Scheduled post on 11/11/11 at 11:11am.
Inspired by my Facebook status, Bei my very old friend of 16 years decided to throw a basement Halloween party at her newly renovated house on the actual day of Halloween.
She extended the invitation to the rest of my motley crew as she had always been awed by our yearly Halloween events and was looking forward to be acquainted with my Halloween gang.
Since it was a Monday and everyone came from work, we did our make up in Bei's bathroom.
Here's Gera and I smearing our faces with stage white foundation but before we blended, we decided we could transform from a human to a kitty cat first. Meow...
Note: I'm wearing FreshKon contact lens in Groovy Green which had the greyish effect I've always adore.
1st transformation as seen from the
preview post a few days ago. I was trying to achieve a ghost-appearing-from-behind-the-bathroom-wall effect.
When my make up was more or less done, I racked my brains for a character to assume. With that, Gera suggested that I could still be
mad Lady Heather from Saturday for she could not think of any other characters which suited my look then. Hence, I decided I would be the ghost of Lady Heather that night.
Gera helped to tease/backcomb my hair without spritzing on hairspray for she did not want to damage my hair. I love this untidy look so much!
I finished my make up before my friends and immediately got into the ghostly character of Lady Heather. I stopped talking completely. Sometimes laughing hysterically, I would slink myself from wall to wall and appear behind my friends through the mirror. Even when my friends talked to me, I would tilt my head and look right into their faces, simply staring at them like some ghost with transparent soul-less eyes.
Needless to say, they were all so annoyed by this ghost. Gera very much wanted to punch me for being so much into character. lol
With nothing better to do, I slid my way out of the bathroom to snap a photo with the lovely devil host, Bei. When she talked to me, I completely ignored her too and she was pretty amused by my antics.
After some rounds of introduction to new friends, my hair had completely lost its untidy volume and I had to go back to gera for a quick fix. This time she teased my hair and spritzed lots of hairspray while cautioning me not to look for her should my hair get stuck while washing that night.
How's this for adding more volume to the hair?
Soon, my eyes bled which signified my full transformation for the night. In case you're wondering, Lady Heather committed suicide by slashing her wrist. Could you see the slash?
A mixture of spooky and cute Halloween decor
Finally, all of us were ready to terrorise the guests.
Tiff's alter ego: Evil Black Swan
Gera's alter ego: Measle-ly/ Miserly
Evan's alter ego: Messenger of Death
Jo's alter ego: Ghost of Lady Heather
Aside: bimbotic moment... my untidy volumised hair lost its volume again despite the hairspray... Guess my hair is much too smooth and healthy. lol.
Of course, the lovely devil host wanted a shot with the whole motley crew.
Soon, we got hungry for fresh meat. Hence, we killed some of the guests and started eating them part by part.
We made a new friend and decided not to eat her up coz she's such a sweetie.
Erm yes... this was just one of Lady Heather's ghostly antics. Evil Black Swan hated it.
Jo and Tiff --> bff for 22 years...
Oops! I forgot we were into character. Ahem... Lady Heather and Evil Black Swan pitted each other in a staring contest.
I concede defeat. Check out Evil Black Swan's missing iris!
The beginnings of the Messenger of Death--
As a human, she was brutally murdered and chopped up. Vowing revenge, she sold her soul to the devil who transformed her into the Messenger of Death.
The Messenger of Death returned from the dead with a mauled left foot to remind her of her ghastly death.
Measle-ly loved colours! You would have known by the gaudy bright colours and those measles red dots on her.
Bei got a DJ from Lantern (a club located at The Fullerton Bay Hotel Singapore) to play some really cool Halloween dance tunes.
Leaving his disc to spin, he sneaked behind us for some photo moments. Even Austin Powers wanted a share in the photos.
More people joined in the photo.
Did you see the F1 driver up there? It was really hilarious coz we bumped into him outside Bei's gate and he came in a cab. So when he got out I quipped, "I assume we're going to the same party but where's your Ferrari?" He returned the jest and claimed it was under repairs. lol...
When humans and ghosts mixed...
Evil black Swan stole Devil Bei's pitchfork and started playing pool with it.
The Messenger of Death seemed to have met with many deaths.
Candid moments...
Wanna check out the crime scene of Measle-ly and Lady Heather?
Crime Scene Photo #1
Crime Scene Photo #2
Crime Scene Photo #3
Crime Scene Photo #4
Crime Scene Photo #5
[I was seriously thrilled at how spooky my eyes looked up there.]
The Messenger of Death Saved my head.
Groovy Baby! Austin Powers kept annoying Measle-ly that she gave him a piece of her mind... and her fist... and her fingers... and a severed foot.
Taking a break in the home theatre.
Come on everybody, let's join in!
Ok whoever who was behind the camera wanted some fun shots and gave some cue to which we would spontaneously interpret what actions to take.

[Hope the animated gif is displaying]
Whoever behind the camera was going trigger happy. We could practically do a stop motion animation with with some of these shots.

[Hope the animated gif is displaying]
The ghosts and ghouls decided to drop our scary image by doing the cutesy Asian 1,2,3 poses right up to 10.

[Hope the animated gif is displaying]
You could see that all the ghosts were quite
bimbotic and familiar with the various poses. Our devil host was rendered clueless from 6 onwards.
4 of us by the end of the night with some make up slicking off.
We had a ball of a time at Bei's smashing party and we were glad to have made soooo many new friends from all walks of life.
On the cab, I decided to call home to let my parents-in-law know that I was coming back from a Halloween party. They since knew the drill of my friends and I dressing up but they did not witness our make up process. I felt this look could be eerie in the middle of the night (as compared to Lady Heather when she was a human). Hence, I decided to inform them beforehand.
Loosely translated from Mandarin, my conversation with my father-in-law went like this:
Jo: Papa, I'm on my way home in the cab in Halloween make up so please don't be freaked out by me later.
FIL: Ok, do you look really scary? I better get Mama to sleep upstairs. She has fallen asleep on the sofa downstairs and you know how she would always stir and wake up whenever the door opens. She would definitely be scared out of her wits by you.
When I got home, my FIL was staring at me from upstairs, waiting to see my look. Once I looked up, he exclaimed "Aiyo 吓死人" meaning I could scare someone to death.
My MIL was awoken and so the both of them started talking to me. She's short-sighted and could not really see my look from her position. My FIL teasingly asked me to go closer to her though she hurriedly brushed me away and talked to me with her eyes closed. After talking for about 5 minutes, my FIL said in Mandarin,
"Hurry up go to your room and wash up. The more I look at you, the more you creep me out."
I thought that was really amusing.
I look more like Jo here already right? Say byebye to the ghost of Lady Heather.
This post is chock-full with inane pictures which take up space that all my recent posts have been relegated to page 2 of the older posts. Remember to check them out:
Out of town again
Being proud of my hubby and his team
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