I went back to ex co to have a good chat with wy as well as to pay a visit to the hh babes. It was term break for them so they were all quite relaxed.
I was really lucky to meet up with fellow ex staff. It was such a sweet coincidence that one was back from Japan and another had taken leave and dropped by.
At times, I really miss those big and sometimes long lunch sessions of the past.
Wy and I have got so much to catch up that we didn’t quite realise that time wasn’t on our side. In a flash, the hands on the clock depicted a time which was way past her knock off time.
She was so sweet to bring her “secret manual” (秘密 was what she termed it as) just for me. It is actually a log book of all her wedding prep. It was indeed useful! I could never be as organised as her in my thoughts and planning.
We talked a lot about wedding prep. So em and hs, you didn’t miss out a lot in your absence. Hehe… for if you two were present, you would have been bored to tears.
Sweet sweet wy! As I’m typing this, I saw my email that she had sent me a template of her actual day wedding schedule. Normally, she is just like me—a great big procrastinator.
We also talked a lot about work. I’m really thankful for this “F4” (em, hs, wy, me) group of buddies. The four of us knew each other in ex co but up till now even though we are all in very different fields, we could really understand and relate to each other’s situation very well.
I’m so happy for her that she’s finally leaving ex co and that she has gotten another job, related to her field of studies, so quickly. After harbouring thoughts of leaving for so long, this is it finally.
I also shared with her my dilemma about reconsidering leaving my current co.
There were new updates which affected my decision and I’ve to give an answer soon. I was drawing out all the pros and cons to wy and she advised me to stay on.
em and hs, I wanna share this with you gals too but I dunno when’s the next time we are able to meet. Anyway, I would be quite sure both of you would advise me to stay on too.
Well, if that’s the case, I’ve to commit 1.5 more years.

[picture credit: Chrissie White]
Life is always full of decisions. Sometimes, you know what is best for you and go all out for it. At other times, you know what is right for you, yet you waver, unsure if it is truly the best. On some occasions, you have to take a longer time to figure out and slowly experience the process of your decision in order to know if you’ve made a right choice.
I do know what I want for my future -- family-wise. However, career-wise, I’m not sure if I could give a definite answer. My dream has remained the same but the journey to get there has been a little more unpredictable.
YES!!! I totally love F4 too! It's the best thing that happened in SM, and am glad we still share that special bond.
ReplyDeleteJo, I dunno wat's the new terms like for you at your co, but wish u the best!
Wy, good luck in your new job and congrats in graduating from SM!
Hs, where r u....haha! nber hear from u so long...
Pai seh Jo...use ur blog to chat with the rest too...ahahahaha...
Catch up really soon.....
Wah... guest appearance from em wor! No need to pai seh... My blog's been really quiet and neglected. Do feel free to enliven it.
ReplyDeleteDon't worry, I'll definitely update all of you when i see you gals. Sigh... this issue has always been at the back of my mind and I've to come to a decision soon.
Wy must be too bz to come here. She told me she hasn't read my blog for a long time. "Graduating from SM" is a cute expression.
I sure hope hs isn't in the loo now. Hope you've recovered from your diarrhoea.
HuGz to all!
haha... I'm not in the loo now. Taken so much diarrhea pills that I'm currently suffering from constipation ;p
ReplyDeleteI guess we have to meet up soon. Missing you girls.
We'll support your decision. I believe that hanging on for an extra 1.5 years is bearable. Especially if you are planning to start a family soon. It provides you with some form of stability in the meantime.
Woa hs, I totally feel for you man. I've experienced that before and by the time I got constipation, I wished to have diarrhoea once again. =D
ReplyDeleteI haven't told them what I want yet. They haven't bugged me for an answer.
Hope everything's well for everyone.
All the best Jolene! You will know what is the best. ^_^
All the best Jolene! You will know what is the best. ^_^
Thank u!