The theme for the night was Qing Dynasty. The committee members were supposed to dress up as ge2 ge2 (chinese princess), huang2 shang4 (emperor), ci2 xi3 tai4 hou4 (emperor’s mother) etc. The last minute plan had more characters involved. I was supposed to be this “ang mo zhar bor” from the 1900s and I have an “ang mo” male partner. We were supposed to be in China to do business. There was also our 2nd boss as Dr Sun Yat-Sen. Isn’t he like in modern history?
I thought it doesn’t make sense and I hated my huge cancan skirt. It was very hot and cumbersome to walk around in that. I really wonder how those Victorian and Edwardian ladies survived through such difficult clothes. However, it was rather fun la. I was “forbidden” to dye my hair till after this event. Haha… All along my superiors have asked me to dye my hair and I told them I would do so sooner or later. Then just when I wanted to dye it last week, they all stopped me from doing so. Damn funny.
The itinerary… The person who thought of the line ups related to Chinese history is a genius! [click to enlarge]

Before we changed into our costumes

The committee members’ table (Harbin province) away from the rest of the provinces

The name list

The menu… SLURP! [click to enlarge]

After changing, we assumed different identities.
My “darling” and me

My “darling” is actually a lady but she is very pretty and cool. She has a shuai qi in her and the best of all she is already a mother of a 4 year old. Haha… And she really knew how to act her role lor. She’s very candid and comical. I heard that before I joined this company, they had this team building event and she won the best ACTOR award acting as a guy. She lamented that she would never agree to be a guy anymore after this.
chris gege & me

me & cixi tai hou

Her head gear was very heavy and she had to maintain a very solemn expression as her role in playing the wicked cixi.
The camera was passed to cyn as I had usher duties.
maids in a row

vivienne & cyn

vv and I were from the same sec school but we did not know each other. However, we are quite "ar" now.
jac & cyn

The seafaring westerners, Dr Sun Yat Sen, chris gege

The easterners

Mother and son: mich cixi & fran huang shang

Everybody kept on marvelling how mich cixi could have such a huge and tall son. Fran looked quite ang mo and he kept on saying it was a mis-match and he should call me mother instead of calling mich. Haha…
The last guest to arrive: Big boss & wife

He wanted to take photo with all the costume people he could spot before he adjourn upstairs.

Round of applause for us, the committee team.

We all felt like we didn't do much except to malu ourselves in the costume with so many members of the public taking shots of us whenever we were near the entrance. =|
cyn from 2006 is flanked with 1900s ladies from east and west

Before this shot which was on cyn’s camera, that stupid gal claimed I molested her and so she turned her back on me.
Our food…

The starters, soup and dessert is good. I can’t really rate the main dishes as most of the times, we were away from the table playing games and helping out such that when we returned to eat, the food had turned cold. Great place to check out if you’ve got the moolah.
We had a lot of boh liao games. The most fun one was to send up a sporting male volunteer from each province to be dressed as a gege. We sent fran.
Frantically dressing Fran up…

Luckily cindy gege’s costume came with a vest and so we could drape that over him w/o having to take off any gege’s clothes. Haha… All the gals started dolling him up and accessorizing him. I contributed with my bimbotic ring and bracelet and stuffing his boobies.
Trying very hard to button up the vest after stuffing him with lots paper napkins as boobies

The time ran out and that last button which was situated prominently at the nipple area could not be clasp at all. Damn funny.
She-male #1

She-male #2

She-male #3

She-male #4

Sean's boobs drooped down to his tummy!
She-male #5

She-male #6

Uncle very cute... That cloth around his chest is actually the table cloth!
The she-males

There were 6 she-males in all and they had to do a cat walk as well as seduce big boss. They were all so sporting! Our dear fran got into the finals. He seduced big boss with his un-buttoned clothes. The david-gan-looking-tai-jian-emcee said it’s a new type of nursing clothes. And to sean, he said, “This is what happens when you do not start wearing bras at a young age.”
Next the emcee requested for us to show who we supported by throwing a personal belonging of ours into the finalists’ cloth. 1 person was only allowed to support 1 finalist. We had lots of valuables thrown into our fran’s cloth.
Our group’s stash

Watches, bracelets, necklaces and even a diamond ring!
“darling” threw her LV bag in too

In terms of value and amount, our group was set to win.
Sean’s group’s stash

CL’s group's stash

At the last 10 counts, a lot of sean’s group members threw their napkins in and they won us by 1 item more. Not fair not fair! But it’s alright. The comm team was very da fang and we lost graciously.
Fran’s boobs…

used to clean the table

primary curriculum maths, sci, el. That’s my mentor beside me who is going to leave me all alone in el team!

Oh yeah I won the 28th prize. $20 Takashimaya voucher. Haha.

Finally got this photo from the co's camera.
Next, we adjourned to Crazy Horse.

Big boss paid half the price for those who wanna go. In case, you all dunno, Crazy Horse is a cabaret style of performing in the nude using spectacular lighting to create bold splashes of colours on the dancers’ bodies.
The show was a little boring. I’m sorry but I can’t appreciate it. The nudity was neither titillating nor eroticizing. I wasn’t seduced. However, I must say that their bodies were really quite beautiful. Natural boobies that swayed and bounced and not those silicon stuffed kind. I do not enjoy all the individual performance. The group performance was better. It was well choreographed and the dancers synchronised very well.
Cabaret beauties?

cindy & me

Cindy only reports at HQ once a week but we 2 quite “ar” with each other.
mei nu at the mirror

mei nu in mirror plus 2 guys

We were supposed to be the foreground and the guys, the background. Didn’t quite achieve the effect eh?
chris & me in mirror with other ka la fei onlookers

Do we look like cabaret gals or classy ladies attending the show?

I like red caps!

Outside the toilet also wanna take... This sean ah...

The loo is absolutely gorgeous! Red hot and so va va voom.

My face looked fat and disfigured with the shadows cast.
Geometric lighting.

Since no photography is allowed, I could only capture this photograph as remembrance.
Modern day mich cixi n me

Mich looking so gorgeous with that dress and hair swept up.
After the performance, we went to MOS.

In MOS loo

purple hair babes

babes at the table

There were so many colleagues here and there that our circle kept expanding. However, there were also many who came and went. It was quite a fun night though I wasn’t as crazy as when out with the bimbo sistas. Also, I was wearing such a dainty skirt for goodness sake! How to cheong with dainty skirt? I had wanted to change to my hot pants but decided against the idea when I saw that so many of my colleagues were wearing dainty skirts and dresses too.
I experienced a lot of bizarre happenings at MOS that night. I shall not elaborate here.

Top L-R: can you spot my name on the personalized invitation card; my lucky draw number in Chinese characters
Bottom L-R: cute little personalized door gift; the committee members’ table is Harbin province
The door gift is a personalized chop with name, co name and email address

It’s a me me me world out in the blogging sphere…

Yeah I got that quote from one of the Sunday Times article. But these shots were not self taken. They were taken by my beloved mama who can’t sleep at 3+am coz
#1 I did not call home nor answer her calls as that’s the first time I put my hp in my bag in the locker and forgot about it.
#2 I’m still not back.
#3 She knows I’m still not back and yet not out with kh who will protect me
#4 She knows I’m still not back and not with my bunch of bimbo sistas who all live in Yishun and can share cab together and look after each other
#5 She can’t wait to help me remove all the pins and clips from my hair.
I merely wanted to take a picture of my hair before I washed it but she asked me to pose such that she could take pictures of all my bling bling as well. All those pearls stuff are hers by the way and she’s proud of them. Haha… Kept on emphasizing to me “Real pearls leh real pearls leh. Very expensive.”
I could not sleep that night and only fell asleep at like 5+am. I think I’d better find a cure for my insomnia soon.