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Contact Me

I enjoy connecting with my blog readers and I welcome all sorts of input from you. I love reading what you have to say and I try to reply to every comment either on my blog or on yours.

Thank you for taking the time to leave me some blog love.

Please also feel free to contact me with feedback in the form of private questions, suggestions, or requests at:

Business Inquiries

I love sharing great products with my readers. It doesn't matter whether the products are from an Etsy shop just getting started, a small business or a major company trying to market your brand via blogs.

I am selective about whom I work with. I want to ensure that the product/company fits the values and topics of interest of this blog. If you think your product would interest my readers, please feel free to drop me an email at

Product Reviews

If you wish to send an item or sample for consideration in a product review, please bear in mind that any type of compensation received will not influence my writing. I hold myself to a high degree of integrity and accountability. I reserve the right to write about both the positive and negative aspects of the product as I pride myself on providing honest, unbiased opinions to my blog readers.

Unless otherwise stated, it will be assumed that sent items will be kept. If sponsor wishes the item to be returned after review, sponsor will be responsible for return shipping.

Giveaways and Sponsorship

Sponsored products and giveaways are a great way to increase traffic to a site or gain exposure for your company or product.

I love offering my readers giveaways, but the item(s) definitely need to be something my readers would enjoy and something that would fit well with this blog. If you are interested in working with me, do drop me an email to discuss further.


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