On the 26th of March, the night of Earth Hour, tiff, gera and I had wanted to meet for dinner at some eateries that participated in the lights out. Alas, we missed the hour due to everyone's lateness.
If I remember correctly I think gera and I had work and had to go home to change out from work clothes since we were in very warm attire that would not fit the humid weather and a long night out. Our contingency plan was to have steamboat at 国府珍锅 (Guo Fu Steamboat) which is located at China Square Central.

It was the first time I was there but tiff and gera had been there a few times and nodded in agreement that it is a humble place that offers comfort soupy food.

I like the herbal soup base and the beef slice combo that I chose. We each chose different kind of meat so that we could grab some slices from one another. The little side dishes were quite good too.

As I'm typing this, I feel like eating soupy steamboat!
A tacky feature about this place was/is the Santa Claus at the entrance. Pardon the grainy feel of the photo. I've to up the exposure to show all of you the Santa by the entrance.

It was already March at that time! The reason why I put a choice of "was" and "is" in the sentence above is due to the fact that we returned to that place again in June and the Santa Claus was still there so I'm not sure if it is there still as you know, it's October now and very close to Christmas.
Who needs to watch comedy for laughs when in real life, you have crazy friends like gera and tiff to make me laugh? I was just gonna capture the beautiful night scene of Boat Quay when gera pretended to dive and tiffy followed suit.

That was the first night I was testing out the various functions of my canon S95. I was still a noob then and had a hard time trying to find the right mode to fit the dim lighting. In the end, I've to adjust the ISO on the auto mode and the night shots look grainy as usual.

You know how many girls and ladies have this very useful talent of taking self shots?
Yeah, we had to undergo many trials and errors on our own cameras before we got to the level of taking perfect self shots such that everyone's in the frame. It's the same for this new camera. We took quite a few shots to get us all into the frame.

I think this is the best?

Next, we wanted to go shopping but all major shopping centres were closed by the time it was 12 midnight so where do we head to but MUSTAFA where we met up with zanne, jq and his friend!
I love that place! Despite catering mostly to the Indian residents, lots of locals, expatriates and tourists alike love the shopping experience there. In Mustafa, you won't have an inkling how late the night is as at 2am everyone seemed to be shopping as though it was only 9pm.

I bought 2 very classic DVDs there at only $6.90 each. One was War and Peace with cast like Audrey Hepburn, Henry Fonda and Mel Ferrer. The other was The Last Time I Saw Paris with Elizabeth Taylor and Van Johnson. I'm not too sure about the quality as I haven't watched them yet.

At 3am, the boys were hungry so we headed to Scissor-Cut Curry Rice for supper. What a mouthful of a name!

While the boy ate, the girls not only pinched food from them but also amused ourselves silly with this FatBooth iPhone application.
My fat looks transformation is quite credible eh?

Tiff and gera's faces look a little outta shape.

Zanne too and jq too. I guess it's the angle.

All of us laughed at jq's friend coz his fat transformation looked genuinely credible, like if we did not know him and know his thin self, we would really believe that his fat self exists. I'm not too sure if I'm making myself clear here.

At 5am, we decided to call it a day and headed back home with eyes wide opened.
I move back to my maiden home that time with only 6 sets of work clothes and outing clothes combined thinking that I was only going to stay for a week. I stayed for a month till the hubby came home from overseas and so I've to raid my sister's wardrobe for casual clothes.It's really funny coz I raided her wardrobe to find MY clothes inside so here's what I wore that night.
♥ Alano plaid shirt
♥ Alano wool shorts
♥ vintagey-looking crossbody sling bag from Far East Plaza.
How's that for looking retro and village-like to fit into the theme of no-lights-that-night outing?

The shoes on the rack and the shoe boxes do not belong to me. My mother has conveniently converted part of my room to her shoe walk-in closet. How nice would it be if I had a daughter moving out so that I could convert her room into my walk-in closet too!
Hey Jo! You have a great group of friends girl. What a fun night this was!!! That pot of herbal soup looks so good. I want some! HAHAHA I love a good pot of soup. My mom makes a really good vegetable soup and I eat it up all the time. I just bought her the ingredients so she could make some. HAHAHAHA I'm laughing at the Santa Claus. He must stay out there year round! They should put some shorts on him during the summer. LOL I think you take great pictures! I can't wait to get a Canon so I can start learning. :D
ReplyDeleteI love your friends gargamel t-shirt! That's the first thing I noticed. He's cute! And that FatBooth iphone app is hilarious!!! I won't try it, because I'm already pudgy! HAHAHAHA Thanks for sharing these experiences. Love it!!! :D
great pictures! love all the food, as well as the funny pics, too funny still laughing about them. looks like you and your friends had a great time! thanks so much for stopping by my blog.
ReplyDeleteUmmm why are we not best friends?! This midnight rendezvous sounds like the best time ever!! And I love that the restaurant has that creepy Santa on display year round. That's AWESOME.
ReplyDeleteAll the food looks delicious. And you and your besties are ridiculously good looking. Please tell me you're not all models or something. Because, um, your fat booth photos look like my regular photos. Ha!
...is there a thinbooth photo app?!
I know all this fun stuff took place in March, but I hope you're having just as exciting times now. Or at least in the near future. ;)
PS. You have a new follower!
That seemed like a really fun night you guys had. The food looks freaking delicious <3 Soup is srsly my favorite food ..
ReplyDeleteAnd i love the fatcam pictures XD i also had alot of fun with that .. haha
The food looks great at the Steamboat place--I think it's very cool they put Santa out front. I don't understand it, but I like it.
ReplyDeleteYou have really nice friends. I hope my daughter falls in with a good crowd. About missing the lights out, I'm glad. I'm over-protective, I wouldn;t like the idea of my wife being there with two girlfriends when it went dark. =)
Good old Gargamel!!! He was such a frustrated old man. LOL!
woaah the iPhone application is so funny!
ReplyDeletehi dear! i missed you :3
ReplyDeletei'm glad there are more people out there that knows what earth hour is! I remember that i turned all my lights off during an hour and sat on my laptop just with my battery on so i wouldn't be using the electricity cable :D
and what the hell is a scissor-cut curry rice? maybe it's a rice that is cut with scissors... LOL how funny that would be xD
AND LOOOL there's no way you're gonna be like that on your forties xD i can see you all elegant and fabulous with your hubby for the next 100 years! :P
And about your outfit, i think is very appropriated for the occacion :D very simple and somehow earthy colored ^^
I hope everything is going great with you :3 lot's of love * Sofia
Mmmm...I love shabu shabu!!
ReplyDeleteLOL The santa by the entrance made me smile!! :-) I really enjoy tacky things, to be quite honest. What a fun late night adventure you all had. In Iowa here in the states, shopping places close down by 9 PM usually, on Fridays and Saturdays by 10 PM. Anything else to do at night can only be done at the bars, which close by 2 AM. We don't really have anything open all night! :-(
ReplyDeletePS - Those fat booth pictures were hilarious!
Reading thru your new blog post has triggered hunger pangs! I also want steamboat...as well as scissor cut curry, just to see what it really is.
ReplyDeleteAlthough having FatBooth may put the fear into bingeing on fatty foods though.
How's the canon s95 treating you? I recently got the canon G12 and also, a noob, don't really know how to appreciate it and use it well...aikkks.... I need some photography tutorials stat!
i love steamboat! YUMz!! thank you for stopping by my blog & hope u will love the cookies too :)
ReplyDeleteThese friends are all the way back from primary school (elementary school) and I’m so glad that i’ve got such a great group of old friends. Are you a vegetarian? I feel like drinking soup now. I love those boiled with pork bones.
Oh it’s summer here all year round, only hot or wet season. I kinda pity dear old santa who’s standing there with his saxophone the whole year round in his warm suit.
Canon s95 is really a good point and shoot though I don;t really like its macro function blurring out too much of the background. Are you thinking of a canon SLR?
Oh, you’re so funny and I would always be glad to share my experiences with my readers.
Thanx for stopping by too and leaving me a note. =)
Jennifer Fabulous,
Creepy santa? That was my exact sentiments! Haha I suspect I’m gonna do a few bimbotic moments of squealing, “Ooooh... we have so much in common!”
All my friends you see here are my childhood friends with one of them being friends for 22 years. Thank you so much for your compliments but we’re not models. Heh... just your average Singaporean girls. No!!! I don’t think our fat photos look like your regular photos. You’re being too hard on yourself.
Yup, I’m having a very exciting life now coz I quit my job to pursue my dreams. Thank you for your lovely words and thanx for following too!
Maria May,
I really miss my parents’ soup so much! Haha I can’t imagine you being fat. Share those fatcam pictures on your blog if you’re fine with it. I would love to see.
I think I’d better stop addressing you “lick” or “licky” or peole might raise their eyebrows at that, not knowing the joke that transpired a few posts before.
You like tacky santa! I know you would love tacky santa! Lol... No worries about the lights out. Singapore is so well-lit you could drive without switching on your headlights and you could still see the road in front of you. Those eateries that participated in the lights out, used candle lights and of coz the kitchen area would be lighted too.
I kinda miss Gargamel’s cat!
Lina Kim,
ReplyDeleteI love to see newcomers here. Thanx for stopping by my blog and leaving me a note.
I missed you too! You are the earth girl. At that hour, we were all on the mass rapid transit running on electrical energy and with full lights on. How we really went against our goal for the outing!
I can understand scissor-cut noodles but not rice though. It’s a good name for conversations though.
Thank you for your lovely words! They really put a huge smile on me. I hope to remain like this too. Lol but women age much faster than men. Hmmph!
It’s not shabu shabu. Lol. It’s Chinese steamboat.
I think the santa is both tacky and creepy at the same time. Wait till I do my June photostory updates, you could see your favourite tacky santa closed up. Lol...
As much as I always love the weather and laid back life in the States, I’m also thankful that we live in such a small city state where food is available at any time of the day. There are many 24-hour eateries and the roads are never empty at any time of the day. It’s also good that we have 24 hour shopping. Mustafa used to be where the Indians gather, it still is but more and more mixture of other ethnicity and nationalities are beginning to find Mustafa a charming little gem.
It is rice drizzled with curry that isn’t spicy. I don’t quite fancy curry rice but my hubby and in laws really love such unhealthy curry rice for supper.
I’m loving my S95 so far except for its macro mode which tends to blur out a lot more bg than necessary. Sometimes I just want to get everything in but it would automatically switched to macro when I snap things nearby. I’ve since been liking the AV mode where it’s a little manual. Canon G12 seems like a pro. Read p on some tutorials and I’m sure the camera would serve you well.
Thanx for stopping by too and leaving me a note. =)
This is wonderful..love all the food :) All of you are precious!! Thank you for visiting me doll and leaving such sweet words. I hope this finds you well and happy! Wish you a wonderful week :) xx
ReplyDeleteYou ladies look darling (and daring for taking those funny photos..haha). What a night with food, food and more food and great companion. Your posts always make me miss my gal pals back home.
ReplyDeleteThe Dainty Doll's House,
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad to see you here! Thank you for stopping by my blog and for following too.
These are all friends from primary school (so called elementary school). I'm glad for this friendship. So we look dar(l)ing? Thank u, dear!
you look cute in plaids!! Those iphone pictures are so funny! I can't imagine you with a double chin :P The view looked so pretty there! I want to visit Singapore one day!
ReplyDeleteNic Nic,
ReplyDeleteI can't imagine myself with a double chin till this i-phone apps came along. Aww... You should really visit Singapore one day too! I haven't visited Japan and would love to visit one day too.