If we were connected on Facebook, you would have known about how I've just wrapped up an event which I was co-organizing with my colleague. That event saw many late nights in the office and I simply had no me-time left, much less to even post something on my blog just to keep it running. My posts are in drafts and not at all ready for publishing.
My Instasummary posts keep getting pushed back and it doesn't help that Instagram on browser recently had a makeover. While having a clean and sleek appeal, the dates are removed (meh...) and I had to find all means and ways to search for the dates (which isn't in Singapore's date and time stamp... double meh...) in order to do this Instasummary.
So here goes June Instasummary when it is almost August! (It's 1 Aug as I'm wrapping this up actually but I'm backdating this post to 31 July)
As usual, Instagram videos on blog run in fast forwards, skips and jumps. They are better viewed on iamjolene Instagram page itself for sound and image quality, as well as full streaming and on smartphone Instagram app for emoji to display.

~*1 June 2015*~
My body clock automatically woke up and am unable to get back to sleep even though I switched off the weekday alarm last night. I love long weekends! Happy Vesak Day to all who celebrate the occasion. Pic credit: #fabafter40 #ilovelongweekend #longweekend #sleepinmonday
~*2 June 2015*~
I started the day with hair curled inwards and ended the day with post workout hair curling everywhere! My much shorter hair is obviously higher maintenance than my long hair but at least curling everywhere beats sticking out everywhere. I could still bear with this . On a separate note, I love working out to Blogilates 6-min videos! emoji They are just 6 minutes which make working that focus area seem easy but oh... they BURN!!! Do people actually follow through the entire routine religiously at her pace? I often find myself stopping at intervals. The only work out I could follow through continuously without stopping are the 6 min to Sexy Arms. Tells a lot about my muscular biceps but super flabby triceps . emoji This June, Blogilates is focusing on flexibility in The Stretch Project. Sounds fun !
#postworkoutselfie #blogilates #thestretchproject #healthylifestyle #instahair #instagood #instamood
~*3 June 2015*~
Latergram. First time eating salad for lunch coz had one too heavy a breakfast before that. I thought the salad would be light but noooooooooo... The lettuce, egg, pasta, corn, green grapes, cajun chicken combination was filling.
#greenbites #greenbitessalad #healthydiet #healthylifestyle #toofullformainmeal #salad #instafood #yummy #foodie
~*4 June 2015*~
Look Hubz! Your silly mistake of pouring far too much chia seeds into your water bottle last night led to me using the water for this morning's milo and having too much chia seeds in my own water bottle... Just coz I don't want to come home with sproutlings in your water bottle like @kezel. #chiaseeds #superfood #healthydiet #healthylifestyle #prettyinpink #instavideo
~*5 June 2015*~
Big, juicy, yummilicious love emoji️ from one of the branch babes. So sweet in every sense of the word. emojiemojiemoji
#strawberry #sweeteststrawberryever #love #heart #instagood #instafood
~*6 June 2015*~
My health nut friend was sharing with me about the various healthy clean-eats meals and I got so depressed just hearing about them. Next, I thought about buying MOS burger or 士林鸡扒 for supper and gave up because of the long queue . Decided to make this at home and tell myself it is considered a clean-eat meal too! Tuna in brine, cheese slice, cherry tomatoes, red grapes topped with sprinkles of chia seeds . Not the best photo but this anyhow #salad with no greens (no salad vege in the fridge) is MY KIND of #healthydiet and #healthylifestyle, and as far as possible, I've tried .
#instafood #instagood #foodie #cleaneat
~*7 June 2015*~
I love the beautiful night city skyline of Singapore. Blazing luminous stars... Colourful dazzling lights from the skyscrapers... All part of the adornment on the vast canopy of black canvass .
Standing there with such a beautiful background, I imagined myself bathed in lovely bokeh effect. I wondered if I was standing alone in the universe or were there some extraterritorial life on one of those flickering stars thinking the same thoughts .
Then a voice whispered ever so softly to me, "No honey. There are many naked-looking people with you and one lady who seems to stand out more than you do in this frame. Screw extraterrestrial . "
I was jolted back to reality .
Blogged about my MBS staycation. Part 1 brings you on a virtual tour of the Orchid Suite and of coz some bimbotic musings. Link in Instagam profile .
#mbs #mbsinfinitypool #beautiful #nightcity #nightlights #nightcityscape #cityskyline #musings #bokeh #instagood #instamood #sgblogger
~*7 June 2015*~
Screw #healthydiet and #healthylifestyle on weekends. Weekends are for indulging and here we are at #cafeetc for our first meal of the day.
Banana and Honey Smoothie for me. Choco Peanut Butter milkshake for the hubz. I love banana honey so much and I told Kh that peanut butter is one of the most unhealthy thing in the world. Then I took a sip of his and thought that was one of the most awesome milkshake ever!
Truffle fries almost never go wrong for us.
Eggs Benedict for the hubz which he said was delicious but the poached eggs was overdone.
Filet mignon in medium rare with added foie gras. Doneness was accurate and the steak tender and flavourful.
This casual cafe has changed its menu a little. Some new items are seen with some old items taken out. It was a positive change.
#milkshake #trufflefries #eggsbenedict #filetmignon #steak #instafood #instagood #foodie #foodporn #fatdieme #yummy
~*8 June 2015*~
Tuna in brine, avocado, pieces of wholemeal bread, cheese slice, red grapes and cherry tomatoes salad for late night dinner with the hub. Super yummy!
#healthydiet #healthylifestyle #salad #tunainbrine #avocado #yummy #cleaneat #foodporn #foodie #whatwehaveinthekitchen
~*9 June 2015*~
The evening that just passed was a Day of National Remembrance, in memory of the victims of the Sabah earthquake many of whom are Singaporeans. The national flag was flown at half mast. My abominable little pricks of tear ducts are acting up again. I couldn't help tearing whenever I read news of the Sabah earthquake over the weekend. The many little 12-year-old lives lost, the sacrificial teachers and mountain guides, the grief of the families left behind . . .
I love this comment that a Singaporean left on PM Lee's photo :
Dearest Little Brave Hearts ,
You started on a journey up a mountain. You knew the challenges and were ready to face them. You were aware of your limits and were determined to stretch them. You climbed, as little brave hearts .
Yet, the unexpected happened. Who could have predicted the occurrence of an earthquake? Who could have prevented your being there at that moment? Who knew what you must have felt as stones rained down upon you? You fell, like little brave hearts .
The stones might have crushed your bodies but they will never crush your spirits. You have conquered more than mountains. You have conquered more than yourselves. You have conquered the hearts of Singaporeans. You conquered, as little brave hearts .
Your journey now goes beyond the mountain. Journey together now to a better place. Journey to a place with no more pain. No more sorrow. No more worries. No more suffering. No more hurt. Journey together, as little brave hearts .
Watch over the loved ones who grief and mourn for you. Watch over your families, your friends, your teachers and your schoolmates who will miss your presence. May they eventually find peace, comfort and closure. Time may dull the pain but never your memory. Watch over them, as little brave hearts .
May you rest in peace, as little brave hearts .
Picture credit: Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong
Contents credit: Kelvin Koh
#sabahquake #rip #tkps #prayfortkps #littlebravehearts #flagathalfmast #sad #instamood #igsg
~*10 June 2015*~
Love it when kiwis are sweet!
~*11 June 2015*~
Eat salad with @ange1ajane at #greenbites coz #healthydiet and #healthylifestyle ma. Lettuce, pasta, broiled chicken, mushroom, grapes, orange, corn with japanese sesame sauce.
#Yummy! #salad #cleaneat #instafood #instagood #foodie #foodporn #greenbites #greenbitessalad
~*12 June 2015*~
A different kind of fish soup from The Soup Spoon -- Aussie Barramundi Chowder with Dill. Seldom see dishes in Singapore advertised as gluten free. I love the fresh fish taste! So sad that they've changed the size of bowl. Gotta order the large one now.
#thesoupspoon #barramundi #instafood #instagood #foodie #foodporn #igsg #yummy #fatdieme
~*12 June 2015*~
Same same but different. #telepathy #bff #besties #galpals
~*13 June 2015*~
As 80s babies, we hated to see this screen. When you saw this screen, it was either a lost transmission in TV programmes or it was time for us to sleep. In the 80s, the main channels were not running 24/7 and this screen came with an annoying "tuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" monotone which certainly forced us to switch off the TV. I swear this was more effective than our parents' nagging. What do you remember as a Singapore kid growing up in the 80s?
#remembersg #theeighties #80s #notransmission #marinasquare #igsg #sgig #sgblogger #ilovesg #sg50 #simisaialsosg50 #singlish
~*14 June 2015*~
Midnight meal for us! No salted egg stuff and all the fried oily food this Saturday. It was home-made food all the way. My salad always consists of the same few favourite ingredients- tuna in brine and cheese (for delicious protein), wholemeal bread (to add bulk), grapes and cherry tomatoes (to add fruity sweetness to a sauceless salad). Instead of mashed avocado, I chopped them up this time round. Hope the avocado-hater hubby likes them. Lastly if you have chia seeds, sprinkle them on top for massive amount of nutrients like protein, fiber, omega 3, calcium and lots more. This meal is not only full of goodness but delicious as well.
#cleaneat #healthydiet #healthylifestyle #salad #yummy #ilovefood #instafood #instagood #tunainbrine #grapes #cherrytomatoes #cheese #avocado #chiaseeds
~*14 June 2015*~
My favourite haunt when the craving for 焖猪肝 (clay pot pig liver) kicks in. It's done so well that it is soft and pinkish inside.
#foododyssey #焖猪肝 #pigliver #claypot #foodie #foodporn #instafood #instagood #yummy #igsg
~*17 June 2015*~
This is such a staged Instagram shot with the caption: "I'm having a lazy day tanning by the pool."
But you know that's not true.
Blogged about what you don't see behind the scenes at a supposedly cool pool. Link in Instagam profile.
#tanningbythepool #lazyday #stagedshot #poolside #sgblogger #igsg #instagood #instamood #bokeh #legs #mbsinfinitypool #mbs
~*18 June 2015*~
Double take on iPhone 6. #2iphone6
~*18 June 2015*~
This is not on my own Instagram but I like this version that evan posted on hers too!
~*19 June 2015*~
Disney postcards from my Canadian blog friend! I love all these random sweetness and I can't believe I totally missed the first one.
I'm always amazed at all the deep connections, meaningful engagement and beautiful friendships forged through writing. These are some of the simple things that I appreciate in life.
#postcardsfromtheworld #postcardswap #bloggerlove #disneyprincess #snowwhite #brave #merida #instagood #instamood #like #love
~*20 June 2015*~
For the month of June, Cassey Ho of @blogilates presented THE STRETCH PROJECT as a flexibility challenge on Instagram for anyone who wants to take part in it.
It is a mixture of Pilates and Yoga poses. The numbers correspond to the dates in June and you have to hold each stretch a day for 15-30 seconds. Even if you can't reach that perfect pose, just try to stretch to your limit and hold the pose on each side.
I'm not able to perfect 5, 12, 13, 14 at all. My ending limit pose for 5, 13 and 14 is nowhere near how they should look. As for 12, I could hold for 15 seconds and then my arms were shivering. Who says Yoga and Pilates are easy peasy? Just try all these and you would know how much core muscles are used.
Today is the 20th and I know I definitely can't do the SPLIT!!! 😭😭😭
#thestretchproject #blogilates #pilates #yoga #flexibility #healthylifestyle #igsg #instagood #instamood #saturdayselfie #postworkout
~*21 June 2015*~
Father's Day lunch at The Famous Kitchen. We ordered some usuals like the baked crispy bee hoon, KL 大卤面, 酸菜鱼, and tried some new dishes like sea cucumber fish maw, fried kailan with meat floss and creamy salted egg crabs with mantou.
@thefamouskitchen #thefamouskitchen #instafood #foodie #foodporn #foodgasm #instafamily #ilovemyfamily #igsg
~*21 June 2015*~
Happy Father's Day to our 老 Hero daddy who still thinks he is Ah Boy. We love you!!! 😘😘😘💕💕💕❤️❤️❤️
#happyfathersday #ilovemyfamily #ilovemydad #myhero #ahboy #coke #cocacola #instafamily #igsg #like #love
~*21 June 2015*~
全家福 at the wall of fame at The Famous Kitchen. #thefamouskitchen #instafamily #ilovemyfamily #ilovemydad #igsg #like #love #全家福
~*21 June 2015*~
#Healthydiet doesn't take place on weekends. Sunday is for indulgence! Choco Peanut Butter Milkshake was what I chided my hub for the last time he ordered it at #CafeEtc. And now this is all mine! ... ... But then I can't finish.
~*21 June 2015*~
I dunno why the hubby always loves to over order. We had choco peanut butter milkshake, root beer float, truffle infused mushroom soup, salted egg carbonara, prawn aglio olio, foie gras... and yup, we finished everything except my PB milkshake.
#CafeEtc #fatdieme
~*21 June 2015*~
The last time I tied my hair into two was some 20 over years ago. So here's a 白痴 smile to mark this day. #twoponytails #白痴脸
~*22 June 2015*~
~*Latergram DIY nails*
It was supposed to be a polka dot theme summer nails but I went overboard and dotted some flower motifs out. I like how the nail art on the thumb and index finger turned out. The rest are simply an overkill of dots and you do not want to look at the right hand. 😅
I used Sasa's dotting tools and Sasa's house brand Cyber Colors nail polish which is a range of Eco-friendly nail polish. They are free from Formaldehyde, Toluene, DBP, Camphor and Phthalic Acid; contains up to 85% bio sourced raw materials; and are not tested on animals.
For 30 minutes, I felt like a saint saving the earth by painting my nails with eco friendly nail polishes.
Then in under a minute, I finished the top coat with First Kiss New York Extreme Shine Top Coat that smells totally like a glue sniffer's favourite goo. I'm sure that bottle itself could last a hundred sessions of glue sniffing, contains Formaldehyde, Toluene, DBP, Camphor and Phthalic Acid, and probably killed many rabbits.
Life is full of irony and how ironic to portray this fact in a bimbotic beauty post.
#instanails #polkadotnails #nailswag #nailart #naildesigns #nailsoftheday #ecofriendly #crueltyfree
~*22 June 2015*~
Because after every indulgence comes the intensive sweat it out cardio workout. Sweat out the flabs and sweat out the negative energy. After that, you can tell yourself that it's ok to indulge in whatever food you want again! emoji #sweat
~*25 June 2015*~
~*The Curious Incident of the Instagram Followers*~
There has been a curious incident of Instagram followers situation going on here. Instagram gave me a gift of hitting 10k followers on my birthday exactly one month ago and right now, I'm at 12.7k without doing much engaging at all. 2.7k increase in a month! What sorcery is this???
Ever since I hit about 8k (by increasing my followers the ethical and painstaking way), people are mysteriously following me too easily. There was once when I didn't tap into the Instagram app for 2 hours, I saw 60 new followers. I don't buy followers. It is abnormal and it scares me quite a bit. These are real people but with not much "like" activities on my photos. So sad... And some of these people post really weird comments too. (I suspect I will start to lose followers drastically after saying this.)
There are lots of websites out there with tips on gaining followers and I thought of writing a blog post to share MY WAY of gaining real Instagram followers ethically without buying. If anyone is interested...
~*27 June 2015*~
Teochew cuisine for Father's Day dinner with my in laws. Good food but super long wait. With @jovennnnn @gnahiy @troodss
~*28 June 2015*~
May and June Babies Birthday celebration at Kuvo with the VIOS.
~*28 June 2015*~
The period of dusk is a confusing one. On one side, the golden ball of sun with the hues of orange, pink and purple exudes a silent kind of beauty. On the other side, the greying darkening skies make everything look so dreary and foreboding.
#sunset #dusk #ontheroad
You can find me on Instagram by clicking the button below. If you like my pictures, do follow and drop me a message so that I could check out your page too!
I really love it when my blog friends and I are connected on other social media platforms too since I know many of them don't blog as often yet have got a lot more updates on their Instagram page. I'm so glad to see more blog friends on Instagram now and I hope we continue to stay in touch here!