As the blog title suggests, Jardinière being an ornamental stand for display of growing flowers is a perfect metaphor for her flowering yet muddled mind. She did not know how to style her blog initially and did not know what to focus on. She started off penning her thoughts in her jumbled mind, sometimes adding doses of dry wit.
Nevertheless as time went by, her dry humour ran dry and her writing deteriorated. Her beauty expertise is far from par from the beauty gurus out there. Her knowledge of fashion extends only to what she reads and remembers on magazines and on the internet. Her blog has lost its identity; it's undergoing midlife crisis.
The author now uses her blog as an avenue to update friends about her life and would sometimes write about anything which inspires her. She hopes that while serving its course, her blog doesn't become a journal where she records down her daily musings and posts gazillion photos of her life appealing to closet voyeurs out there. Unwittingly, she has fallen into that trench and is unable to crawl out of it.
Her blog's existence slowly started being uncovered bit by bit over the years. While she is fine sharing her page with fellow sweet dames at a small and close-knitted forum, she is apprehensive about strangers reading her jumbled thoughts. She had strangers and third degree friends alike stumbling onto this humble page of hers at an exponential rate in 2009 with the publicity of her god daughter's cancer. There are really lots of pleasant people out there who left very sweet comments and ONE extremely NASTY one whom she had since exposed. She wasn't comfortable with the publicity and contemplated moving or closing down her blog.
Being sentimental, she decided to stay on since blogging has become a huge part of her, like an appendage from her soulful body.
Currently, she is in the process of opening herself on the internet realm and enjoying the warmth in the blogging world. She feels that it is great to connect with people all over the world.
She adores reading comments and getting feedback so do remember to leave your footprint while you are here. She always replies to comments and would drop by your blog for a visit if you leave a link. If you like what you see here, hit the "follow" button. She is selective about who she follows though. Cursory comments like "I follow you, you follow me" is not the way it works here. Nevetheless, she would return the favour to fellow bloggers and blogs she loves.
She hopes she doesn't sound like some stuck-up bitch up there. She thanks all of you for reading up to here and wishes all of you a pleasant stay at this little virtual nook of hers.