On Wednesday night, we gathered at Suba for a second time. This time some st nicks classmates were there too. I haven’t seen most of them for at least 2 years.

All looked really cosmopolitan except me. Hehe.. I was decked in t-shirt and shorts as it was my off day.
A conversation that went on between me and 1 of my st nicks fren:
SN fren: Hey I heard that you are teaching… some special teaching.
Me: Yeah what you heard was old news. But I’m still in the education line.
Sn fren: Oh really? [Eyeing my golden hair and nodding uncertainly] Are you an English teacher?
Me: Sort of… hey… how do you know??!
SN fren: Because you corrected my English just now. You told me it was wasabi peas and not nuts.
[Both laugh hysterically]
Me: How about you?
SN fren: Oh I catch criminals [puffing heavily on a cigarette with a glass of beer and 3 cigarette boxes in front of her]
We saw Tiff with her colleagues there too. What a coincidence. She was really eager to join the Bimbo club. She thought the ring-watch was like the coolest thing on the planet. The status of her membership is still pending as she has to buy the ring. In the meantime, she had ditched her colleagues for us as she said she wanna hang out with the cool group. Bimbo = Cool?
She is really worthy to be in the club. We were trying out the Jappy-Taiwanese cutesy gals number pose when she demonstrated the whole thing to us in the most bimbotic manner.
And so we had fun doing those numbers...
1, 2, 3, 4, 5

5, 4, 3, 2, 1

Most of the st nicks people had left by that time, leaving only pinky and her colleague who sportingly joined in the bimbo shots to increase the number.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

Vincent stood in front of us and enquired if he should get the whole pub to join us so we can make up till a hundred. We asked him to join in the shot. But he protested, “Don’t want. I don’t like to act cute like you all.”
He had to eat his words!

Jeremy, the bartender, wanted to join in with a manly pose. So, we gave him MAN. We gave him James Bond 007.

Geral was so high on wasabi. She was laughing like a hyena even before she started drinking a lot.

I forgot what drinks these are.

Blurred but pretty shot of 2 gals who were each other's 1st friend in primary 1.

After brightening this image, it is my new favourite shot of us. And that's geral's finger.

Very tall shot glasses

We were supposed to stick out our tongues but zanne spoilt it.

Get us away from the freak at the back!

Trigger happy…
Sticking out our tongues…

Acting pathetic…

Never knew that geral and my arms are long enough to fit 5 of us in the frame.
“Own pose. Own pose.” Geral and me got mo qi and acted sweet, while tiff, xtina and zanne went for the dao look.

Jeremy joined in for the Hip hop pose.
Vincent: You all not hop enough.
Me: But we are hip enough.
Jeremy folded roses for us coz we teased him last week when he only folded for zanne.
xtina hua chi

geral hua chi

jo hua chi

tiff is the most hua chi

drink drank drunk

Ok give her credit. She is not that drunk la. Drunk enough to keep reiterating the fact that she has a conference call from New York at 7am that morning.
5 human flowers

Special bouquet for zanne.

Read more of the night's happenings in
geral's voice.
On Saturday night, I attended my cousin’s wedding.

My cousin is the groom.
Best cosin, Lydia, the sis of the groom.

Together with another of their brother, we used to hang out alot when we were kids. I loved staying over at their place. Their house is like a haven for kids as they owned all the latest toys. (Although they had all the latest toys, they weren't spoilt brats. They were fortunate to have uncles and aunts from the other side who doted on them.) I've never had a Barbie doll and my 1st and only barbie was given to me by Lydia. The boys used to be very notti little kids. We had so much fun fighting with the bullies at the playground. Sand throwing, paper bullets with rubber band... When we got home, the boys were caned by their dad for setting a bad example while the gals got away scot-free.
Those memories...
Grandma and the couple

I taught Grandma how to do the cutesy number pose and she did #5. Too bad that photo isn’t in my camera.
To take off the ribbon décor, we had to go round the table like 10 times. All my little cousins were laughing at us while da jie snapped a shot as she thought we looked very cute going round and round…

And I repeat, soooo many weddings and birthdays in June.