for the glow in the dark stars.
If pesty and I were to meet up real life, I would give a hug and then a great big pinch for being so pesty recently. Lol
Oh my, I actually read as “petsy” the first time round and still thought that’s a rather nice kiddy name for Barney’s friend. Thanx for highlighting the “pest” with a dash thereafter. Yes yes, see “my friend of the purple and green creature” I meant to say you are a friend of Barney and not that you are Barney. =)
Oh I do get the bad throat and heatiness at times too. Alcohol is really dehydrating so you’ve to drink lots of water and other fluid after that. I would also try to take something warm like porridge or soup after a night out of drinking. It helps in the after effects.
I think you haven’t seen my blonde and light brown hair days. I even started colouring my hair when I was still in secondary school (from 15 years old onwards). But yes I think it’s just the physical appearance and I’m nothing like an ah lian at all though my hubby would say otherwise.
It’s not Christmas yet!
This is bad. I can’t help calling you Lick/ Licky after you told me what Mr Kim had called you.
The stars and planets look nice at night but I was quite bummed the first time round when I waited till night to see how the pink and turquoise pieces would glow. They were still green in the dark. Am I the only silly one hoping that they would glow in their colours?
Thank you! I felt the model wore it better. =)
Nic Nic,
Thank you! =) I’m glad more people tell me the glow-in-dark stars aren’t childish.
Mishi a la mode,
Thank you. Spilling in all directions is absolutely correct. When I see it on my blog, I think it’s so untidy but it fits my jumbled theme. On the other hand, I like to read all the random stuff on other people’s blogs coz I get to know more aspects of them other than just lifestyle, food, beauty or fashion blogger.
Thank you for the lovely words. I’ve a thing for ruffles sleeves or what I call flutter or butterfly sleeves. Oh... You saw it as “petsy” too! Peh Sun reiterated in her next comment that it’s pest-y. It seems like petsy sounds like a cute pet name for her eh?
Hug back!
Thank you! I love the lace details too. Haha you made my pasting of stars sound like some profound engineering but I like the sound of it. Tell you honestly, back then when I pasted, it was a mix of haphazard and planning too! I tried to make it swirl a little from the door entrance to the black hole. You mean you could see a random pattern in how the pieces were placed? I’m impressed.
OoO i love that dress but with my height, it might be too short for me. I think wearing shorts underneath might be a good idea =) i really like the flowness of the dress.
ReplyDeleteI had stars in my room when I was younger too, I wonder if it's still there LOL
ReplyDeleteMost of such dresses are always short. It makes me wonder about taller girls since I'm just about average. It's so cute that you've got stars in your room too!
Copied & pasted from another post, Blogger brutalturtle.blogspot.com said...
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry I havent been commenting Jolene. It's bad too because you are my favourite commenter, you seem to write things that make me randomly smirk when I'm on the bus or what not. And I dont give you the same treatment. One day I'll make it up to you~ Dunno how but I'll think of something nice.
I like your glow in the dark ceiling. I used to stick random stuff on my cabinet too. And years later my mom wanted to use the cabinet so she tore off all my stickers. I got into a fight with her because I just wanted to take a photo of them beforehand, but she was like why would I wait for you to do something stupid like that it's not like you enjoy stickers anymore, etc.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011 6:29:00 AM
Jo’s reply:
Aww... I’m your favourite commentor? Basically I’m just like laughing at your words and including more words for you to laugh at and I type lotsa random stuff. I’m glad you were entertained by them. What same treatment and what think of something nice? No worries coz once you comment, it’s like so long and so many and they put a smile on my face.
Sticking random stuff on your cabinet sounds like what lots of kids my (our?) era did. The kids nowadays don’t even stick stuff on their cupboard anymore! I guess they’re spoilt with PC games, X box, PS, PSP that they don’t even indulge in stickers anymore. I can’t help laughing so badly at your mum “but she was like why would I wait for you to do something stupid like that”.