Thursday, February 05, 2015

Christmas 2014: The One That Concludes The Whole Christmas Season

[This is a scheduled post.]

It is five days and two months into 2015 and this post wraps up the whole of the 2014 Christmas series. 2014 concluded with lots of warmth and joy as it was one of the only year where I managed to meet up with almost all the different groups of good friends.

On Boxing Day, the F4 reunited as FOUR after more than a year! It so happened that Hs was back in Singapore for only a few days during the Christmas week and we all managed to make time after work for good food with the best company any gal could ever ask for.

We met up at Bar Bar Black Sheep (Bukit Timah, Cluny Court outlet) for a feast of North Indian, Thai and Western food.

Their North Indian food was lip-smacking. I could come back here any other day to satisfy my North Indian craving.

We were seated outdoors which was too dark to take any picture of food. I hate using flash to take pictures and so the "Lighting Crew" went into action of using their iPhone torchlight to shine on the food without me having to ask them do so. Lol... You gals are the best!

For desserts, we opted for Sweet Mango Sticky Rice from the Thai menu...

... and chocolate ice cream waffle from the Western menu. Both of them were good! Mango sticky rice is my favourite Thai dessert while rich chocolate ice cream would never go wrong.

We adjourned to the indoor seating when more patrons left. The outdoor patio was not conducive for chatting and taking photos. Furthermore, the flickering light from the huge LCD TV which was airing a soccer match was headache-inducing. Seeing green and short flashes of bright colours constantly on one another's faces amidst the dark outdoor environment was no fun at all unless of course you are these two dogs.

[Image Source]

Once we were indoors, Em was so excited about giving us her gifts. She had a huge paper bag of presents which got us all curious. She lugged this big bag of gifts the whole day till she met us. How sweet!
In this photo, Wy had to help Ems prop up the gifts since they were just too big while behind the smiley face in the background is a crew who got into our frame at the wrong time and had the weirdest half open eyes and mouth expression ever.

Em spread the gifts on the table and got us to pick one. We were obviously thrilled to receive our gifts.
"Are they all the same?"
"Are they the same thing but with different designs?"
"Are they similar stuff?"
"Is it a pillow?"
"Is it a cushion?"
"A bag?"
"Must be a soft toy!"

We continued feeling the gift through the glossy paper, asking questions and making guesses before ripping the wrapper off.

Craftholic!!! Ahhhhh! I know of MANY friends who love Craftholic. They are cute and huggable and look absolutely adorable sitting idly on the sofa but I would never ever buy one for myself. Now that I've gotten a Craftholic as a gift, I would definitely love it!

Isn't it cool that we all picked the pattern that we like?

My gifts to them pale in comparison with Em's. Glad that like their gifts even when Ems spoilt the market. Hahaha... We all chided Em for giving out her gifts first coz whatever that came after that would pale in comparison. And Hs quipped, "I came with no gifts, only a small sling bag!" We don't need any gift coz your company here with us in Singapore is a valuable gift. xo

WY got us treats from her trip. I super love the chocolate brownie and seaweed and everything else that I ate them all up  I always appreciate all the snacks from friends coz they wind up in my room as emergency energy stash during hungry moments before sleep.

As some of you would have seen on Instagram and the December Instasummary post, it was such telepathy for us to be dressed in shades of pink and red. We haven't gathered with full F4 force for a while and I really treasure moments like this. I was lacking in sleep during the whole of December (catching 3-4 hours sleep for 2 weeks around Christmas) but I just had to meet these gals before I flew off for the year. Even though I had to be at the airport at 6am in a few hour's time, we chatted till we were all yawning and still, we couldn't bear to part. Love you gals! xoxo
(Aside: That reminds me, I haven't blogged about our past few meet ups!)

[All photos in this post were taken using iPhone 6]


  1. Jo, I am so happy that you have friends like this that when you get together ... you don't lack for words only time ... It is awesome you all made time for each other like that. It shows how much you all mean to each other.

    I haven't had a friend like that for years... it was wonderful when I did. I had so many good times with them ;-)

    You look like you had so much fun together... it's times like this that getting very little sleep is worth it.

    Have an awesome week... I'm hoping to get some sleep tonight though ♡ xox

    1. Hi Launna, Some friends are really worth the extra time, effort and lack of sleep for one another! I'm glad that over the years, situations have shown me who are those friends who are keepers for life. I was thinking that if Singapore wasn't that small, I might probably have difficulty keeping up with the many amazing friendships. I'm still trying to catch up on sleep till now and it would be Monday tomorrow... =( Have a good week. I hope snow doesn't get in your way. I would also need to walk more. I'm much too sedentary.

  2. I love the name of the restaurant! So cool! That ice cream waffle looked absolutely scrumptious. Awww, nothing like good friends. Friendship always comes 1st! Gifts 2nd!

    Yes, I'm in New Orleans until maybe Spring/Summer of this year. So go ahead and send it Jo. That's really nice of you.

    1. Hello Kim. Honestly it was the restaurant's cute name that caught my attention first before reading up some positive reviews on them. And yes, friendship #1. I would let you know when I send out. I'm almost done with the other packages and I would like to send them all out together. =)

  3. A conclusion to your holiday adventures. Must feel good to get them all out there. That waffle/ice cream thing certainly belongs on the western menu. We also are big on waffles and fried chicken together. The lighting crew is very cute as is the dogs watching the telly shot. Is it time to start getting ready to post next Christmas yet? :)P

    1. I miss fried chicken as I read your comment. I miss fried chicken as I'm typing this. I haven't had fried chicken in a long long time to come. My cough gets really phlegmy when I eat chicken and I'm finally fully recovered from my cough. Time for some chicken soon!

  4. AWWW That's fantastic Jo! It's so nice to see a reunion like that! I'm totally craving indian food now thanks to you! I love love north indian food and could eat that stuff for hours (slowly of course)! Glad to know you have a great christmas time with all the celebrations with friends and family! I can't wait for the reunion dinner and family gatherings with CNY coming up!

    1. Somehow North Indian food is meant to be eaten slowly. I dunno why. Lol... each time I have North Indian food, it would always be over an hour. Maybe it has gotta do with their rich flavours? I'm the opposite of you, Sharlynn. I dislike CNY. LOL... I'm probably just anti-social and not too traditional. =P

  5. Indian food is my favorite cuisine in the entire world--we're spending Chinese New Year back in Malaysia, and you can bet I'm getting my fill while we're here!

    1. Spending CNY in Malaysia is certainly a time of food indulgence. Yummy!

  6. Hi my lovely Jo, omg the F4 are back again. I'm so sorry that you girls can't meet more often but one can tell you are the best of friends. It's not often that the clinque stays in touch when one moves far away. I can tell. Now these Craftholics are super cute. I haven't seen them before but I think I'm a fan. I wanna hug them all :D The food looks very delicious too. I want to try the mango sticky rice badly. How did you manage to sleep for only 3-4 hours for 2 weeks and look beautiful as always? I thought I was busy but compared to you I had nothing to do.
    Jo thanks for your kind words. That was really sweet and I feel the same ways about you. It's true we make a lot of fashion posts but we're doing it cos it's fun and not because we're so full of ourselves like some other fashion bloggers. You know the blatant self promoters haha. I know exactly what you mean. One of the main reasons we started the blog was that we never took any photos of us (I can't count how many years passed by pic less) and this way we would be forced to. So now we at least have a few pics of us. I always love to help people and so I have started to make beauty posts as well.
    Thanks for explaining the gift exchange. Now I get it. Don't worry I won't be disappointment when I see Frozen. My expectations aren't too high haha (not anymore).

    xx /

    1. Hi Mira. I always love reading what you have to say. You're the sweetest. Some friends are really worth the extra time, effort and lack of sleep for one another! I'm glad that over the years, situations have shown me who are those friends who are keepers for life. I was thinking that if Singapore wasn't that small, I might probably have difficulty keeping up with the many amazing friendships. I'm still trying to catch up on sleep till now and it would be Monday tomorrow... =( Oh yes, my friends were all marvelling at how I get so little sleep and be so busy during the whole xmas season and then I fell sick in Hanoi, recovered and fell sick on the plane back to Singapore. That's the result of severe lack of sleep! You bet I slept my days away when I came back with sick leave.
      Really glad to see more personal posts from miradevils and more beauty post from glamdevils. I still love all your funny text in your posts no matter what theme it is!

  7. Ahhh...this was wonderful, what sweet presents you got as well, I love those :)) Everyone looks happy too :)) I hope your week is going well lovely xxx

    1. Thank you, Kizzy. Hope you have an amazing start to the new week.

  8. Great post , the food looks really delicious !
    with chinese new year coming up
    sharing a video with you
    if you think it's funny do share out too
    it's chinese new song but new version at
    hope to see your next post soon !

    1. Hey Rain. Haven't seen you here for a while. I hope you're well-prep for CNY! Haha.. are you in any way related to the people in the video? The style is too punk and heavy for my liking but thank you for sharing. =)

  9. You have the loveliest friends! :) I can tell you had an awesome time together and the food looks yummy!

    Bella Pummarola

    1. Thank you, Anett. Indeed, I'm always thankful for all my lovely friends. =)

  10. It's always so nice to spend time with friends! May I ask something? What is the difference between Indian food and North Indian food? I am asking as recently I had Indian food and I loved it! You and your friends look so nice, Jo! Hope you're fine!

    1. Hi Sany. That's an absolutely good question. I know the difference between North Indian food and Indian food but I just can't explain it to you so I found the page which best illustrates the difference. Even the Indians themselves find it hard to explain as accurately as possible. I hope this helps! I've always enjoyed reading Quora after I accidentally stumbled onto it and registered as member.

  11. Love all these pictures!Kiss

  12. how cute it is that your outfits match...and in pairs! What are the chances of that?:)

    Getting together with friends is always time well spent. Many of my friends live far away from me ( I did move to another country because of hubs) so it can be a challenge...but we still meet at least few times a year...
    Taking the time for our friends is something we should never forget...because relationships need to nurtured.

    The gifts are adorable:)

    1. Hello Ivana, Yes exactly. Time spent with friends and the people who matter are the best. I'm glad that over the years, situations have shown me who are those friends who are keepers for life. I was thinking that if Singapore wasn't that small, I might probably have difficulty keeping up with the many amazing friendships. It's great that you get to meet up with your friends a few times a year despite living far away.


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