WARNING: Long long, picture-ful post. Go get your drinks and popcorn while waiting for the pictures to load.
If I update backdated entries at a rate of one per month, I guess I would forever be backdating my posts. =P
What to do? There's been a lot to accomplish at work nowadays with the slack in the pace during teambuilding last week and I've been bringing work home to do. It's a state-declared public holiday in Singapore today due to the General Elections but as soon as I've cast my vote and have lunch with my family, I drove down to the office to try to complete as much work as possible.
Whenever I'm not doing work at home, I would be reading or watching videos on our General Elections. I was one of those apathetic young Singaporeans when I was eligible to vote 5 years ago. This year, I do not want to be apathetic about politics anymore but to be an informed voter. After casting my vote earlier today, I think I've made a wise choice.
I'm currently updating this post while watching the "Vote 2011 Singapore -- Results" on tv now. I can't really concentrate as I'm quite nervous about the results. I pray and hope that the political anomaly in Singapore would be dissipated and we would have a maturing and truly democratic society in time to come.

Enough said, I'm back to the blogging planet for more backdated stuff again!
~*Dinner at Pu Tien Restaurant*~For my FIL and BIL combined birthday celebration, we went to
Pu Tien for dinner.
It was my first time dining there. For family-friendly Chinese restaurants in Singapore, one would usually opt for any Crystal Jade chains, Dian Xiao Er, Soup Restaurant etc which would never disappoint. Pu Tien was something quite unknown in my vocabulary of Chinese restaurants. Their dishes were unique and rather appetising. With so many unique dishes, my favourite was actually the most simple dish of green vegetables.
My in-laws have gotten used to me snapping pictures of my food. As usual, my FIL would ask me in Mandarin what I did with all these photos. So here's what I did with them.

Photos of humans are all in my BIL's slr and if you've been reading long enough, you would know that I never ever get to see those photos.
~*Char & Josh Solemnization*~It was the solemnization of one of my dear friend, Charlene. It was held by the poolside of Swissotel Merchant Court.

We were only 5 minutes late but we missed the exchanging of vows. By the time we arrived, the Mr and Mrs was already posing for photograph with their signed cert.

I love her nudish shoes but I hate how tall she looked in them. An additional of 5-6 inch inclusive of the front platform. Hmmph!

Next it was buffet lunch at Swissotel Ellenborough Market Cafe which was having a crab buffet then. The bride and groom sat with us and we had a fun time chatting and gossiping.

Congrats to the sweet couple. I'm so happy that they've tied the knot. Josh had gotten a huge approval stamp from me in my mental book of great other half for my friends. LoLz

Outfit of the day:
♥ Audrey Layered Dress from
ClubCouture♥ Tribal bead necklace from Diva
♥ LV bag

I've blogged about this dress before. You can read more about it
~*Tiff's birthday dinner at Don Quijote*~
Having read favourable reviews on Spanish restaurant
Don Quijote (pronounced as Don Kee-yo-tay), I decided to arrange tiffy's advanced birthday dinner meet up there. We went to the Dempsey branch for a more cozy ambience and it turned out that there were only 3 other groups of people at the restaurant on a weekday evening. Whatever that we talked and laughed about reverberated through the entire place.
What we ordered to share:

Uglifying ourselves with squid ink from the pasta.

After our mains, we popped a surprise cake for tiffy. From the photo, she looked really eager to eat the cake. Well, actually she was deluding herself that she was only one year young.

We were trying to test the burning length of the candle.

The pretty babes.

The pretty boy joined in.

Tiff made a long long wish, blew the 1 single candle and started demonstrating her love for all of us by distributing the pieces in the order of size indicating preference.

The cake was so good that even though we were full, we finished the whole cake. From the sizes of the slices you could see whom she loved the most. LoLz.. Zanne looked disgruntled with her share and we just had to immortalise this gross piece of evidence in print.

After dinner, we went in search of the largest freshwater fish in Singapore (not kept in a zoo) -- the arapaima of Dempsey which is longer than any of us. I was amazed by its size. Its shape reminded me of a dugong except that it looked kinda scary. After googling "arapaima" though, I realised that the giant fish in Dempsey pond is nothing compared to its counterparts in other parts of the world.

Outfit of the day:
♥ mocha dress top from Tokyo Fashion or Mayuki tw
♥ shorts worn underneath
♥ hand made
chanel inspired necklace by
fayfey♥ salvatore ferragamo bag

On the way to meet jq to buy the cake, I got myself a classic looking brown leather watch from a push cart at a steal for only SGD$10. It features the 12 Chinese zodiac animals.

Since I mentioned Tokyo Fashion above, I must say that their pretty models really help to sell their apparels. I wouldn't have bought this mocha dress top if not for the pictures of this pretty model modelling it.

I love this mocha dress top a lot and you would see this dress top again later on. I bought many other clothing items from Tokyo Fashion all because the models look so darn good in them. I don't wish to post the rest of the pretty models modelling the clothes here or you would never ever be able to draw the comparison with the clothes on the models as opposed to the clothes on me.
You know I have serious girl crush problem at times. I actually right clicked and saved so many pictures of these models. Well, it sure beats saving lots of photos of guys with the hubby right beside me.
And also since I mentioned
fayfey, I've to say that I really really love her handmade items a lot. I hope to do a shopping haul post from fayfey coz her stuff are all so whimsical and fairytale-like that I was quite glued to her page for quite a few days back then. She's also such an awfully sweet seller. A pity that she wouldn't be creating many more handmade accessories since she would be busy working.
~*10 @ Claymore*~For my 2nd sis's belated birthday, we had buffet dinner at 10 @ Claymore.
We were all impressed foremost by their service and secondly the food.

We always make it a point to celebrate one another's birthday as a family and now that we've all been working for years, we would decide on higher end buffet dinners to treat my parents and the birthday person. My parents always love to eat good food once in a while and we would specially choose places that serve fresh oysters for my dad loves eating them. He could eat 20 at a go! My mum is a little of an anything goes as long as she's adventurous to try out different foods.

~*A & B's house*~A & B invited us over for an informal house warming one Saturday evening. Bruce whipped up a feast in the kitchen while he tasked april to get out of the kitchen to entertain us.

We were served some really delicious bresaola, goat cheeese and crackers for appetizers. Not to mentioned, some really sweet and strong wine. I love the salad with vinaigrette dressing a lot.

Fish and spinach for mains. A little too salty but yummy! By the time the lava cake was ready, we were all so full.

Thanx bruce for whipping up such a feast!
Besides the feast, there was another main attraction-- PetPet the cat. We love PetPet so much! He's such a sweet sweet cat. Bruce hates PetPet though. He's always bullying him.

There was lots of laughter snapping these shots. Bruce suggested "throwing" Petpet into the picture so he literally picked PetPet up and "threw" him in front of us. However, bruce and kh could not coordinate the timing and so PetPet was out of the picture before kh could say "snap". Finally for the last picture, we see PetPet bounding through the air across us. He looked like he was kicking april's face.

It was so difficult to take a good shot of PetPet since he was always moving.

For the group shot, bruce insisted on holding his lucky elephant instead of PetPet. So, Petpet is some few cm down the south border of this photo.

It was an enjoyable night. Thank you A&B for being such good hosts.
Outfit of the day:
♥ plaid tartan shirt which I bought off a forum (paird with brown rope belt)
♥ shorts worn underneath

I recycled this photo from my fremantle seafood dinner with my family
here. However that Saturday, I wore the shirt tucked out with jeans and paired it with a rope belt for work. I hate wearing jeans indoors. At A&B's place, I changed into shorts and hence the kinky tucked out look that some of you don't approve of in that October post was born. This plaid tartan shirt has also become a favourite wardrobe staple for a casual day out. I've been wearing this shirt a lot.
~*Vivocity & Fong Seng Prata*~I met up with the girls at vivocity for Japanese lunch, dunch or linner actually since we ate from 3--5pm. Even though I'd already eaten before I met them, I ate again for they had ordered too much. Just as well coz the food was delicious. I love the garlic rice.

Sushi gave reg an advanced bday present before the former went into confinement. It was a moomoo rug which actually isn't real cow's hide. Reg has this penchant for moomoo rugs.

After that, melva joined us. We went shopping and then ate again at Pacific Coffee. Our last stop was at Fong Seng where we tucked into oily prata and sinful Milo Dinosaur.

Outfit of the day:
♥ same mocha dress top from Tokyo Fashion again
♥ shorts worn underneath
♥ green petal bird and rose necklace (wore the scarf in 2 different ways but the 2nd way could not feature the exquisite necklace)

~*Scars are still there*~Remember my railway exploration
post a while back?
I got badly bitten by sandflies. The itch and pain was so unbearable that I had to see a doctor for them. Those on my left ankle felt as painful as a sprain.

Due to the fact that I'm such a vain person, I tried as hard as possible not to scratch them as I always hear people saying that sandflies bites scars are more or less permanent. I'm so sad that some of the scars are still visible now even after a period of 7 months.
~*Shopping hauls & other random stuff*~Seeing so many beauty bloggers showing off beautiful nail art and uploading videos on how they use konad, I was curious to try this product. It was offered as a package with 2 nail polish colours, 2 design plates of one's choice, a double side stamper and scraper set.

I'm not very good at this and would definitely need a lot more practice.
I bought lots of pairs of shoes at one go.
The comfort shoes --Americaya

The affordable shoes at no more than $20 each. The black pair is from ViVie and it was only $9.90. It was really cheap and comfortable but...

Look what happened after less than 10 times of wearing them. I guess that's why they were on sale.

Green Petals haul yet again. Whenever I buy Green Petals for my friends, I end up buying for myself too.

Very belated random farewell gift from cyn -- accessories hanger. I lurve it! I love the wedding gown details. She really knows my taste well.

Totally random! Food at work. Aren't you envious of our pantry?

I've started updating this post at 9.30pm when the election results programme started and the time is 4.30am now. It was only half an hour ago that the programme ended.
I could hardly concentrate on blogging coz I was half watching TV, half checking the elections website, half FB-ing the whole time with all the rest who were watching the show, which is I think almost the whole of Singapore. It was even more talked about than the World Cup, someting really noteworthy. 2011 is a year that Singaporeans would never forget as never before had so many young Singaporeans shown interest in politics. Social media really plays a huge role here. I shan’t start any political discourse on my blog as whatever I’ve to say have been mentioned in FB in real time.
GE 2011 has been a memorable one which has excited many. Even at this time, there are still a number of Singaporeans awake and yakking about the results on FB. I should turn in soon.
Good night or good morning!