My off day isn't Wednesday and one weekend as I told you all previously. Currently, it is Wednesday and Thursday but I'm sorry I can't meet you all for dinner after work as I've got 2 tuition each on both days from evening till 10+pm. I can only meet you all for supper. For Mon, Tue and Fri, I work from late morning till night and for Sat and Sun it's 9.30am till 6.00pm. As I have tuition after work on Sun, my only free evening is Sat which I would usually spend with kh. Wait till my schedule is more confirmed then we'll meet up ya? But for those of you who've already fixed dates, don't worry, they are saved in my mind and I won't forget our "dates"! =)
ANd yes... updates on my job. Well, it's difficult to do so over sms so I'll blog about it some other time or just wait till I meet you all! So far, I like my job, the co, the people, the kids... =) Everything is going on very smoothly, it has got to be my feng shui key chain charm.
Went out with kh last Saturday...

Clockwise from top left: Assorted sashimi for 4, kh pretending to be deep in thoughts, mixed fruit iced sorbet, me pretending to eat the whole ship of sashimi.
me and deardear

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