Bimbotic post ahead. As stated in the title, it’s about hair. Hence, if you have no interest in hair and beauty whatsoever, don’t read. =)
Hey you over there! Stop calling me a bimbo.
I wanna perm my hair whenever I see curls like these….
I wanna buy curling tongs of all diameter whenver I see beautiful DIY curls like these…

If you have curling tongs and loads of time, click here to watch a video of how to achieve this style.


However, I know I won’t have the time and patience to “tong” my hair for more than an hour.
I want curls that look good whether they’re let down or tied up.
Maybe I should just go layer my hair to get natural fluffy waves like these…
I haven’t had super long locks for a long time. I really miss my super long hair before my virgin (and rather horrendous) perm in 2006.

I see some of you cowering in fear and screaming, "Sadako!"

My hair now... What to do with it???

My dream is to keep my hair really really really long, probably about waist length, and to perm spiral curls exactly like these…
I don’t even know if the above is achieved by perming or DIY curling tongs!
You know what? I'm a scaredy cat procrastinator. I'm still haunted by the nightmare of my virgin perm and how it damaged my hair totally. Recently, I saw many people with permed hair and their hair condition is really not very good.
Must beautiful curls only be achieved by tongs?
My answer would always be "no" whenever I think of this person.

Our apr dearest! Ceramic perm with no styling products at all save for some hair oil. And that's her natural hair colour. In real life, it looks like ash. If you could touch her hair, the texture is soft, not at all like those siap feeling when you touch normal permed hair. She has the most beautiful curls I've ever seen on someone other than those magazine models.
By the way, my hair is a little shorter now. I would need more months to attain my dream hair. I just had all my dry ends snipped and cut a heavy side swept fringe. Before that, I had flat hair with a dead parting more dead than the dead sea and stubborn baby hair that grow in the opposite direction from said dead parting.
I really liked how I look when I left the salon -- exactly like those fringe you see on those Japanese models. Plus, they “tong” my hair a little.
I can’t say the same after I wash my hair. Let’s wait and see if I’ll cry in despair tomorrow.
Yo yo~~~ It doesn't take too long for me to DIY curls using the curling tongs .. about 30 min max? Once you get the hang of it that is ... :P
ReplyDeleteMe trying to make my hair grow longer too! >< But everytime I trim, the hairdresser snips away so much T_T (heart pain)
Your colleague so lucky to have such beautiful hair *_*
Good luck with ring hunting ^___^ so exciting reading about your wedding preparations!
Oh yaa btw... I'm not the lian who left a tag in your journal earlier ^^;
Hello Jolene,
ReplyDeleteI got here from one of the chanel perfume links from google. I would like to ask if your friend with the ceramic perm did her hair in Singapore. If in Singapore, can you ask which salon? Thank you.
Your friend has really nice curls if you say there is no stlying products at all. Nice hair colour too. I also wanna know where she perm her hair ok?
Jo to lian...
ReplyDeleteAH LIAN!!!
Yoyoyo… Oopsie! I got the wrong lian. Hehe… Ooh, what curling tongs are you using? Ok 30min really sounds quite reasonable but do you tong your hair every day?
Well, I agree with you on hairdresser snipping inches of hair when you just ask them to trim. Luckily I found a good one in Yishun who could really neaten my hair up w/o compromising much of the length. I like the way she cuts my hair. A pity you don’t stay in the north if not I would recommend you to go there. Hs (as in our ex colleague) also likes the way that hairdresser cuts her hair w/o snipping much length away.
Jo to anon...
ReplyDeleteHi there,
I’m terribly sorry for this late reply. Well, I remember my friend telling me that it’s a neighbourhood salon somewhere in Hougang area. As for the exact address, I would have to ask her again
Jo to Yen...
ReplyDeleteWooh, you interested as well? I’ll go ask my friend ya?