Sunday, February 08, 2015

How To Achieve Longer Slimmer Legs

If you are here because you genuinely want to achieve longer slimmer legs, then I'm sorry this post is not for you. You may refer to here, here and here for all the exercise and diet tips to get long and lean legs. If you are super hardcore and determined in altering your leg bones, you may want to embark on some strenuous exercising or even the extreme method of surgery.

Today I would share with all of you on how to achieve longer slimmer legs the cheater bug way in photos. Sometimes, it is all about the angle.

Taking a full length shot with your photographer crouching or doing a half squat would result in a longer and slimmer frame as opposed to if your photographer is standing at eye level or if the shot is taken from top down.

Left: Unedited picture taken when hub was crouching resulting in an overall longer frame
Right: Unedited picture taken when the photographer was at eye level resulting in short stumpy legs.

At times when angles fail, photo editing is a saviour! You don't need to have professional photo editors like Photoshop and the likes. All you need is a mobile app called MeituPic. It is a FREE app available for both iPhones and Androids.

MeituPic used to be called Mei Tu Xiu Xiu (美图秀秀) when everything was all in Chinese. The app is a breeze to use even for somebody like me who isn't very good at reading Traditional Chinese characters. In fact, this app was introduced by my ang mo pai (Westernized Chinese Singaporean) gal pal who said that the icons itself were self-explanatory and easy to navigate.

The updated version of this app is completely in English since last year so YAY for all English speakers! Now you can cheat your way through your photos. I often use mtxx's filters to edit my pictures but this is the first time I explore it for legs lengthening.

Some of you might remember me whining about how my legs are getting fatter and stumpier over the years in this post. I was pretty shocked by how my legs looked in the Christmas Day dinner photos that I decided to look for Mei Tu Xiu Xiu to conjure some magic.

This was how the original picture looked. Even the hub said, "Your legs look kind of... funny." He was kind enough not to say "fat and stumpy" which he sometimes do.

After mtxx-ing this pic, here is the after effect. Perhaps it is difficult to see the difference when the photo isn't side by side or isn't put into an animated gif. That's how natural mtxx editing is!

How about comparing the difference here?
Left: Original
Middle: Just nice
Right: Overdone and a little too fake

This anigif is a clearer depiction of the difference.

Now let's start the mtxx tutorial!

1. After you have downloaded the app, tap on "Retouch". You would be prompted to open a photo from your photo folder.

2. You would be led to this page. Tap the function "Taller".

3. 2 horizontal parallel lines would appear. Drag the lines to where your legs are.

4. Slide the slider left (original) to right (taller) to your desirable result.

Tip: You have to be very careful not to edit your photo such that the background is significantly altered and everyone could call your bluff. In this example, I dragged the top line to below the last step and the bottom line to just above the distinct line on the ground. In this way, the background would not look too drastically stretched. I could be greedy and include more region of my thighs but that would result in overstretched stairs.

4.1. For this photo, sliding to the middle of the bar looks the most natural.

4.2. Whereas if I slide it way to the right, my legs look a little too fake. I do not want a Barbie Doll's ratio of 2 parts legs and 1 part body.

5. When you're satisfied with the photo, save it and admire your new legs. Now you can look as hot as Blake Lively.
The whole process of achieving longer slimmer legs takes less than 3 minutes with MeituPic app! Great for Instafreaks on the go!

Here's another picture which I've edited using mtxx.
Left: Original
Middle: Just nice
Right: Overdone and a little too fake

Anigif comparison
I like how mtxx looks almost natural. Even with the many lines of wooden panels in the background, the after pictures do not look edited. If I hadn't mentioned anything about my photos being edited, most people wouldn't even have noticed anything. Perhaps my harshest critic are myself and my hubby precisely because we are aware of how my legs used to look. And for many friends who knew me from way before, they had to agree that my legs seemed to have grown stumpier over the years when in the past, they consider my legs as one of my best asset.

For those without smartphones, MeituPic is also available online. However, it is all in Chinese, lags a lot and does not have the lengthening legs function.

Besides legs lengthening, do try out the many functions MeituPic has to offer. I personally feel that this app is the best photo-editing tool ever and the best part is, you don't even need to be equipped with photo-editing skills like when using Photoshop. It is that easy to use!


  1. Oh the end of the world is even nearer than I thought! An ap for making ones legs longer? In the Dark Ages they called that ap "The Rack" and it worked wonderfully :) I am so dense apparently because the difference in all those shots seems so small as to be barely worth the effort. Of couse, as you note, you guys are the experts on the legs there and I am but a simple novice. I am curious to see what it would do to me except my legs are so white currently they are see through. I bet there is an ap to tan them too :)

    1. Wahahahaha... The RACK! I'm always intrigued by medieval torture equipment and I once thought that The Rack when used in a positive way could really be a body lengthener! Oh, trust me. Using mtxx to me is effortless. That's how I get all the beautiful Instagram photos that you so love. I do think there are photo apps to alter the skin colour but for mtxx, it is to make it fairer. Not much of a use for you in this case. You could just download it and play around with the functions just for fun. I'm so intrigued by all that it has to offer!

  2. First of Jo... I don't think you have stumpy legs in any of your pictures... but I do know what you mean about how we are our own worst critic... I know I pick my pictures apart and I am rarely happy with them. I have though about touching them up but I am so not technical... I am sure I would get frustrated and then cry to make it work... ;)

    Have a great weekend... I hope it is/was a really happy one xox

    1. Hi Launna, I do have a couple of stumpy legs pictures over the years which I do not post. I choose those that got the best angles captured. I'm a photoshop-idiot and those editing stuff like adjusting brightness, tones, colours, contrast I do to my photos all takes less than a minute on Photoscape. However multiply by the number of photos, it does get time consuming. As for those editing that requires more skills, I'm just too lazy and hence found the fast and lazy way out in mtxx. Trust me. Using mtxx to me is effortless but if it were Photoshop, I would most likely cry together with you to make it work. :D

  3. Cool app Jo this is the first I've seen of its kind other than makeup editing apps, your legs are great to begin with no need for you to do that but its fun if you want extra height especially when wearing short :)

    1. Hi Stephanie, Thanx for your compliments. This MeituPic app is indeed cool. Trust the Asians to come up with these. (Stares at my Asian self).

  4. You silly! Your legs are far from short and stumpy! When I first read about the app and I saw the Chinese character, I was thinking "Damn, I'm to use that app?!". Haha!
    My tips for having longer, slimmer legs? Heels! I am 164cm so I'm not the tallest person and that's also the reason why I am always wearing heels. xx

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

    1. Hey Shireen, I lol-ed at “banana”. My legs are stumpy as compared to last time. I’m a harsh critic to myself but thanx for your compliments though. 164cm for Asian Chinese is average on the taller side right? Not exactly short I guess. I’m 162cm so that’s shorter. I used to feel a lot taller with heels but since I’ve sprained my left ankle twice few months back, I’ve been wearing flats and am just my 162cm self with stumpy legs. Heels give the illusion of longer slimmer legs.

  5. I think your legs look lovely in all these pics..and even from that 'normal angle' that we all know to be so unflattering, they still look pretty good. I hope that hubby dearest appreciates it when I get almost to ground level to shot a photo of him:) He is 182 but from some angles even he doesn't look tall.

    Anyhow, the change this app provides is indeed appropriate...nice and doesn't look fake (at least if one resists overusing it) but the difference is still visible...the legs do look longer. I don't know why I never edit my photos...maybe sheer laziness?

    As far as my longer legs tricks go...I usually stand on my toes when I'm wearing sneakers and in such a way it looks like I'm just taking a next step...ha, ha ...I guess I'm more vain that I admit:) I think I've picked up a few tricks of the trade by observing some bloggers (i.e. shamelessly stealing their poses). I was thinking about making a post about it, but I have to make some kind of comparison...perhaps shot some photos just showing the difference.

    1. Ivana,, I would love to see a post of these tips and tricks on posing. Maybe I could pick up a tip or 2. And yes, pointing the toes out does a lot. Oh but comparison kinda posts would take a little more time and effort to do. Do drop me a note to check out if you ever do a post on this. I sure hope your hub appreciates you for getting down low to snap a taller pic of his already tall frame. I really like the natural effect achieved by this MeituPic app!

  6. Jo, I echo Shireen! Your legs are flawless, believe me, I just dont get where you see them fat!! Ah!! I think the app is brilliant and for sure would be curious to try it too as the result is pretty natural and nice. But you dont need any editing, you look gorgeous! Have to say that maybe that pic of Blake Lively is too much retouched lol!:) Many kisses dear, have a great week! xo

    1. Hi Lilli, Haha… then I shall echo the same reply as Shireen to you. My legs are stumpy as compared to last time. I’m a harsh critic to myself but thanx for your compliments though. I really like the natural effect achieved by this MeituPic app. Blake’s legs do look almost too flawless but she has very lovely legs when you see her onscreen as well.

  7. From now on I will tell my photographer to kneel and take a full length photo of me, shoes included. It doesn't matter if you're a stranger, a friend, or my dog, you must kneel to take my photo. I had no idea about this leg lengthening app though! It's like the time when I discovered people also did neck lengthening (or shortening too I guess lol). But honestly I really do not think you have stumpy legs, if I did I wouldn't say anything about them anyways, so I defs don't think so! But you're right, we're our own worst critiques! But I was thinking do you think it was perhaps your shoes that made your legs appear shorter? I know sometimes shoes do that! Thanks for the detailed explanation as well as the sample photos! I feel like those take a long time to make!

    1. Hi Sam, I remember reading your comment from my email and I was laughing out loud. The shoes that I was wearing in these pictures are actually "heeled platform". They look like normal flats from the outside but if you look at the soles carefully, they are heeled. Boo hoo that these "heeled platforms" make me look stumpy. Hahaha... but you're right about shoes playing a part. Heels give the illusion of longer slimmer legs. I used to feel a lot taller with heels but since I’ve sprained my left ankle twice few months back, I’ve been wearing flats and it doesn't help to elongate the stumpy legs. I did this post in a jiffy actually. I'm a photoshop-idiot and those editing stuff like adjusting brightness, tones, colours, contrast I do to my photos all takes less than a minute on Photoscape. However whenever you see those photo-heavy posts, yeah they do take time as multiply by the number of photos, it does get time consuming.

  8. This is very insightful, I can see the difference and how powerful are apps these days to perform that function! Btw I love your skirt so gorgeous! :) Have a great one hun! :) xo~ Lena

    1. Hi Lena, Thanx for dropping by and for your comment. It is a fake 2-piece dress with drape over and I love it too! =)

  9. That app does look pretty interestingI I would like to see how it works, but I think your legs look great no matter what, you have a great shape!


  10. Ok Jo, I am sold. Downloading this right bloody now! I've heard about the photographer trick of crouching to achieve length, my problem is that is also gives me a double chin LOL! Though I'm sure this can be fixed once I learn my angels and such. For now I am cheating with this nifty app. Thanks lovely maybe I can try a midi skirt and use this app to lengthen my body. Too bad it doesn't work for real life though.


  11. It doesn't look fake, that's for sure. But in general I am not of a fan of 'cheating' reality with apps or photo editing software. It's cool that this app can edit photos in such a natural-looking way though.

  12. I actually giggled when I saw this on the updated Meitu app. So ridiculous, yet so effective. Yet another way to fool people- not only do I have perfect skin, but I'm also tall with amaazing long legs :D. Sigh, I love Meitu. Great post Jo, very detailed!

  13. Wow, I never knew there was an app like this out there! As I'm very petite/short myself I "always" make sure to be photographed at least from waist-height for the illusion of longer legs :)

  14. This is really cool!! Though, I like myself just the way I am, no need to be taller. But, it is a very cool app :) Lovely photos too :)) I hope you have a great week :) xx

  15. Que luxo arrasou look maravilhoso amei as imagens, tenha uma semana abençoada.
    Novo canal:

  16. You are just too cute!! Oh, and that app seems awesome! Never heard of it before. Thanks for sharing!
    Also, thanks much for stopping by! I appreciated your comment very much! You’re the best!
    Much love, Vanessa

  17. Oh we know all about the angles to look "thinner' hahahah :P How many times did it look like we had very tiny but thick legs because of the angle, it's funny but awful at the same time.

  18. I definitely try the angle trick when possible. I have never heard of this app- but it does sound very easy. Thanks for including the directions! I liked seeing the side by side comparisons. The pictures look nice- and I don't think your legs look short and stumpy, but I am glad you found a way that makes you feel happier about the way they look in pictures. :)

  19. You in no way have 'short and stumpy' legs, Jo! You are lovely and beautiful just the way you are!! :)

    Gabrielle | A Glass Of Ice 


  20. Hi Jo. About technology? I'm bad and refused to learn as soon as my hubby telling me what to do:). I only learn how to blog when my first learning all about blogging. That's all:). It's sound amazing but I would have to pass! It's complicated to me lol. It does make your legs look much longer. I like your natural cutie legs and look though to be honest:) but if that make you happy and enjoy to do so, go right ahead and have fun with it Jo.

    I hope you have a great new week:)

    Thanks again for dropping by.

  21. Well I'm six feet tall, so I don't need this! HaHaHa Maybe the slimming part! HaHaHa Jo, you look fantastic just the way you are doll.


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