December instagram snapshots are mostly about the season of giving which you would have seen in these posts: Christmas Over To New Year Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 and Part 4.
In all OCD nature and for record purpose, I will not want a missing Instagram snapshot series and so here is December instasummary sealed here on my blog.

~*1 December 2015*~
Blogged about our first dining experience at Mitzo. Clickable link in IG profile.
#roastporkbelly #siuyuk #烧肉 #mitzosg #instafood #ilovefood #eateateat #fatdieme
~*3 December 2015*~
Automatically transforms into a pig whenever the hub is around... Sautéed clams in sherry wine, grilled beef with foie gras, paella, sangria, sliced pineapple with ice cream and sweet wine. Totally fat die us!
#spanishfood #serenity #instafood #ilovefood #foodie #foodporn #fatdieme #eateateat
~*5 December 2015*~
Family 全家福照 at Cuzzie Caleb's wedding. Congrats Cuzzie Caleb! #ilovemyfamily #全家福 #familyphoto
~*5 December 2015*~
Me and my forever youthful mum with fascinator!!! She picked those props out among all the props. OmG. I always felt such head gear could make one look super classy Brit or fashionably chic or plain stupid. Well I hope we belong to the former two. 😁 #fascinator #meandmymum #looklikesisters
~*9 December 2015*~
Have you done your Christmas shopping yet?
Lazada Singapore Online Revolution will close with a 3-day final sale from tomorrow, 10 Dec to 12 Dec. Expect great deals up to 90% off!
For more details, check out the link on my IG profile.
@lazadafashion @lazada_sg #lazada #christmasshopping #megasale #bokeh
~*10 December 2015*~
I got myself and my sisters @kappo77 and @kezel 2016 schedule books for Christmas! I was undecided between choosing the Tare Panda or Kutusita Nyanko cat and got the cat in the end. I'm so happy that unlike last year, Kinokuniya stocked up on lots of pretty Japanese style 2016 schedule books this year. I'm also so happy that I'll be able to start recording all the important meetings dates in Jan 16. Been feeling so handicapped without the January space. #schedulebook #planner #tarepanda #kutusitanyanko
~*10 December 2015*~
After exercising, it's time for food! Beef pie that tasted like lasagne at #starbucks #weworkouttoeat
~*11 December 2015*~
DFO Family Day at Universal Studios Singapore. We had a fun filled day with the OED family. It's always more fun to queue up together and take rides in a group. I've not played till so tired for a such long time! #universalstudios #universalstudiossingapore #uss #familyday #ilovemycolleagues
~*12 December 2015*~
My Danboard arrived in the mail today!!! I'm EXCITED beyond words!!! Now I'm torn if I should pick one to keep and give the rest away or to keep them all. #firstworldproblems #danboardmini #danbo #collectibletoys
~*12 December 2015*~
This year's season of giving started with volunteering at Touch Young Arrows for a Christmas event for the kids. Another coach and I got the loudest and most active boy in class for the wishes and dreams activity. It took a while to crack the tough nut and then we became friends. He even asked if he would see us again and that he would miss us. Awww... When you give your heart out, you also get a heart in return! ❤️
#spiritofgiving #volunteering #touchyoungarrows #christmas2015
~*14 December 2015*~
Annual gelish manicure session. Purple and deep red Christmas nails in an attempt to match my hair. #instanails #nailart #manicuremonday #christmas2015
~*17 December 2015*~
Super love my new Chip and Dale cable organizers and Gingy earphone winder. Never will I see tangled wires in my battery juice pack pouch again. #disneytsumtsum #chipanddale #gingy #cuteness #christmas2015
~*17 December 2015*~
When we said that we have been frenz for 20 years, we all pretended that we knew one another since we were 5. So you know, we are REALLY 25 years young. :p 😜 #galpals #friendsfor20years #capitolpiazza #ilovemyfriends #oldfriends #christmas2015
~*18 December 2015*~
On the last Friday before Christmas, we had one for one large scoop Ben and Jerry's ice cream. Creamy... Fruity... Delicious but sweetness overload. #BenAndJerrys #icecream #sweetnessoverload #fatdieme #ilovefood
~*19 December 2015*~
A Moroccan Christmas tea and a wefie with the Christmas tree. Ooh, that rhymes. #christmas2015 #christmastea #wefie #galpals #ilovemyfriends
~*20 December 2015*~
Purple hair update
My 3-tone purple hair taken under natural day light streaming in from the window 6 weeks after the colour job
The reddish purple has faded the most with some parts turning pinkish
The violet has turned to what the reddish purple initially was
And I stupidly didn't include the indigo (bluish purple) streak in this photo which has also faded to a more obvious bluish purple as opposed to how dark and nondescript it was at the beginning
My dark brown base colour (which I liked) has also become a lighter brown (that I like too)
For more accurate depiction, I will also include photos taken under sunlight, warm and cool indoor lighting along the way as the colours and hair condition look different under different lighting
#purplehair #purplehairdontcare #longhairdontcare #instahair #mypurplehair #mylittlepony #unicornhair
~*20 December 2015*~
It's been a whirlwind of Christmas preparation, Christmas gatherings and running of errands the past few days. Ate lots of good food, drank lots of mystical tea, had a wonderful host and enjoyed great company today! Badly wished to replenish all the lost sleep but there's still a load of presents to wrap tonight. #christmas2015 #christmastea #ilovemyfriends #greatcompanygreatfood #ineedsleep
~*21 December 2015*~
It takes Facebook Memory to remind all of us that the Bimbos and Himbo met on the same date for our Christmas gathering 2 years ago. For this Christmas, we missed Bimbo @xtinaong, got transported back to 1933 and laughed the whole place down. One thing remains constant... We are really bimbotic. #christmas2015 #bimbosisters #bimbos #besties #galpals #ilovemyfriends #1933
~*22 December 2015*~
This year's Christmas cards come in the form of a Lucky Kitty. They aren't very Christmassy and the conceptualization for these cards were inspired by sheer silliness. Damn boh liao I know. Now... I wonder how many people really rubbed their Lucky Kitty's tummy. #christmas2015 #luckykitty #ilovecats #handmadewithlove #handmadechristmas #boliao #bohliao #无聊 #christmascard #CLEOBuzz
~*22 December 2015*~
My bimbotic friends are too bimbotic. They really rubbed their kitty's tummy as soon as they received their good luck kitty. We thought that the punchline came from @gerrachong but watch till the end. #christmas2015 #rubthekitty #kittytummy #handmadewithlove #bimbos #bimbosisters #boliao #bohliao #无聊 #ilovemyfriends #那个colour会smudge #christmascard #CLEOBuzz
~*24 December 2015*~
It has since become a tradition to find a new house to crash every Christmas Eve. Like last year, it was a great department Christmas party coz of our efficient party planner, great host with a lovely home and of course the amazing OEDian spirit and warmth. #christmas2015 #ilovemycolleagues #ilovemyfriends #christmaseve #christmasparty
~*25 December 2015*~
I kinda wished we were in a cold wintry country celebrating Christmas like this throwback picture taken in Paris. It's past midnight here in Singapore. Merry Christmas! May this Christmas sparkle and shine for you, and may the year ahead bring an abundance of peace and joy to all of you. #merrychristmas #christmas2015 #christmaswishes #throwback #bluechristmas #sparkleandshine #christmasinparis
~*25 December 2015*~
It's a black and purple Christmas. The past few days were spent with frenz frenz frenz so today is all for the hubz. Really excited to go for our first Gold Class movie
Hubz said
It's a preppy brown and blue Christmas. The past few days were spent with work work work and today I still gotta slog for the wife. Spent 80 bucks just for movie
~*26 December 2015*~
Lots and lots of presents to unwrap on Boxing Day! Gotta rope the hubby in to help with the unwrapping too. Beads of sweat rolled down my face and neck just from unwrapping these gifts from the people at work (and arranging these for photo taking). #christmas2015 #boxingday #giftsfromtheheart #feelingloved #ilovemycolleagues #ilovemyfriends #christmaspresents #CLEOBuzz
~*26 December 2015*~
My tradition to unwrap Christmas gifts on Boxing Day continues. Here are the gifts from frenz I've met up with so far. #christmas2015 #boxingday #christmaspresents #ilovemyfriends #feelingloved #giftsfromtheheart #galpals #CLEOBuzz
~*28 December 2015*~
Christmas with my other family tonight. We don't look our best here. We look totally wacky. But it is definitely our cutest shot. Check out how many hands were holding little Mia down as the countdown timer went off. She was more excited standing right in front of the phone and looking at herself in the screen than being with us in the shot. #christmas2015 #ilovemyfriends #ilovemyfamily #besties #galpals #godkids #feelingloved #iphonefrontcamera
~*28 December 2015*~
What went on behind the scene of the wacky Christmas props photo... P, @cyngapore @123jaselim and I were eagerly putting on the props and readying ourselves on the sofa but there was a little girl who loved walking to the phone to look at herself in the screen a lot more than to sit with us. We always had to dragged her back to the scene and place a Christmas prop on her. Cuteness overload! #christmas2015 #besties #galpals #godkids #ilovemyfamily #ilovemyfriends #feelingloved #cuteness
~*28 December 2015*~
Hello Kitty in the house. A Christmas wefie with Bestie Cyn. The last time we had a 2 of us wefie was months ago. #christmas2015 #besties #galpals #ilovemyfriends #hellokitty
~*29 December 2015*~
Ma La Xiang Guo 麻辣香锅 at Alexandra Village Hawker Centre! This is the first time I'm eating the same type of food for lunch and dinner on the same day. When the hubz heard that I had Ma La Xiang Guo at Vivocity Kopitiam for lunch, he had craving for it and I decide I could do with ma la for dinner too. Verdict? I prefer this one! More flavourful, more spicy and cheaper. #麻辣 #麻辣香锅 #mala #malaxiangguo #hotandspicy #ilovefood #instafood #foodie #foodporn #yummyinmytummy #eateateat #fatdieme
~*30 December 2015*~
Last department lunch of 2015 with whoever that was left in the office today. A few of us had the soba and mini salmon rice bowl set from Watami. Photo credit @ange1ajane #watami #soba #japanesefood #lastlunch #yummyinmytummy #foodie #foodporn #instafood #fatdieme #eateateat
~*30 December 2015*~
Tonkatsu at Tonkichi for dinner. Can never get sick of Jap food. Not the most tender and not the least scratchy tonkatsu around. #tonkichi #tonkichitonkatsu #tonkatsu #foodporn #foodie #instafood #fatdieme #eateateat #friedfood #japanesefood
~*31 December 2015*~
Purple hair update
My hidden 3-tone purple hair taken under warm indoor light close to 8 weeks after the colour job
Hair doesn't look as shiny as the natural day light photo I posted about 2 weeks ago.
The reddish purple has faded the most with some parts turning pinkish at the ends
The violet and reddish purple parts blend in to look almost similar at times and could only be differentiated under certain lightings
It is always difficult to pick out the indigo (bluish purple) streak to snap even though it has faded to a more obvious bluish purple as opposed to how dark and nondescript it was at the beginning
My dark brown base colour which faded to a lighter brown did not fade further.
For more accurate depiction, I will also include non-filtered photos taken under sunlight, warm and cool indoor lighting along the way as the colours and hair condition look different under different lighting
#purplehair #purplehairdontcare #longhairdontcare #instahair #mypurplehair #mylittlepony #unicornhair #nofilter
~*31 December 2015*~
I'm an 80s baby and I've never ever liked the Generation 4 My Little Ponies until I saw this Water Cutie
It was her 2-tone purple hair that first caught my eye, followed by the unique transparent body filled with water and glitter for a fabulous, sparkly look. "Her hair is purple! Just like me. And she is a unicorn pony. I love unicorns!" I texted the hub
I don't think he even cared a hoot about my purples and ponies and unicorns, merely humoring me by agreeing she's pretty unique
I went home with my heart still on the pretty pony and started reading up on Generation 4 My Little Ponies. This unicorn pony is called Rarity and her characteristic traits are 90% me! It's a sign for me to buy her!
So I went out and bought her. I'm loving her to bits and haven't regretted my decision of buying her on impulse
And that is my frivolous pony story to welcome the new year
#mylittlepony #mylittleponyfriendshipismagic #raritypony #rarity #purplehair #unicornpower #toycollector
~*31 December 2015*~
On the last day of 2015, I would like to say something which I've said before on my blog 2 years ago
Thank you to those who hated me, they made me a stronger person
Thank you to those who loved me, they made my heart bigger
Thank you to those who were worried about me, they let me know that they actually cared
Thank you to those who left me, they made me realize that nothing lasts forever
Thank you to those who entered my life, they made me who I am today
Just want to thank all of you for being here in my life
As we usher in the year 2016, let us all be wiser and be grateful for our blessings. My new year's goal in 2016 is to accomplish the goals of 2015 which I should have done in 2014 because I made a promise in 2013 and planned in 2012.
Happy new year!