SMS I received:
"Did you take leave?"
"Are you working tomorrow?"
"Are you free after work?"
"What are your plans for tmr?"
"Are you meeting anyone tmr?"
"Do you need to spend time with your family?"
"Are you gonna spend tmr with ur bf?"
Everyone assumed I'll be spending with my bf or my other groups of friends or my family. I really don't know how I will be spending my tomorrow (today). kh will be working till late.. I don't know who to meet.. so I told the different people and groups who smsed that I don't know my plans for this evening. In the end, nobody wanna meet me.
And here I am at kh's house typing this. On the night of my birthday... I'm such a loser... *sobz and sings bitterly "Nobody likes me. Everybody hates me. I'm gonna eat some worms..."
More to be updated... ... with photos of course. Ü
24th May 2005
Buddies from primary school zhu and chris took half the day off and met up for lunch… Sweet darlings! We went to Crystal Jade La Mian Xiao Long Bao to gorge ourselves.
Me and zhu… I mean zann. As mentioned before somewhere, she insists I use her sophisticated English name on my blog.

Chris and me and probably from now on, I shall address her as “xtina”. Too many Chris around, of whom 3 are guys.

Not many photos of our food. We forgot to snap the food spread before we started eating as we were too hungry.
Forgot the name of this dish. It must be new as it wasn’t on the menu the last time I ate at Crystal Jade.

xiao long bao

With xtina away from the table and me on the hp, zann was so bored that boh liaoism got the better of her and she starting snapping 13 pictures of herself on my cam.
I’m sexy…

I’m cute…

I’m popular to boot…

Ain’t I sweet?

Ok don’t kill me…. I’ve already sieved out the ugly ones.
Blissful look while savouring the mango pudding.

Me posing with presents from zann, xtina and gera. *Note: The top I’m donning and the necklace/choker are part of the gifts.

Sexy red g string as part of gera’s gift. Zann says, “Get away from me!!!”

Then at night both gals had their own program so I met up with kh.

Gift from mum. See so many prezzies from Lee Hwa. No la it’s just one gift…

An anklet

I was quite touched as I’ve been in a quarrelling and arguing and shouting and fighting spate with my mum the past few days prior to my birthday. Few days before the spate, she asked me what I wanted and I replied that I didn’t want anything. Then I just casually said anklet without giving it much thought that she would actually buy one but she did.
Since I’m on the topic of anklet, let me talk about my locket pendant which was my 21st birthday gift from my parents. Instead of the usual boring key pendant presented to every female who turn 21, they got me a locket with a cute little key attached to it by a delicate little chain. It is so cute and little that I wear it all day long, even to sleep and to bathe. It is so cute and little that anyone who really observes the pendant would never fail to ask me if the little key could open the lock. It is so cute and little that everyone with no sense of limit would reach out and grab the dainty key with their fat fingers (in relativity to the little key of course) and try to pick at the lock. It is so cute and little that when I turned 22, I continued wearing it. It is so cute and little that I thought when I turned 23, I would continue wearing it. Alas it is so cute and little that a few days before I turned 23, it got lost. The key simply detached itself from the locket and was nowhere to be found. Not on my bed, not anywhere in my house. And I decided not to wear it anymore for it isn’t cute and little anymore. And also, the 21st birthday key symbolizes key to freedom. No way am I gonna be “locked up” by my parents!
Locket with the missing key. Sobz

25th May 2005
Sam treated me to a quick lunch

Presented with a pig photo album

Reason for getting me a photo album:
--> I’m always snapping and storing photos as soft copies. I ought to develop my photos and arrange them in albums.
--> This album is only for storing pictures of them
Bah! I bet the 2nd reason holds more weight. Haha.. anyway I don’t think I’ll ever use it. I’m a sucker for handwritten notes and I’m so gonna leave them in the album as it is.

wy’s note

hs’s note

em’s note

ivy’s note

26th May 2005
Sweet wq arranged a short meet up at Holland V after work and I was glad the gang could make it.
Although I was late, I walked slowly along that short familiar stretch which I used to walk everyday 4-5 years ago. The underground tunnel still remains the same despite having lots of construction work carried out around the area. HV changed a lot too. Almost all the shops from 4-5 years ago were no longer around. Gee… have I been a recluse or what?
I digress… so anyway, back to the story…
They asked me to pose with their present but teoks is a really lousy photographer. He didn’t do justice to the earrings and necklace. In fact, they were blurred or else then practically outta the picture!


Then we head off to Wala Wala which was supposedly a very hip and cool place for undergrads especially NUS people. [Aside] And I’ve never even heard of that place… so suaku.
Us at wala wala

And I just realized that teoks isn’t in that picture so let me make up for his absence by posting his individual shot.
Presenting a high teoks. High on hoegaarden.. haha..

wq n teoks.

See… doesn’t he look abit seh?
All of us outside Wala Wala

Cake from da jie

Bottle spray from lv. No not Louis Vuitton. You bimbos out there don’t start exclaiming “Since when LV got bottle spray?” Lv is the initials of my 1st mentor as how she calls herself on my blog. And the bottle spray is to contain my rose oil, to ensure that I’m draped with xiang xiang fragrance 24/7.

Hello Kitty Sherbet maker fom rc. Yes and rc is the initials of another of my colleague. Not your friendly neighbourhood RC downstairs. She claimed that I so ah lian sure will like Hello Kitty. Hmm… did I mention that she is a Hello Kitty lover?


I’ve since made 1 Milo and 1 yoghurt drink sherbet with it. The Milo one taste great but the yoghurt one did not freeze. Will make more sherbet in time to come.
This year’s birthday seem different from the other years. Maybe because my mood hasn’t been too good and my outlook in life was greatly affected. But through all these, I’ve also found love and concern from other people and I’m thankful for that.