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Monday, April 21, 2008

She says “Barbie”. I say “Snuffy”.

Dear cyn and I went to do eyelash extension last week.

It was a spur of the moment vanity.

I opted for “dramatic black” while cyn, after trying out dramatic black once, decided to go for the more “natural medium”.

Dramatic, medium and fine are all priced equally. Hence, greedy and bimbotic me of coz will choose the one which would make my money’s worth la.

This was how mine turned out.

Cyn said I look like Barbie doll.

Me thinks me look more like Snuffleupagus, that slow-mo elephant-like creature from Sesame Street.

I don’t exactly like the effect of my new lashes coz it looks just like putting on falsies. Quite fake-looking. I would prefer a more natural look but who ask me so ai swee and gian lwee?

Also, like Snuffy whose eyelids are drooping, the extensions made my double eyelids collapse. Now I'm a single eyelid gal!

Nehmind, it’s ok. I never regret things I do coz at least I’ve got the chance to experience.

I like cyn’s medium. Even the medium looks quite full and thick right?

Probably if I were to go for eyelash extension again, I would try fine.

For the past few days, passers-by and uncles and aunties downstairs and mrt commuters and stallholders and students and tutees keep staring at my eyes. I feel like an alien. Trust me, it looks a hell lot more dramatic in real life than in the photos.

Cough mixture is making me drowsy...

Now excuse me while I collapse under my peepers.

Sweet dreams!


  1. Whee!! Swee!! You look so pretty with the lashes extension! No joke! It looked really natural, Barbie Jolene!

    But then, I can understand what you mean by "U feel like an alien" cos ppl keep looking at you.. (Cos I have that experience b4 when I once done the lashes extension when I went to Bkk!)It was really more drama mama IRL than looking at the photos!

    Cough mixture?!

    Get well soon Jo!

  2. Hohoho! It really ain’t natural looking in real life.

    You know how photos always fail to capture details? Like IRL your mascara is very thick but on photos it just looks normal? So imagine if the extensions look like this on photos, they’re actually very fake IRL.

    Yup and I guess you should know since you’ve tried eyelash extensions before.


    Snuffy Jo

  3. Hi can you provide more information about where you did your extensions? The address and price. How long it took. Thank you.

  4. It's all for beauty sake! heee!! =p

  5. Dear anon,
    Hi, I've provided the details on the post after this. Do check it out. Hope it helps. =)

    Dear canny,
    I'm getting used to it liao and liking it. =)

  6. 10Q. If I have any questions, I can ask you?


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