Instasummary for May is really late. May started off with a long weekend and loads and loads of exercising and eating with gal pals. I had lots of good food coz of all the celebrations like Mother's Day and my birthday. May is usually the busiest month of the year in terms of social life. Although I dislike my birthday, I love all the meet ups with my favourite people. This year somehow, I didn't meet as many friends as I usually do in the past years but I'm glad for technology which enabled us to continue keeping in touch and showing the love for one another.
As usual, Instagram videos on blog run in fast forwards, skips and jumps. They are better viewed on iamjolene Instagram page itself for sound and image quality, as well as full streaming and on smartphone Instagram app for emoji to display.
PS: Did anyone realize that Instagram on browser recently had a makeover and now it looks so sleek and clean? The only bad thing is that all the dates are removed! I had to find all means and ways to search for the dates in order to do this Instasummary.

~*1 May 2015*~
Sometimes in life, you do stupid things so you'll have something to smile about when you're old.
~*1 May 2015*~
On Labour Day public holiday, we treated ourselves to booze. There goes the healthy lifestyle.
~*1 May 2015*~
What a cute little mussel! Totally whacked the blue cheese and laksa mussels even though I don't quite like mussel. #brusselssprouts #mussel #bluecheese #cute #yummy
~*2 May 2015*~
The weather forecast said thunderstorm. When we reached here at 4pm, we were like "What kinda weather forecast is this? The sun is freaking hot. Let's go and eat till the sun is down then cycle."
#whatkindahealthylifestyleisthis #bimbosisters #bestie #bff #galpal #ilovemyfriends
~*2 May 2015*~
Before we even cycle, we had these and more... I... just... don't know... what... to... say...
#whatkindahealthylifestyleisthis #proteinrichfoodishealthy and a shoutout to #benefit #benefitdreamscreen
~*2 May 2015*~
Latergram: We were probably more enthralled by the pretty Tiffany blue city bicycle with a cute basket than the actual cycling itself.
#healthylifestyle #vintagebicycle #tiffanyblue #bimbosisters #bestie #bff #galpals #ilovemyfriends #flipagram @tifducky @czanneo
~*2 May 2015*~
Latergram: At halfway point and at end point. And then after cycling, it was time to eat again. Eat. Cycle. Eat.
#whatkindahealthylifestyleisthis #bimbosisters #bff #bestie #galpals #ilovemyfriends
~*3 May 2015*~
I've got a pretty little shoe cupcake from TCC.
~*6 May 2015*~
Love seeing #daylight especially when it comes in pretty #sunset orange, pink and purple.
~*8 May 2015*~
It feels really good to be in the city area during office hours. We are here at the National Museum for the Lee Kuan Yew exhibition.
#nationalmuseumsingapore #leekuanyew #LKY #proudtobeasingaporean
~*8 May 2015*~
The early birds!
#nationalmuseumsingapore #LKY #nationaleducation #NEtrip #inmemoriumleekuanyew
~*9 May 2015*~
This is for you, @czanneo!
~*9 May 2015*~
Happy Mother's Day! With @kappo77 and @kezel
~*9 May 2015*~
Latergram Mother's Day dinner at Saveur Art. Appetizers which consisted of Egg Confit, Saveur's Pasta and Grilled Foie Gras. Yummy! If you don't know which appetizer to order, the #eggconfit and #saveurspasta can't go wrong.
@saveursg #saveursg #saveurart #foiegras #frenchfood #frenchcuisine #happymothersday
~*9 May 2015*~
Latergram Mother's Day dinner at Saveur Art. We ordered one of each main course minus the mackerel and times 2 of the duck confit. It's great to eat in a group coz we could get a taste of everything . Clockwise from top: Butter-poached Lobster, Australian Beef Steak Angus Bavette, Grilled Pork Belly, Crispy Duck Leg Confit, Roasted Chicken Breast, Crispy Duck Leg Confit again, Slow-cooked Salmon . When the waitress asked us which main course we liked the best, all of us couldn't give her an answer coz we enjoyed them all !
@saveursg #saveursg #saveurart #frenchfood #frenchcuisine #happymothersday
~*9 May 2015*~
Latergram Mother's Day dinner at Saveur Art. I don't have any top down table shots of the desserts as the cheese didn't arrive together with the sweet deserts. And SOMEBODY started poking at the ice cream in order to help everyone decide whether to eat first or wait for the cheese platter to take a top down shot. So here's a picture of their platter of 5 different cheese. Needless to say, I love the blue cheese best !
@saveursg #saveursg #saveurart #frenchfood #frenchcuisine #cheeseplatter #happymothersday
~*10 May 2015*~
It's been a while since anybody commented that I have a #restingbitchface. I take that as a compliment.
~*11 May 2015*~
Passport expiring... Need 6 month validity to travel. So how? Singapore IC photo and passport app to the rescue ! There are guided lines to make sure you're framed correctly and the app automatically crops the photo to the specified dimensions. Just upload the finished product via the ICA online application system and renew. What a cool app ! The only thing is... I was alone and used the front camera so the resolution isn't good but I'm very sure it looks fine as black and white passport size. The photo wasn't rejected during application but I've not heard from ICA for a week. Fingers crossed.
~*14 May 2015*~
And it's a "YES!" from me.
~*15 May 2015*~
How do people eat dinner at dinner timing? I eat dinner at dinner timing, feel hungry at 9 and end up eating more! #Tuna in brine with #cheese slices. So yummy and (I deceive myself by declaring it is) a healthy #latenightsnack. #attempttobehealthy is #tunainbrine even healthy? #healthylifestyle #healthydiet
~*16 May 2015*~
Throwback to a year ago when I met up with @emsmoments at Shilin Night Market 士林夜市. It was the best night in Taipei! We bit the heads off our rooster and pig, laughed and posed with our kills. We ought to be hanged. Blogged about Shilin. Link in IG profile.
#shilin #taipei #士林夜市 #instatravel #wefie #galpal #bestie #ilovemyfriends
~*16 May 2015*~
First time at @crabindabagbigsplash with @tifducky. Our men are not here so we had to get down and dirty with those crabs ourselves.
~*17 May 2015*~
The antipasti and complimentary at Osteria Mozza for belated Mother's Day dinner with the in laws.
~*17 May 2015*~
The mains at Osteria Mozza for belated Mother's Day dinner with the in laws. First time trying authentic Italian cuisine for mum-in-law and she loves it!
~*17 May 2015*~
The desserts at Osteria Mozza for belated Mother's Day dinner with the in laws.
~*17 May 2015*~
#全家福 outside #osteriamozza
~*18 May 2015*~
Hair grew out too fast so gotta get new hair cut again. Softened the one length look and got layers at the sides. Only wished I had my stylist's skill in blowing my hair this way. @cyngapore first saw me and exclaimed "So short!!!" Then each time we chatted and she looked at me, she couldn't help saying, "I can't stand your hair. 很美咯。I can't take my eyes off." Hello? Concentrate on the chatting can?
~*20 May 2015*~
Happy 11th birthday to my dear cute and handsome godson @123jaselim! He has grown from a sensible boy to a fine young man. Anyone who knew us from years back and knew of everything that Jase has done as a good son to his mum @cyngapore and a good brother to his sister Charmaine then and to Mia now would know how much he had gone through and grown as a little boy. Can't believe he is 11 years old already. 11 years of awesome goodness he has brought to the people around him! He will always be my Precious Moments boy boy in my eyes no matter how big he is.
~*20 May 2015*~
Surprise! Got you, didn't we?
~*21 May 2015*~
Latergram dinner at Professor Brawn Cafe with That Group That Shall Not Be Named. It is strange. We all talked about growing old, exercising and cutting down on carbs but look what happened.
~*22 May 2015*~
Latergram. The first and probably the only birthday cake for this year. Thanx to my branch babes for the advanced celebration.
~*22 May 2015*~
Well, this photo was supposed to depict me with the smorgasbord of steamboat food in front of me. But the hubz preferred to leave the food overexposed and focus on how this human seemed to be spontaneously combusting.
#spontaneoushumancombustion #onfire #hotpot #steamboat #imperialtreasure #yummy
~*23 May 2015*~
Latergram from last night. My 大姐 @kappo77 got me a durian cake and she claimed it has been planned since January and not because I said that the cake from my branch gals would possibly be the only birthday cake I would have this year. Sorry gotta cut my Dad out coz he couldn't decide if he wanted to be in the frame or not.
#birthday #birthdaycake #durian #ilovemyfamily
~*24 May 2015*~
Staycation at MBS starts now!
~*25 May 2015*~
Falling asleep to my favouritest cityscape. Good night!
#singaporecity #singaporecityscape #mbs #viewfromthetop #staycation #nightlights #igsg
~*25 May 2015*~
I am on top of the world... Together with a million others in all sorts of shapes and sizes, and armed with selfie sticks, cameras, phones, sunnies, various degrees of pool fashion not seen in this frame.
#staycation #viewfromthetop #infinitypool #mbs #mbsinfinitypool #igsg #bikinigirl #bikinibod
~*26 May 2015*~
Latergram. The hubz would always have cravings for burger whenever he watches some gourmet burger programme on cable food channel. He deems that the famous DB burger at DB Bistro is "damn good".
#dbburger #dbbistromoderne #mbs #burger #foodporn #ilovefood #foodie #fatdieme
~*27 May 2015*~
Do you have a partner-in-crime buddy? Well I have at least one of such 损友 at every phase of life. All of you 猪朋狗友emojiemojiemoji would definitely know who you are! Blogged about how @eccentrice was my partner in crime during uni days. Link in Instagram profile.
~*27 May 2015*~
"Hello, may I find Jolene?" Was little 7-year-old @tifducky 's opening line whenever she called me at home. My sisters often joked about whether she has found me after decades of hide-and-seek. Thank you for the birthday treat! muax
~*28 May 2015*~
After I posted that iconic MBS infinity pool shot, lots of people asked me how I did it. Some people thought the whole place was indeed that tranquil. Some knew MBS SkyPark is as crowded as the Marina Bay Floating Platform on National Day. So folks, may I present to you MBS SkyPark version of What it seems to be VS What it really is.
#whatitseems #whatitreallyis #meme #mbs #mbsinfinitypool #marinabaysands
~*29 May 2015*~
Beef Goulash Soup earlier today at The Soup Spoon. Attempting an effortless top down shot of Instagram worthy food. Pass?
#thesoupspoon #beefgoulash #instafood #foodporn #ilovefood
~*30 May 2015*~
Happy long weekend to all Singaporeans! Oh my, the ground is radiating heat into the house. Cooling down with some red grapes which I lovingly plucked and washed to share with the good people at work yesterday but forgot to bring yet again. Now I have them all to myself. Muahahahaha...
#grapes #redgrapes #healthydiet #healthylifestyle #overloadofsweetness
~*30 May 2015*~
Supposed to cut down on carbs and late night eating but SALTED EGG anything is perfectly ok. On a separate note, their salmon was way overcooked and as hard as rock. Totally couldn't finish it. We gave our feedback to the cashier and she merely acknowledged , "太熟,太硬 huh?" With no apology. Oh well...
#lebanhkcafe not #healthydiet #saltedegg #fries #fatdieme #instafood #foodie #foodporn
~*31 May 2015*~
As a Sephora member, I had a complimentary brow waxing and shaping service at the Benefit Brow Bar. It so happened that my bestie @tifducky is the master trainer aka Professor of Pretty (what a cool title to have on the name card right?) at Benefit and she offered to personally do the waxing for me! So honoured ! I love the signature Benefit arch on my very problematic left brow now! They no longer need to hide behind my side swept fringe. For more pictures and write up of Benefit Brow Bar and my horrendous eyebrow history, click on the link in my IG profile.
#benefit #benefitsg #benefitbrowbar #pretty #eyebrows #eyebrowarch #sgblogger #selfie #benefitcosmeticssg
~*31 May 2015*~
Beef Carpaccio... Our favourite kind of Italian anti pasti. Love the beef carpaccio at La Strada. The marinade... the cheese... the lightly salted beef... even rockets that I usually dislike taste so good.
#lastrada #lastradasg #beefcarpaccio #antipasti #italiancuisine #instafood #foodie #foodporn #yummy #fatdieme
~*31 May 2015*~
Chitarra Alla Carbonara -- Best Carbonara ever ! I usually cannot finish a whole creamy pasta on my own and would never order Carbonaro. This time I ordered it after Kh ordered it the other time. They ran out of guitar string pasta so I opted for angel hair pasta. I wrote about this on my blog before and I would exclaim again. OMG, the Carbonara with crispy ham, egg confit, shaved parmesan and truffle butter sauce was AMAZING! I've never tasted any creamy pasta that was so light yet flavourful. An oxymoron I know and that's why it was amazing. First time finishing a creamy pasta in 10 minutes just shows how great it is.
#lastrada #lastradasg #carbonara #eggconfit #truffle #yummy #foodie #foodporn #instafood #fatdieme
You can find me on Instagram by clicking the button below. If you like my pictures, do follow and drop me a message so that I could check out your page too!
I really love it when my blog friends and I are connected on other social media platforms too since I know many of them don't blog as often yet have got a lot more updates on their Instagram page. I'm so glad to see more blog friends on Instagram now and I hope we continue to stay in touch here!