While October was a hectic month of work and pte tuition, November was a month of the arts, theatre and lotsa catching up with frenz.
Great laughs, great food, great company. What more can a gal ask for?
This is how life should be. It shouldn't be all about work work work.
Some updates on work before I fill in on the not so boring stuff. =)
Work has been great so far!
I’ve been uploading my stuff at least 2 weeks in advance and am clearing time offs like nobody’s business. My nice superior said I’ve got an average of 3 hours per week of time off to clear all the way from January. Hence, multiplying by the number of weeks till date, she said I’d better get my ass down to clearing them.
Got my ass down I did. I’ve been reporting 3 hours late or leaving 3 hours early anytime I wanted.
“It’s a pity I can’t accumulate them to clear days of off,” I cried like a disgruntled employee.
“Well, it’s a good thing you can’t coz you have your clearing of leave to consider as well.” was her reply.
Unlike last year when selected unfortunate few were allowed to have their leave converted to cash, this year was an exception.
Btw why I mentioned “unfortunate few” was coz these were the ones who had nobody to do their job and hence were not able to clear leave as and when they liked. However, I’m beginning to feel the fortune amidst the misfortune. How I wished I could sell my leave to the company again.
Work hasn’t been as hectic as before since November. Marking would be the only time I get really busy and that would be during composition weeks.
I no longer eat in front of my pc but join my nice colleagues for meals at the coffeeshop or in the pantry. Even if I do eat in front of the pc, it would be in a carefree manner.
I do my work at my own pace without feeling very rushed and stressed that I almost forgot how it feels like to be pressed for time.
I am no longer arrowed for doing any “shit job” like being the facilitator for holiday programmes or doing the curriculum of a new course or new franchise at short notice.
In fact, everything was falling into place so smoothly at work that I felt maybe I’m not held in as high regards as before. HA! Wo bu zhong yong liao!
Anyway, I know the bunch of you would say “NOOOO… it’s not like that” and start advising me to treasure the relaxed moments before “shit work” is hurled again.
I’m feeling totally at ease at work now but yet I’m really very sick of all the stuff I’m doing everyday. It’s a cycle that is repeating for almost 3 years. I’ll see if I am able to hold on till after my wedding.
Catching up with friends
The impromptu dinner date…
Tif and I checked out this new café called Whisk which was tucked away in the far corner of Wisma Atria. It wasn’t too bad save for the slow service and the inexperienced but friendly waitresses.
Well, I should remind myself never to have dinner with a girlfriend and have thoughts of buying books from Kinokuniya at the same time because once you sit down for a meal with an old friend, you’ll just chat, gossip and bitch the whole night away.
It has been ages since I met up with so many of my good friends…
Hence, once I found myself liberated from a hell lota work and tuition, I grabbed the opportunity to ditch kh and caught up with a few friends individually. It’s great to get ourselves updated face to face coz those sms conversations were never quite enough. Even after we parted, we’ve still got so much more to say.
During this period of time, I really felt that meeting up with good friends should be done on a regular basis. It’s a pity I don’t work in town or meeting up for quick lunches and dinner would be so much easier to plan.
Aren’t cyn and her kids the cutest mum and babes around?
When I was getting the zoo photos from dear cyn, I demanded that she pasted some of their outing photos as well coz they were just too cute for me to resist.

Our poser princess with posterior prince

It's also been ages since cyn and I met up by ourselves w/o the kids. We really needed a good chat and with the kids around, it's never possible.
Should I say it was telepathy between good friends or sheer coincidence? We met up one day after work and we were dressed almost exactly alike. Short shirt dresses --she in army green and me in black.
We were laughing across the escalator when we saw each other.
I think when two equally bimbotic and 38 ladies get together, it's a market. We haven't been chatting like this for a while.
A memorable quote from her that day:
"Whenever I meet up with you, I'll do something bimbotic the next day."
From Whitelink to Kaki Bukit Car Mart to Terminal 3
Remember my dash of pre-wed blues?
I felt a lot more at ease after the trip down to Whitelink. They have got quite a lot of great photos and I spotted some photography styles which I like.
I also tried on some gowns. I’ve always thought trying bridal gowns would be exciting. However, it just felt like normal clothes trying in a fitting room. WHY??? =(
Everything was fine except for the fact that we had to top up for every single little thing which puts us off quite a fair bit. What’s the black and white package for in the first place if everything written was not within that band and had to be topped up just to get gowns of a higher tier?
Just for fun, we went to see some cars at the car mart since it was in the way. Kh toyed with the idea of getting a sports car or a 2-door or something similar to that range. I do like his current car a lot and hope he wouldn’t change.
I dislike 2-seater cars as I’ve always thought they are “selfish cars”. However, it was quite fun sitting inside the cars and fiddling about with all the buttons.
For a car-idiot, I learnt quite a fair bit that day.
My favourite car of the day – a yellow Daihatsu Copen
I’ve always told myself that my first car would be a red one. However, this cutie looks so adorable when it’s yellow.
Kh said, “Aw… too bad you don’t have a license or I would buy this for you immediately.”
Knowing that he was joking and could only talk big precisely coz I DUN HAVE A FREAKIN LICENSE, I replied, “Ok I’ll go and learn driving now and you have to buy it for me when I pass.”
He went “IMMEDIATELY! Lalalala…”
He was really sweet that day. We had no idea where to go for dinner when all of a sudden I told him that I felt like going T3 as being the suaku that I am, I haven’t been there before. He din wanna go as he just went there when sent his parents off for holiday a few days back. Moreover, we were already close to Hougang then, which was the opposite direction from Changi Airport.
“Orh… ok lor,” I mumbled silently, thinking of where to go for dinner.
All of a sudden, he did a U-turn and in no time, we were at T3.
Just a simple gesture… but I was quite happy coz on normal occasions, he wouldn’t do that.
We had a sumptuous meal at TCC.
Desserts tasted extremely sweet that evening…

This is so dumb but I just gotta pen it down. Kh used “f*** you” on me! Hahahaha….
We were marveling at some Lego toys.
Kh: Wah…. Look at the police station.
Jo: NOoooo…. not nice… house NICER!
Kh: Wah… Look at the inside of the police station.
Jo: NOoooo… not nice… the inside of a house NICER!
Kh: Wah… look at the furniture in the police station.
Jo: NOoooo… the furniture of a house NICER!
Kh: There… they got house!
Jo: NOoooo… last time the Lego house a lot NICER!
Kh: Aiya f*** you la.”
Jo: … [bewildered look for 1 second]
Jo: … [bewildered look for 2 seconds]
Jo: … [bewildered look for 3 seconds]
Jo: What did you just say? [in a Russell Peters’ dad kinda tone]
Kh: Ok… sorry sorry sorry. [gives a very pathetic and sorry face]
Jo: F*** you la.
The whole process was really very comical. I went about lecturing him on how no guy had ever used the F-word on me before (except for a certain ex of a buddy). Even though I was lecturing him, we were laughing all the way coz I tot it was quite funny.
That was the first and I hope the last time he would use that on me. =P
Hi babe!
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad that work have been going on well for you... And you are able to take some short break in between!
I guess, sometimes its good to make a change too, being in a job for too long, we would have lost our passion in it already. Go find back your passion & love in your old(new)job! =)
Kh really so sweet (minus the F you) hahah! The dessert looks good too! Next time i wanna try them out!
And quick! Go get a driving license!! You have black & white here. Kh cant deny now!! hiakhiakhiak...
Iyo~ your god-dotter so cute with the pose!!
Merry Christmas to you & your family!! Have an enjoyable & wonderful Xmas with your loved ones!!
PS: Got a small gift for you.. See when can pass it to you.. =)
A picture of your boyfriend's face before and after the curse would have been better...
ReplyDeleteAlthough it's not hard to imagine, hahaha!
This blog juz made my day at work.
Hey babe,
ReplyDeleteHaha... that's lotsa points in one shot!
Merry xmas to you and your loved ones as well! I'm not too late coz got 12 days of xmas! Hehe... Oh and happy 2009 in advance.
Awww... *shys* so sweet of u! We'll have to arrange a meet up!
Hi Victor,
ReplyDeleteHahaha... How could you be reading blogs at work??! Hope you didn't get into trouble. =P
BTW I replied u in the Simba post as well so do check back.
What's a BBS? =)