I miss my blog.
I miss blogging.
I miss connecting with all of you blog friends here and on your blogs.
I know that some of us still catch up almost in real time on Facebook and Instagram but it just feels so different to catch up on blogs. While it is quicker and easier to post updates on Facebook and Instagram, the connection is more lateral. On the other hand, blogging goes more in depth and I feel a deeper connection with you people on blogosphere. Thank you for those who have been visiting back and leaving me sweet comments. xo
Many bloggers are probably writing or have written a concluding reflection post for 2015.
Not me.
On the very last day of 2015 and for the first time ever in the history of my blog (yeah.. I'm talking as if my blog is some significant dinosaur), I'm doing a 3 month recap of Instgram snapshots. This post has been on draft mode for a looooooooooong time coz I was either to busy or too tired to open my laptop to do a proper transfer of photos from my iPhone.
September and October was crazily busy leading up to a major public sector event that many agencies were involved in. My department was the one helming the Public Service Awards Ceremony and it was the most major event that we have organized to date.
October in general, was a very bad month for me as I was juggling increased volume in workload and lots of personal challenges all these while trying to look like my normal self.
Thankfully I could take a breather in November and slowly got out from my rut and then I got real busy and tired but very happy with all the preparation and unfolding of the year-end festivities.
So here you go. A recap of September, October and November in instasummary.

~*1 September 2015*~
Gastric flu patient's first meal of the day - a mug of granola cereals and banana without milk. banana Banana is the top food on the list for people suffering from gastric flu as it is easy to digest, replaces lost potassium and strengthens stomach lining. I don't know about granola cereals but I'm just too hungry to eat only bananas. After having measly porridge and Milo the whole day yesterday, this is such a welcoming treat. I'm back to hunger mode again! Seriously gastric flu is one of the worst illness ever for somebody who lives to eat.
#sick #sickfood #banana #granolacereal #healthydiet
~*6 September 2015*~
Having some Wasabi Ginger Ale while Hubster is here at Keisuke for his crab broth ramen fix. #keisuke #wasabigingerale #gingerale
~*7 September 2015*~
It was our first time at Tsukada Nojo (Beauty Pot). We were so enthralled by the collagen that resembled toufu sitting atop the chicken soup. @tifducky swore she could feel her skin tighten just by looking at how the collagen slowly melted into the richness of the soup. @cyngapore was just simply amazed by the bimbotic comments we made about everything.
#tsukadanojo #beautypot #instafood #fatdieme #foodporn #foodie #foodgasm
~*7 September 2015*~
Our first time at Tsukada Nojo or Beauty Pot. Oh man, we instantly felt beautiful savouring soup full of collagen.
#tsukadanojo #beautypot #beauties #besties #galpals #friendsforlife #ilovemyfriends
~*10 September 2015*~
Tried Monster Curry for the first time. Look at how monstrous the size of the plate is in relation to the utensils. Verdict? Not bad at first but there's diminishing marginal utility after a while. And yes... Scratchy gums from the katsu.
#monstercurry #porkkatsu #instafood #foodie #foodgasm #foodporn #japanesefood
~*12 September 2015*~
When you have a cat at home...
#caturday #catstagram #ilovecats #notticat #rubislippers #scratched
~*13 September 2015*~
One word... Big cookie. cookie No wait... That's two. Nobody reads captions anyway right?
#bigchocolatechipcookie #chocolatechipcookie #cookie #foodie #foodgasm #foodporn #instafood
~*20 September 2015*~
I'm totally in love with this dining area concept. And I could only dream about a dream dining table coz we wouldn't have one in our future home.
#diningroom #interiordesign #homedecor #blackandwhite #monochrome #dreamhome #igsg
~*20 September 2015*~
Fell in love with the pasta clam soup at The French Table. heart_eyes Totally drank the soup till the bottom and the hubz asked me why don't I drink from the pot directly.
#thefrenchtable #clamsoup #pasta #instafood #instagood #foodie #foodgasm #foodporn #ilovefood
~*23 September 2015*~
Today we are ADELYN (sic). Adeline had to spell her name for the 384629263th time and finally said that "Adelyn" was fine too. I wonder if that video Why Starbucks Spells Your Name Wrong applies in this outlet.
#starbucks #matchalatte #whystarbucksspellsyournamewrong
~*23 September 2015*~
Shilin Oyster Mee Sua craving satisfied! Feel like eating another bowl.
#shilin #士林小吃 #oystermeesua #foodporn #foodie #foodgasm #ilovefood
~*24 September 2015*~
My sis @kappo77 prepared limoncello with home grown mint leaves frozen in ice cubes. Verdict: Limoncello is not my glass of lemonade.#limoncello #lemon #mintleaves #drinkstagram
~*26 September 2015*~
Hubz could play with this stupid banana eating minion for as long as I didn't stop him. Press the pocket to get the minion talking and then twist his head to create different expressions and ways of spouting gibberish. #minion #minions #minionkevin #sillyminions #igsg
~*27 September 2015*~
Selfie Sunday. This caption was supposed to be about how I was so pleased that my usually unruly hair remained so sleek after a whole day out but I added lens flare and love how I had a tinge of purple hair at the end. So now I feel like dyeing a small part of my hair purple after seeing 2 blog friends with new purple hair.
#selfiesunday #selfie #selfiequeen #purplehair #haircolor #igsg
~*27 September 2015*~
Mid Autumn Festival, also known to me as Mooncake Festival, is one of my favourite Chinese festival simply because of all the mooncakes that I could only get to eat once a year . For this year we got these for both families:
1. Bakerzin Snowskin Mooncake Bliss Collection -- Irish Cream, Dry Gin Yuzu, Kirsch & Brandied Cherry, Rum & Raisin
2. Four Seasons D24 Durian Mooncake
3. Intercontinental Single & Double Yolk White Lotus Paste Traditional Mooncake And the great thing about going back to my family home is that Hubz and I get to eat even more mooncakes! Daddy and mummy kept asking us to help them finish all the existing mooncakes. Yay!
#midautumnfestival #mooncake #mooncakefestival #imasuckerforpackaging #igsg #bakerzin #intercontinental #fourseasons
~*28 September 2015*~
The wise side of me thinks that I don't need another pair of running shoes. However, the bimbotic side screams for me to tell my wise side to buy that pretty pair of frost mint Adidas Women's Response Boost Techfit Running Shoes at $50.70 (UP $169) for all purpose shoes.
#adidas #adidasshoes #responseboost #mintgreen #running #fitness #fashionista #igsg
~*4 October 2015*~
Getting too used to eating my chawanmushi with ikura.
#chawanmushi #ikurachawanmushi #japanesefood #foodie #foodgasm #foodporn #ichibanboshi
~*4 October 2015*~
Wonder how wagyu and mango could ever go together. It was a mistake to order this wagyu mango roll. The so called premium wagyu was overcooked and tough. It was in fact the mango that saved the dish.
#wagyu #wagyumangoroll #mango #japanesefood #foodie #foodgasm #foodporn
~*4 October 2015*~
Because when some ATAS person craves for oysters, he goes straight to db Bistro & Oyster Bar, orders one dozen and finishes it in two minutes.
#dbbistro #dbbistroandoysterbar #oysters #oysterplatter #foodie #foodgasm #foodporn #ilovefood #instafood #atasmax
~*10 October 2015*~
We are back at this hole in the wall cafe, La Ristrettos and this is hub's bruschetta. So different from the bruschetta that I grab in a hurry on many mornings from the place below my office. The egg yolk oozed like a flow of lava down the volcanic layers of greens, chicken breast, honey glazed ham, bacon and sour dough toast. Yumz.
#laristrettos #breakfast #bruschetta #instafood #ilovefood #foodgasm #foodie #foodporn
~*10 October 2015*~
My smoked duck wasn't quite as spectacular as hub's breakfast. I ordered smoked duck precisely because I thought these came sliced and was lazy in cutting my food this morning. At least this breakfast was a good break and indulgence from the super hectic week.
#laristrettos #smokedduck #instafood #foodie #foodgasm #foodporn #ilovefood
~*13 October 2015*~
It was such a fun catch up with bloggie bestie @cindee_rella. There were loads of laughter, never a moment of silence and we always learn so much from our chat topics. I love you lots lots, Babe. kissing_heartkissing_heartkissing_heart I wished you stayed in Singapore. Bali soon... and maybe Canada in future?
#bloggiebesties #galpals #besties #ilovemyfriends #marmaladepantry
~*15 October 2015*~
The big event is finally over! Time to eat normally, sleep normally, have more social (and social media) life and enjoy more me time!
#psac #psac2015 #itsfinallyover
~*15 October 2015*~
Manually blasting confetti from the remains of the confetti canon... What a befitting end to PSAC 2015! And I cant help smiling at how my latest earworm Can't Feel My Face has "with you" in the lyrics.
#psac #psac2015 #confetti #itsfinallyover #cantfeelmyface
~*17 October 2015*~
A rather impromptu session of K-ing, singing, dancing, jumping around after months of PSAC craziness with colleagues yesterday. Wait... Scratch that. Wasn't this almost the same group of people who said, "We are frenz, not colleagues?" #ktv #k歌 #karaoke #wearefriendsnotcolleagues #igsg #instamood
~*24 October 2015*~
Our department, which was split into 2 teams for the division's sports day bowling, won the 1st and 2nd team awards. My 老鼠屎 team members all can't bowl for nuts. Nevertheless, we tried our best. We washed some drains, garnered some strikes, scored some spares from sheer luck and got an average of 100+ points per person. Our reward? A hamper of goodies for our empty department pantry.
#bowling #strike #ultraman #ThatsStrikeNotUltraMan #老鼠屎 #teamwork #igsg
~*31 October 2015*~
Halloween is when the darkness in me arises. There is beauty in melancholy and it is through sadness that people could seek for and experience joy. Blog revived with a new post. Link in IG bio.
#halloween #halloween2015 #emo #emogirl #sadness #bleedingeyes
~*7 November 2015*~
I wanted to catch A Clockwork Orange for the violence and gore but it simply ravaged our brain cells. #aclockworkorange #besties #galpals
~*8 November 2015*~
I did it! I dyed part of my hair purple! I was getting sick of my faded light orangey yellow tone so I just told my stylist Leslie @privatehairstudiosg that I wanted a dark base with a tinge of purple inner hair and he knew exactly what to do. This was taken at the end of the day when my lovely curls were gone. There are 3 tones of purple but it's difficult to capture them well with the front iPhone camera. Totally in love with my new hair.
#newhair #purplehair #longhairdontcare #instahair #mylittlepony #unicornhair
~*8 November 2015*~
Hidden shades of purple... So hidden that my colleagues excitedly came over to my desk to see my new hair, only to ask where my purple hair was.
#newhair #purplehighlights #purplehair #instahair #mylittlepony #unicornhair
~*11 November 2015*~
I went for my first yoga class ever and really liked it. Then, I went back to my family home for a feast of pesto pasta, pesto with bread and spam fries by my sis @kappo77. The pesto sauce is homemade from the basil leaves that she grows in the balcony. The spam fries were so unhealthily delicious... And so I sweated it out in one hour of yoga only to eat all these...
#pestopasta #pestosauce #ilovefood #instafood #homemade
~*13 November 2015*~
Blue blue dresses in a blue blue place. However with the great food and awesome company, it was anything but a blue blue night. Happy birthday @tifducky! You deserve the best! Love you!
#besties #bff #galpals #blueblueblue #happybirthday #mitzo #mitzosg
~*14 November 2015*~
You've to be thankful for $5 Rubi slippers from Cotton On when you have a notti cat at home... If anyone remembers how battered my current slippers look.
#Caturday #catandslippers #catoftheday #instacat #notticat #rubislippers #cottonon
~*14 November 2015*~
A beautiful and compelling picture by @kei_acedera Don't just pray. Spread the love. Light the world. #prayforparis #prayfortheworld #spreadthelove #lighttheworld
~*15 November 2015*~
For those who requested, I still can't get a good shot of my hidden purple tones with my full face in it. It's difficult to capture the purple tones in my hair except under certain white light and strong sunlight or unless I clip my outer hair up. So some people asked why I wanted to conceal the purple beneath my outer hair. Coz hidden and subtle purple outweigh visible non-natural colour and with that, the risk of getting caught and forced to dye a natural colour. #purplehair #purplestreaks #messyhair #longhairdontcare #instahair #mylittlepony #unicornhair
~*31 November 2015*~
It wasn't that long ago that glasses were uncool. You only wore them when you absolutely had to. These days, glasses that are 100% functional are almost like a fashion accessory to fit your face for the whole day until it is time to sleep. Specky boys and gals need not be uncool if you have trendy glasses. Want to win a pair of trendy glasses from a global online optical store? Check out my latest blog post (clickable link on Instagram bio) now!
#giveaway #sgblogger #freebies #speckygirl #speckyfoureyes #firmoo
~*19 November 2015*~
I needed to go back to my family home today and casually asked if there would be dinner at home. My big sis @kappo77 replied, "If U want dinner I can pan fry those cod. Just buy back a vege to cook for add on and we can hv these with some hot wakamame soba." And then I came home to this! Oh and then I didn't have to buy the vege too coz my BIL bought them. I feel so loved!!!
#homecooked #codfish #tigerprawns #soba #奶白 #simpleanddelicious #ilovemyfamily #ilovefood
~*21 November 2015*~
Once upon a time, at the DMG Gala Night... We won the #bestdressedtable. We were #stunnedlikevegetable. The end. #galanight #ilovemycolleagues #ilovemyfriends #swingingsixties #agogo #sg50
~*22 November 2015*~
Swingin' Sixties Selfie Sunday. Nah... Just an eccentric attempt for alliteration and the photo wasn't taken on a Sunday. #selfiesunday #selfiequeen #purplestreaks #swingingsixties #agogo #retro #mylittlepony #unicornhair
~*23 November 2015*~
Sometimes it is all about looking up and seeing things around you in another perspective. #perspective #mantramonday #lookingup
~*24 November 2015*~
Feel like having a tiny little kitty to hold now so that I could have a fatty little catcat to hug in future. Sorry kitty. I didn't support you by your butt butt.
#ilovecats #catwoman #instacat #kitten #gingercat #catmuseumsg
~*28 November 2015*~
I love Bak Kut Teh. I really love peppery Bak Kut Teh and almost all clear Chinese soups. I will never ever wanna relocate outta Singapore just coz of all these food.
#bakkutteh #肉骨茶 #clearsoup #ilovefood #fatdieme #eateateat #foodporn #foodie #instafood
~*29 November 2015*~
When you have bimbos and an iPhone camera with slo-mo function
Ooh... Your purple is so visible under the sun
Really really? Help me take a photo of my back view. I wanna see
Why don't I take a video of your back view
How about we try the slo-mo function
And I repeat...
When you have bimbos and an iPhone camera with slo-mo function
#甩头发 #purplehair #purplehairdontcare #messyhairdontcare #slomovideo #instahair #unicornhair #mylittlepony
~*31 November 2015*~
In about 12 hours time, the hubz would be back in Singapore. Whenever it's time for the hubster to return, I'll whine stuff like
Sigh... Now I've to move my laptop back to my own desk space
Oh man... I don't have enough desk space now that you're here
Haiya... I can't use your nice nice speakers to listen to music now
Ohhhh... The wardrobe is gonna be too full with all your clothes snatching my space
Oooi... The clothes rack is falling. Take your clothes away
This room is too small now that you're back
Say goodbye to Me Time
Say hello to The Hub
My poor hubster
#conversationswithmyhusband #teteatete #ilovemyhusband #ilovemyhubby #背影 #instagood #instamood
The instasummary for December would come in another post but I'll just add on in this final post of 2015 that Dec has been such a busy month full of nothing but preparation for the festive season and meeting up with many good people.
On the last day of 2015, I would like to say something which I've said before on my blog 2 years ago:
Thanks to those who hated me, they made me a stronger person.
Thanks to those who loved me, they made my heart bigger.
Thanks to those who were worried about me, they let me know that they actually cared.
Thanks to those who left me, they made me realize that nothing lasts forever.
Thanks to those who entered my life, they made me who I am today.
Just want to thank all of you for being here in my life!
As we usher in the year 2016, let us all be wiser, and be grateful for our blessings.

[Image Source]