I know I’m so late. Fancy updating cny happenings in March. There is so much more important stuff to settle than to blog. I suspect I would be dying of excessive heart palpitation at work soon.
I used to dislike Chinese New Year coz I could not put up with all
As the years go by, I do not loathe it that much anymore.
[Past entry for 2005]
[Past entry for 2006]
[Past entry for 2007]
For this year, I was actually looking forward to it. Of course, I still dislike public holidays “eating” into my non-teaching days as that means I’ve gotta clock a lot of extra hours to clear my curriculum. However, I pia-ed so hard with the nice colleagues helping out that I know this year’s cny would serve as a good break for me.
It sure was. I suffered from DWWS (Don’t Wanna Work Syndrome) after that.
Preparation for CNYChange of hairstyle and clothes shoppingI went to perm my hair at gera’s.
Natural looking curls

My new hair

Well, it does look the same as before. The only difference is that I don’t have to bun up my hair to achieve the wave effect anymore.
After a hell lot of layering and some shortening...

Feels so much lighter now!
Remember how I
rebonded my hair last May and it became wavy again?
A few months after that, it became not wavy yet not straight. Picture a broom. For this whole time, I’ve been living with this shitty hairstyle. It got so bad that I had to bun my hair everyday just to keep it wavy.
On the same day, we met up with her friend and we could click very well with each other. Guess we are all same pattern ba. We spent a loooooong time at this wellness place and I was very shocked at my health level. My body weight ratio in terms of fats, water and muscle is terrible. I wonder what happen to all the food I eat. I really suspect that I’ve got worms and other parasites in my intestines eating up all my nutrition. Anybody knows how to flush them out?
After that health screening, we went crazy shopping for clothes. I bought lots and lots of pretty dressy clothes and more dresses to add to my wardrobe of unworn dresses. So terrible!
Tried this just for fun as it reminds us of what the principal in zao an lao shi wore

I came across this pretty little number in a magazine…

A short cocktail dress which I really like a lot. I’ve always had the desire to be clad in a short fitting white dress for ROM.
Me & gera

Was experimenting with my newly bought acrylic paint in white and practising my brush control

I’ve still got A LOT to learn.
I’m very weird practical. I paint my nails to protect them. My stubby nails are extremely soft and weak. Those kind which and bend and peel easily. That was why I always kept them short coz I found it very gao3 wei4 to have long and soft nails. However, recently I could not bear to cut my nails short coz I would be constantly playing with them by painting and I really didn’t know how to survive w/o playing with paints.
Hence, in order to protect the long nails for spring cleaning, I’ve to haphazardly paint a coat over just to make them hard. They can be chipped, they can be cracked, they can be scratched or peeled, I don’t really care. Coz I knew that I would be removing them, painting again and practicing my amateur “nail art” on them.
Spring cleaning my roomAs mentioned before, I took a few late nights all the way till the eve just to clean my room. One reason why I took a particularly long time to clean up was coz I was always in a dilemma whether to throw or keep certain things. You know me la, such a sentimental person.
Clearing my folders, I found these boh liao doodling with evan.

I could still remember we were attending an FASS talk and we were pretty bored.
Cute little rodents

This was the backing of whichever clear folder I carried back in sec sch, jc and uni. It was printed by my st nicks band junior. I had the intention to cut them out to paste onto cards but the way she arranged these little rodents looked like they were not meant to be cut.
Foolscap paper from jc

I wonder if any of the jc bunch still have their foolscap.
Cute cat from a Precious Moments catalogue

Precious Moments figurines are always a great joy to look at and admire coz I know I would never spend the money on such decorative ornaments. They are all really pretty but only this managed to capture my attention for a long time. If this is available in Singapore, I think I may consider buying it. Really love the way the little kitten is slinking into the heels.
National Day file 1991

Why did I still keep this file? Coz the cardboard is of a sturdy material and I love the art work. I could never be as talented as these people.
This file also housed my sec sch and jc stuff like A4 sized projects, some teeny bopper posters and some of my amateurish drawings.
Trying my hands at portrait drawing

Are you able to guess who this is?
I was crazy over Sailormoon cartoons back then, especially that yan wei fu meng mian xia.

Squall from Final Fantasy VIII

Most of my drawings were drawn on one sided rough paper or on any scraps of paper I could find whenever I had the mood. Sometimes, I also doodled in my notebook. Designs for clothes, accessories and other fashion items were scrawled on dribs and drabs that I’ve since thrown away coz I could never draw them as well as I pictured them in my mind’s eye.
Then, I came across this book.

It was a birthday present from Bei many many years ago. She got it from Australia and said the cover design was some aussie tribal artwork. She thought it would be great to put all my drawings in it. The pages are still pristine white. No signs of yellowing. I haven’t used it coz I’m still the same as before-- drawing on all kinds of papers whenever I have the inspiration.
Evercare address book

The names in the book all had pagers as contacts. Pagers!!! Those were the time.
Cute unused Siemens notebook

Remember this tiny hp aimed at the ladies? This is the actual size and check out the cover. You could slide it just like the real hp. Who could bear to use this little notebook I ask you?
I love this Care Bear sticker album from the 80s.
Care Bear lovers, let’s reminisce shall we?
Presenting the different Care Bear characters

The complete pictures

The incomplete pictures

Christmas theme

After I was done with these 3 drawers, I proceeded to pack the cupboard which I stash all my NUS readings. I’ve cleared the readings from many modules way back. What were left were those from interesting modules. I kept them thinking that I would take them out to read whenever I was free.
This is really cute

Colourful Jolene

yiz would always write my name on my geog lecture notes with her countless coloured markers before she passed them to me as I was always late for lecture.
Off to the garang guni… I figured I would never have the time for these anyway

Cute stickers which I could not bear to use

A watch from Evercare

I would peer into the glass window of this Christian bookshop near st nicks everyday, admiring the watch. I also loved the words on the belt which read “Be positive. Be happy.” Then after saving for weeks, I went into the shop and bought it. I felt so proud of myself that day. Now, the face of the watch had been scratched so badly, the transparent purple belt has turned yellow and it looked totally bad. It had to go to the bin.
20 over years old sharpener

My sisters and I called this “house sharpener”. We used to empty the pencil shavings inside to use it as a house for our toys. This had to be thrown away coz it’s spoilt but none of us could bear to throw it.
A hand-made gift from one of my star student in ex co.

I wonder how she is now. I saw her face in the newspapers last year.
perfume from my very missing good friend

The perfume has long turned stale. The words and memories stay on. Well, since the last time I wrote that
missing friends entry, she is still very missing. Calls made to her hp and house went unanswered. The many sms-ed I sent now and then were never replied.
I washed my toys and there they were hanging out to dry

I think they really looked cute pegged up on the window grille. I hope they don’t feel pain.
On the eve
I went out with mum to do last minute shopping and came back with fresh food, shoes, and heaps of decorations.
I’ve seeen so many rats decorations, but none a cute as these.

The boyboy and girlgirl mouse-looking rat look so adorable that I had to force my mum to buy them. She also agreed that those were the cutest cartoon mouse outta all the mickeys and minnies and jerrys. Got fluttery eyelash some more leh.
They were all going at a low price since it was already the eve.
My mum bought so many decos to give to relatives.

Bought my shoes at unbelievable prices. They are similar to those you find in town but at only $20+ and $30+. Some of their designs could go as low at $10+ even.
My shoes collection.

As usual, the afternoon and evening would be spent helping mum to make ngor hiang. She makes the best ngor hiang ever!
Played around with some bright and dark red hues and got this…

I liked the left thumb one best. The “nail art” on my right hand is super ugly coz duh… I was using my left hand.
Later in the night, I brought a bag of nail polishes to paternal grandma’s house as my mum and sis thought I could paint their nails there and she could not decide which colours to choose. In the end, I helped my aunt and my cute and guai cousin, Siying, to paint their nails. My cute cousin was very enthusiastic to try her brush painting skills so I let her do her left hand and toenails. Such a little artist she is.

Siying is so sensible and guai. I really love talking to her so much. Her little brother is also very guai. They are so sensible and not spoilt at all. Nowadays, such guai kids are rare.
Something worth penning down… My grandma actually addressed me by my name accurately on one occasion and I’m soooooo happy till now. My grandma is getting a little senile. She is quite old and cannot see well at all. She still thinks we are kids and are still schooling. She had to ask for our names a few times throughout the night so imagine my joy when she could suddenly address me by my name correctly.
Every CNY, we would tie a red ribbon around Simba. We did the same for this year… to her cute little urn that is.

I’m so glad that mum isn’t making a huge fuss about the urn anymore.
Day 1
I tried to line a winged cat eye…

… with this Japanese brand liquid eyeliner from Watson’s

It reads “1 Day Tattoo” and “REAL LASTING EYELINER 24h”.
I thought, “Great! Now my cat eyes can last the whole day.”
Please don’t ever buy it. You can practically do chromatography with it. It washes off easily with tears such that I could not even yawn the whole day. When I wiped my tears onto a piece of tissue, the black ink spread into purple, blue and green. Most beautiful chromatography I’ve ever done.
If you’re not those who tears easily, it’s fine. The brush tip applicator is very smooth and fine and hence great for drawing defined lines. That’s about all its pros.
Went over to maternal eldest aunt’s place.
Visiting was great. I had fun catching up with my relatives especially my cousin P. She’s getting married soon and moving over to the States. I would so love her life. Why is everybody moving to the States except me???
*Looks at kh but knows that this dream is impossible*
Nice car downstairs

Posing with the car

Hopped over to paternal grandma’s place.
Lim Chee Guan bak kwa ho ah!

The tv broke down so there wasn’t really much we could do. My paternal grandma is a very simple lady who lives life simply. There wasn’t any other form of modern entertainment in the house save for the newspapers. No Playstation 1, 2, 3, no X-box, no Wii… My younger cousins are all very guai and do not own a PSP (many kids I know of got their PSP by throwing tantrums). The sister and brother cousins were contented with sharing a small little hand held game that only had one-colour-tone car racing game in it.
My jiu3 gui3 cuz didn’t bring his jiu3. Seeing that everyone was bored, he suggested watching CJ-7. Even my grandma agreed to watch. I thought it was very cute.
Just a few minutes before she agreed, the conversation in Hokkien went like this:
jiu gui3 cuz: Ah ma. Ai kee Balestier kua hee mai?
(Loosely translated: Grandma. Want to go Balestier watch show or not?)
Ah ma: HUH? Kee Ma lei sia kua hee??? Mai la mai la.
(Loosely translated: HUH? Go Malaysia watch show? Dowan la dowan la. )
After much laughter, the entourage of 18 trooped to this ulu Balestier place which was super crowded that day.
The incomplete shots...

Initially, I thought CJ-7 was a stupid show and watched just coz everyone else was watching. It turned out to be not too bad. I’ve always loved Stephen Chow’s shows since primary school. So LAMB but so funny. I almost cried at some heartwarming scenes too. If not for my lousy eyeliner, I would have cried openly. I love the cute little boy too. I think he’s so cute and handsome. I have this fetish for little boys (move your cute little sons far away from me). It was only after the movie that I found out he is actually a little girl.
We (the older cousins) all became CJ-7 after the show

We had nowhere to go for dinner except kfc. This is the FIRST time eating KFC on cny.

My cuz very funny. This is the only time I didn’t wanna take photo of food with people urging me to do so.
“This one must take photo. Very rare leh. KFC dinner on Chinese New Year!” they said.
Jiu3 gui3 posing as a glutton for my camera

After that, we went to Dempsey, Hacienda for a drink.

Must be healthy so drink red wine

Jiu3 gui3 cuz & his wife

All of us

Cuz’s car decal

We are devils.
My fingers were feeling itchy at home so I tried painting flowers on my tak glam toenails.

Yay… my toenails are more glam liao!
Day 2Went to cuz P.’s house and continued our updates and “gossips”.
Cuz P and me

Also managed to get lotsa updates from best cuz dia too. One cny is never enough for all the updates that we had to plan a meet up to finish our stories.
Our parents

This year’s quan jia fu

After that, we went over to 6th aunt’s place before zipping off to paternal small aunt’s place nearby.
This house also happens to belong to the same uncle who always serves alcoholic drinks as beverages to his guest. Vodka lime he said “lime juice”, screwdriver he said “orange juice”, bourbon coke he said “coke”. As long as you are 18, you don’t drink soft drinks and packet drinks at their place.
Dad’s side people are all jiu3 gui3 and du3 gui3. Only dad isn’t. The blood runs in the females… Haha… esp my mum ad my da jie. I’m no jiu3 gui3 and du3 gui3!

Sumptuous fare

I was so happy to see J. jie jie and her adorable son. I haven’t seen her since
small aunt’s wedding in 2005!
I could not make it for her gatherings the past years. Didn’t get to see her with her big tummy, Dylan’s 1 mth old, Dylan’s 1 year old etc.
This is the cuz whom everyone says we look alike. However, I think she’s way prettier and hotter. Oh I really love her sexy curls and unique dress sense!
I’ve always admired hot mummys.

Being the only great grandson on my dad’s side, everyone was fawning over Dylan. (Over at my mum’s side, my grandma is already a great grandma of sooooooooo many little ones as the family is so big and also coz many of my cuzs married at a young age.)
Dylan didn’t like anybody to touch or carry him coz he’s just so active that he was running everywhere the whole time. He just had to busy himself with things always.
He sulked when he had to sit down.

After a while, he started to stick to me. I suspect I’m a kid magnet. The rest of them insist it’s coz I look like his mum.

He was such a sweet boy. He used his little hankie and started wiping everywhere. When everyone laughed at and teased him for doing the housework, he kept giggling and continued “cleaning” other parts of the house enthusiastically.
He got so enthusiastic in “wiping” the coffee table that he knocked a champagne glass over, spilling its content all over the table and floor. The cousins (who are his uncles and aunts) hurriedly wiped the crime scene. He didn’t know that what he had done was wrong. He stood by the side and watched us for awhile before attempting to use his hankie to mop up the mess.
We all went screaming, “NOOOOooooooo!!!!”
He got a small shock and ran away.
After a few minutes, he came back to “wipe” the table but dropped the tissue box in the process. He smiled, picked up the tissue box and tried to put it back onto the table. Like watching a dvd on repeat, he tipped a paper cup down the table and spilt its content all over the floor once more.
His mum saw that we were wiping the spill, put two and two together and brought Dylan back to the scene of crime. She chastised him for being playful and making all the uncles and aunts clean up his mess. He stood there and stared wide-eyed at the mess. He looked so innocent and pitiful!
After that, I explained to J. jiejie that he was merely picking up what he had dropped and putting back at its original spot but she maintained that it was not right to go to the coffee table and disturb the adults watching tv.
Besides, being hardworking, Dylan was also a greedy little boy. He kept eating potato chips meant for the adults. You know how kids use their whole hands instead of their fingers to grab food? That was exactly what he did which sealed his gluttony image further.
Finally when I thought it was enough chips for the day, I brought him to wash his hands. He knew how to rub his hands with soap and to lean forward to turn on the tap all by himself as my hands were busy carrying him. There wasn’t any hand towel and he asked me where to wipe his wet hands. Then, he saw the toilet paper and started pulling it. After wiping his hands, he didn’t wanna throw the paper into the toilet bowl and asked for the dustbin. So cute!
After all his cute and guai antics in the loo, he ran all the way back to the coffee table and dipped his both hands right into the plate of chips.
A very blur photo of us

Dylan looks cute only when J. jiejie and I don’t look good so must crop.

I had a very long heart to heart talk with J. jie jie about many stuff especially married life, work and kids. In a way, I feel very connected to her. There are a few coincidences in our lives. We are both Geminis (Dylan as well, his birthday is a day before mine). Our temper and characteristics are similar. Her hubby and kh are both from AF and they have been playing soccer in the same team almost every Sunday morning w/o knowing that their wife and gf are cousins. I also could not remember how we found out about it. Kh thinks he’s a nice person. He also thinks kh is a nice person. He dotes on my cuz so much and kh dotes on me a lot too. Since both our SOs are from the same “co”, we could understand each other’s lives quite well.
I was really happy to see her that day.
We ended the day and parted with bitchiness. Hahaha… She was warning me that by hook or by crook, I have to take leave just to attend Dylan’s birthday celebration this year.
“Take leave la. What are leaves for? For you to take mah.”
Ok, just for her, I’ll try to take leave.
This photo was taken by Siying using hp hence the poor resolution.

By the end of the day, my cat eyes became from this…

to all smudgey and almost gone
Day 3
Well, there were a couple of “first times” this cny. This year would be the first time when our house wasn’t open for visiting. Day 3 used to be the day when our house would be opened for visiting and my sisters and I had to try as far as possible not to arrange for any friend’s visiting that day as we had to help out in the house.
This year, my parents were busy with their stuff so we were free to go visiting.
I met up with the st nicks band people and saw people whom I haven’t seen in years. Was very glad to see yiz but we didn’t really talk much. Gal, you’ve gotta update me more. I’m missing a lot and I’m getting all updates about you from your mum to my mum.
Lo hei vidz
I did not have enough memory space but they did say a couple of funny Mandarin couplets just when my video stopped recording. Somewhere along the line of “No bf, faster find bf. Got bf, faster marry. Married liao, faster give birth”

The dull colour people

Traffic light colours. It was unanimous.

At New York New York…

The other side of the table so colourful?

NEHMIND! Our side action zui3 zui3 ji colourful yi xia wor.

Celebrating S’s birthday

One upon a time we had a jumbo sized yu shengMy er jie bought this from Sakae

Compare its size in relation to the mandarin oranges

I love salmon yu sheng. It’s not authentic but what’s an authentic yu sheng anyway?
CNY celebration at co
Look at what another colleague did to the flowers I gave to colleague A.

She claimed she was doing Japanese flower arrangement based on a scalene triangle delineated by three main points.
Some cute drawings

We were discussing our skit for Team Building in April and came up with a LAMB plot. (Think Stephen Chow)
For this year, we had zhu chao dinner downstairs unlike the usual catered buffet food.

Aren’t we cute?

Let’s end off this post with the vodka collection