Sunday, May 25, 2014

Happy Birthday to Me

This is a scheduled post and at this time later, I guess I would be eating takeaway fried rice with the hubz who had been at work till now.

It had been quite a bad birthday week. I knocked off from work without seeing the sun for four days in five and there were times when I just felt like I was no longer my positive self. I came home so tired every day that I could do nothing much at all.

Hoping for better days.

Happy birthday to me.

 photo blogseparatorflowersmall.gif

Edited to add.

Google really surprised me earlier in the day! The Google Doodle for today had little colourful cakes and I wondered if it was the birthday of somebody famous. Imagine my surprise when I moused over the doodle...

Google certainly made my painful, crampy and gloomy birthday a lot less gloomy and of coz, all the well wishes pouring in from every medium too!

As I got older, I think that birthdays are nothing at all. I mean I spent my last two birthdays at the specialist centre and hospital. I used to think that my birthday is one day in the whole year when I get to behave like a queen. I no longer think that way any more. To me, birthday is just another day. People used to say that I had so many groups of good friends that I had a birth week instead of a birth day. Well, I think it is still pretty much that way! Hahaha... Sometimes the meet ups for belated birthday  meals could stretch right up to June. Though to me, I would just treat these as get-togethers and catching up with friends instead of celebrating my birthday.

If you followed me on Instagram, you would have seen that it wasn't a gloomy birthday after all. Hubby made a dinner reservation at Sky on 57 Marina Bay Sands and said that I could not be cooping myself at home on my birthday.  It was one of the best fine dining experience we ever had!

Hoping for better days ahead!


  1. Oh no, you sound so down. Pick yourself up and stay positive. Things will go better for you. Happy birthday wishing you better days to come. Rosemary x

    1. Thank you so much for your concern and wishes, Rosemay dear. The later part of my birthday was happier as per my later edits to this post. Hehehe... xoxo

  2. Happy happy birthday dear!
    I wish you all the best in life :))
    God bless!~

    xoxo, rae

    1. Thank you so much for your wishes, Rae. Have an enjoyable weekend!

  3. Happy Birthday to you Jo! Hope you had a great time with your husband and your loved ones! Im sure weather will improve soon and you will enjoy it! All the best, kisses! xo

    1. Thank you so much for your wishes, Lilli. Have a splendid week ahead! xoxo

  4. Too young to be a queen, happy birthday princess!!!

    I had the same week and didn't feel like myself...not positive at all. I hope you get back to being yourself this weekend.

    1. Princess sounds great. Thank you, Rick. I'm sorry to hear about your week too and I perfectly empathize with you. Let's both hope for better days to come!

  5. Poor dear!!! I always am hoping for better news from you, that perhaps the wellness fairy or the easy work fairy or the give-me-a-freaking-break fairy might sprinkle their dust onto your tired brow and your world would be instantly filled with pastel rainbows and choirs of Hello Kitty dolls singing a lovely tune in your honor. I will continue to hope! In the mean time, many hugs for you and know you have my every best wish and warm thought.

    1. I would love all these 3 fairies to visit all at once. It would really lift up my soul. Hehehe... Thank you so much for your concern and wishes, Rick. I really LOL like literally laughed out loud when I saw the part on pastel rainbows and choirs of Hello Kitty dolls. It is just too cute. Thanx for making my day and for remaking it again when I'm replying to your comment now.

  6. Happy Birthday Jo!! Hope you have an amazing day even though your week wasn't that great :)


    1. Thank you for your well wishes, Fifi. Much love!

  7. Happy birthday! Hope you feel better.

    1. Thank you for your wishes, dear Anouka. xoxo

  8. So sorry to hear about your bad birthday week but I hope it's gotten better since you've written this post. Happy Birthday! Have lots of wonderful food and presents since you totally deserve it!

    1. I haven't heard from you for a long time, Richelle. Thank you for your concern and your wishes my dear. xoxo

  9. Sorry it wasn't the best birthday of all time, but the dinner sounds really nice! Happy birthday!

    1. Thank you for your concern and wishes, dear Rachel. xoxo

  10. A bit late on this, but Happy Belated Birthday! I saw all your pictures on Instagram and I didn't know Google does birthday doodles! And the song is so appropriate! :D
    I feel the same about birthdays just being another day as I get older, but my friends always make me celebrate.

    1. Thank you for your wishes, dear Vanessa. I think since we are all on blogger, we are definitely on Google too. As long as you're logged into your Google account on your birthday, you would see the page being customised. Do remember to set your birth date correctly. Hehehe...

  11. Happy Belated Birthday, Jo! May you have more happiness and love.
    Your hubby is so sweet. He made your birthday special (:

    Dreamy Princess

    1. Thank you for your well wishes, dear Joan! xoxo

  12. ooh, Happy birthday Jo, sorry to hear about your bad birthday :( but I wish your day will be better soon :) *virtualhugs*

    The Journey

    1. Thank you for your concern and well wishes, dear Winda. xoxo

  13. Happy Birthday doll...leave those bad birthdays behind and look forward in positivity, all will get better!! Be and feel happy, birthdays are wonderful :))) Enjoy yourself & I hope all your wishes come true Xxx

    1. Thank you for your concern and well wishes, Kizzy. They made my day. xoxo

  14. Happy Birthday Jo! Love that google gif! As we get older, birthday's change. Just do what you want and what you love. I think they become less elaborate.

    1. Thank you for your concern and well wishes, dear Kim. xoxo

  15. I'm glad to hear your husband took you out for a nice dining experience on your birthday! No matter what you birthday is a special day cause that's when you came into the world :)

    Rowena @ rolala loves

    1. Ah, that's a nice one. Thank you for your concern and well wishes, Rowena. xoxo

  16. Happy belated birthday, Jo! Many happy returns!
    Your hubby is so sweet that he took you on fine dining.
    Hope you'll have another wonderful year ahead ^^


    1. Thank you for your well wishes, dear michelle. And thanx for following me too! We would see more of each other that way! xoxo

  17. HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOVE!!!!! im hoping for a healthy and happy year for you. i know chinese ppl always wish for lots of money but i think health = wealth if you don't have health then all the money in the world doesn't matter. i hope that you'll feel loads better and have many many healthy and happy years with your husband jo!!

    love you hon!!

    1. That's a wise wish for me from you. I really would need health a lot so thank you very much, sweetie. I don't mind money too! Hehehe... but health must never work for wealth. xoxo

  18. I am sorry your birthday wasn't what you hoped it would be, but I am glad that Google gave it a bit of joy. Birthday's change, however, that doesn't mean they aren't worth celebrating- even if it is a personal quiet celebration just for yourself.

    PS-- I've actually only lived in Singapore for a little over a year, but have ben blogging for a lot longer (hence my international relationships!). That being said I really have enjoyed living here thus far!
    Also-- I went and got the info on one of the 5D places…. trying to plan a group excursion!

    1. Your words are very inspiring and they resonate with me. Thank you very much for your comment, dear. =)

      So now you are located in Singapore? For how long? I hope you go for your 5D reality escape game soon!

  19. Happy belated birthday!!!
    I hope you enjoyed the day!

  20. Happy belated birthday Jo! I wish you all the best and may your dreams come true. I'm sorry to hear that your b-days weren't that amazing. Wish for better ones to come ahead. I feel just like you it's not a special day for me too and I'm not fond of my b-day.

    1. Ah Mira! I completely missed replying this even as I replied to your other comments the other time. (⌒_⌒;)


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