If you are interested in viewing my previous London photo stories, click the links below:
Day 1: A Walk in the Park
Day 2: St Paul's Cathedral, Millennium Bridge and Shakespeare's Globe
Day 2: Borough Market, London Bridge and Tower Bridge
Day 3: The Tower of London Part 1
Day 3: The Tower of London Part 2

Day 3: Winter Wonderland (20 December)
We were strolling through a park back to our hotel after a long day at The Tower of London when we caught sight of the dazzling lights of a Ferris Wheel from afar.
The multi-coloured lights from the amusement park beckoned to me. Like a silly bug seduced by insidious bright lights, I simply pulled kh along towards Wonderland.
Wonderland it was. It was only in retrospect did I realize that we were strolling through Hyde Park and had stumbled upon Winter Wonderland in Hyde Park.
We do not have such huge amusement parks back in Singapore and even if we had those temporary ones, they don't look as fancy as those in America and Europe.
When I saw on TV how beautiful amusement parks in the west look, I dreamed of visiting one at least once in my life. In addition to that, another amusement parks dream would be to visit such places during the cold autumn/ winter season since I have been living in a tropical country my whole life.
Boy was I glad we decided to walk back to our hotel and discovered Winter Wonderland by pure chance.
Merry-go-rounds and carousels always look the best out of all the rides. Um, not this kiddy one.
I had never been to a Christmas market in the night and I was completely overwhelmed by the sights and sounds of the market.
The warm orangey glow from these stalls filled the winter cold with soft fuzziness.

Ah, hot chocolate in the cold is one one of the best indulgence ever.
We were greeted by rides after rides as we strolled down the park. There were simply too many rides that we did not quite know where to begin.
I've never seen a roller coaster track glowing in luminous green before. On a separate note, my dear hubz looked strange in his beanie.
The most unique carousel "ride" is actually a bar if you look carefully.
What you would see next is a series of photos of rides which I would not bother to caption coz there are simply too many.

This guy who photobombed looked like he was in an MV.
Rides for the kids would always have the iconic London Bus, perfectly exemplified here...

and here...
This was a haunted house that certainly looked more enchanting than spooky with its splashes colours.
I really love to look at how the machine resurfaces the ice at ice-skating rinks.
Aside: I wanna ice skate but padded like a marshmallow, I guess I would fall with every glide.

Ever got stuck onto a wall before? This ride sounded fun! The only time I imagined anyone stuck onto a wall is when he or she gets lifted up against the wall by a bully or some inexplicable supernatural forces.

We spent quite some time observing this Irrgarten which translates to "maze".
It was funny to see people going through this funny maze and falling. But what attracted me most was an evil Santa at the front of this maze.
This emaciated and evil-looking Santa caught my attention in the most negative way ever. (He can move by the way.) I was stifling my giggles, shooting condescending looks at him and throwing puzzled expression at kh all at once. I noticed many people taking a video of this Santa and having the same confounding expression as me as well.
This is the video. Now tell me, did you have the same confounding reaction too? Oh by the way, if not for the music Let's Groove by Earth, Wind and Fire playing, I would not bother about this evil Santa.
Toys toys toys!
As this post concludes Day 3 of London, Rudolph bids you goodbye.

What a whirlwind month May was! There is lots to balance to do and I hope June would be a good month with lots of meeting up and pigging out with friends. I've also finally managed to reply to all your comments and am slowly visiting back. Wait for me!