Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Miss the Bimbo Sistas!

I really can't wait to see all of you. The last time all of us met up was in December. Almost half a year leh. How can lidat???

We are so gonna enjoy ourselves later!

Bimbo Geral,
The queen of all bimbos, what cool hairstyle do you sport now?

Bimbo Tiff,
Yoz yoz my 1st fren in Pri 1, Can't wait to see your man! And also your xiao wan zi hair. Dun worry, we shall be ugly together and rant about it together!

Bimbo xtina,
Always "peak never ends". Now that you are more relaxed, let's cheong manz!

Bimbo Zanne,
Must TRYYYYY your best to finish your work and get your Big 4 ass here ok? I promise I would never spell your sophisticated English name wrongly on my blog ever again!

Miss all the fun times we had last year!

Our debut official outing as the bimbo sisters
We were so crazy to show our bling bling rings.

The night at SUBA when we were in black and white unanimously We've got telepathy!

New member Tiff happened to be at SUBA and joined our group.
She's such an accidental and great addition!

K-ing with Bimbo Geral
I'm still trying to steal her Smokin Skunk.

Patriotic bimbos
Another crazy cheong nite out.

Lousy Arabian Night... Rocking Bimbo Night! + SUBA again
If a party sucks, call the Bimbo sisters to rock da house.

The night we contributed to the PSI index
Plus another pri sch guy pal who is such a jie mei jie mei.

The night we WERE Conscience (and somebody with no conscience stole my lumix.)
Rarely we had all 5 present.

Geral's birthday
And that was the last time I saw any of them.

How come we had so much time to meet up back then huh?

See ya lovely bimbos later! I'm supposed to be doing my marking and going out with kh after shifting my tuition. However, both of us are just sooooo sleepy!


Reply to Tags

Yes I was really LOL in the MRT lor and Kurara is just so cute. No need to apologise la. Really thanx for your wishes dear gal!

Hey surprised that you are still reading after your accidental drop by. Happy belated birthday to you too!

Miss M xiao jie… Great to see your tag! Hope to see your SHREK ears at work. Hahaha…

No need to apologise la, thanx for your wish! Yesh… got soooo much to catch up. I think I haven seen you for a year or more eh?

Hi passerby. Thanx for your kind words and wish! Next blog button? If you’ve got a blog, you can share it here too if you like. =) Yup, me thinks music rocks too! Haha…

Heh… No la I wasn’t sad. Just kinda in a very me-time mode. Got time to sit back and reflect. No worries. Thanx for your huggies, gal!


  1. Hey,

    thanks for the sweet blog that date all our outings!

    makes it alot easier for me to read abt all our outings...

    saw some of the photos for the 1st time.

    u still rem wei chun? Jiaqing's fren? he say we haven met up for a long time. he suggest we all get tog n cheong for tis yr halloween again... pretty gd idea.. dun ya tink?

    very late liao... jus wanna go read the sweet bday postin you left me den go zzz.. i sick.. jus came back fr phuket at 130am last nite.. rain so much there i got sick.


  2. Haha... no probz man. It makes it easier for me to refer too. And yeah... from your silence, I presume you haven't been reading and so just collate all together. Brings back lotsa memories eh?

    Wow... Time passes so quickly. It's like Halloween 2007 in 4 mths time? I tot the last 1 only happened recently.

    Take care babez! You seem to be alwiz sick.



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