I watched Ronald Susilo battle the 1.92m, left-handed German guy. He won!!!!! Singapore has hope!
I managed to catch the whole match which had Susilo battling China’s world Number One Lin Dan on TV mobile yesterday. That was the first time I’ve ever watched a badminton game so intensely. I was really impressed by his performance and decided to follow up his matches to find out if Singapore has any hopes of attaining a medal in this Olympic. Also, although he isn’t exactly a good looker, he is pretty good to look at. Oh well, maybe his side view. Oh well, maybe not at all. I can’t find any photographs of him looking good!
People are really interested in Fiona Xie’s boobs! Everyday, there would be somebody wrongly directed to my blog when he searches for her voluminous boobs. Only to be disappointed by the lack of pictures of her bosom buddies.
I did a search on Fiona Xie. (I suspect I have too much time on my hands!!!)There are just too few pictures of her and her twin assets. Even the photo gallery on Mediacorp is outdated. Let’s trace her transformation from an un-pretty and irritating genie to a much prettier but still as irritating, this time a human.
This was how she looked back then:

Taken in 2001, this picture does answer some of your queries on whether her boobs have bloomed only recently. She seemed well-endowed ever since she started off.

A studio shot with makeover effect. And so, she looks prettier here.

Same studio shot. Notice her eyes back then.

Without the studio makeover effect. Not only is she un-pretty, she has a bad dress sense as well. I reckon she just emerged from some A-go-go party.
This is how she looks like now:

She did her eyelids and her dress sense miraculously improved too. In fact, from the 3 episodes of the 9pm show I’ve caught, I think she dresses really well.

And finally, a really gorgeous picture of her! Nice eyes, nice face, nice makeup, nice gown and nice hair. Her hair is styled so nicely, it looks like the kind of hair I would cut if I should ever cut my hair...

Which looks just like Yuna’s hairstyle. However, I figured that if I ever cut this style, I would have to buy a bottle of gel or wax every month and blow my hair for 2 hours everyday and so decided against it.
Oh, how can I forget Fiona Xie’s most recent photo? This will be a treat for all guys.

Babelicious Fiona had to wear 2 bikini tops to support her overflowing breasts. This was taken from a shoot for a new drama serial.
And after I’ve typed all these, I realized how boh liao I can get. Oh well, at least I’m adorning my blog with pretty pictures. Displaying pictures of pretty girls on your blog is an advantage, it misleads people into thinking the pretty girl in the picture might be the author of the blog.
I think I had better get back to my books or I would never be able to complete my assignments in time.
ya rite, try misleading n u might attract the wrong crowd!
ReplyDeleteHi, it wasn't my intention to mislead. People were misleaded to my blog sparked off from an innocent sentence in which I said I was watching the 9pm show.
ReplyDeleteI happened to randomly stumble upon your website, and my curiousity was sufficiently aroused to make me read a few of your entries. I must say you are quite a skilled and accomplished writer.
This entry that I am replying to now is of particular interest to me, because by pure coincidence, the woman in the pictures that you posted is the subject of my school research project. I would like to know where to obtain more of these images, and would appreciate it if you could provide more or some links. Preferably, images of the woman in bikini, or even lingerie, as that would erm... greatly help me to impress my teachers and achieve higher marks in my project.
Thank you in advance
-Hard-workng student
Dear Hard-working student,
ReplyDeleteI happened to check my junk mail folder, filter out those which aren’t junk and realized that you have left a comment. My curiosity was competently aroused too as I was wondering who you are, but unfortunately I had not any of your entries to read.
I don’t know if your comment was typed in jest. Before I agree to assist you, I have some burning questions to ask.
May I know if you are a Singaporean? How did you stumble upon my blog? By randomly scanning blogs with the new blogger feature or by searching Fiona Xie breasts…. boobs… bikini…. whatever? May I also know which are the few entries you have read which impelled you to compliment me? Oh yes, and how could I forget? Thank you very much for your compliment.
The woman in the pictures has a name. She is Fiona Xie. Right now, the web doesn’t have a lot of pictures on her, as she isn’t very popular yet (probably because she isn’t very popular among Singaporeans).
I must say that you have an extremely interesting research project and an equally fascinating school. Lessons carried out in your school must be very stimulating. I would appreciate it if you could provide more details on your school and your course of studies.
Images of women in bikini and lingerie can easily be found using any search engines. I’m sure they could churn more links than I could. I’m positive that your teacher would be greatly impressed and reward you with more marks if you could also throw in some tantalizing images too.
Hope to hear from you soon and do keep me updated on your research project.
ReplyDeleteGood one, Jo! Good one!
Dear anonymous,
ReplyDeleteAre you the same anonymous as before or are you my friend who doesn't leave names like T. (I shan't type your name out if it is really you and if you are reading this, please leave your name!!) or are you a new anonymous?
Would appreciate if you could leave some name or initials. Thanx alot and thanx for your comment.. Ü
Hi Jo,
ReplyDeleteThanks for the hilarious replies... I was on yahoo and surfing around when i noticed that many Singaporean were searching on Fiona Xie and i somehow read thru a few site before coming to yours...
What made me read on was primarily the comments you made to anonymous regarding Fiona's pictures... You are one funny gal. ^_^
Hi rune,
ReplyDeleteYes... I'm truly amazed at the no. of pple interested in her (read: her boobs)!
If you've enjoyed reading my post on Fiona Xie, maybe you would enjoy this too...
Thanx for your comment... Ü
It would be great if you could include more recent photos on her. She is really very chio. Funny article you wrote there. Keep it up!
ReplyDeleteOH! An indepth study on her transformation, look-wise.
ReplyDeletePlease please do one on her boobs. I'm sure it'll be an instant hit.