From my colleagues… [Click to enlarge]

Really didn't expect anything from anybody.
The Disney rabbit is from my so-called mentor. Me thinks she gave me a bunny coz of my bunny teeth.
The CD-looking card is from viv, my next-table-kaki. She's really adept at hand made stuff. I love the brightly-coloured and cheerful card. The teddy bear is stuck onto the “card” with bits of magnets. Remove it to reveal a yo-yo pic of us. Flip over and it’s a letter. How innovative!
I'd never expected my fellow English-dept-kaki apr to give me a card too. That 34C (or is it 36C) gal certainly didn't look like she knows how to make cards. Ok... 34C doesn't really sound rite. That's not her bust size (even though I don't know if that's really her size *Hiakz*). She's called 34C coz of this personality test. Anyway I love the buttons, colour combi and her ugly handwriting on the card. The ugly handwriting didn't spoil the card la, it merely made it more personalised.
I love the gifts. Thanx babes!
25th May 2007
The plan was to watch Pirates 3, use whatever time left to SHOP (the GSS coincides with my birthday) and head for Altivo Bar by 7.30pm.
We missed the 1st 20 minutes of the show but I believe we didn’t miss much. Johnny Depp failed to save a pirate’s ass in this installment! Boo!
Anyway, I was really in a rush and I simply hate to rush coz it makes me flustered and nauseous.
I was so busy doing my hair at the salon and rushing to Khatib to drop off my students’ works and instructions for the relief teacher before that.
Speaking of my hair, I was under depression for the past week. I rebonded my hair and loved it. However, after the 3rd day wash, my hair looked totally damaged! I mean it. I was absolutely upset. My hair doesn’t look rebonded at all! Picture a broom in your head. After the treatment, I’ve got hair that “falls in place easily” (read the quoted phrase in bimbotic Dove gal accent) and felt like I had been reborn on my birthday with my rebonded hair.
(By the time the author typed this, her hair has since resumed its broom status.)
I was really under depression but apparently, all who heard my bimbotic whinings couldn’t help laughing when I related my sob story.
So I digress once more, back to my rushed state. I was so in a hurry that I did not even remove all the wrappings on the metal rings on the handle of my pink Gucci. When I plonked myself in silly boy’s car, my hands were so busy unwrapping and peeling all the wrappings on my bag while my mind was figuring how we could collect the movie tickets, drop my stuff at work and rush to Vivocity from Yishun when the movie was gonna start in 10 minutes. Not to mentioned, I was rushing so much that I felt nauseous.
I saw this pink stationary holder from Jordi Labanda

It was nestling conspicuously in between our seats but in my rushed state, it didn’t occur to me to squeal in delight or to even reveal on my face that I’ve seen that pink thing.
Finally, he could stand it no longer that I was so not observant that he put that pink thing right in front of my face and said,
“Happy Birthday! I’ve got no money to buy you anything so I got you this.”
Now, I really love Jordi Labanda and his illustrations. I also love his stationeries so much that I would detour to the stationery section whenever I set foot in Taka just to look at them. It’s crazy to pay so much for stationeries though so I never bought them.
I wasn’t really expecting any present coz since I dunno when, we simply stopped giving each other presents on occasions. But to get me a pencil holder for my birthday? Now, silly boy must either be a real blockhead, or he has other surprises.
I muttered a “Can’t you see my hands are busy?” and a “Yes, I did see but it didn’t occur to me to say anything when I’m so busy.” And continued unpeeling the wrapper on my bag. I even used the holder as a temporary dustbin to contain my peelings!
At last, he could not take it and chided me for not being more observant. He gave me a clue to look around me for a card using just my eyes. No hands!
I finally found a small card stuck on the “handrail” at my side- A simple small white card with his very neat and girlish handwriting wishing me very simply.
I pulled out the card and saw…
Bear in mind that I was still in the process of unpeeling my bag.
“Tiffany & Co????!!!!” I almost screamed.
Next, that no EQ silly boy whipped out the famed Tiffany blue paper bag and shoved it into my hands.
I dunno why silly boy would know how to go and buy a Tiffany. I didn't even like keep talking about Tiffany till my mouth go dry. He's not the type who understands why certain brands are priced so steeply.
All I could say was, “You shouldn’t have given me at this time when I’m so in a hurry and not able to think.”
“I purposely wan,” he zek arp de answered.
His intention was to make me overwhelmed with my hurried mind, busied hands and rushed state.

Silly boy made me remove my huge bling necklace just to put this on no matter how much I protested that it didn’t match my outfit.
At Mount Faber… cam-whoring away with silly deardear
Wish upon a star...
Wishing for a sumptuous dinner as we were famished.
Simply love the food at Altivo! No photos of as the place was soooo dark.
Besides medium rare steak, my latest favourite would be Foie Gras. Their Pan Seared Foie Gras is simply heavenly.
I know it’s sinful for I’m yearning for Foie Gras now.
I feel like I’m in a Tiffany ad.

Thank you deardear for the wonderful day!
26th May 2007
After work, I went for dinner with my family, silly boy and his bro at House of Hunan.
I stupidly forgot to bring my camera.
I lost my voice and was in such an agony. Nobody was listening when I spoke.
Damn sad man.
27th May 2007
Met up with the Fantastic Four.
Haha I know it’s a lame name but I’m lame can?
Before the meet-up, I was sms-ing them about how ugly I felt.
Ugly broom hair, puffy eyes, pimples that never go away
Then the next thing I know, all 3 of them started raining sms-es on how ugly each of them were.
Swollen lips, pimples outbreak, oily hair, same old bag and shoes… and what nots.
It’s so amusing how we try to console each other like this. Hahaha…
We went to this crepe place. It was my 1st time there and I quite like the food there.

Top L-R: Smoked Salmon Cream, BLT, Seafood Jungle, Smoked Ham
Since they came in two crepe rolls each, we just halved each row and exchanged with one other.
Boy, all were simply delicious!
Sweet tooth for desserts

Such large portions. It seems like they are meant to be shared among four.
Fortunately, I got my voice back as I was yakking and yakking non-stop. Unfortunately, the gals had to bear with my incessant chattering.
I was telling them about this personality test at my workplace and all the characteristic of the 4 different groups of people and it’s quite qiao that just by observation, we 4 seemed to belong to the different groups each.
I’m of coz the siaosiao sanguine S.
Hs is definitely a meticulous melancholy M.
wy the perfectionist yet easy-going gal is skewed towards phlegmatic P.
Ems die die wanna be a choleric C. She is a C whom nobody listens to. Wahaha…
Do google this personality test and see of they have any online quiz. Dying to know your results.
Fooling in the Loo...
Hiding in the nursing room
Failure neoprint shots...
Oopsy arms too short
Hey look at the camera, not the mirror
Ok this is much better... save for the big head.
I love this group of gals. We just kept laughing and laughing like crazy at whatever whenever from the very minute we saw each other.
Kino voucher from FF and Jordi notebook from my sis

30th May 2007
The bimbo sisters reunite. Let our 5 powers combine! Only xtina's and my bimbo ring watches are still working. So happy that all of you immediately took out your necklaces outta the wrapper to put on. Hope you all like the bearbear. Now let us use our bimbo bears as a symbol of our sisterly bond. =)
Zouk was CRAZY. It was like Halloween X 10. Tiff gave a funny analogy.
"Please don't come here! It's machiam all the Buddhist going to visit Buddha.
MOS, Dblo too.
It seemed like the entire denizens of Singapore were out to paint the town red. What's up manz? It was not any festival. Neither was it any special occasion. It was merely a publc holiday Vesak Day after a Wednesday. Ok, it is Vesak Day but why such crowds at clubs?
Finally went to St James. It was my 1st time there for the suaku me.
Queueing outside Power House...
Tiffy, finally saw your guy. He looks like a very nice guy who will treat you well. =) And your hair is fine!!! Not xiao wan zi at all.
xtina, waiting to see your guy now! BZ auditor, do you still read my blog?
Random shots... Let the pictures do the talking for now. I'm a little sleepy now.
zanne's frenz are quite nice people. Great to know them.

Drinking from the waterfall

zanne sent some photos over from her friend's hp
Neoprint-border-looking group shots...

My camera kenna chilli sauce!!! Which of you bimbos spilled chilli sauce? I had to keep switching my camera on and off to clean the "lens cover" (I dunno what you call that part). I still haven't found the culprit who spilled black nail polish on my conforter from last year's Halloween and now chilli sauce. U all ah... *tsk tsk tsk*
Reached home close to 6am feeling totally sober. A little sleepy and very very thirsty though. The time now is 8.35am, my broom hair is finally dry and I dunno how I can pluck myself outta bed for 2 tuition sessions later. Maybe I should cancel and rest more. I've still got tonnes of marking to do and I'm supposed to go out with silly boy later!
K gotta ZZZzzz soon.
Tata for now...