Of late, when I meet up with different groups of friends virtually and in the flesh, they would remark that my life seems very fun-filled and happening and that my friends are a very cool and fun bunch.
Next, they would ask me why I haven’t been updating for so long.
Being busy is always the first excuse… oops reason. It is tough to even find a common free time for all members of my family to gather and celebrate my dad’s and sister’s birthday which was a week ago. Plans made have to be changed unintentionally. Moreover recently, my trusty pink Lumix had not been by my side for me to go trigger happy. I love carrying my camera everywhere, whipping it out to capture that fleeting moment.
Wedding Fair
Before I continue, let me make it clear first that there would be no wedding bells ringing for me anytime soon.
I forgot to bring my camera for this event, or rather, because I thought this was an exclusive invite to a fashion show and assuming no cameras would be allowed, I left mine at home. I really regret it! Without pictures, I find it very tough to write about an event as my commentaries always revolve around photos. =)
Two Sundays ago, kh and I attended this wedding fair, thinking it was merely an invite to a fashion show showcasing bridal suits and gowns. It was a biannual event and so I don’t care 3 7 21 (bu4 guan3 san1 qi1 er2 shi2 yi1) and went to apply for half day time-off. I was excited, thinking I could add a lot more designs to the gowns I’ve already had in mind. When we reached Grand Copthorne, we were quite surprised that it was a whole wedding fair with the fashion show as only part of it. We were like so blur when people started asking us when our wedding date was, how many guests we were inviting, the places we had in mind to hold our wedding etc. Soon after, quick-thinking us started tackling these questions by replying everyone that we were really clueless (that’s the truth), we have no set dates for everything yet and so we were there to find out more about restaurants, hotels, packages as everything was under one roof. In that way, we wouldn’t look so stumped for words and out of place.
They featured many dresses and gowns: traditional, modern, edgy, cutesy, fun, sophisticated… You name it, they have it. I must reiterate the fact that I really regretted not bringing my camera!
Jiak Liao Bee’s Birthday
Snapshots from Jiak Liao Bee’s birthday…
The 4 of us that night.

Somebody has been absent for so long and is soon to be ousted from the bimbo club liao… Hehe… We better hang out together for Halloween!!!
Us with the birthday boy

Group shot

The number thing again

I think tiff and Jiak Liao Bee’s buddy look very compatible...

geral is in the background trying to zou4 luan3 (Hokkien for create a nuisance) HAHA
See compatible rite?

I don’t watch tv but apparently he had been on some tv program before. Don’t know if anyone recognises him.
The guyz

My Hollister humour top which only my mum and my bimbo sistas bothered trying to read the words on it.

Arabian Nights
One of geral’s friend had this lobang to a private party with the theme Arabian nights. It appeared that her friend used to be my primary 4 classmate too. We wouldn’t even have known save for the fact that geral said he was from the same primary school and I vaguely remembered his name as being one of the jokers in my P4 class. When we met, we could not even recognise each other. Let’s call him by his initials LC.
Before this party, all we could gather from LC was that his classmate, who is an exchange student from Germany was throwing a private party at his place and he was asked to invite some local gals, to quote geral’s words “SPG” (WTF?!). Hence, although gain for fun, we were quite wary of this whole thing. We were thinking that ang mo party must be really wild; full of booze and dope and MO, abbreviated by tiff from the term “mass orgy”. Then, LC told us to check out the website for more info. I was like “Huh? What kinda party is this to even have a website???!!!”
So, we went to check this site out and luckily it seems quite harmless. We decided to try as far as possible to deck ourselves in some Arabian gear just to fit into the mood. I had nothing Arabian in my closet but a pair of Ali Baba pants and cling clang bangles bought eons ago in Little India.
The party really was harmless to the extent that it was a little boring. Luckily, xtina, xtine and I were late. By the time we arrived, it was close to 1am. We were the only Chinese Singaporeans there! It is indeed a godsend that we bimbo sistas are good at amusing ourselves and as long as we hang out together, a venue or an event will never turn out boring.
As we made our way through the different parts of the house, we heard snippets of “How long have you been in Singapore?”, “3 months”, “2 weeks”, “Here on internship”, “Exchange student” etc. Boy, the people there are all temporary migrants! And most of them are younger than us!
The “bar” located in one of the rooms.

Simply VILE but we didn’t really consume much. We were so silly as to not make use of all the free booze, instead, choosing to sip red wine from plastic cups. Whatever we had wanted were all empty too. Tough luck!

I really like talking to Germans. They have a good command of English and their accents are easy on the ears. We had a hard time trying to understand this French. But for a French to speak English like him was really a mean feat. Most French do not or even if they know, dislike speaking English. I shan’t be mean and make fun of anybody. *Looks at sistas and laughs knowingly*
Sit back and enjoy the photos…

Top L: xtina contorting her face.
Top R: We tried our best to save tiff by asking her to join us in the shots but she didn’t know how to save herself.
Bottom L: Max, the host and LC joined in.
Bottom R: A Denmark gal joined in and this time we managed to get tiff and French man (boy) in the shot as well.
We taught the ang mos the number thing, telling them it’s those cutesy kinda Asian pose and they gladly posed.

The first two photos were taken by “zi4 ji3 ren2”. See how well they turned out. All centralised and stuff.
Next two were taken by ang mos. Check out the last one with half of LC’s face cut off. After the last shot was taken, the ang mo was like “OK! Great shot!” and we were greeted by this on the screen.
Let’s learn addition + 1 together…

From the shots, it looks like geral and max were dancing the Tango.

Angled shots are paparazzi’s good friends. They serve to create rumours from false perspective. The following shots were taken by xtina paparazzi.
An illicit love affair.

OOoohhh!!! They kissed.

Ok la on closer inspection, it does not look like anything. But it creates that “For a moment there, I thought I saw…” kinda effect.
The origin of the phrase “had a ball of a time”.

Funny faces

Geral and I say…
“Pay us to advertise for Corona.”

Does anyone remember me saying that I dyed my hair a darker shade? Look how much the colour has faded. It is freaking golden all over again!
We finally found somebody older than us but he refused to admit he is old so he had to act cute.
I am 26 years young.

Daniel is a German too. With no heavy accent, he is a great person to talk to.

He thought he looked ugly with the Arab head gear.
Parting group shots

Oh yes, before the Arabian Nights party, I went to my cousin’s housewarming. And the best part of the house was the soundproof room.

It is viewable through a large glass panel in the living-cum-dining room as a pseudo bar lined itself just along the window. Cool! Seems like it is heaven for my little cousins.
Acknowledgement to my er jie for helping me with the photos last night. She forbade me to download Picasa and all other blogging programs and so I coerced her into teaching me some Photoshop skills. It turned out that she was practically helping me to do all these collage, filmstrip effect and speech bubbles. She could do them so quickly. I would have taken 2 whole days to do them… IF I were to do them. Haha and bless her that she managed to snag that job at Mediacorp. With the huge jump in pay and all, she must have been in a good mood. We scratched each other’s back. I lent her my resume and resignation letter and help her with language and sentence construction while she helped me with all her technical know-how. It’s a win-win situation. =)
I don't wanna the corona; I wanna the babes.
ReplyDeleteHi I think I hacked your tracker.
ReplyDeleteIt can't track anymore.
ReplyDeleteYou hide it in an unseen corner but i manage to find it. Now it can't track anymore.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteDon't get a shock when you load your extreme. It will be under maintenance for as long as I want.
ReplyDeleteRight on, will do so on my off day. What do you mean by "but cell phone ask me along"? I liak bo kiu. =)
ReplyDeleteDo you really derive great pleasure from this? My only gripe is that you distorted my page with your countless exclamation marks.
seem like quite happening leh..
ReplyDeletelooks like you got yourself a stalker..
My life not as happening as you.
Window shopping around with wife, play with my camera.
Check out my http://bwilly.multiply.com/photos
for my photos when you are free.
See what kind of crap n bo liao photos I have been taking. keke..
Hey pretty ladies, experience the corona at this site.
ReplyDeleteWe will pay you.
ReplyDeleteNo la my life is very boring. I just happen to have very happening frenz who hang out together to spice our lives up.
I didn't know tracker can be hacked. Anyway, it's no longer under maintenance, but it's not tracking down today's visitors. Hmm...
K I'll check out your shutterbug photos soon! =)