First. we met up in the east for some Japanese dinner at Tonkichi.

We ended up reliving our childhood days and comparing notes on all the cartoons we had watched back then and the toys we played with in the 80s and 90s.
There was even a point of time when you could hear us singing tunes like "Denver the last dinosaur", "Captain Planet. He's the hero. Gonna take pollution down to zero." and "Care Bears Stare" amidst many more tunes and jingles. I think it was more of Karen, Ethan and I singing while Regina and jw looked at us eyes wide with bewilderment.
Note: Karen and I were really saying "Care Bears stare" up there while I supposed Regina's thought bubble read "crazy girls".
After dinner, we were supposed to drop by Sushi's place to visit her and her cute little Leo (my distant nephew) but alas she wasn't at home so we headed straight to Karen's place for Games Night.
Before we started playing any game, Karen decided to serve us some creme brulee that she had made. Unfortunately, the bottle of gas refill she bought did not fit her chef's torch and she was not able to caramelize the sugar coating on top.
Quick-witted and highly daring Ethan improvised on the spot with the stove lighter aiming it onto the path of the gas. Check out the flame below! I was actually feeling scared for him. Even their dogs Louise and Emmie sat up and watched the whole scene intently.

Poor Ethan burnt off the hair on one of his fingers while he was at it and we decided we should not allow him to "torture" himself just for us to savour creme brulee. Thus, we shared that one caramelized creme brulee out of the many that Karen had made.
On to the games...
We played this really silly and crazy game called Pictureka. You could tell how crazy it is from the illustrations which reminded me deeply of the crazy stupid show Cow & Chicken which aired on Cartoon Network some ten years back.

The ever suaku me had never played Cluedo before (yeah yeah I know, what happened to my childhood right) and so I was yearning to play it that night.

The final game we played was Monopoly.

Regina was supposed to bring her Monopoly card version but it slipped off her mind and so we played the traditional old school board version which Regina and jw absolutely dislike since it was a pretty no-brainer-luck-and-chance kind of game.
Luck and chance it was. We finally decided to pair up to combine resources as the game was getting no where in circles. Based on the matching of colours, Regina and jw formed a team while Karen and I formed another. Thanks to jw's greed, he became the ultimate loser and dragged Regina down while Karen and I kept collecting wads of cash.

Top right picture shows Karen and my title deeds and cash while it is clearly evident that jw was the ultimate loser with $3 left.
While we were playing, Karen and Ethan played the good host by fattening us up with lots of snacks and quenching our thirst with tea and a delicious lychee wine from Switzerland.

We played and chatted till about 5am before we called it a night. It seems like we never ever leave Karen's house before 5am.
Cheers to great friendship!

aw looks like you guys had a lot of fun..i love game nights..hubby and I are so competitive when we play lol
ReplyDeleteoh we celebrate chinese/vietnamese new year..i think they both fall in same day. My hubby is actually chinese and im vietnamese..although he speaks vietnamese and not chinese hehe
ReplyDeleteHubby and I usually make a great team for games. I guess we've got lots of telepathy. Ooh, thanks for explaining to me. Now I understand. =)
hahaha I totally remember cow and chicken, that was a dumb show lol. lovely pics!
ReplyDeleteLOL! we watched the same cartoons as kids. :P LOVE the care bear stare picture!
ReplyDeletei haven't tried playing pictureka but i agree cow and chicken was absolutely stupid in an amusing sort of way LOL!
lychee wine from switzerland sounds sooo good! :)
I love game night! Especially when paired with great friends and food. =D
ReplyDeleteI think the computer ate my message again....
ReplyDeleteI know that I am not suppose to laugh at other people's grief but burning one finger hair from an improvised creme brûlée caramelisation is too funny. That happens when one plays with fire.
I wonder what does lychee wine taste like? Would a lychee lover like it. Anyways, cheers to friendship
Looks like such a fun time!! You girls are all SO SO beautiful!! xox
ReplyDeleteCome Visit Soon!
Boy last time we had game night was like before I was pregnant. It has been years! Your night seemed so much fun Jo. Everyone had a big happy smile on their face.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your comments all you lovey ladies made of sugar and honey!
@sugar sugar
OMG! We got the same TV shows even though we're separated geographically!
@Peh Sun
The computer often eats my words too! Actually I laughed when he said he burnt a finger hair coz he had this deadpan tone. It tastes just like lychee with a hint of bitter alcohol so I guess a lychee lover would love it.
I love board games - I wish there were more opportunities for my bf and I to host them though. Pictureka looks like a lot of fun! Haha I used to watch Cow & Chicken when I was younger. That show really was all sorts of crazy. My bf loves Monopoly but I think it can get boring very quickly. But then again, I always end up losing so that probably explains my hate for the game lol
ReplyDeleteThe show is so crazy that I would always ask anyone who watches that show if they realised that for one episode, they showed the parents' shadows and not just the scene of the legs up to their waist which would be cut by the screen.You know what? The shadows showed just the lower body and above it nothing! Not even cut by the screen. So their parents are half bodied creatures.
I used to hate Monopoly coz I kept losing too. The first time I played when I was very young. I cried coz I kept going to jail for no reason.
Copied & pasted from another post, Blogger said...
ReplyDeleteI like monopoly but for years I didnt understand that in order to win, you had to buy as much property in the beginning as possible. I only learned this after playing on my phone. My friend was being all cocky after he won and saying he's glad I'm not a crazy spender in real life, but in this game you have to throw out all your cash to win, and my other friends were just like "wow what a sore winner" HAHAHA. Oh well.. some ppl take games too seriously.
PS - we have a zoo where you can drive through the reserve in your own car and get close to animals. Like giraffes licking your sunroof, etc. Do you have that in singapore? There are rhinos and tigers and lions too.
I wrote down the personal questions you asked me a month ago? And I'll try to include it in my next random things :) And yes we are about the same age, you cannot be older than me LOL. you are so curious about the age! How come jolene doesnt have twitter? Or maybe she does...
Wednesday, October 12, 2011 6:35:00 AM
Jo’s reply:
You mean it took you so long to realise that in order to win for Monopoly you need to dump all your cash into investment like houses and hotels? Hahahahaha... I love to buy everything I land on when I got older coz I don’t feel the pinch in dumping these game money. When I first played it when I was very young, I didn’t know why I keep landing in jail and even cried coz I though this game was so unfair! I don’t like it when people take games so seriously!
That sounds a little like a safari. We don’t have such zoos in Singapore. I didn’t know Canada has those. We have a part of the night safari where the trams would drive close to the enclosures but nothing more.
Yay!!! I’m glad you took our random questions into consideration for your inspiration in crafting the next post. Your blog really has got the welfare of us readers. Lol... I can’t wait to see your random questions post and no matter what, I still choose to think I’m older than you! Jolene doesn’t have twitter. Jolene actually hates such social networking thingy but I went to start a blog. Hahaha... So ironic. I took quite a while to jump onto the FB bandwagon too. I’m such a noob and dunno how twitter works even after my sis showed me the interface and all. She was telling me about how twitter is so fun coz she merely talked about swimming and a random Japanese girl shared her swimming experience too. She thought it’s an amazing way to connect with the world. I think blogging too! So it’s all the same. Plus, you see how long my comment is? Do you think I could actually fit all my verbosity into one tweet?