
~*2 April 2016*~
全家福 minus the hubz who's on overseas detachment at BIL @gnahiy and new SIL's @troodss wedding.
#hangntroods #全家福 #familyphoto #sgwedding
~*3 April 2016*~
Selfie Sunday taken at the end of last night when I'm all hot, sweaty, sticky, oily, with fake eyelash coming off, eyeliner smudging, BB cream melting and unable to cover all zits and freckles (Thank god for iPhone blurry front camera). Not even gonna use photo app to mask all these plus smoothen the swollen right eye that looks like one low hanging eye bag.
A few days ago, I suffered the worst abdominal cramps ever in my life. That's not including any medical procedures I've done with tummy-related issues over the years. Worst as in on a normal day. The cramps were so bad that I could not even sit down.
After the bad cramps came bloatedness, discomfort and churning from the lower tummy all the way to the stomach and heartburn for the next 2 days. My right eye started to swell too. My MIL even said my whole face was swollen and bloated (but I think it's just me getting fatter). The swelling medicine for the eye helped but those for wind and flatulence did not. That was fine coz there was no pain then and I even told the GP not to worry.
I spoke too soon.
For yesterday and the day before, I had on and off intense stomach pain. Those kind where you have to hunch coz if you stand up straight, it feels like something tight inside is gonna burst. It felt like the pain from severe gastric flu though there wasn't any vomiting or diarrhoea.
It was my BIL's wedding yesterday and I made it through the whole day! Vanity is my greatest tool. I simply told myself that there were people looking, there were photographer and videographer snapping and filming and I've to not look sick. It was fortunate that the intense pain slowly dissipated during the dinner reception. I even had two glasses of Macallan on the rocks outta sheer joy that I could consume things normally.
I also made it through a major family event without the hubz around who missed his own brother's wedding and who couldn't be around for his wife whenever needed because our nation is above everything else. Sometimes it really sucks to be a military wife but you just gotta suck it up.
#selfiesunday #militarywives #suckstobeme #suckstobesick #instasg
~*10 April 2016*~
My sister's friend's longhaired dachshund gave birth to a litter of 4 puppies. I love the blackie boy and this sweet golden girl. She's so dozy that she simply fell asleep on me just like that. So cute! But I actually like the mama and papa dog best!
#dachshund #dachshundlove #dachshundsofinstagram #puppy #dogsofinstagram #iloveanimals #igsg
~*12 April 2016*~
Up on my blog:
Bubble Bump Bubble Bummed... Why Bubble Bump Soccer Is Not That Safe As Claimed
Direct clickable link on Instagram profile.
I wrote this because of my own unpleasant experience and I'm in no way holding anyone else responsible for my injury but myself. I hope that anyone intending to play bubble bump would take note of all that they should know which isn't stated on the website and make a well informed decision of whether to go ahead with the game.
#bubblebump #bubblebumpsg #bubblebumpsoccer #igsg #sgblogger #acltear
~*12 April 2016*~
It is food indulgence for me whenever the hubz is back coz I get to eat whatever he craves for.
Just one of the many dishes at Kai Sushi & Robatayaki -- aburi sushi. And I've got a very good reason to take photos of what I eat. Without this photo, I wouldn't have known that the hub ate up the UNI aburi sushi!!!
#aburisushi #kaisushiandrobatayaki #ilovefood #eateateat #instafood #instafood_sg #foodporn #japanesefood
~*15 April 2016*~
More than 2 months after my knee injury, I stepped into the yoga studio for the first time. Just a few minutes before class, the outer knee jerked and locked again slightly while climbing up a mid-calf height step at the bus stop.
It wasn't a core class but I couldn't do all the simple poses that I used to be able to do. Even though I looked like a lousy beginner with stiff legs or some imbecile who couldn't follow instructions, it's ok. Negativity didn't get the better of me this time round.
Then it came to pair work and the negativity crept in a little.
On top of not being able to do more poses with the ropes, I felt like I was a hindrance to the class when the instructor had to pay attention to me. I felt like I was a hindrance to anyone who partnered me. I felt handicapped. Is that how some handicapped individuals feel when they know they are a burden to people?
And then later, we did upside down with the ropes exactly like how Spidey looks in his classic pose only with arms folded above our heads. I had no idea I could hang upside down for so long without feeling a rush of blood to the head. I had no idea I would feel so relaxed and free in this pose. I had no idea how exhilarating it would feel. And then all of a sudden, I felt like going for yoga class today is the best decision I've ever made this week.
I've found something little to be grateful about. What is something that you are grateful for today?
#gratitude #gratitudejournal #gratefulyogi #spiderman #spidermanyoga
~*16 April 2016*~
Had an awesome dinner with @tifducky, @cyngapore and family at @bochinchesg. What an enjoyable evening with great food, great booze and great company. This is the only photo I have coz all photos are on the iPhone 6s and Samsung S7 as iPhone 6 can't fight with them.
Photo credit @tifducky
#bochinche #ilovemyfriends #greatfoodgreatcompany #igsg #sgrestaurant
~*17 April 2016*~
The fake contact lens make up tool in Photowonder app is addictive. I've never used blue lens before as I've always liked subtle greenish greyish lens which match my skin tone. Now I could have blue contact lens with just an app! Huge draw to convert from #meitupic aka #美图秀秀 to #photowonder for selfie editing!
#mypurplehair has become #mypinkhair #unicornhair #mylittleponyhair #circlelens #colouredcontacts #blueeyes #mylifeisalie #igsg #instasg
~*23 April 2016*~
I was lamenting to @tifducky about how fat and unhealthy I've become. My weight hit 50kg for the first time in my life and my body age has changed drastically from 22 years old to 31 years old within a span of 2 years.
And so to shut me up, we went to @sinpopobrand to eat harjeongkai (prawn paste chicken) burger and maling luncheon meat crisps. All so fried and oily but so so so so yummy. So what was I lamenting about again?
#sinpopo #harjeongkai #harjeongkaiburger #fatdieme #eateateat #yummy #burgerlove #sgfoodies #ilovefood #besties #galpals
~*23 April 2016*~
After my very first physiotherapy session today, I went on to attend 3 yoga/pilates classes despite feeling very tired. I've never stretched and challenged myself that much for the past 2.5 months and it feels really good to be back on track. It's oxymoronic. I feel energized despite the exhaustion.
No actually the truth is... I was too devastated by that machine reading from yesterday which showed me 1) hitting 50kg for the first time in my life, 2) an increase of body age from 22 to 31 years old and 3) a body fat percentage of 30+% (which is overweight) from 25% within 2 years. Gotta work those fats off!
But first... DINNER! 😍🍴
#受打击 #healthylifestyle #feelingpositive #backontrack #instasg
~*24 April 2016*~
Good friends say, "Don't worry. You cannot run never mind. I'll walk with you all the way to the finishing line." With @tifducky and our silly beagle nose at the #snoopyrun2016.
#snoopyrun #snoopyrunsg #ilovesnoopy #beaglenose #healthylifestyle #instasg #igsg #ilovemyfriends #besties #friendsforlife
~*28 April 2016*~
Nobody watches movie at 9:30am!
But when you have a pair of GV Gold Class vouchers that:
1) expires on 30 April and
2) the only show that is screening on Gold Class is Marvel's Captain America: Civil War (other than The Jungle Book which I've already watched) and
3) with all the seats for every other timing snapped up every minute...
You have no choice but to rush down to Vivocity during lunch time just to chope the 2nd row seats for the 9:30am show on Saturday.
@tifducky let's enjoy ourselves!
#civilwar #marvelscivilwar #gvgoldclass #goldenvillage #bestfriendsforlife
~*30 April 2016*~
Team Iron Man vs Team Captain America.
Whose team are you on?
#civilwar #captainamericacivilwar #ironman #teamironman #teamcaptainamerica #gvgoldclass #bestfriendsforlife #besties #galpals @tifducky
~*2 May 2016*~
I'm completely in love with this neorococo armchair with a dark gothic twist! Even as the store calls this a neorococo armchair, there is none of those gold accents and rich opulence reminiscent of the traditional rococo or neorococo style. How I wished I could have this chair in our new place even if it sticks out like a sore thumb in our modern contemporary theme home.
#neoroccoco #rococo #black #gothic #gothicfurniture #blackfurniture #morbid #armchair #inspirational #iloveblack
~*5 May 2016*~
Mother's Day dinner at Lao Beijing. All the dishes were great! 大家吃得好开心!
#mothersday #全家福 #ilovemyfamily
~*11 May 2016*~
Dear Passport,
We haven't seen each other for more than a year and I'm always glad to have you by my side.
#shortgetaway #impromptutrip #singaporepassport ##sgpassportholder #restandrelax #igsg
~*12 May 2016*~
After a super long sweltering hot day at Seminyak, we stumbled upon a gem of a restaurant called Urchin Grill & Raw Bar @urchin_bali for dinner.
We were wowed just from their Tuna Tartare Corn Puff which is the 1st course of a 6-course tasting menu.
No actually, we were wowed even before that by their sour dough bread with seaweed butter. And I always say, you could tell a lot about a restaurant just from the bread it serves.
410.000 IDR (approx SGD42)
830.000 IDR with wine pairing (approx SGD86)
All prices subject to 10% govt charge and 6% service charge.
Fine dining style at such a great price with impeccable service and knowledgeable staff! Hubz says he wants to dine here again. Lol.
#urchingrillandrawbar #balieats #instafood #foodporn #eateateat #ilovefood #foodie #tunatartare
~*13 May 2016*~
The hardest thing to find in life is balance. I'm striving very hard to find balance in life, both physically and mentally. Yoga has helped in some ways.
This may look like an easy pose for many but it is more challenging for me. I'm one of those who can never balance even on two legs. I topple on the MRT train, stumble into walls and trip over furniture legs. I get toe and foot cramps and pull my hamstrings easily. I injured my left knee recently and also found out I'm flat footed with a weak right ankle.
Ever since taking up yoga, I see a difference in myself. I've become stronger physically and mentally.
My yoga journey continues...
#findingbalance #yogaeverywhere #yogabali #beachyoga #silhouette #sunsetbeach #tanahlot #bali #balilife
~*14 May 2016*~
At Ku De Ta enjoying a lychee lava and the sun set.
#kudeta #bali #balilife #lifeisabeach #sunsetbeach @kudetabali
~*14 May 2016*~
Meal with a view at Ku De Ta.
On the table is a very unique dish of yellow fin fish and chips. I love the original battered fish and chips but I kinda love this too coz I love fish tartare anything.
@kudetabali #kudeta #kudetabali #balilife #lifeisabeach #fishandchips
~*15 May 2016*~
Trying to blow smoke rings like the Hookah-Smoking Caterpillar in Alice in Wonderland but fail max.
#aliceinwonderland #hookahsmokingcaterpillar #hookah #shisha #vapeclouds #smokerings #balilife
~*21 May 2016*~
Last night, hubz said, "Let's eat good food tomorrow."
And I was like, "Why? It's not any special occasion." Oh yes... advanced birthday celebration before he flies off again.
Feeling adrift with the great food and service at @adriftbydavidmyers.
#adrift #adriftbydavidmyers #omakase #birthday2016 #ilovemyhubby
~*24 May 2016*~
In my sis @jas__loh words:
"Early birthday dinner for the piggy! 😏"
Where's the pig?! 😱
#birthday2016 #全家福 #店小二 #dianxiaoer #ilovemyfamily
~*25 May 2016*~
Nom Nom Nom before my solo flight. 5 years ago, the same solo flight to the same place happened too. Wonder if it would be the same 5 years later.
#soba #japanesefood #goingsolo
~*27 May 2016*~
Smile Coz it's Friday! It is also Eat With Your Family Day in Singapore for many participating organizations. Happy eating with your family and TGIF! 😄
Smiley face mini pancake from The Kitchen Table, W Singapore Sentosa Cove. Finally blogged about our W hotel stay. Clickable link in IG profile. Yup, all my updates always come in the form of outdates a few months and even years later.
#smileyface #smilebecauseyoucan #smile #pancake #tgif #eatwithyourfamilyday #igsg #sgfood
~*28 May 2016*~
I can drink Teh-C Peng Special every single day here. Teh-C Special is a delicious three-layer tea consisting of Gula Melaka right at the bottom, evaporated milk in the middle and red or black tea on top. You're supposed to mix the concoction before drinking of course. In some places, Gula Melaka could be replaced with wheat grass. I would always opt for the wheat grass version as it is less sweet with all the full bodied flavour of Teh-C Special.
#tehcspecial #icedtea #icedmilktea #tealover #instadrink #drinksporn
~*29 May 2016*~
One of my favorite childhood ice lolly on a sweltering hot day. Refreshing lime on the outside, creamy vanilla on the inside.
#icelolly #popsicle #limecrime #limelightsundays #childhoodmemory #refreshing #igsg #instagood #hotsummerday
~*30 May 2016*~
Quote of the day from today's yoga instructor:
You don't have to experience things to know things. Sometimes you just know.
#quoteoftheday #mondaymotivation #mondaymantra #yogareflections #igsg #instamood
~*3 June 2016*~
An impromptu lunch over tea and letters. Tea and letters? En route to becoming British already!
Just because we didn't post Monster curry photo doesn't mean we didn't eat monster curry like an Asian. Just because you can't see something doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
After everything, let's compile all the letters and display them somewhere for posterity's sake and laugh over them when we are old grannies.
#ilovemyfriends #friendsforlife #galpals #impromptumeetup #wefie
~*3 June 2016*~
Latergram -- Our Monster Curry lunch at Vivocity yesterday.
We all chose different dishes and different levels of spiciness. One couldn't finish rice. One couldn't finish curry and one couldn't finish the raw veg.
#monstercurry #japanesecurryrice #igsg #sgfood #instafood #ilovefood #nomnom #spicy
~*5 June 2016*~
Hello, Princeton. I miss you soooooooooo much! I miss your cutie face. I miss your playful antics. I miss your silky fur. The last one doesn't mean I'm Cruella de Vil but I really miss your silky fur.
#daschund #longhaireddachshund #daschundsofinstagram #sausagedog #puppy #puppyeyes #puppiesofinstagram #dogsofinstagram #doglover #innocentface #princeton
~*6 June 2016*~
After so many months of attending yoga classes at the same yoga studio, we finally did a class together! So nice to finally not attend classes alone... just for one day.
#yogalove #yogalife #platinumyoga #wefie #excolleaguesturnfriends #igsg #instagood
~*7 June 2016*~
My cat crazy colleague who collects Neko Astume figurines gave this to me.
I was like, "Awwwwwwww. Thank you. So sweet of you. Why did you give this to me?" And she was like, "Oh, I have 3 of these." And I was like, "Ok. Point taken but that's still very nice of you." Thank you @bakchormee. 😘💕
#nekoatsume #nekoastume #kittycollector #catlover #catinthebox #littlethingsmakemehappy #handwrittennote #igsg #instagood #instamood
~*11 June 2016*~
We came to @thetiramisuhero for the quirky cat mascot but everything we ordered was awesome!
This is the hub's Truffle Salmon Cold Pasta which is al dente angelhair pasta tossed in olive oil, topped with ebiko and smoked salmon. Wooh! Slurpicious!
#thetiramisuhero #trufflepasta #angelhairpasta #smokedsalmon #sgfood #eateateat #ilovefood #foodporn #fatdieme #instagood #instamood #igsg
~*11 June 2016*~
We came to @thetiramisuhero for the quirky cat mascot but everything we ordered was awesome!
My BIL and I ordered the Salted Egg Pasta. Not bad. But then again salted egg anything is NICEEEEEEE!
#thetiramisuhero #saltedegg #angelhairpasta #sgfood #eateateat #ilovefood #foodporn #fatdieme #instagood #instamood #igsg
~*11 June 2016*~
We came to @thetiramisuhero for the quirky cat mascot and how could we not order their tiramisu?
#thetiramisuhero #tiramisu #cutejar #ilovecats #quirkyart #eateateat #ilovefood #foodporn #fatdieme #instagood #instamood #igsg
~*13 June 2016*~
Super belated birthday lunch with the branch babes at @souprestaurantsg. We are all legit full from the feast. Thank you, babes!
#souprestaurant #sanzhongliangjian #samsuichicken #whatafeast #birthday2016 #countingmyblessings #三盅两件
~*13 June 2016*~
She was a genius of sadness, immersing herself in it, separating its numerous strands, appreciating its subtle nuances. She was a prism through which sadness could be divided into its infinite spectrum. - Jonathan Safran Foer, Everything Is Illuminated
Illustration by Alex (Alexandria M. Lomuntad)
#beautyinmelancholy #cryinggirl #emo #emogirl #sadness #sadnessquote #melancholy #darkart #illustrationoftheday #alexandrialomuntad #mood
~*18 June 2016*~
Thanx for the infectious laughter, the good company and the great night out, babes!
#TGIF #harrysbar #colorsinmylife #fishskin #saltedeggchips #cocktails #mocktails #chocomintini #blueblue #ilovemyfriends #galpals
~*19 June 2016*~
Did the crazy thing of doing 3 yoga classes in a day yesterday and woke up with the best kinda pain ever-- muscle ache! Neck, shoulders, arms, chest, lower back, waist, abdominal, glutes and back of thighs all feel so achey and super shiok!
Discovering yoga is one of the best thing that has happened to me. Sometimes I wished I could practise yoga every damned day. It keeps me strong physically and mentally. It keeps me calm and uplifted when I'm feeling down and in the dumps. And most importantly, I feel most at peace with myself while practising yoga.
#yogalife #yogalove #yogaaddict #yogaeverydamnday #yogawear #yogabeginner #feelingpositive #lululemon #ihaveuglybackfats #ihavefatarms
~*20 June 2016*~
Today, my yoga instructor talked about yoga ego and was surprised when some people did not know what yoga ego was.
I smiled to myself for I know very well what that is-- what my buddy and I often term as "yoga bitch". He continued explaining in a sing song manner while imitating the fluid actions of what a person with yoga ego would do.
They are so flexible that you could never reach the point they could stretch to and you could only talk to them if you could reach that point.
They are all about the poses and doing their full split, their this, their that, so perfectly with their eyes closed and nose up in the air while you're fumbling around and looking silly.
They do those effortless poses at some nice background, by the water, by the sun rise, by the sun set, by the rocky cliff... And you just wonder why they don't fall off the cliff.
They dress in their Lululemon, their Adidas, their Nike and whatever brand that looks good. Lululemon, Adidas, Nike won't make you stretch any better or do the pose better, you know? You can wear ugly T-shirt and shorts like me and still do yoga.
Remember... Yoga is not about poses and how well you can do them. Yoga is not only about what you practise in this class but also outside. Yoga is about being aware of yourself, your mind, your body, your breathing. Yoga is different for everyone on their mat and it's important that you feel comfortable on your mat.
I so like this instructor. Talk too much but I like.
So here's a photo of a yoga bitch wannabe by the beach coz I don't have any other yoga bitch shots to support this caption.
#yogalove #yogabeginner #yogalessons #yogareflections #beachbitch #yogabitch #yogaego #mondaymantra #feelingpositive #silhouette #silhueta #balilife #kudeta #TheBaliGuru
~*23 June 2016*~
OEDians are dressed in blue or stripes today to board RSS Tenacious at Vivocity!
#singaporenavy #navyatvivo #ilovesg #ilovesingapore #sonsanddaughtersofthesea #ijustbetrayedrsaf #igsg #instasg #vivocity #rss #rsstenacious #frigate #ilovemycolleagues
~*24 June 2016*~
Feeling the magic at The Magic of Chongqing Hot Pot with @tifducky. 2 ladies ate all of these and more. Button bursting! The soup is so full of flavour and the ingredients so fresh. Thank you for the yummilicious belated dinner. 😘😘😘 #chongqinghotpot #whatsonthetable #feastagram #hotpot #foodporn #foodie #instafood #eateateat #fatdieme #hotpot #flatlay #sgfoodie #igsg
~*25 June 2016*~
Yippee! I've gotten back on track blogging about my Taipei throwback! Clickable link on Instagram profile.
When in Jiufen (九份), one must never miss sipping tea in a traditional teahouse. We chose Ah Mei Tea House (阿妹茶楼) as it is well-known to be the inspiration behind the building of Yubaba in Spirited Away, an animated movie by Hayao Miyazaki. It is such a charming place. In fact, the whole of Jiufen is. Jiufen simply emanates history and culture. It is definitely one of my favourite place in the whole Taipei trip.
The impetus for continuing my Taipei Throwback posts is strong especially when I see daily hits from Google search on various attractions in Taipei and get emails and comments on whether I would continue to update on them. Strangers actually do read my sad life throwbacks. 😱
#台湾 #台北 #九份 #阿妹茶樓 #阿妹茶楼 #taipei #jiufen #teahouse #ahmeiteahouse #tealover #instatravel #wanderlust #igtw #igsg #sgblogger