I’ve been doing a little bit of trial runs making and sending energy balls to Charmaine.
Before I continue…
Non-believers of chi and energy please hit the “X” button at the top right corner of your browser now!
I’m not so sure about the exact techniques to creating healing energy balls. I sort of imitated how we used to create energy balls for the kids in Shi*****, only that back then, I felt it was all for fun and didn’t really think there was energy inside.
I simply rubbed my hands together and slowly pulled them apart in a curved shaped while still moving them round and round as if moulding a ball. I then imaged that it is white in colour, slowly drawing more energy into the ball. Next I imaged myself sending it to Charmaine with the white ball going into her from the top of her head.
I really dunno if I was doing it the right way. I guess when I believe in something, there is no right or wrong way in believing.
I suppose the energy balls worked coz Charmaine has been emanating positive “aura” all around her yesterday. Transfusion yesterday went very smoothly with no breaking of needles and adverse reaction.
Cynthia updated me that everything went pretty smoothly. No negative reactions. No fever whatsoever.
Charlene told me the energy balls could have worked as Charmaine was so feisty yesterday, telling her in a matter-of-fact tone that she was waiting for the doctor to “put blood into her body then can go home”.
All these could be coincidence though but I’ll continue making and sending energy balls whenever needed. Creating them is quite draining and this could have explained my lack of energy yesterday. I was sick with headache and nausea. I could not get up till 3pm as my body was aching and feverish.
Image trainging.
Five minutes suggestion.
Teeny tiny person.
Sending white energy balls for healing.
Positive thinking.
The power of the mind.
All religions practising faith in their gods.
It all boils down to the same thing – The Power of BELIEVING.
I believe that if I believe strongly that something would happen, it would happen. It doesn’t matter if I’m a Christian or Buddhist or anything, as long as I have faith.
After meeting up with ex colleagues from Shi***** last Saturday, most of whom regularyly follow Charmaine’s blog and mine, I was even more convinced to try out methods not backed by Science on Charmaine. My mentor showed great concern for Charmaine and told me more miracles with regards to the five minutes suggestion. This gives me a lot of hope.
Btw, I was discussing all these with my group of close friends in Shi***** and they agreed that image training, teeny tiny person etc are all mentally draining and exhausting. I can vouch for how draining teeny tiny person is for whenever I’m sick and I tried that to heal myself, I would never fail to fall asleep while imaging. It’s a good insomia cure.
One of them commented that I’ve changed.
“You don’t used to believe so much in all these kind of energy thing.”
Yeah… It started from the feng shui charms.
Remember how I wondered what these little jokers can do to alter my life? My life has been relatively smooth after getting the charms. So smooth that some of my friends also asked me for the name of the feng shui shop and bought themselves many little jokers too.
Christians may slam me for believing in all these. However, I feel that there is no harm in believing at all. Many of my friends who believe in energy and chi are also Christians.
I will continue to pray to God and do whatever alternative healing I know of for Charmaine. Cynthia just in case you are reading this, please continue your five minutes suggestion when you are well ok?
Company’s team building event yesterday and today
I don’t particularly look forward to Team Building even though I know at the end of the day, I would truly enjoy myself and build better bonds with various colleagues.
Why I don’t look forward to it is coz it would use up 1 working day and 1 off day every year. Each time team building approaches, I would be trying to rush through the uploading the materials for curriculum on time and also to do as much marking as possible.
This year is a little different. With most of the kindergarten curriculum all done and improved, with help from my fellow pri eng dept colleague and a temp xiao mei mei, everything was uploaded on time.
Hence for this year with a theme of back to nature and individual success, with avenue like Hort Park and the hike along the Southern Ridges, I was raring to go.
Suay suay fall sick.
I’m feeling much better today just a little bit lethargic but kh “forbids” me to go.
Why “forbid” in inverted commas? Coz I can just heck care him and go mah. My legs, I walk where I wanna walk.
He was concerned for me la. My body was still hot and feverish when he picked me up to see a doc in the evening. I was panting along the way to the clinic even though it’s just a short walk few blocks away. Moreover, I have 2 days MC.
That’s why he told me to rest at home.
I feel a little miserable coz I really want to go for the walk but that is the most exhausting activity for today.
I feel a little miserable having 2 sorta free days and yet I cannot arrange for tuition sessions to help my tutees whose exams are approaching or to help Cynthia out or to even do my compo marking. It’s very lousy to be sick you know?
I will stop sending energy balls, build up my own energy and go down to Hort Park later.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Over the weekend
Charmaine had been really active over the weekend.
She kept requesting to come down from the bed to take a walk.
That was troublesome to the adults as we had to push the bar with all the drips. More importantly, we were afraid of the line being jerked out from the port.
Most of the time instead of walking, she would be standing on the bars while being pushed around. It's much safer this way.
It was really cute… the way she got onto the “surf board”, hollered and waved goodbye to me while Charlene pushed her around. Indeed, she looked like she was surfing.

Sometimes, Jase would get onto the “surf board” as well. There was once when he put his hand on the small of Charmaine’s back and said,
“Mei mei still small. I must hold mei mei wait she fall down.”
I didn’t manage to capture that candid shot in time and I could kick myself for it. They looked really very cute.
On Sunday…
It was good fortune that my tutees’ mum cancelled both bro and sis’s sessions for she had to bring them to KL. Leaving with only 1 session of tuition with another tutee, I pushed that up and popped by cyn’s house to teach Jase in the evening.
I had a great time teaching him.
While he was taking his own sweet time eating, I took the liberty to pick some activity books from the shelf and chose a few exercises for him to do.
After Jase was done eating, he sat down obediently at the little wooden table and set about doing his task conscientiously. I was half expecting him to be pleading with me to play with him.
He has a keen interest in learning, often flipping the activity books on his own to choose the exercises which he would like to do. He is really very 好学! Whenever a page caught his interest, he would ask how to do the exercise. After listening to my explanations and upon understanding them, he would then waste no time in doing them.

I chose one exercise with a birthday cake for his birthday was next month. He was very excited to colour the cake and even requested for me to sing him a birthday song after he had finished colouring. After that, he pretended to blow the candles.
This boy can colour really well!
He did lots of matching exercises, joining dots and picture conversation. He breezed through all those. However, when it came to reading and writing, he faltered a little and said in a sad tone,
“It’s too difficult for me.”
Hence, I read out the sentences for him. Even though he is not really adept at recognizing words, he knew how to choose the correct words to fill in the blanks. I was pleasantly surprised when he got all the answers correct.
There was an exercise on different parts of the body and he was supposed to draw himself in the box. With some guidance, he finished drawing a boy to represent himself and said that he wanted to draw mei mei in the box too. After drawing Charmaine, he insisted on drawing mummy in as well.

Who could fault him for being out of point when he was being a loving son and brother?
Soon two hours flew by and I asked Jase if he was tired of writing. When he saw that the sun had set, he said,
“Hurry up. I got no time. I must go to the hospital.”
“Gong gong not here yet. 8 o’clock then go. Now only 7.45,” cyn’s mum said in the background.
After hearing that, he sat down and did more exercises.
When we were packing up, he chose two activity books to bring to NUH to show cyn mummy. He was so proud of his work that he held the books tightly to his chest and didn’t want me to hold it for him.
When we reached there, he was so eager to show cyn mummy what he had accomplished and cyn mummy was pleasantly surprised at what he could do too.
Charmaine as usual was elated to see us. She was in the process of "cooking" when we arrived.
Just the day before, Charmaine treated the “Connnect Four” game as a cheater blocking game. Why cheater? Coz she was always cheating. Haha… On Sunday, the game morphed into a cooking set. She told me that she was cooking char siew rice for me.
After that, brother and sister played the Little Tikes computer. The games in there are really cute!

That day, I realised that I’m not a good “surf board pusher”. I must practise more and learn from Charlene. Hahaha…
That day, I also realised that I like Meiji chocolate milk. This is really lame but I felt that it was so cool having a small bottle of Meiji chocolate milk each and sipping it with the kids.
She kept requesting to come down from the bed to take a walk.
That was troublesome to the adults as we had to push the bar with all the drips. More importantly, we were afraid of the line being jerked out from the port.
Most of the time instead of walking, she would be standing on the bars while being pushed around. It's much safer this way.
It was really cute… the way she got onto the “surf board”, hollered and waved goodbye to me while Charlene pushed her around. Indeed, she looked like she was surfing.

Sometimes, Jase would get onto the “surf board” as well. There was once when he put his hand on the small of Charmaine’s back and said,
“Mei mei still small. I must hold mei mei wait she fall down.”
I didn’t manage to capture that candid shot in time and I could kick myself for it. They looked really very cute.
On Sunday…
It was good fortune that my tutees’ mum cancelled both bro and sis’s sessions for she had to bring them to KL. Leaving with only 1 session of tuition with another tutee, I pushed that up and popped by cyn’s house to teach Jase in the evening.
I had a great time teaching him.
While he was taking his own sweet time eating, I took the liberty to pick some activity books from the shelf and chose a few exercises for him to do.
After Jase was done eating, he sat down obediently at the little wooden table and set about doing his task conscientiously. I was half expecting him to be pleading with me to play with him.
He has a keen interest in learning, often flipping the activity books on his own to choose the exercises which he would like to do. He is really very 好学! Whenever a page caught his interest, he would ask how to do the exercise. After listening to my explanations and upon understanding them, he would then waste no time in doing them.

I chose one exercise with a birthday cake for his birthday was next month. He was very excited to colour the cake and even requested for me to sing him a birthday song after he had finished colouring. After that, he pretended to blow the candles.
This boy can colour really well!
He did lots of matching exercises, joining dots and picture conversation. He breezed through all those. However, when it came to reading and writing, he faltered a little and said in a sad tone,
“It’s too difficult for me.”
Hence, I read out the sentences for him. Even though he is not really adept at recognizing words, he knew how to choose the correct words to fill in the blanks. I was pleasantly surprised when he got all the answers correct.
There was an exercise on different parts of the body and he was supposed to draw himself in the box. With some guidance, he finished drawing a boy to represent himself and said that he wanted to draw mei mei in the box too. After drawing Charmaine, he insisted on drawing mummy in as well.
Who could fault him for being out of point when he was being a loving son and brother?
Soon two hours flew by and I asked Jase if he was tired of writing. When he saw that the sun had set, he said,
“Hurry up. I got no time. I must go to the hospital.”
“Gong gong not here yet. 8 o’clock then go. Now only 7.45,” cyn’s mum said in the background.
After hearing that, he sat down and did more exercises.
When we were packing up, he chose two activity books to bring to NUH to show cyn mummy. He was so proud of his work that he held the books tightly to his chest and didn’t want me to hold it for him.
When we reached there, he was so eager to show cyn mummy what he had accomplished and cyn mummy was pleasantly surprised at what he could do too.
Charmaine as usual was elated to see us. She was in the process of "cooking" when we arrived.
Just the day before, Charmaine treated the “Connnect Four” game as a cheater blocking game. Why cheater? Coz she was always cheating. Haha… On Sunday, the game morphed into a cooking set. She told me that she was cooking char siew rice for me.
After that, brother and sister played the Little Tikes computer. The games in there are really cute!

That day, I realised that I’m not a good “surf board pusher”. I must practise more and learn from Charlene. Hahaha…
That day, I also realised that I like Meiji chocolate milk. This is really lame but I felt that it was so cool having a small bottle of Meiji chocolate milk each and sipping it with the kids.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Survived A Day Without Both Handphones
12 hours to be exact, not 24.
My block's electricity supply was cut off at 8.45am this morning due to some wiring and installation of cables. I could not stand the heat and quickly zipped off to work.
In my hurry, I left both handphones at home.
I'm glad that for an sms-freak like me, I managed quite well without my phones initially. By afternoon, all I could think about was whether Cynthia had sms-ed me updates about Charmaine... and then when night fell, I could not wait any longer but to pack up and leave.
I'm not that much of a techie-survivor after all.
BTW my mainline is spoilt AGAIN!
It's the same old problem of people not being able to hear me when I could actually hear the caller very clearly. It's a recurring problem that would fix by itself miraculously. Hence during this period of time, I would not be picking up most calls. If I do pick up and you hear nothing on my side, it probably means that the hp hasn't fixed by itself yet or that I've thrown my hp away.
So for now, please sms me. Thanx!
Charmaine is in NUH for her 3rd chemo now.
Let's pray that everything would go smoothly for her.
My block's electricity supply was cut off at 8.45am this morning due to some wiring and installation of cables. I could not stand the heat and quickly zipped off to work.
In my hurry, I left both handphones at home.
I'm glad that for an sms-freak like me, I managed quite well without my phones initially. By afternoon, all I could think about was whether Cynthia had sms-ed me updates about Charmaine... and then when night fell, I could not wait any longer but to pack up and leave.
I'm not that much of a techie-survivor after all.
BTW my mainline is spoilt AGAIN!
It's the same old problem of people not being able to hear me when I could actually hear the caller very clearly. It's a recurring problem that would fix by itself miraculously. Hence during this period of time, I would not be picking up most calls. If I do pick up and you hear nothing on my side, it probably means that the hp hasn't fixed by itself yet or that I've thrown my hp away.
So for now, please sms me. Thanx!
Charmaine is in NUH for her 3rd chemo now.
Let's pray that everything would go smoothly for her.

Monday, April 13, 2009
Had Good Friday All Planned
Evening – night:
Meet up with one of besties
Visit cyn and the kids
Fortunately said bestie was understanding about the last minute change. I figured that I needed to save my weekend nights for marking atrocious compositions and hence decided to drop by on Friday instead.
When I arrived, I could hear Charlene screaming from the room,
“OH godma Jolene is here to save me!”
Haha… The kids must have been “shooting” her with their “guns” and “injecting” her with their “syringes” again.
While I took over from Charlene who had been entertaining the kids the whole day, she went on to help cyn with the household chores. Now that Aunty Sonia is gone, cyn has to juggle with so much chores. She has to assume the role of a mother, father, cook, domestic helper, daughter, accountant… the list is endless.
My er jie bought play doh beach theme for the kids and so we started playing with dough along with their own play doh.
It was hours of play doh fun.
After opening all the tubs for them, charmaine started pinching off bits of dough and mixing the colours. When I saw the green mixing with the yellow, I felt so sorry for the fresh new dough. The next moment, Jase started mixing colours too.
WAH! Heartache ah!
Cyn, char and I are those who cannot bear to see different colours of play doh being mixed together. However, the kids had no qualms about mixing their dough. We looked at the mixed play doh and felt our hearts ache.
I taught them how to roll in circles to get spheres, rolling forward and backward to get a long dough, cutting different shapes etc.
Jase looked at the packaging on the container and asked if I knew how to make a lobster. While making, he kept asking me what colour lobsters are when alive and when cooked, how many legs does a lobster have (which I seriously dunno…10?) etc.
In the meantime, Charmaine was mixing more colours, rolling and cutting the dough. Every now and then, she would cut some bits for us, telling us that they were pizzas and cakes.
When I was about to add some finishing touches to my lobster, Jase fished out a lobster cutter mould and went, “Eh? Got lobster here.”
I looked at the mould and felt so stupid to realise that the mould is provided in the set only when my lobster was almost completed.

It was time for Charmaine to take her medicine but she was unwilling. Cyn mummy spent some time coaxing her but to no avail. Charmaine turned a deaf ear to all our coaxing too.

We left her alone and continued with whatever we were doing.
After some time, Charmaine picked up the syringe and we were all so happy to see her attempting to feed herself. Luckily Charlene’s fingers were fast enough to capture this.
So cute! Still can dance summore. When I showed my family members the video on my camera, they all laughed at the part when she was dancing.
Jase wanted a little attention too so he held his mixed colour car up. Other than that little bit of attention crave, Jase was a real angel that day. =) He even let mei mei use her feet to touch his face w/o scolding her. Haha… should I say that’s nice or bo chup of him?
Next, we started making starfish from the starfish cutter mould. We didn’t have enough pure colours left and so I told them we had to use the old doh. Earlier on when they asked me open the yellow cap container from their old play doh set, expecting to find yellow dough inside, we were greeted with an ugly dirty green colour. They could actually say “EEEEE” when they saw that.
“Now you see why we cannot mix so many colours? Mix already will become this ugly colour.”
When I realised that we didn’t have any pure green play doh anymore, I started a little trick to stop the kids from mixing colours. I told them we had to save the dough. I began trying to save whatver uncontaminated colours, peeled them and put them into different lumps.
It was a tedious process. Each time, I managed to peel a pure colour away from the mixture, I would stick it onto that colour lump and exclaim, “Saved!”
Soon, the kids were imitating… only that their lumps were still quite a mixture of colours.
It was time to make ice cream from the ice cream moulds. Jase wanted 2 ice cream. Charmaine as well. Charmaine requested for an ice cream for mummy too. Such a lovely gal. Hence, Godma Jolene became a busy busy ice cream maker.
When the ice creams were done, Jase started rolling dough and putting eyes, nose and mouth for his ice cream. Charmaine followed suit but she wasn’t sure about how to roll them proportionate to the ice cream so I helped her with it.
Charmaine got a little angry at one point of time but I wasn’t exactly sure why. I think it was because Jase took her ice cream saying that he requested for them first. She gave an angry face and said, “I don’t want to play already.” Then she went into the room where cyn and char were.
After she got over her anger, charmaine like a slinky snake, slid onto my lap and asked for her ice cream. Haha… She was still bitter about her loss. When she got her ice cream, she was happy again as evident from the photos below.

[All photos that day were taken by Charlene]
Soon the sky turned dark and everyone was tired from playing doh. At that time, I had a slight headache and was actually relieved that we stopped.
I personally hate clearing up play doh. Hate it when the play dough gets stuck in those “press machines”. I’ve to use toothpick to pick out all the bits last time when I was young and anal. Now that I’m older, I’m even more anal.
Jase was such a little helper. He filled a plastic pail with water and tried to help. However, he did not know what to do with the pail of water.
When he saw me picking up all the small pieces of dough from the floor and the table, he did the same and threw them into the pail of water. It wasn’t an effective way of clearing play doh at all but I allowed him to help coz of his good intentions.
Jase got yellow and pink paint onto my shorts!
It happened when I sat down on their self painted wooden chair to clean the table without knowing that he had put the pail on the chair before that, leaving a circle of water stain which got into my shorts.
越帮越忙 again!
This boy ah… must surely find something to help. He started finding for all those stuff which “touched the play doh” and asked me if he could wash them.
Anything that would keep him busy, I said yes.
He took some of the play doh equipment to wash at the basin all by himself. I must say he did a really clean job for most of them. I dried the equipment and he also offered to dry them.
The most disgusting part came the press machine. It was full of old doh from the previous time. Goodness knows how long they’ve been stuck there. Jase tried to wash it clean but they were quite stubborn and too difficult for a young child to wash. I brought the whole damn thing to the table and started picking the doh with toothpicks.
Charlene came over and asked, “Must be so clean ah?”
To which I answered, “No la, but I just cannot stand it.”
By then, my head was throbbing. Hence, when Charlene offered to take over the nit-picking, I gladly let her. We started chatting about stuff. It is pretty hard for us to chat and catch up unless we are alone.
At the end of it all, we managed to catch up PLUS the press machine was super duper clean!
We spent some time in the air-conditioned room after the kids had showered. Jase asked if we could go home at 1 o’clock and we said no. He bargained for 12 midnight. The kids are always so active and refuse to sleep whenever there are visitors. They did not even have their afternoon nap that day and they were still so energetic close to midnight.
I wasn’t quite myself as my headache was getting worse with wave of nausea every now and then. Cyn told the kids not to disturb me and said that it’s ok if I wanna go home. I din wanna go home yet coz I dunno when would be the next time I can make it down again.
I was already dying from the headache but charchar wanna take a pic of me so must pose.

I thought that I would probably have to fill my tummy to feel better. Decided to drink milo with Charmaine as she wanted to drink milo before that. We went out to the kitchen to make our milo coz Charmaine told me she knows how to make milo herself. After cyn mummy opened the tin, Charmaine carefully scooped the milo without spilling. She also helped me to scoop too and since my cup was bigger, she added more milo in proportion. What a clever girl!
Like a traditional auntie, I sat at the kitchen table and ate “sau tau piah” (those traditional Khong Guan, Jacobs or Julie square crackers) dipped into my milo. Cyn said she has been teaching Charmaine to eat in this manner too as the biscuit would be soft and this way of eating would be beneficial whenever she has ulcers after chemo.
When Charmaine saw me eating like that, she climbed onto my lap, pulled her cup of milo in front of her and dipped her sau tau piah into her milo.
“Nice or not?”
The next moment, Charmaine gave me her unfinished sau tau piah and said, “I don’t want already.”
IF I’m reading her correctly, that means it’s not nice.
I managed to catch up with Cynthia for a brief moment before Charlene came out of the room to announce that the kids were in sleeping position. This was good news. Cyn had to go in to tuck them into bed.
By midnight, Char and I let ourselves outta the house with she feeling bushed and me feeling nauseous.
I went home, looked at the unfinished food on the table and immediately turned to the sink to puke. My throat hurt big time while retching but I felt a lot better after that. Little did I know that the throat problem would erupt into something major in a few hours’ time.
On Sunday
To those who sms-ed me,
I’m really very touched by all who sms-ed me asking me how I am, telling me to take care, encouraging me to hand in there…
You know who you are. ;)
Even people whom I thought wouldn’t care told me to take care.
It’s always very heartwarming to receive sweet sms-es.
A particular sms got me laughing at the end:
“ Read ur blog. Charmaine is real strong to maintain her cheerfulness amidst her chemo. Wana encourage u also for being her n her family’s strength n joy. U need to rest n recharge nw. Hope u get better soon. Well, at least the bees din die for nothing. Tk care huh.”
Talking about bees… My dad went to buy the throat and voice medicine from another medical hall. This time he openly told me that there was just one bee inside.
I have since gotten 90% of my voice back and the swelling has gone down by a lot. I’m able to eat like nobody’s business w/o having to endure the pain from swallowing.
The wonders of Western and Eastern healing!
However, my throat hurts like crazy whenever I sneeze or cough.
I’ll be able to take on my classes tomorrow, I mean later today.
Just now during my 2 sessions of tuition with constant speaking one to one, I was still wondering how I was going to teach my pai kia class later. Well, I just hope I don’t strain my vocal chords while teaching pai kia class later.
Evening – night:
Visit cyn and the kids
Fortunately said bestie was understanding about the last minute change. I figured that I needed to save my weekend nights for marking atrocious compositions and hence decided to drop by on Friday instead.
When I arrived, I could hear Charlene screaming from the room,
“OH godma Jolene is here to save me!”
Haha… The kids must have been “shooting” her with their “guns” and “injecting” her with their “syringes” again.
While I took over from Charlene who had been entertaining the kids the whole day, she went on to help cyn with the household chores. Now that Aunty Sonia is gone, cyn has to juggle with so much chores. She has to assume the role of a mother, father, cook, domestic helper, daughter, accountant… the list is endless.
My er jie bought play doh beach theme for the kids and so we started playing with dough along with their own play doh.
It was hours of play doh fun.
After opening all the tubs for them, charmaine started pinching off bits of dough and mixing the colours. When I saw the green mixing with the yellow, I felt so sorry for the fresh new dough. The next moment, Jase started mixing colours too.
WAH! Heartache ah!
Cyn, char and I are those who cannot bear to see different colours of play doh being mixed together. However, the kids had no qualms about mixing their dough. We looked at the mixed play doh and felt our hearts ache.
I taught them how to roll in circles to get spheres, rolling forward and backward to get a long dough, cutting different shapes etc.
Jase looked at the packaging on the container and asked if I knew how to make a lobster. While making, he kept asking me what colour lobsters are when alive and when cooked, how many legs does a lobster have (which I seriously dunno…10?) etc.
In the meantime, Charmaine was mixing more colours, rolling and cutting the dough. Every now and then, she would cut some bits for us, telling us that they were pizzas and cakes.
When I was about to add some finishing touches to my lobster, Jase fished out a lobster cutter mould and went, “Eh? Got lobster here.”
I looked at the mould and felt so stupid to realise that the mould is provided in the set only when my lobster was almost completed.
It was time for Charmaine to take her medicine but she was unwilling. Cyn mummy spent some time coaxing her but to no avail. Charmaine turned a deaf ear to all our coaxing too.

We left her alone and continued with whatever we were doing.
After some time, Charmaine picked up the syringe and we were all so happy to see her attempting to feed herself. Luckily Charlene’s fingers were fast enough to capture this.
So cute! Still can dance summore. When I showed my family members the video on my camera, they all laughed at the part when she was dancing.
Jase wanted a little attention too so he held his mixed colour car up. Other than that little bit of attention crave, Jase was a real angel that day. =) He even let mei mei use her feet to touch his face w/o scolding her. Haha… should I say that’s nice or bo chup of him?
Next, we started making starfish from the starfish cutter mould. We didn’t have enough pure colours left and so I told them we had to use the old doh. Earlier on when they asked me open the yellow cap container from their old play doh set, expecting to find yellow dough inside, we were greeted with an ugly dirty green colour. They could actually say “EEEEE” when they saw that.
“Now you see why we cannot mix so many colours? Mix already will become this ugly colour.”
When I realised that we didn’t have any pure green play doh anymore, I started a little trick to stop the kids from mixing colours. I told them we had to save the dough. I began trying to save whatver uncontaminated colours, peeled them and put them into different lumps.
It was a tedious process. Each time, I managed to peel a pure colour away from the mixture, I would stick it onto that colour lump and exclaim, “Saved!”
Soon, the kids were imitating… only that their lumps were still quite a mixture of colours.
It was time to make ice cream from the ice cream moulds. Jase wanted 2 ice cream. Charmaine as well. Charmaine requested for an ice cream for mummy too. Such a lovely gal. Hence, Godma Jolene became a busy busy ice cream maker.
When the ice creams were done, Jase started rolling dough and putting eyes, nose and mouth for his ice cream. Charmaine followed suit but she wasn’t sure about how to roll them proportionate to the ice cream so I helped her with it.
Charmaine got a little angry at one point of time but I wasn’t exactly sure why. I think it was because Jase took her ice cream saying that he requested for them first. She gave an angry face and said, “I don’t want to play already.” Then she went into the room where cyn and char were.
After she got over her anger, charmaine like a slinky snake, slid onto my lap and asked for her ice cream. Haha… She was still bitter about her loss. When she got her ice cream, she was happy again as evident from the photos below.

[All photos that day were taken by Charlene]
Soon the sky turned dark and everyone was tired from playing doh. At that time, I had a slight headache and was actually relieved that we stopped.
I personally hate clearing up play doh. Hate it when the play dough gets stuck in those “press machines”. I’ve to use toothpick to pick out all the bits last time when I was young and anal. Now that I’m older, I’m even more anal.
Jase was such a little helper. He filled a plastic pail with water and tried to help. However, he did not know what to do with the pail of water.
When he saw me picking up all the small pieces of dough from the floor and the table, he did the same and threw them into the pail of water. It wasn’t an effective way of clearing play doh at all but I allowed him to help coz of his good intentions.
Jase got yellow and pink paint onto my shorts!
It happened when I sat down on their self painted wooden chair to clean the table without knowing that he had put the pail on the chair before that, leaving a circle of water stain which got into my shorts.
越帮越忙 again!
This boy ah… must surely find something to help. He started finding for all those stuff which “touched the play doh” and asked me if he could wash them.
Anything that would keep him busy, I said yes.
He took some of the play doh equipment to wash at the basin all by himself. I must say he did a really clean job for most of them. I dried the equipment and he also offered to dry them.
The most disgusting part came the press machine. It was full of old doh from the previous time. Goodness knows how long they’ve been stuck there. Jase tried to wash it clean but they were quite stubborn and too difficult for a young child to wash. I brought the whole damn thing to the table and started picking the doh with toothpicks.
Charlene came over and asked, “Must be so clean ah?”
To which I answered, “No la, but I just cannot stand it.”
By then, my head was throbbing. Hence, when Charlene offered to take over the nit-picking, I gladly let her. We started chatting about stuff. It is pretty hard for us to chat and catch up unless we are alone.
At the end of it all, we managed to catch up PLUS the press machine was super duper clean!
We spent some time in the air-conditioned room after the kids had showered. Jase asked if we could go home at 1 o’clock and we said no. He bargained for 12 midnight. The kids are always so active and refuse to sleep whenever there are visitors. They did not even have their afternoon nap that day and they were still so energetic close to midnight.
I wasn’t quite myself as my headache was getting worse with wave of nausea every now and then. Cyn told the kids not to disturb me and said that it’s ok if I wanna go home. I din wanna go home yet coz I dunno when would be the next time I can make it down again.
I was already dying from the headache but charchar wanna take a pic of me so must pose.
I thought that I would probably have to fill my tummy to feel better. Decided to drink milo with Charmaine as she wanted to drink milo before that. We went out to the kitchen to make our milo coz Charmaine told me she knows how to make milo herself. After cyn mummy opened the tin, Charmaine carefully scooped the milo without spilling. She also helped me to scoop too and since my cup was bigger, she added more milo in proportion. What a clever girl!
Like a traditional auntie, I sat at the kitchen table and ate “sau tau piah” (those traditional Khong Guan, Jacobs or Julie square crackers) dipped into my milo. Cyn said she has been teaching Charmaine to eat in this manner too as the biscuit would be soft and this way of eating would be beneficial whenever she has ulcers after chemo.
When Charmaine saw me eating like that, she climbed onto my lap, pulled her cup of milo in front of her and dipped her sau tau piah into her milo.
“Nice or not?”
The next moment, Charmaine gave me her unfinished sau tau piah and said, “I don’t want already.”
IF I’m reading her correctly, that means it’s not nice.
I managed to catch up with Cynthia for a brief moment before Charlene came out of the room to announce that the kids were in sleeping position. This was good news. Cyn had to go in to tuck them into bed.
By midnight, Char and I let ourselves outta the house with she feeling bushed and me feeling nauseous.
I went home, looked at the unfinished food on the table and immediately turned to the sink to puke. My throat hurt big time while retching but I felt a lot better after that. Little did I know that the throat problem would erupt into something major in a few hours’ time.
On Sunday
To those who sms-ed me,
I’m really very touched by all who sms-ed me asking me how I am, telling me to take care, encouraging me to hand in there…
You know who you are. ;)
Even people whom I thought wouldn’t care told me to take care.
It’s always very heartwarming to receive sweet sms-es.
A particular sms got me laughing at the end:
“ Read ur blog. Charmaine is real strong to maintain her cheerfulness amidst her chemo. Wana encourage u also for being her n her family’s strength n joy. U need to rest n recharge nw. Hope u get better soon. Well, at least the bees din die for nothing. Tk care huh.”
Talking about bees… My dad went to buy the throat and voice medicine from another medical hall. This time he openly told me that there was just one bee inside.
I have since gotten 90% of my voice back and the swelling has gone down by a lot. I’m able to eat like nobody’s business w/o having to endure the pain from swallowing.
The wonders of Western and Eastern healing!
However, my throat hurts like crazy whenever I sneeze or cough.
I’ll be able to take on my classes tomorrow, I mean later today.
Just now during my 2 sessions of tuition with constant speaking one to one, I was still wondering how I was going to teach my pai kia class later. Well, I just hope I don’t strain my vocal chords while teaching pai kia class later.

Sunday, April 12, 2009
The bees helped you get your voice back
The most dreadful feeling in the world:
Suffering from headache and nausea

The best feeling in the world:
Vomiting after that

The dreadful:
Tearing my already sore throat while vomiting
The good:
Being able to sleep like normal human beings at earthly hours
The dreadful:
Waking up at 5am due to the worst throat pain ever
The dreadful:
Being unable to breathe while lying down
The dreadful:
Finding out I’ve lost my voice.
The dreadful:
Going to the doc at 9+am only to be told I’m queue #32. Doc was seeing #13 then.
The good:
Since the clinic was near, I walked home and waited at home… for 2 hours. Beats waiting at the clinic for 2 hours.
The dreadful:
Throat infection affecting vocal chords
The dreadful:
Not being able to eat despite feeling very hungry
The dreadful:
Not being able to help cyn at home when I did not have to go to work
The good:
Being able to sleep from afternoon till night.
I’m suffering from my worst ever sore throat in my pathetic 26 + years of life. It’s damn pain I tell you. Never swallow also pain. Swallowing is hell. I swear I never wanna suffer from this ever again.
It started from durians last Sunday night. However, the sorness was bearable throughout the week till early this morning. I woke up in pain and shock coz I realised I could not inhale smoothly. I felt like my whole throat was swollen and lined with thick mucus. I figured I may have torn something when I puked the night before. I took some pi pa gao and went “ah”. Yay, still got voice. Then, I tried to go back to sleep after sms-ing some colleagues.
Dad woke me up for work and I realised I’ve lost my voice…. Cannot teach anymore. Went to the clinic downstairs to register and drafted an email with instructions for the relief tutors taking my classes while waiting at home for the doc.
I saw the doc with kh. Kh was suffering from some throat thingy since Thursday. He too said that it was his worst sore throat ever. Usually he doesn’t even bother to see a doc unless he’s very sick. Hence for him to sms me asking for 24hour clinic on Good Friday just proves how much he has been suffering.
Both of us suffered from headache and body ache as well. We felt so much pain swallowing that we could not even eat proper food. That’s pure agony for piggies like us.
“My mum cooked mi fen tang and I can only drink the soup and stare at the mi fen feeling so hungry.” -- kh
He thought that mine was more serious coz I’ve got no voice. When the doc looked at his throat, she said it was real bad and asked if I wanted to see. She shone the torch down and the sight was simply eeewww…. There were dots of pus lining around his tonsils and down. I’ve never quite seen anything like that on a throat before.
He needed either an injection or the strongest throat infection antibiotics which cost a whopping $50 and if he still doesn’t recover, he may have to be put on a drip. Fwah… that’s serious. Poor boy is having his exams this coming week and he cannot afford to be put on drip.
When it was my turn, I showed the doc my ready-typed text on my hp to explain my condition. I summoned whatever whispers I have left in me to talk whenever necessary. Mine wasn’t as serious as his as there wasn’t pus. My throat was red and raw with gathering of bumps which became larger lumps at the sides of the tonsil and all the way down. The reson why I’ve lost my voice and he didn’t is coz my vocal chords were infected while his is tonsillitis.
“You two better stay away from each other.”
“We’ve been staying away from each other the past few days.”
I could not eat due to the pain when swallowing so I drank porridge soup with bits of porridge that felt like little grenades exploding in my throat before downing the medicine. If porridge grains felt like little grenades, the tablets were 3 F***ing atomic bombs.
When in pain, it’s better to be unconscious than conscious. With that in mind, I went to bed.
When I awoke, I found home-cooked food like broccoli with carrots, steamed eggs with tofu and plain porridge. One thing I’m thankful for whenever I’m sick is the privilege of having home-cooked food. For the past few times I was sick, I requested for broccoli and so I’m quite happy to see broccoli on the table just now.
My dad bought some medicine to brew from a Chinese medical hall. I smelled it and figured it was black plums (wu mei). I don’t exactly like the taste of black plums but for my poor throat, I’ll do anything. I sieved the whole concoction suspiciously, trying to spot for black bees. You do know that black bees are used in Chinese medicine as a cure for loss of voice right? I was shocked when I first found out about it the last time.
My da jie decided to help me scoop since I was being such a brat. She scooped one which looked like the body without legs and wings but I wasn’t exactly sure. It looked a little like a black bean with lines. Which black bean has segmented lines wan? Seeing that, she quickly poured that "bean" back and told me to pretend I didn’t see it.
That drink is a magic potion I tell you. It didn’t taste as bad as the normal wu mei drink and I got a little of my voice back in a jiffy! Throat isn’t as painful as before too.
When my parents came back just now, I questioned them if there were bees inside. Dad insisted there wasn’t. Then when my mum was scooping, she got a shock coz she saw one on the luo han, with wings, legs and all. She scolded my dad for lying. Hahaha… I thought it was very funny coz my dad was still very blur. He merely asked the person for throat and loss of voice medication and they gave him a ready-packed package. But then ah… how can he not see the bees when pouring the contents out to brew???
My joy was replaced with disgust.
As if to console me, my mum said, “Never mind la. The bees helped you get your voice back.”
Suffering from headache and nausea
The best feeling in the world:
Vomiting after that

The dreadful:
Tearing my already sore throat while vomiting
The good:
Being able to sleep like normal human beings at earthly hours
The dreadful:
Waking up at 5am due to the worst throat pain ever
The dreadful:
Being unable to breathe while lying down
The dreadful:
Finding out I’ve lost my voice.
The dreadful:
Going to the doc at 9+am only to be told I’m queue #32. Doc was seeing #13 then.
The good:
Since the clinic was near, I walked home and waited at home… for 2 hours. Beats waiting at the clinic for 2 hours.
The dreadful:
Throat infection affecting vocal chords
The dreadful:
Not being able to eat despite feeling very hungry
The dreadful:
Not being able to help cyn at home when I did not have to go to work
The good:
Being able to sleep from afternoon till night.
I’m suffering from my worst ever sore throat in my pathetic 26 + years of life. It’s damn pain I tell you. Never swallow also pain. Swallowing is hell. I swear I never wanna suffer from this ever again.
It started from durians last Sunday night. However, the sorness was bearable throughout the week till early this morning. I woke up in pain and shock coz I realised I could not inhale smoothly. I felt like my whole throat was swollen and lined with thick mucus. I figured I may have torn something when I puked the night before. I took some pi pa gao and went “ah”. Yay, still got voice. Then, I tried to go back to sleep after sms-ing some colleagues.
Dad woke me up for work and I realised I’ve lost my voice…. Cannot teach anymore. Went to the clinic downstairs to register and drafted an email with instructions for the relief tutors taking my classes while waiting at home for the doc.
I saw the doc with kh. Kh was suffering from some throat thingy since Thursday. He too said that it was his worst sore throat ever. Usually he doesn’t even bother to see a doc unless he’s very sick. Hence for him to sms me asking for 24hour clinic on Good Friday just proves how much he has been suffering.
Both of us suffered from headache and body ache as well. We felt so much pain swallowing that we could not even eat proper food. That’s pure agony for piggies like us.
“My mum cooked mi fen tang and I can only drink the soup and stare at the mi fen feeling so hungry.” -- kh
He thought that mine was more serious coz I’ve got no voice. When the doc looked at his throat, she said it was real bad and asked if I wanted to see. She shone the torch down and the sight was simply eeewww…. There were dots of pus lining around his tonsils and down. I’ve never quite seen anything like that on a throat before.
He needed either an injection or the strongest throat infection antibiotics which cost a whopping $50 and if he still doesn’t recover, he may have to be put on a drip. Fwah… that’s serious. Poor boy is having his exams this coming week and he cannot afford to be put on drip.
When it was my turn, I showed the doc my ready-typed text on my hp to explain my condition. I summoned whatever whispers I have left in me to talk whenever necessary. Mine wasn’t as serious as his as there wasn’t pus. My throat was red and raw with gathering of bumps which became larger lumps at the sides of the tonsil and all the way down. The reson why I’ve lost my voice and he didn’t is coz my vocal chords were infected while his is tonsillitis.
“You two better stay away from each other.”
“We’ve been staying away from each other the past few days.”
I could not eat due to the pain when swallowing so I drank porridge soup with bits of porridge that felt like little grenades exploding in my throat before downing the medicine. If porridge grains felt like little grenades, the tablets were 3 F***ing atomic bombs.
When in pain, it’s better to be unconscious than conscious. With that in mind, I went to bed.
When I awoke, I found home-cooked food like broccoli with carrots, steamed eggs with tofu and plain porridge. One thing I’m thankful for whenever I’m sick is the privilege of having home-cooked food. For the past few times I was sick, I requested for broccoli and so I’m quite happy to see broccoli on the table just now.
My dad bought some medicine to brew from a Chinese medical hall. I smelled it and figured it was black plums (wu mei). I don’t exactly like the taste of black plums but for my poor throat, I’ll do anything. I sieved the whole concoction suspiciously, trying to spot for black bees. You do know that black bees are used in Chinese medicine as a cure for loss of voice right? I was shocked when I first found out about it the last time.
My da jie decided to help me scoop since I was being such a brat. She scooped one which looked like the body without legs and wings but I wasn’t exactly sure. It looked a little like a black bean with lines. Which black bean has segmented lines wan? Seeing that, she quickly poured that "bean" back and told me to pretend I didn’t see it.
That drink is a magic potion I tell you. It didn’t taste as bad as the normal wu mei drink and I got a little of my voice back in a jiffy! Throat isn’t as painful as before too.
When my parents came back just now, I questioned them if there were bees inside. Dad insisted there wasn’t. Then when my mum was scooping, she got a shock coz she saw one on the luo han, with wings, legs and all. She scolded my dad for lying. Hahaha… I thought it was very funny coz my dad was still very blur. He merely asked the person for throat and loss of voice medication and they gave him a ready-packed package. But then ah… how can he not see the bees when pouring the contents out to brew???
My joy was replaced with disgust.
As if to console me, my mum said, “Never mind la. The bees helped you get your voice back.”
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
Last Thursday…
Charlene and I were supposed to meet up in the evening for a play session with the kids at Cynthia's house. However, Charmaine had to be warded that very morning as her fever had hit 38 degree.
Recently, there is another setback for Cynthia. SIGH… How many trials and tribulations must Cynthia go through before it’s enough? To look on the bright side, Charmaine was so bubbly and lively despite running a temperature. Looking at all the positive energy emanating from her, one could not believe she is sick.
Charmaine assumed many roles that day.
She was a little doctor. She knew how to take her own temperature and read the values out.

Charmaine was a professional little photographer!
These shots were taken by her:

Little Charmaine wasn't just a photographer, she was a director that day. She was suggesting poses for us before she snapped each shot.

After a while, Cynthia's family arrived and both kor kor and mei mei were sooooo sweet to each other!

We spent quite some time "playing" with stickers.
They were really generous sharing their stickers with everyone. However, they were so notti and cheeky to always bully the ever nice Charlene jie jie by giving all the torn stickers to her. Haha... Whenever Charlene asked for stickers, they would say “No” in split second. However, once a sticker is torn, they would paste on her in lightning speed and say, “Nah for you. Broken one got no power.”
We kept laughing over that.
Charlene jie jie is used to being “bullied” by the kids. She said she is merely their playmate and even though we are of the same age, the kids treat her as belonging to their generation. Haha… While the rest of us addressed cyn’s parents as “uncle” and “auntie”, they said Charlene must address them “gong gong” and “po po”. Wahaha…
After many rounds of sticker pasting, everyone ended up wth Dora clothes. Cyn mummy's plain blue T looks just like a T with Dora prints.

There we were trying to imitate each other's pose. It was more of me imitating her actually.

左拥右抱! Lucky Lucky boy!

1 jo + 2 char

Look who's smiling the brightest?

There were two moments which I spent with lil char alone when cyn and charlene were away from the bed.
The first moment, I learnt a lot about Dora from char. I learnt all the names of the characters there as well. It’s such an educational programme. Char must have watched the reruns for the umpteenth time coz she could relate to me exactly what would happen next. She simply love watching Dora dvds over and over again.
I suspect my future kids would end up watching Dora too. However being the very nostalgic me, I would probably introduce some Sesame Street to them.
The second moment is something which still sets my heart stirring.
Char asked me, “Remember last time we married?” **
[** In case you are wondering, there was once at cyn’s house when Char was wearing a lanyard and she put another one over my head. She then hooked both hers and mine together and said, “We all married.”]
Char continued, “I also marry kor kor you know. Kor kor hold something then we all walk down…”
I was wondering if she was referring to the time when she and Jase were the ringbearers for cyn’s cousin.
For some moments, her eyes had this faraway look in them which I haven’t quite seen before. She continued recalling what happened and relating to me while laughing. I explained to her that she wasn’t marrying kor kor and that what kor kor was holding were the wedding rings for uncle and aunty.
I asked her if she likes walking down the aisle together with kor kor and she said “yes”.
I know I shouldn’t have but I asked her if she wanted to do this another time and she said “yes”.
And for a long time I didn’t know what to say. Of course char didn’t know why I asked her that but she was really excited when I told her she had to fight this naughty monster so that she could do that again.
Last Saturday…
Kh and I visted them and I was surprised to see Jase w/o cyn’s family around. Charlene was there too. It turned out that Charlene had brought Jase there. She had spent the entire day running errands, shuttling between NUH, cyn’s home and various places. She even bought notebooks and retractable twist crayons each for the kids.
They were having a whale of a time playing with the crayon, using them as all sorts of props like weapon, wand, syringe… everything except crayons!
Haha… But of course they did manage to write and draw some stuff with the crayons in the end.
It’s really sweet to see both the kids playing with each other and listening to the lovely things they say. There was once when Charmaine was hurt by Jase’s remark about her spoiling his notebook as she did not stick the sticker correctly. There was tension when Charmaine decided to give Jase the silent treatment. Of course like any squabble between siblings, all was back to normal in no time.
Oh yes… on that day, Uncle kh found out that he was relegated to the same rank as Charlene jie jie – serving as playmates for the kids and targets for bullying.
I didn't bring my camera that day but I took a few cute videos on my hp.
Little char was so cute. When cyn's dad arrived to pick Jase up, cyn went "lao dou" (or was it "lao ba"), Charlene, kh and I went "uncle", Jase went "gong gong" and little charmaine went "hello" with a wave of her hand.
That really set all of us in stitches.
Cute little girl!
When it was time to leave, the kids were both reluctant to see anyone go. I really cannot bear to see the look on little char's face whenever she knows her visitors or kor kor are leaving. As usual, I gave a goodbye hug and she wanted to kiss on the lips like always but gotta tell her not to as there are germs.
Next was to settle Jase, he wanted me to sit his gong gong cab together with Charlene jie jie. He kept on talking about me sitting his gong gong's cab back in KK and we've gotta explain to him that I've to sit Uncle kh's car. He asked what colour kh's car was and after knowing that it is blue, he said, "just like gong gong's car."
At the carpark, we've to split and we gave each other our goodbye hug and kiss. Upon reaching kh's car, we realised that cyn's dad had parked behind us. Jase was excited seeing kh's car.
"Wah! Blue car like black sports car!"
This little boy is such a car fanatic... all thanks to a certain Uncle M. Hahaha...
For the record, kh's car is nowhere near a black sports car.
Then for a short distance, their cab was right in front of our car. Jase was facing us and waving the whole time.
Reading all the heartwarming incidents char wrote in her blog, I’m full of praise for Jase. He’s a natural charmer, winning his way into everyone’s hearts, the cab driver, aunties in queue, stall vendors etc. He is such a sensible boy and a loving brother and son.
I’m really touched that Charlene has been such a wonderful jie jie to the kids and a great help to Cynthia even though she did not know know them personally at the beginning. However, I’m quite sure they are great frenz now.
I’m so glad having Charlene around to render so much help for Cynthia and I’m so happy to have such a great friend in her. *HuGz to Charlene*
It’s really nice to have so many wonderful people around Cynthia and her family.
Charlene and I were supposed to meet up in the evening for a play session with the kids at Cynthia's house. However, Charmaine had to be warded that very morning as her fever had hit 38 degree.
Recently, there is another setback for Cynthia. SIGH… How many trials and tribulations must Cynthia go through before it’s enough? To look on the bright side, Charmaine was so bubbly and lively despite running a temperature. Looking at all the positive energy emanating from her, one could not believe she is sick.
Charmaine assumed many roles that day.
She was a little doctor. She knew how to take her own temperature and read the values out.
Charmaine was a professional little photographer!
These shots were taken by her:

Little Charmaine wasn't just a photographer, she was a director that day. She was suggesting poses for us before she snapped each shot.

After a while, Cynthia's family arrived and both kor kor and mei mei were sooooo sweet to each other!

We spent quite some time "playing" with stickers.
They were really generous sharing their stickers with everyone. However, they were so notti and cheeky to always bully the ever nice Charlene jie jie by giving all the torn stickers to her. Haha... Whenever Charlene asked for stickers, they would say “No” in split second. However, once a sticker is torn, they would paste on her in lightning speed and say, “Nah for you. Broken one got no power.”
We kept laughing over that.
Charlene jie jie is used to being “bullied” by the kids. She said she is merely their playmate and even though we are of the same age, the kids treat her as belonging to their generation. Haha… While the rest of us addressed cyn’s parents as “uncle” and “auntie”, they said Charlene must address them “gong gong” and “po po”. Wahaha…
After many rounds of sticker pasting, everyone ended up wth Dora clothes. Cyn mummy's plain blue T looks just like a T with Dora prints.

There we were trying to imitate each other's pose. It was more of me imitating her actually.

左拥右抱! Lucky Lucky boy!

1 jo + 2 char

Look who's smiling the brightest?
There were two moments which I spent with lil char alone when cyn and charlene were away from the bed.
The first moment, I learnt a lot about Dora from char. I learnt all the names of the characters there as well. It’s such an educational programme. Char must have watched the reruns for the umpteenth time coz she could relate to me exactly what would happen next. She simply love watching Dora dvds over and over again.
I suspect my future kids would end up watching Dora too. However being the very nostalgic me, I would probably introduce some Sesame Street to them.
The second moment is something which still sets my heart stirring.
Char asked me, “Remember last time we married?” **
[** In case you are wondering, there was once at cyn’s house when Char was wearing a lanyard and she put another one over my head. She then hooked both hers and mine together and said, “We all married.”]
Char continued, “I also marry kor kor you know. Kor kor hold something then we all walk down…”
I was wondering if she was referring to the time when she and Jase were the ringbearers for cyn’s cousin.
For some moments, her eyes had this faraway look in them which I haven’t quite seen before. She continued recalling what happened and relating to me while laughing. I explained to her that she wasn’t marrying kor kor and that what kor kor was holding were the wedding rings for uncle and aunty.
I asked her if she likes walking down the aisle together with kor kor and she said “yes”.
I know I shouldn’t have but I asked her if she wanted to do this another time and she said “yes”.
And for a long time I didn’t know what to say. Of course char didn’t know why I asked her that but she was really excited when I told her she had to fight this naughty monster so that she could do that again.
Last Saturday…
Kh and I visted them and I was surprised to see Jase w/o cyn’s family around. Charlene was there too. It turned out that Charlene had brought Jase there. She had spent the entire day running errands, shuttling between NUH, cyn’s home and various places. She even bought notebooks and retractable twist crayons each for the kids.
They were having a whale of a time playing with the crayon, using them as all sorts of props like weapon, wand, syringe… everything except crayons!
Haha… But of course they did manage to write and draw some stuff with the crayons in the end.
It’s really sweet to see both the kids playing with each other and listening to the lovely things they say. There was once when Charmaine was hurt by Jase’s remark about her spoiling his notebook as she did not stick the sticker correctly. There was tension when Charmaine decided to give Jase the silent treatment. Of course like any squabble between siblings, all was back to normal in no time.
Oh yes… on that day, Uncle kh found out that he was relegated to the same rank as Charlene jie jie – serving as playmates for the kids and targets for bullying.
I didn't bring my camera that day but I took a few cute videos on my hp.
Little char was so cute. When cyn's dad arrived to pick Jase up, cyn went "lao dou" (or was it "lao ba"), Charlene, kh and I went "uncle", Jase went "gong gong" and little charmaine went "hello" with a wave of her hand.
That really set all of us in stitches.
Cute little girl!
When it was time to leave, the kids were both reluctant to see anyone go. I really cannot bear to see the look on little char's face whenever she knows her visitors or kor kor are leaving. As usual, I gave a goodbye hug and she wanted to kiss on the lips like always but gotta tell her not to as there are germs.
Next was to settle Jase, he wanted me to sit his gong gong cab together with Charlene jie jie. He kept on talking about me sitting his gong gong's cab back in KK and we've gotta explain to him that I've to sit Uncle kh's car. He asked what colour kh's car was and after knowing that it is blue, he said, "just like gong gong's car."
At the carpark, we've to split and we gave each other our goodbye hug and kiss. Upon reaching kh's car, we realised that cyn's dad had parked behind us. Jase was excited seeing kh's car.
"Wah! Blue car like black sports car!"
This little boy is such a car fanatic... all thanks to a certain Uncle M. Hahaha...
For the record, kh's car is nowhere near a black sports car.
Then for a short distance, their cab was right in front of our car. Jase was facing us and waving the whole time.
Reading all the heartwarming incidents char wrote in her blog, I’m full of praise for Jase. He’s a natural charmer, winning his way into everyone’s hearts, the cab driver, aunties in queue, stall vendors etc. He is such a sensible boy and a loving brother and son.
I’m really touched that Charlene has been such a wonderful jie jie to the kids and a great help to Cynthia even though she did not know know them personally at the beginning. However, I’m quite sure they are great frenz now.
I’m so glad having Charlene around to render so much help for Cynthia and I’m so happy to have such a great friend in her. *HuGz to Charlene*
It’s really nice to have so many wonderful people around Cynthia and her family.

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