The gastric flu helped me balance my life a little bit. It’s ironic coz it was such a bitch causing me so much abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhoea but like every mean bitch with hidden goodness, it had garnered me a 3-day mc to get complete rest at home. The sleep had certainly helped me regain much balance and being on MC, I started watching TV again.
As I mentioned before, the hubby is currently overseas and all the way from Australia, kh was just telling me that I’ve been so caught up at work that lately he doesn’t even see me watching my usual CSI on AXN and FoxCrime anymore. He doesn’t even see me unwinding at home and urged me to find something which I would like to do at home so that at least, I’ve got some indoor hobbies. He had to include an anti-climax after that by urging me to be like him and play WOW (World of Warcraft).
Oh yes, have I mentioned that my pink bimbotic camera died on me? It just wouldn't switch on anymore unless I plug the charger in. That's why my sister says electronic gadgets have lives of their own. It must have heard that I was determined in getting Canon S95 that it decided to commit suicide and die on me after serving me for 4-5 years.
Anyway, here's sharing some perk me ups when I was sick.
My colourful medicine certainly helped in colouring my life. I've since finished the entire course, something really rare as I tend to only finish antibiotics.

Words are powerful enough to heal too! Sweet little char was still so thoughtful and caring towards her godma when she herself was suffering in pain. It makes me feel so lousy thinking how a 5-year-old could fight better than I do.

Yet another booster, I received a registered package for my recent win in a giveaway by RicAdeMus in collaboration with Pop Champagne.

I haven't expected myself to win as I participated just for fun. Even though Rick used a "generator" (so elaborate that my bimbotic mind can't comprehend) to generate the names of winners, I'm very sure he must have liked me so much to let me win. LoLz kidding, Rick!
What was supposed to be a starfish pendant turned out to be a lot more.

Thank you Julie of Pop Champagne for stashing in so many other goodies. It was really a pleasant surprise and for a moment I was so energetic that I could even arrange the goodies for a phototaking session despite feeling so weak.
The starfish pendant up close. Lovely right?

BTW, the envelope was torn and the postal service over at Canada side wrapped it up in plastic with a message of apology. I'm impressed.

On a separate note...
My thoughts and prayers are with those in Japan affected by the earthquake and tsunami. I could feel tears brimming my eyes as I flipped the newspapers these 2 days. I've got a personal friend in Japan now. The tremour and prepared evacuation shook her but she's alright and I'm glad she's returning to Singapore soon. I hope my pen pal and all my other online Japanese friends and their loved ones are safe and sound too.
I will try to blog more often and get in pace with current events. Look out for my write up on the ClubCouture ambassadors photoshoot soon!
Nope, your loyal readers dont mind at all. im glad to know you are bouncing back. Gastric flu or seasonal flu or whatever kind of flu suck. That's why I get my yearly jabs.
ReplyDeleteKeep well and looking forward to hear more from you.
I replied to your lovely comment over on my blog, but wanted to say here as well - thanks so much for having a read and taking the time to leave that thoughtful comment! I appreciate it.
ReplyDeleteAnd I would be inclined to agree with your sister! I have really awful luck with electronics, I swear. So many cameras and computers have died on me! I think it's a conspiracy..
Glad to hear you're feeling better Jo! Sounds like some good r&r was what you needed - too bad you had to get sick during it though :(
ReplyDeleteHehe I've got to find myself some new indoor hobbies as well. Not having to go to school and being unemployed most of the week leaves me with too much time on my hands. I haven't played WoW but I've seen ppl become consumed by it - be careful if you do decide to get into it :P
It's terrible what is happening in Japan right now. I hope everyone is safe and that aid will come to them soon. And now that the nuclear plant exploded there is the added danger of nuclear radiation in the area too >.<
i just typed a long comment and it disappeared!!! O.O
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I am glad that you seem to be feeling better and want to blog more. :)
Thank note from the P.O. is really thoughtful and the prizes are adorable!
WoW isn't so bad hahah! x) You can play it so you can chat to your hubby. ;)
Hey there! Nope, we don't mind hearing from you a all. In fact, we kind of look forward to it. I'm glad the package arrived at a good time and that you're feeling better. Julie is a sweetheart, I had no idea she was stuffing the packages with cool stuff. =)
ReplyDeleteNormally, with my personality, I would joke about rigging the competition ("wink-wink" or something like that). But the way some people are, they would think I was being serious. So I won't indulge myself in that form of fun.
PS - Wink-wink!!! ;P
Squeeze the Pug,
ReplyDeleteThank you and I look forward to hearing more from you too.
Yup, I’ve read your reply comment. I agree with what you say about people usually just look at the first post and post some cursory comment. That’s why whenever someone tells me about how he or she loves my writing, I would definitely remember the person. Most of the time, people who tell me this have great writing style as well and you’re one of them.
High 5 on the electronics conspiracy. Electronics really have lives of their own! Computers also always die on me when I do the exact same thing as my sis and it doesn’t die on her.
Copied & pasted fr tagboard:
13 Mar 11, 18:38
shabby: I'm ready through your about me & author's journey and it's only re-enforcing my love of your writing!
13 Mar 11, 21:39
Jo to shabby: Thank u shabby for reading my words and for your lovely words. I really appreciate it.
Oh I understand that period of in between graduating and waiting to start work. An idle mind is the devil’s workshop. I had tough time then. Well, I can see that you’ve channelled quite a lot of free time on blogging which is good so we readers could have more things to read. I will never ever play WoW. Haha... I wouldn’t wanna waste my time on it. I would rather use the time to blog or read blogs. My hubby created a pretty bitchy blood elf for me to entice me to play. I created her features, named her and left her alone. In the end, he levelled up that character, changed her hairstyle and clothes etc and made her so ugly that I flipped and forced him to bring her back to the barber to have a change of hairstyle. Hahaha...
sugar sugar,
Aww... I know exactly how it feels to type a long comment only to have it disappear. It happened to me a few times and I could almost kick myself for not saving my text somewhere. Do you play WoW???
Yes! It came in a very good timing and you’ve no idea how it feels to have an overseas package delivered right up to your doorstep when you’re feeling so lousy. And you really crack me up with the wink wink. Everybody would think it’s rigged now. =D
Good to hear that you've been taking your meds and that you're now feeling a bit better. The last few days sound terrible.
ReplyDeleteJust a little something to cheer you up, I gave you The Versatile Blogger Award on my blog. Sorry I didn't realize you were ill when I pre-wrote that post. Don't be obligated to reply or post, just wanted you to know I like your blog :)
Congratz on winning the giveaway. That necklace is so pretty!
Hope you recover completely soon!
I'm glad you are starting to feel better. I'm sorry you have to take so many pills to do so though. yuck. What a great giveaway you won! That pendant is beautiful! I am in deep sadness about Japan and I love that you mentioned their recent tragedy. I wish there was something I could do.
ReplyDeleteJust wanted to comment on your edits:
ReplyDeleteCongrats on winning the giveaway! The pendant is so cute! Julie is so sweet; that's really nice of her to throw in so many extra goodies :D
P.S. Those pills look terribly large - I have so much trouble swallowing anything bigger than a Tic Tac lol >.<
Thank you so much for your lovely comment! :D
ReplyDeleteBtw, I looove the photos on your blog! How do you get that frame like you did in the pictures in this post? Also, the effect in the picture below this post! :)
I'd be happy if you could tell me! If not, that's okay too :)
hey thank you so much for your lovely comment dear, yup i love Singapore so much! will def. come to Singapore if i got a chance...
Glad you got the package safe!! and wow I wonder what happened to the package between me dropping it off and you receiving it, it looks like a bear had its way with it!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you're feeling better Jo ^__^ lol I CANNOT imgaine you playing WOW XD your pills look HUGE O_O or is it just really close shot? (I hope so... if not... it's... RIDICULOUS!!!!!!! wahh!!!)
ReplyDeleteCongrats on winning! I can see you wearing that necklace ^_^ must look really pretty!
Say hi to Char for me :D (umm is that gonna be weird? lol) she is an amazing fighter.
And Jo I want to thank you for the congrats ^_______________^ congrats coming from teacher Jo!!!!! =D hehe. I will probably be suffering for the next 4 years though cuz I heard students have no life while they're in pharmacy school O_O but I'm still excited XD Yes now till May would be the better time to visit Taiwan... May is the raining reason, and from then on the weather will just be unbelievably hot XD I always lose weight when I'm home cuz I'm sweating so much and lose my appetite O_O not the best scenario cuz I want to indulge myself when I'm there!! lol. Okay I'm rambling off topic again. haha. Thanks for the feedback about the online store ^_^ at first I was like what on earth is Mezaik??? lol!! Now I know what it is I will definitely look for it ^__^ I've put it on my list :D
Okay now going to read your other posts! when I opened your page I was like... where did all these posts come from?!?!?!?! I thought she should be resting in her bed?! LOL! XD
ReplyDeleteAwww... Thank you for the award dear. I’m glad to hear you like my blog. I’ll go check out the post. As everything is always late on my blog, it might be a long time later before you see the tag post. I’ll see what it is about and let you know if I do it k? And thanx for your well wishes.
Thanx for your well wishes. For the Japan crisis, there’s the text to send and the donation would be would be reflected on the next mobile bill. I’m not too sure if it’s the same across all countries.
Julie is sweet indeed. And oh my sis is like you, she has trouble swallowing pills and would choose a jab over downing too many pills!
Thanx for visiting! Oh all my photos are edited using photoscape. You can dl free off the net. The borders are taken from there. My photos are nothing compared to your superb editing! I’m not quite sure which photo effect you are referring to.
Cindy Karmoko,
Welcome back to Singapore anytime!
Pop Champagne,
I think probably a little bear was curious about what’s in the lovely package. Thanx again, Julie!
I really missed you the past few weeks!
As per replies to your comments on previous posts, everything will be point form from now.
- The pills are close shots. The blue one is slighly bigger than the size of those “bullet medicine” capsules.
- Haha... I don’t think it’ll be weird coz char has lots of strangers saying hello to her and she wouldn’t know the difference.
- It’s a huge achievement. Anytime you feel like you’ve got no life. Blog to unwind! Or chat with meeee! LoL
- Is the hot weather at Taiwan humid like Singapore? Like you know in some countries, the sun could be burning but you don’t perspire coz of the humidity and you feel really clean. Over here, it’s hot and humid and perspiring every day is very common. Coz if it’s hot but not humid, I think it’s still ok to bring my parents. Is July a really bad month?
- I don’t think I’ll be able to squeeze a holiday april to may for this year. So sad. I so badly wanna bring my parents.
- Haha I’m sure many people would love to sweat and lose weight in the process!
- You’re most welcome! Yup yup you can google mezaik for clearer description, photos and videos. Great that you added that into the look out list.
- I think you went on a hiatus for too long. LoLz
Ah! That big blue pill looks scary. Or rather, all the pills there are scary!! I can't take pills for god sake. Always have difficulty swallowing it down. =(
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I'm glad you are recovering. Do rem to take plenty of rest, H2o, vitamins (ok, i sounded naggy here.. probably bcos my family & frds have been repeating that to me as I was down with fever & have been sick since last month! Haha!)
And well, it's time for you to get S95! It's a good camera! My frd told me her frd got a rather cheap deal at Funan. Usual: $669, he got it at $590 (iirc) =) Recently I just got the cam as a present frm the hub. I have not really "play" the cam well enough yet to give u a more concrete comment! But online reviews are so good, so its def. a wise choice to get it!
Ok, I got to say it again, "Rest more, sleep EARLY!, drink more H2O, and your body will love you!" =)
ReplyDeleteI wanted to say “Aunty Canny” haha since you mentioned about you being naggy. People who nag always wanted the best for the ones being nagged! Oh you’re also one of those who are scared to swallow? My sis is the ultimate. One small little tablet must cut into 4 pieces. I always have fun laughing at her whenever she’s sick as she has since resorted to liquid medicine which is unseen of except in homes with little kids. LoLz.
I shall con my hubby to buy me the camera. Yes... the recent IT fair was selling for above $600 too! My hubby’s friend’s aunt got lobang at $565 in her shop (special price for frenz) but his friend not in sg, hubby also not in sg and they both in different countries so I’m like waiting forlornly for the address of the shop when i’m in sg!
PS: I’ve been sleeping more and at more earthly timing nowadays. Getting old liao, must take care. You too... I mean you take care too, not you getting old too. Hee..
Jo, married woman are always 'labeled' as Aunty.. Haha! I've gotten quite used to kids calling me "aunty canny" when I was staying in US. And guess what, the kids in sg still call me "jie jie" when I returned. Haha!! *smile*
ReplyDeleteWell, now you can have fun laughing at me... I'm like your sister, one small tablet must cut into smaller pieces. And I always tried asking the doctor if I can have liquid medicine instead. And they always go... "You SURE?" or "You DON'T know how to shallow pills ah....." Which made me so paiseh! Feel like telling them, "Yeah, what's wrong with having a tiny throat?" Haha!!
Saw from one of your comment by chance that you gotten the S95!! Congrats!! I bet I will have "眼"福 very soon! =p
Rem, my bday just passed... So yup, getting old liao does apply to me too! Hah hah...
Haha... The US kids call you aunty? Are they Asians or Caucasians? So interesting. I thought the latter don’t address older femals as “aunty” as of Singapore’s culture? No one called me aunty yet but I think once I’ve got a kid, everyone will start to call me aunty liao.
ReplyDeleteOh in the end, the camera was $595 and not $565. I think my hubby or his friend told him wrongly. I clicked quite well with the aunty and got it for $590 with an extra battery and toy lens thrown in. Heh... I’m fine with the price as so far I haven’t seen any other shops in sg selling for less than $600.
In retort, but you’re still younger than me! 2 or 3 years right?