Sunday, February 01, 2015

Christmas 2014: The One On Christmas Day With The Silly Hubby And The Unwilling Pandora Girl

[This is a scheduled post.]

A few minutes before the clock struck 12 announcing the arrival of Christmas, the hubby started behaving strangely and asked me really weird questions. For the benefit of those who hadn't read the story on Instagram, I would recount and expand the story here:-

Kh: Deardear, you know what's Pandora or not?

Jo: Of course la. That overhype charm bracelet that so many girls like but I don't... Once you get one, you're opening a Pandora's box of the evils of spending money on charms for every occasion... A simple one can easily cost $400... How can you not know what's Pandora? You're so lucky I'm not into it...

I continued yakking away about how I'm not into the stupid Pandora craze and how I don't find their bracelets and charms to my liking at all.

Kh's expression changed from


as he heard me yak on.

Kh: But if somebody gives you a Pandora, you will still wear it, right?

Before I could answer, he took out a Pandora paper bag and wished me Merry Christmas.

My expression was

We seldom surprise each other because our surprises for each other would always fail. One of our habits for special occasions would be to dine at the restaurants which we want to check out and no surprise gift. Once in a blue or purple moon, we would yearn for something material and we would pay for each other's material wants as a gift. There was once when I bought the hubz a Ferragamo wallet for his birthday and he bought me a Ferragamo bag in return. He declared upfront, "That's your birthday gift, V-day gift, anniversary gift, Christmas gift and any other gift all combined for the year."

Hence, when I saw the Pandora paper bag, I was shell-shocked and kept repeating like a record that you wanna bash or that you have already bashed, "I thought we said no surprises?" He replied, "Yeah, and you just gave me a puny little stupid cat magnet which isn't even the picture I chose. What a surprise." (More on the magnet in another post)

When I posted the picture of my Pandora bracelet on Instagram and Facebook, Pandora fan girls were commenting on how beautiful it was and that the whole bracelet cost a bomb. Wooh, I'm impressed by these expert friends to be able estimate the price just from the photo. Even non-Pandora fan girls were also marvelling at how beautiful it was and that Kh had good taste. Some gals were impressed by Kh's surprise gift and advised me to be appreciative while some guys were sniggering at how Kh had succumbed to buying PANDORA-- an absolute curse which transforms their usually sane partners into patients of an asylum gone amok.

My opinion on the bracelet:
1. I honestly didn't quite like my initials on the bracelet in this manner.
2. I did not fancy the overly light-coloured pink glass beads which looked so uneven in size.
3. I thought the hearts charm (on the left of the left glass bead) looked like a Christmas bauble.
4. The "disco ball" could possibly look better in another colour.
5. I did not understand what that plethora of gingerbreadman-looking charm (on the right of the right glass bead) meant.
6. The only thing that I had no comments about was the box which could open and close. Ever since I was little, I've always loved ornaments and accessories that could open and close!
This WAS how my bracelet look like.

Not wanting to hurt kh's feelings, I asked him if he had chosen the charms to represent anything. I guessed the meaning of each charm together with him as he explained to me that he had spent a long time choosing the charms with a male sales assistant who gave him lots of guidance and advice.

1. He wanted some sort of personalization and so he wanted part of my name to be in there.
2. He knew I like pink and also felt that this shade of pink was pleasing to his eyes.
3. The hearts obviously represents love.
4. The disco ball was recommended by the SA and he felt that transparent white complements the pink as all the "disco balls" in other colours (yellow, black) did not match at all.
5. "Then how about this family of gingerbreadman?" I quipped. "That is a human family! Not a gingerbreadman..." Kh replied rolling his eyes while scoffing.
6. "The box is the "cheapest" item of all since it is free. It is the Pandora Club charm and I have 2 of it." Kh proudly proclaimed. "Why do you have 2 free Pandora Club charms?" I queried. "Erm... because I spent certain amount and became a member instantly..." he replied haltingly. "WHAT?!" was my only exclamation.

Anyway, the gingerbread man also reminded me of the little paper villain 打小人.

The bracelet was too loose for me. Since it was heavy, I did not want it to slip too low down my hand. It felt a lot more comfortable sitting on my wrist. Hence before our Christmas dinner, we made a trip down to the nearest Pandora outlet to change it to the smallest size which affected how the charms looked. They were not symmetrical any more and that could not pass my mark. There are simply some things in life that need to be in symmetry.

It was a good chance to change some of the charms to fit everything symmetrically. Kh was fine with me changing the charms and he said that what is most important is that I had to wear something that I really liked. I changed the pink glass beads to purple and chose the most even-looking pair. (The SA explained that since these beads are hand-crafted, no two beads are similar and hence the discrepancy in size). Since the family charm reminded me so much of gingerbreadman or 打小人, I really could not live with it. I changed that and the hearts charm to a pair of purplish charms which complement the purple glass beads. Everything could fit into the space and looked symmetrical to my utter delight.

This bracelet is more like my style now and it is something I would wear and feel that it represents me. My hubz has made me an unwilling Pandora girl but the pretty charms would slowly grow on me and I couldn't be any more appreciative of my hubz' effort. I also almost choked when I found out how expensive the whole bracelet cost!

Guess how the silly hubby learnt about Pandora? He actually googled "Christmas present for wife" and Google auto completed it for him with 2014 and 2013. He stumbled upon sites that listed 7 out of 10 items from Pandora and another with 8 out of 15 items from Pandora. He wondered what the blue turtle Pandora was all about, did some googling and sank into the slippery abyss of Pandora that very day.

And that concludes the story of The Silly Hubby And The Unwilling Pandora Girl. On to dinner...

We had brunch with kh's family at Alkaff Mansion Ristorante before and had always wanted to try their dinner. Since kh is crazy over Italian cuisine (and almost all other cuisines coz he's really a pig), we made a reservation there for Christmas dinner.

I love the central glass feature that's reminiscent of a jewel-cube enclosure.

Our table setting looked plain. I very much love those alternating tables with Christmas flowers and decorations.

So really, this photo is to secretly snap the couple behind coz the lady was speaking in a really heavy and somewhat unnatural accent that we couldn't help wondering why we kept hearing her voice without being able to catch any whiff of the man's voice. Must be the tone.

We opted for the Christmas set instead of the buffet, the latter having a lot more variety of food.

My favourite kind of bread is those served warm and with olive oil and vinegar. Yummy!

Fresh oysters! Slurp!

~Scallop Carpaccio with Cognac Pineapple, Fresh Figs and Black Sesame Caviar with Black Truffle~
I love anything Carpaccio with tangy sauce or fruits and this is my favourite dish of the evening.

~Classic Italian Tortellini with Red Radish and Fresh Prawns, served in Pumpkin Cream with Stracchino Cheese and Toasted Hazelnuts~
I personally didn't like this. The tortellini reminded me of Chinese wanton but with very thick skin. I also did not quite fancy a sweet pumpkin cream to pair with the blend tortellini.

~Beef Tenderloin with Grilled Polenta, Porcini Mushrooms, Crispy Foie Gras and Asparagus Souffle served with Shaved Truffle~
Kh loved this dish but for me, there were too many types of textures and flavours going on in this dish. Yup, I know I dislike eating anything with too much of the same mushy texture but this was simply an amalgamation of textures and flavours that teased my palates a step too far.
The beef was a delight on the first few bites and then I couldn't stand how tender it was. I always love my steak to be a little bit more chewy.
The Foie Gras was done the way I liked-- springy on the surface, creamy velvety smooth on the inside.
The Polenta was creamy and not outstanding. Prior to googling, I didn't know what it was.
The mushrooms on top of the Polenta were much too tasty. The saltiness veiled an underlying bitterness of the mushroom. I did not know if I should gripe about it being too salty or that it failed to mask the bitterness despite being, well, too salty. It had a slight rubbery feel against my teeth too.
The asparagus soufflé was interesting. It tasted good but I soon got tired of the airy and light texture.

~Saffron Snow Mousse -- White Chocolate Fudge with Saffron Filling served with Butterscotch Sauce~
Presentation of this dessert is adorable. A mini white Christmas tree! I love chocolate but I do not exactly like white chocolate. So it isn't really the fault of this dish but just my personal preference. White chocolate to me is synonymous to "overly sweet", "too milky" and "not real chocolate".  We managed to finish everything but the last disc which was stuck to the plate. After that, I craved for more savoury food but that was the last dish of the Christmas set.

Alkaff Mansion did not wow me on my first visit but I would love to give their normal dinner menu a try as I've read so many wonderful reviews about this place.

We would be back again at Alkaff to check out the normal dinner menu.

There was a Christmas lucky draw whereby one lucky winner could walk away with a Bottega Veneta bag. When somebody announced over the sound system that the draw would be commencing soon, classy diners all morphed into rowdy mob as half of the patrons had no clue of the lucky draw and hadn't filled up any slip. I was exaggerating when I described ourselves as rowdy mob; I actually loved the unanimous protests from the floor and the camaraderie that we shared. Very soon, everyone was raising their hands for the waiters to deliver them the lucky draw slips.

A shot with the Christmas tree... just to show that it was a Christmas dinner. =/

Outfit of the day:
♥ No label Monochrome 2-piece dress (belt provided)
♥ Imported booties from Japan
♥ Louis Vuitton Totally MM
♥ Accessories: Ling Jewellery necklace, Solvil et Titus watch, Pandora bracelet, Ling Jewellery wedding band, Tiffany 1837™ ring

Bimbo moment...
Since I opened this post with a bimbo topic on Pandora, let me close this post with a bimbo topic on my new shoes. Ok, bimbo topic... fashion topic... they are the same to me. :D I was searching for a pair of black boots for my Hanoi Trip warm enough for the light winter there, yet fashionable enough to match all my outfits and strut around the streets in them. I was delighted when I stumbled upon this pair of shoes at a nondescript shop. The outside screams chic and stylish while the insides are slightly heeled with a soft buttery feel. They were really comfortable! $178 is certainly a reasonable price to part with for a pair of Japan-imported leather booties and with only a limited number made. This was the only pair in my size.

I hadn't noticed till my sis pointed out that the soles are interesting. It had the imprint of a keyboard! How cool is that? I can't wait to make wet prints with these shoes!

The sales assistant told me that ex-SBC actress Chen Xiuhuan also bought a pair for herself and her daughter. Upon wearing them to Korea, the shoes caught her friend's eye who also patronized the shop thereafter and bought a pair. I used to love Chen Xiuhuan when I was in primary school and it was such cheap thrill to know that I own the same pair of shoes as her! Hahaha... And wow, when I googled, I realised that she would be 50 years old this year! Back to the main topic of shoes, do you like my shoes? I love them so!

I'm left with just one more post to end the whole Christmas 2014 series and that's the gathering which I was looking forward to during the whole Christmas season coz we never had a full attendance of 4 for a looooooong time.

Just a side note too, I've some inspiration for a new post that isn't quite like my photo-story style of diary entries. Well, it has gotta do with achieving longer slimmer legs the fake way coz as you know, my slim legs have started becoming stumpier and stumpier over the years. Besides getting a really good angle that creates the illusion of longer slimmer legs, I recently learnt a cheater-bug method which I've applied on this post. Stay tuned for it!

[All photos in this post were taken using iPhone 6]


  1. After read your blog I remember a quote: When a girl has a blue prince, the most probably is that is no the shade of blue that se wanted. I think is pretty sweet of your husband gift you a bracelet cheap or not is a cute thing. Obviously I hope the next gift wont be cheap, but on my personal opinion is something nice from him. Beautiful outfit like always sweetie

    1. Hi Sakuranko, Nice to see you here again and thanx for your comment. I haven't seen you around for quite some time. That is a unique quote. I've not seen it before. You're right, there really probably isn't any shade of blue that is exactly what any girl wants. I was hoping that he would get me something cheaper the next time if he wants to surprise me. Lol.

  2. After read your blog I remember a quote: When a girl has a blue prince, the most probably is that is no the shade of blue that se wanted. I think is pretty sweet of your husband gift you a bracelet cheap or not is a cute thing. Obviously I hope the next gift wont be cheap, but on my personal opinion is nice thing from him.

  3. so funny to read your 'pandora' story. I think there is something in us womenfolk that makes us happy when our man buys us an expensive jewelry item, even if we're thinking/saying to ourselves 'you shouldn't had!!!!', somewhere deep inside there is a grin. Let's just admit that;)

    The bracelet looks really lovely and it is sweet that he did invest time in it and pick out your initials and all that. Shame the size wasn't right and you had to make some replacements, but hey- that's life right?

    The restaurants looks really luxurious, sorry to hear that not everything was up to you taste. Sometimes I have a feeling that chefs in fancy restaurants get a bit too creative trying to prove how special their dish is...and there's no chocolate without black chocolate:)

    Your outfit is really adorable...and so are the shoes! love the keyboard soles! so cool and perfect for wet prints indeed:)

    looking forward to hearing the slim legs trick:)

    1. I think you're quite right, Ivana. Even as we feel they shouldn't have bought such an indulgent gift, we still grin inside. And yes what you say applies to all aspects of life: life doesn't always go as plan, we could either accept or change it. Ah yes, maybe they got too creative in festive meals and I would give it another shot for their normal dinner menu. High 5 on chocolates!

    2. today I had a mini crisis because life wasn't going on as planned but I got over it relatively quickly. I've learned to shake myself from those " why can't I ever get a break?" moments over the years, but I also learned to accept them as something perfectly normal.

  4. Hi Jo! Lol, I remember so well the story behind the Pandora bracelet from IG and let me tell you first a thing, your hubby has been utterly sweet! This is for sure the dream bracelet of every girl! Though, Im not into Pandora trend as well, I love his gift so much as it shows how much he loves you. I like also how you changed it, I think is more you and more personal, plus fits you perfectly! So sorry the restaurant didnt wow you, I see you opted for Italian kitchen, polenta here is very popular, I like it, especially with melted cheese, but it has to be creamy!:) You were gorgeous Jo and believe me, your legs are flawless! The shoes are so cool too, love the keyboard sole, how fancy! xo

    1. Hey Lilli. Even when I wasn't into the Pandora trend, I enjoy seeing what my friends pick and what their partners pick for them. But if they ask me for opinions, I wouldn't be able to decide as I feel that charms are really up to personal taste. Really happy to hear many people (including you) telling me that the charms are really ME after I did some change. Hubby is a great fan of Italian cuisines, esp after we visited Italy and found out how a simple home-made Italian style dish could be so delicious. Need not be anything fancy at all.

  5. Jo... I like the way you fixed up your Panda bracelet... I am with you though, I wouldn't have wanted one either but it does look really cute on you.

    I have to say you eat the most interesting foods... you would be completely bored with my food... lol... I really eat the same thing over and over and nothing different. I need to open my palate up a bit... sometime xox

    You and your hubby are so adorable, I love the pictures of you two <3

    As for the fleas, my neighbor across the hall has carpet and the hall has it too... she has a cat she lets go outside... when I de-flead the place, I sprayed the carpet in the hallway, right under her doorway too... I was livid since my poor kitty was being tortured with bites as well as my sweet Valentina... all because she allowed her cat to bring them in and did nothing to stop them either.

    I am planning on moving very soon... within the next six months, I am searching for a flat that won't be close to other people as I have now. I have had too many issues because of it... at least they seem to be gone.

    I am so glad you joined up on my Facebook, I love having blogging friends there that want to keep in close contact xox

    1. Launna, you have no idea how happy I was when we were connected on FB with our personal accounts rather than a fan page/ blog page like most bloggers. My Facebook is more colloquial, casual and with more Singapore flavour (singlish and lots of local context) since most of them are my local friends while my blog is more of an international platform. I could eat the same food every day too for usual lunch and dinner so you're not boring, really. I hope the flea problem stays away for good till you next move.

  6. Jo, your Pandora story is the cutest! Overall, what a sweet husband you have! I just bought my very first Pandora bracelet in December too but I don't have that many charms. Did you have a hard time opening it? Omg, it took me forever to learn how to open the bracelet. Lol. As always, your food pics looked amazing! Have a great week my friend!

    xo Jo

    1. High 5 Pandor Jo! Hehehe... OMG, YES! I could never ever wear the bracelet myself! I can't open it and my nails are too soft and weak to even attempt it myself. How? I would love to be independent and open it myself. Maybe it is some husbands' ploy to remove some independence from their wives. LOL.

  7. I remember a few years back when the charm bracelet thing started and I thought "wow that is so much money to spend for jewelry for a child" not in a mean way, just an honest mistake. Charm bracelets were a thing for a small girl or perhaps a teen but a grown woman? Never crossed my mind. Perhaps the next big trend will be candy bracelets. I used to wear those as a young lad. Maybe I should approach a jeweler with this idea and I can be a billionaire like Mr. Pandora. Love his radio though :) The very first piece of jewelry I bought my now ex wife she did not like and took back to exchange. That was the very last piece of jewelry I bought her :) Gorgeous restaurant and, digital manipulation or not, you are looking lovely!

    1. Oh Rick, no worries at all. I had the same thought. Ok maybe not about charm bracelet for a child (since I think in our culture, we do not have charm bracelets for child or teenagers) but more of the hefty price tag which I absolutely cannot comprehend. I think it is really innovative of this person to think up of the idea of charm bracelets and brining it up on a higher pedestal. I don't know what radio you mean. A radio charm? I haven't heard you mentioning your ex wife before! That sounds like an interesting anecdote to recount. The first and last jewellery for her. =)

  8. Hello, greetings and good wishes.

    Very interesting photos and excellent write up.

    The bracelet is lovely and a fabulous, smart dress.

    Wish you all the best.

    1. Thank you for dropping by, Joseph. I love to see newcomers around. =)

  9. Oh my oh my! What an interesting and heartfelt post to read! The action and thought of your hubby was all there but he really should have considered if you're someone who would enjoy the bracelet before he plunged into that big purchase! It's not like a pair of diamond or pearl studs or simple necklace! But I'm glad that you'll wear it because it was from him! I've got a bracelet myself from them but just only the plain bracelet, I'll get charms in the future maybe as I'm a very simple person when it comes to jewelry! The dinner you two had looked simply stunning! I don't dine at fancier outlets like that in singapore very often so it's so fun for me to see where people dine when they want something more special or fancy. Thanks for dropping by my holiday haul post! Yes, it's usually seems to be that most singaporeans go to bkk for massages, shopping and maybe snack foods but I always buy make up! They have lots of brands that we don't carry especially in their boots pharmacy and even watsons but I love checking out beauty buffet/beautrium as these are where you can get really great ranges of products that are also very very affordable compared to singapore's prices! I will have more holiday posts coming for the rest of my purchases and days there so do stay tuned! ^^

    1. Hahaha... Yes, he totally didn't consider that at all and simply thought I would like Pandora like most gals. Simple and plain is good. I see many people with one whole round of charms on their bracelets and thought it wad too much. Actually I find the bracelet on its own quite cool looking too! I hope you would get some charms that you really like and which represents you. It is always nicer to voyeur. I enjoy taking peeks at people's travel posts. Will definitely look out for more of your holiday posts, Sharlynn. xo

  10. The bracelet was a lovely gift and very thoughtful too :) I like it. Looks like you both had a wonderful time xx

  11. I love how you tried to talk about your dislike for such item and he already had it it for you haha. I also love the fact he explained what each one meant, I think that is the cutest thing ever :) You both are adorable!! :D

  12. I'm not one of those Pandora gals either. I've never interesting to bother to think to have one myself so I'm not but if your hubby surprised you as Xmas gift;) I guess you probably have to wear for reason:). I don't like surprise at all lol. I've had told my husband since we been together I dont like any surprise haha. But tell you that I love to have Tiffany ring though. I love the glass building and I bet you had a great time and enjoyed your Italian dinner. Lovely two pieces dress on you. I love black and white :). I apologies for didn't read clearly last time because I was so sick and real late at that night and dizziness from taking medication as well. You know if I'm we'll. I took time to read everyone:) because it's a lovely thing to do when you go visit people blog and get to know the blog owner instead of just nice post. Or you look great but caring and kind it what I chose to treat others. I don't say " just nice post" because they've said on my post. No I don't like do thing against other as well and it doesn't make me feel good of treating others not right! Even someone leave me just. Nice post. I still take time to write them a nice coment:). Thank you for your always dropping by:). I rally much appreciated you a lot. I hope you an amazing week ahead dear Jo.

    Xx Tanya

    1. Hey Tanya. Lol... Yeah, guyz... Even though I told him no surprises, I don't wanna be too firm on it coz guess what? The last time I told him never to buy me flowers and that I would rather have the money better spent, he indeed hasn't gotten me flowers for the past hmm.. 10 years? So I guess maybe we would just keep quiet for now. Hahaha... and hopefully you would get a Tiffany ring! No worries about reading wrongly at all. It's because I know it is YOU and YOU would always leave the sweetest thing. I'm just like you too about comments. I would really read and leave a heartfelt comment instead of "nice post" even to people who does that to me. =)

  13. Wow what a story! Men just dont know how to shop for women! I had never heard of Pandora until this post. I agree with you that I didnt like it much earlier but now its cute after you made all the changes! That menu and all that food looks so delicious Jo! My mouth is watering!! And those shoes are to die for!

    1. Thank you for your sweet comment, June. I think you might just hear about Pandora more since it would definitely hit the shores of every country soon. Then more people would be sunk into the deep abyss of buying overpriced charms. Haha...

  14. Jo, the first time you told the story about the Pandora bracelet I couldn't stop laughing! It was awesome reading it in full detail here. I think it's lovely. I first learned about Pandora when a PR representative asked me to do a sponsored post featuring their charms and bracelets. Some can be tacky! LOL But it truly depends on who is putting it together. Your hubby did a great job. What a fabulous dinner. I would've chosen the larger selection of food myself. A Bottega Venetta bag!?! I see why everyone became rowdy. Loved your outfit. You looked beautiful doll!

    1. Thnk you for your sweet comment, Kim. Many girls would kill to get a sponsored post from Pandora! You lucky babe. Can you imagine if you haven't heard of it before when they approach you and can't understand the hype about it? I think I would also be like you and feel that there are some tacky charms. That said, you're right that it depends on who is putting it together and who it is for too. There are people with different tastes and our "tacky" might be others' "beauty".

  15. Awwwwww, it's too bad that you didn't like the bracelet but come on, give the man some credit, he really went out of his way for this! I think it's super sweet what he did. Poor guy, lol :-)

    1. Lol... Yeah... I gave him credit for being so sweet and indeed, poor hubby. I feel so sad for him as I asked him about the charms one by one. =D

  16. I think it was really sweet of your husband to go through all this trouble to surprise you even though the bracelet isn't your style. And it's great that he was so understanding and let you customize it more to fit your style better. Glad it worked out. I think this is why I always just tell my husband what to buy me rather than having him try to surprise me. I can be very particular and that way we're both happy. He's a lot easier to shop for than I am and I buy all his clothing anyway so we don't really have any issues the other way around.

    Since you're on Blogger, if you buy your custom domain through Google, the transition should be fairly easy since nothing moves besides your name.

    Your dad is a wise man Shireen! I always cook extra when I make pasta as well so I can pack it for my husband's lunch. I just tried making carbonara pasta with smoked salmon and it was so good!

    Rowena @ rolala loves

    1. Rowena, The first thing that caught my eye was the last para. I thought I was sleepy and read wrongly. Lol! You know what,sometimes a blog page could hang and many a times, I lose my comments which I've painstakingly typed out for the blog author. So now I would make it a habit to copy my comments if I remember. And I think I've also pasted wrongly before. More of like, I missed out deleting part of the previous comment for somebody else and I think that's what had happened to you too. LOL.

      Ok so on your comment. I'm also very particular and hence it is bad to surprise me. I have certain criteria for things which I want, eg a bag, a wallet, a schedule book. Hence it is tricky to buy things for me too. I guess guys in general are easy going and my hub is just like yours. It is easier to buy things for them.

      I think I should go read up more on this domain thing soon!

  17. Aww that is so cute! You and your husband are adorable I love you guys! How sweet of him to surprise you like that,even if it wasn't exactly your cup of tea haha! I love your outfit in that photo, you look gorgeous! Sounds like you had a great time!

    1. Thank you for your sweet comment, Francesca. It's been a long time since I see you around here and I would also go check out your blog soon!

  18. Aaaaah! That's so sweet that he went out of his way to get that bracelet, even if you (and I) have no idea what the HECK Pandoa is. I'm googling it immediately. I knew Pandora was a radio station but apparently it's more... hey, it's the thought that counts!

    1. Hey Ali. You're the 2nd person here to mention something about radio. I've got no idea about the radio station. The only Pandora I know was Pandora's box of evils. Hehehe... Which is pretty synonymous to the brand and its charms.

  19. LOL! Your story is always hilarious, Jo! Well, I must say it was extremely sweet of your hubby to get it for you and I love all the reasons behind each charm, it was so sweet of him. Your hubby should give mine a few tips, whenever mine buy a gift for me, it feels like he bought it for a bromance instead of romance. I honestly won't be surprise if one of these days mine will buy me a tool box set. Smdh...

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

    1. Hahaha... the way you described your hubby buying for a bromance is simply too hilarious. You're so funny Shireen. I think I remember reading your reply (it was you right?) to me on your blog about Pandora via my email notification. OMG I wold need to head over to read it in further detail.

  20. Oh my gosh, I think your husband was so, so lovely for buying you this and putting all of that thought into the charms to create something he thought you'd love. I feel really sorry for him after you trashed Pandora right before he gave you the gift!! I'm so glad you customised it and changed the length so that you're happy now as it's a fairytale ending to your Christmas present haha :) Have a lovely evening, Jo!!

    Gabrielle | A Glass Of Ice 


    1. Thank you for your sweet comment, Gabrielle. I gave him credit for being so sweet and indeed, poor hubby. I feel so sad for him too as I asked him about the charms one by one. =D So glad that he let me change the charms as he felt it was important for me to wear something that I like.

  21. What a fun time! I love the Pandora bracelet he got the charms are so beautiful! Glad you had a great time :) Xo~ Lena

  22. Love your bracelet and how you've personalized it!
    I think your husband is really sweet that he tried to do his best))) When my husband presented me Pandora bracelet I've corrected few charms as well))


    1. Love seeing newcomers around here, Tanya. Ho, so we have a similarity of correcting the charms which your hubz gave. That's cute. Gotta check out your blog soon!

  23. That meal looks delicious! Each dish looks fabulous!

    Your husband's gift was sweet and it is nice that he tried his best to make his gift so special. The effort and thought can change the way we see something. Awesome that you were able to make it more your style. :)

    1. Hi Jess. Yes, agree with you wholeheartedly! I really appreciate his thoughts and efforts even as I was trashing Pandora before that.

  24. HAHAHAHAAAHA! Omg your hubs face was like "oh lordy, no, tell me it isnt' so!" I think that's both cute and funny how he found out about Pandora but ultimately thoughtful when he exposed the processes of why he picked the charms he did. I also like your revised version better mostly because it looks prettier with more colour! Obviously if he googled "best gifts" and Pandora popped up like 100x times, surely you can't go wrong with that! This also makes me wonder how many girls go to the Pandora store to change up their bracelet (like the whole thing lmao).

    I must admit I skimmed past the food part because I wanted to comment on your present but I stopped when I saw that white chocolate Christmas tree! It's adorable and while I'm also not a fan of white chocolate I would hope someone at my table would get it so I can take a photo haha

  25. TO BE HONEST, I KNOW NOTHING ABOUT PANDORA BRACELETS. I don't even know how much they cost, but either way, I like the bracelet pre and post modification! Your husband is hilarious, and my dad is kinda the same--one time he was in LA and he bought my mom a Coach purse as he wanted to surprise her...and she didn't like the purse at ALL LOL (lack of pockets, mostly)(but I guess she got used to it, because she uses it every week now!) Well, at least your husband put some thought into it! The Google search phrase was my favourite part though...too relatable.



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