You have a heart of crystal!!

Heart of Crystal
What is Your Heart REALLY Made of?
brought to you by Quizilla
Ok jus in case the image doesn’t appear, I’ll let you know that it’s supposed to say “Image Not Available. (boy that sucks)"
Darn! And it takes immense effort and loads of research to ferret out a beautiful image of a crystal. Just go to GOOGLE images and type “crystal”!
I wasn’t offered any description of characteristics of people with such hearts. Hence, I drew out my own list of characteristics extracted from my answers. Basically, I am someone who:
* Offers suicidal friends a big hug, and an open ear so they can talk about it all, and feel better.
* Sees a crying stranger, figure they'll be fine on their own, and go about my own way.
* When suffering from break-ups, cry a lot, question a lot, lose sleep and feel crappy. (I’ve not experienced that before actually.)
* Feel that love songs are written for good reasons, and worth listening to at the right time.
* When depressed, lock myself up in my house. Ignore the phone. Drink.
* Upon being insulted by someone, insult him or her right back! Who are they to talk?
* Feels that a marriage is an institution and sacred devotion that should be respected and nurtured.
After learning my results, I tried changing an answer each time I retook, transforming my heart from crystal to stone to gold.
The topic of crystal spurred me to write about this crystallized friendship of 9-10 years. I’ve got a few other crystallized and strong friendships going on but I’ll write about this one as we met up for dinner yesterday.
Beili Christina and ME! The Terrific Three! Sorry, I can’t think of any other alliteration at this very moment.
Beili has been back in Singapore for almost a month and we have yet to meet up as that busy gal has gotten an internship with this PR company. Christina has been carousing around Australia with all her [un]cute ang mo tour mates and frolicking about the greener pasture there. She returned a week ago only to have viruses waging a war in her internals.
So finally yesterday arrived. Beili arranged to gorge ourselves at Seoul Garden, her treat! A treat to celebrate all our belated birthdays for like 3 years, a treat to celebrate Christina getting a job (and my not getting any) and of course a treat to celebrate this strong friendship. This is the only friendship which has not experienced thunderstorm and sailed in choppy waters since the last one when we were in Secondary 2. Who was the expert who professed that constant conflicts strengthen the bond of any relationship?
I wore my low-waisted, or rather, low-hipped levis-type1-lookalike jeans for the 1st time as I do not need a constraining waistband to keep my over-eating habit in check. (I abhor people who watch their diets when they are already Paris-Hilton-thin!!) And so, we cooked, we gorged, we chat and we cooked and we gorged and we chat. Three hours flew off just like that. To quote Mr Bean, “Time passes very quickly when you are enjoying yourselves.”
We talked a lot about what was happening in our lives and our future. We talked about going into trio-partnerships when we manage to pool enough capital after a few years of work. Right now, all each of us could offer was labour, creativity and ideas. None of us has the financial capability yet. The whole idea sounded like a far-fetched reality. Only time will tell. Oh and our efforts and drive too. Oh and our unchanging mindsets of course. After all, we have a few years more to change our minds and aspirations.
We took some crazy photos too. Although I look like crap yesterday, I promise I’ll put this batch of photos up after Beili sends them to us.
Starting a blog has convinced me to get a digital camera AGAIN! Damn! After successfully curbing for a few moths, the 3-year-urge of wanting a luxury item-to-me, I feel the yearning again.
I’m so excited that a lot of my overseas friends are finally getting their American, Australian and English asses back on this sunny island!! I’ll be doing a lot of meet ups and get-togethers these few days. Will probably talk about all of you in my blog in future if I manage to squeeze some time to write.
And of course, I’ll finally be meeting my another neglected good friend of mine, who has always has her ass stuck in Singapore, for clubbing session later. Caizhu, my dear friend, if you are reading this (you can’t possibly be as I’ve not given you my url), I have to let you know that I’m really apologetic for my countless rejections to all your clubbing invites during my NUS days and the recent roller-blading invites. I hope you understand, that I had been very busy in the past and although I’ve not gotten a job now, I’m still busy with my giving tuition and weekend job. I’m saying this from the bottom of my heart that I’m truly sorry if I ever made you feel lousy in any way. But hey, stop bitching to your other friends about how I neglected you ok! *HUGZ*
I’m having a headache and I hope I can last through the night later. I’ve got tuition early in the morning tomorrow. Please pray that I’ll not down too much alcohol later. [P/S: Caizhu, ignore this. I don’t want you to restrain me later! If you do, I’ll call you a bitch!]
ey haloooooooooo! haha just dropping by to say hi, and join in the "blogwarming".. *cue champagne cork popping". and wat the hell is a jardiniere anyway?
ReplyDeleteoh i am tf btw. hahaha
ReplyDeletehey jo,
ReplyDeletejust dropping by after a bout of kaypoism overcame me...
love your blogspot.. very elegantly done up..
glad to hear that you're planning to let it rip.. it'll be fun to meet your alter ego (though i think i've met her before) *wink*
and it'll be fun to grow with you in the years to come..
moved by your perspective on our friendship.. very indeed..
hope you're enjoying it
Hello my dears!! Wow.. I'm so glad i changed my comments setting to allow non-bloggers to leave comments.
*Haha* Open what bottle? Oh btw, Jolene's Jumbled Jardinere was juzt a crazy attempt to alliterate. Yeah, i could have used Jolene's Jumbled Journal but i thought the former made it sound more HC. *Heh* I've included a description of my blog.. So you can go read it and understand that Jardinere is a metaphor for my mind. Ü
I'm still used to calling u Bei instead. Let me know if u want me to use "Sonia" in my blog in future ya? Oh my blog looks elegant? It's actually 1 of their templates but i thought it really looks classy indeed. *Heh* Most non-bloggers would think it's elegant. I had to tell them i'm using their template.
Were you really moved? Did u cry? I sure hope u did! =P
Bite me and you'll get to meet "her". *smirks*