Isn’t that a mean feat? This is my longest record ever. Surprisingly, I could pull through it quite easily as I’m always not at home. I think if I’m stuck at home, I would have gone crazy.
I’ve resigned but am still working
Presently, I’m giving tuition 7 days a week from Monday to Sunday. Yes, everyday. It is practically like a full time job. C’s mum was so glad that I’m unemployed at the moment and requested for me to teach him 4-5 times per week since this boy needs a lot of drilling for his mid years. It is anything but hectic. I love giving tuition. It gives me a sense of satisfaction. Previously when I was still working, there would be times when I really dreaded work so much that all I looked forward to at the end of the day was tuition. My ex colleagues often wondered how I get so much energy to give tuition after work but all I can say is I love it and am so used to it that I don’t find it a chore at all.
I’m also trying out a “playmate job”, with me being a “big sister” to a 3-year-old girl and her 8-year-old brother. I’m enjoying every moment of the lessons. They too. Every time I arrive, both of them would shout with joy and rush to the door, each fighting to open the gate. It was very difficult to go home as both of them hate to see me go. It takes a lot of persuasion before they relent. During the 3rd “session” when I stayed till way over the time and when their mummy returned from work, she told me that I’m their idol and she doesn’t know how I do it in such a short time. Maybe because I’m a big kid at heart and bond quite easily with children… =)
REsigned, RElaxed, REvived, REcharged, REjuvenated!
The 3 of us who resigned have been spending a lot of quality time together.
We took this opportunity to cram more blading lessons this month and were “tortured” with so many stunts like going upslope, downslope, upstairs, downstairs and making public spectacle of ourselves. Hs is very zai. Em’s progress is commendable too. I’m the lousiest. Haha… But I’m so glad that I am so much less fearful of falling. When kh tried to teach me last time, I think I fell a million and one times and gave him such a hard time that I suppose he quite gave up on me.
If you people believe that blading doesn’t require any lesson, you are wrong. Many people could glide or push, but not many could blade with the correct techniques. Moreover our instructor is really good. His teaching methods are unique and he gives us a lot of extra time every lesson.
Yeah, anyway in short, we became sportier, more tanned and toned as commented by our hh colleagues when we paid them a visit.

We are so blessed with great colleagues whom we can meet up with anytime!
We also meet up for long meals and chats, for shopping and basically just relaxing ourselves. We even went to the salon together. Like tai tais… haha… (No la, we are far from that in terms of income) We all sport new image now.
3 of us at Changing Appetites

Em’s new image

Em’s style: Newly rebonded hair which looks so naturally straight, it is neat and sleek. It doesn’t make her face rounder, but instead complements her face shape. Coupled with a new cut, new colour and a new Dorothy Perkins top to boot, she is all ready to take on the corporate world.
Hs’s new image

Termed endearingly as “aunty” and “old fashioned” by some of us at hh, we always try to persuade her to change her image coz she is naturally good looking. She just gotta ditch those teacher-looking glasses and add a touch of colour to her hair to attain the modern and chic look.
Hs’s style: Newly rebonded hair, which is not poker straight, adds a touch of femininity. For someone who has never dyed her hair before, her new hair colour of chestnut brown base with soft brown highlights brightens up her whole image. A pity the colour could not be captured on the camera. Accessorizing with necklace lends a hand in sprucing up her simple white top. Ditching the glasses definitely intensifies her eyes more. What was she doing hiding her beautiful eyes behind those frames all along??!
Updated on 14 May 2006: Due to overwhelming responses via msn and sms with regards to Em and Hs's hair, espcially rebonding, price and so on, I shall include it here --> treatment, rebond, rebond treatment, cut, dye, highlight for $210 at De Peach Hair salon in Yishun. Msn, sms me again or leave me a comment for full address and contact details. =)
Oh and my new image is nothing quite new at that point of time when the photos were taken.

Jolene’s style: Hair is forever long and straight. Oh but now it is golden, as golden as a golden lion tamarin. While most people comment that she has great hair, she thinks otherwise. Wearing a white sleeveless tank top accentuates her tanned skin and her toned arms (she shamelessly added “toned arms” herself). She also hopes that with her tan, her white baby G would stand out more. Big beaded necklaces pulled off the beachy look. White balenciaga look-alike bag dangling on her forearm fakes the “I’m oh so rich” demeanour. (It only costs 2.5% of the actual price of $1600++.)
More photos of us…

And our food

Please do not visit Changing Appetites for their main course. This place literally changes your appetite…. From good to bad. We all ordered different fish but look at how the dishes look so similar to one another. I’ve warned them beforehand but this was the only less crowded eatery on a Saturday evening.
Since most shops were closed by the time we finished eating and chatting, we went for a walk after dinner.
Watched a live band perform at the Esplanade

Saw the Merlion puking

And took silly pictures…
3 of us at the mirror.

Fullerton hotel’s toilet

4 new hairdos this month
As you have seen, my long and straight hair was dyed a much lighter shade. I don’t exactly like this colour. It is way brighter and more golden than what the colour chart depicts.
Next came the temporary curls for a wedding dinner. I love this!

Then, the permanent curls. The curls are so totally not what I’ve wanted but it is a whole new different look.

Finally, a much shorter hair. My hair was so damaged that much of its length has to be cut away. Resulting in this...

I don't like it but heck the damage has been done. So this is my latest look. It screams UGLY!
Before I permed my hair, I asked my dad to help me take a photo of my back view tied up as a memento. To my surprise, he did not think I was crazy.

My hair is dry and damaged now. For the past 2 times I visited the salon, the lady boss refused to perm my hair. Where got hairdresser don’t want to earn customer’s money one? On the topic of not wanting to earn customer’s money, she is 1 funny lady. She doesn’t want to cut my hair short, and she doesn’t want to dye my hair black or dark brown too. She doesn’t want to do things which she thinks I won’t look good in.
Ya… back to the topic, she explained that my hair has undergone so many chemical processes during the years that it would get quite damaged if I permed it. But by now, I’ve gotten so sick of my long straight hair that I put my foot down and insisted she permed it. My fault that it turned out like that. But in any case, I didn’t regret it. At least I gave it a try and know how it turned out, rather than to continue weighing the pros and cons and wondering if I should perm it.
Thank you hh colleagues
I’ve gotten back my autograph book and it was great joy reading what you all have written. I am really touched by all the sweet words and sometimes puzzled at certain parts when you all wrote about nice things which I have no recollection of. Haha…
There is a trend in your writings…
“We are so lian in our own unique ways”
“I will not forget your Ah Lian look”
“My first impression of you… a classic Lian, 2nd impression […] friendly Lian, 3rd. impression […] Ang Mo Lian”
“I must admit I tot u were some ang mo Lian but as the days passed…”
“… you’re very Ah Lian appearance wise… but…”
“Although initially you may come across as ah lian to me but seriously…”
Notice the trend?
Of course, you all quickly realised that your blink 2 seconds judgment is not quite there… heh…
“…that u r actually very creative, learnt & open-minded”
“… but that’s nothing to say of your character which is contrary to anything Ah Lian”
“…but seriously you are a far cry… in terms of character, intelligence and style…”
You all really know how to please people hor? You made me grin from ear to ear like an idiotic fool that the people on the MRT wondered what was wrong with this gal.
Meet ups with frenz
Haven’t met up with reg for a loooooooong time. She claims she looks horrid. I claim she is siao so I shall ignore her and put this up.

My darling good pal xtina who let me use her pc for 2 days consecutively when I really could not survive. Haha… I wasn’t such a survivor after all.

We met up with dear wy too. How we missed her so much!!!

We watched the dance movie Take the Lead. Antonio Banderas is sooooo droolicious. He looks the best in this movie and of course as Puss in Boots in Shrek.
After that we dined at this Japanese restaurant called Sun with Moon at Wheelock Place.
4 of us REunited.

Wy, we must meet up more often ok?
Wy n me

Em’s food

My food

My dessert

Em’s dessert

Hs’s dessert

Wy’s dessert

Food: * * * * ½ (Would have been a perfect score if the food isn’t too tasty)
Ambience: * * * * *
Service: * * * *
Price: Very affordable for all the stars you are getting.
Met up with evan, the good pal who would always do crazy things with me.

She had always wanted to perm her hair and I advised her to do temporary setting instead. “Perming damages your hair real bad.” I stressed. I suppose she would really take my advice well now that she has seen my hair.
Frizzy hair

She bought me an Aerodrome jacket from Taiwan! The cursive font written across the back resembles the word “Abercrombie”. At first sight, I thought it was an Abercrombie look-alike but she said it is quite a popular brand in Taiwan. It is so fleecey and snug. And it is white and pink! Strawberries and cream! So very me! Now kh cant complain that I keep buying jackets.

I really don’t know how I spent the whole April. I’m so occupied that I don’t even feel I need the Internet to pass time. I’m so occupied that I can’t even find 1 whole day to pack my room. I’m so occupied that I have to even squeeze time to go to the bank and ended being late for tuition. In fact, I’m always late for the next itinerary, no matter how I try not to.
May shall be a new start. And I’ve rested enough. I’m 5REs now.