We had never eaten Korean food as a family before so for this family outing, we decided to patronize Nolboo Hangari Galbi at Orchard Central. The overall ratings for this place on hungrygowhere isn't good but we felt that the food was not bad though a little bit pricey for the amount served.

Kh and I were early so we walked around the mall and came across some Feng Shui exhibit. Year 2012 would be a year of good fortune for the hubby (Rooster) but a really unlucky one for me (Dog). So far the forecast hasn't been entirely accurate. I did not feel that it is a very unfortunate year for me and neither was it a super lucky year for kh too. And I just announced my age on my blog again. -_-|||

Kh and I ordered some dishes before everyone arrived. It was fortunate that we did for the wait was pretty long. When the rest of my family arrived, some dishes were served and hence nobody had to wait too long for the food. Of course being such a "food connoisseur", the rest of my family members added more dishes to the order.
I love this sauce and seasoning a lot though I did not really know what they are. All the food tasted good with these.

The appetizers were not refillable which was quite unlike traditional Korean restaurants.

We are carnivores and we need our meat to make us happy! The hot plate of delectable premiun beef at the top left hand corner burnt a huge hole. You wouldn't wanna know how much they cost or your reaction would be like my mum's.

We needed to order more vegetables dishes besides the appetizers since they weren't refillable.

We had wanted those milky fermented rice wine but they only had this clear one. At an alcohol content of 20%, it sure is potent for that little glass.

A spontaneous military green theme for my daddy and mummy. I was also in military green as well.

The story behind the individual shots:
- My dad's picture had to be cropped coz my mum simply had to stick her face into every indivudual shot of my dad. *lol*
- My 2nd sis did not want to have her face shown that day.
- After 5 tries, I successfully had my shot taken coz twice kh poked his face in ,once he poked his finger at my cheek and another one I simply CMI.

My mum deserves a whole collage for her. She is really a PEACE-loving person. She just had to show the peace sign in every photo.

Kh came back from the seas looking a lot bulkier and meatier (and fatter as well). My mum kept commenting that my face (and his) looked like how I looked when I was a toddler which was also the time when some of my relatives called me 汉堡包 which means "hamburger" in Mandarin.

Desserts existed in what is visually and gustarorily Pulot Hitam.

I'm glad everyone enjoyed our first Korean dinner as a family. The food and service really isn't too bad as the reviews posted on the Internet. We had a really attentive manager attending to us and I have no complaints at all.
See my disgruntled face?
My mum said, "Let's do a peace sign."
I refused.
Then she dictated me to pose with the thumbs up.

My parents had to leave earlier for their dance lessons and my sisters, kh and I continued our desserts and chats at Fruit Paradise.

The experience at this branch were not that great. Many cakes were already sold out and our beverages tasted bland. There was only one wait staff serving everyone on a Saturday night and she was completely overwhelmed.

Feedback on the new blogger admin page
This is my first shot at typing in the new blogger admin page which we were all forced to "upgrade" to a while back. I do not like the interface at all.
I always toggle between the compose mode and the html mode due my uploading of photos from a non-blogger source and I must say I'm really not used to the new html mode. It requires a lot more html knowledge than the previous interface. I really dread seeing the post in html mode coz all I see are break lines codes whereas in the past, it has a cleaner look where spaces are just spaces instead of break lines. Any missing break line codes would render the photo and text layout all asunder.
I wonder how the rest of you are coping with posting your entries. Do you have any tips for easier crafting of posts?
Giveaway ending in a few hour's time

If you haven't already participated, you could still make it for my giveaway which would be closed in the next few hours [30 September 2012 at 23:59 PM SGT (Sunday night)]. There would be 3 sets of prizes to be given out. Click here to participate in my giveaway.