Saturday, May 17, 2014

Instagram Snapshots ~*April 2014*~

It has since become a practice to be a little less than 2 weeks late in my compilation of Instagram photos for the month. Here's April instasummary late by more than 2 weeks.

~3 April 2014~
Throwback Thursday. Think it was 3 years ago when all 4 of us had black hair for the first time in years. Super miss you all la... T_T. When can we have a complete 4 again???

~5 April 2014~
First time playing 5D real life escape game in Singapore. Our group was broken into 2 groups trying out Painter's Murder and Mission Incredible. Both group broke outta the rooms! Yeah! I tried Freeing SG 逃出狮城 with the Vios group today. Can't wait for Break out with the Bimbos group 2 weeks later! 5D Escape games are all the rage in Singapore now!

~6 April 2014~
Latergram -- Gal pals talked about some eateries at Turf City and started on Pasarbella. Reading their messages made me so hungry that I decided to check out Pasarbella. Love that place! It reminds me of those European markets. Hubby hated how disorganized that place was and said that he wouldn't be going back in future but once we ate the pasta from Cicely Kitchen, it was a different story. ~ This is the food display counter. All the food there are served on disposables, just like how those markets do it.

~6 April 2014~
Latergram -- Late lunch of mushroom truffle and tomato pesto pasta with baked brie at Cicely Kitchen, Pasarbella that had food served in disposable containers and with disposable cutlery. Food in disposables had ever tasted quite as good as this. This is the display of the dishes we ordered.

~6 April 2014~
Latergram -- Ended lunch at Pasarbella with a Nutella and banana crepe. Thank you gal pals April and Viv for the recommendation!

~13 April 2014~
Latergram -- Junk food dinner! Who else loves this super unhealthy whipped potato? Their gravy is absolutely divine when eaten piping hot. Ok, the real reason why dinner was KFC-- I saw somebody's KFC zinger burger on Instagram and I've been craving for Zinger burger after that.

~15 April 2014~
Earlier today, my DD was saying that she loved the top part of my dress and asked if she could feel the material. After that she said, "Feels so soft and looks just like a furry little lion cub." Me thinks her description is really... CUTE. 😂😂😂

~15 April 2014~
Guess what's inside this box?

~15 April 2014~
Self-made cupcakes from Little House of Dreams! It was a really different department cohesion! Such hectic at work coz of the short work week but all of us put work aside for that few hours and had so much fun baking and decorating our cupcakes!

~15 April 2014~
An advanced Happy Easter to all of you! The bunny has lots of carrots to eat!

~16 April 2014~
Blessed is coming home to daddy's simple cooking after a long day at work. Corn-potato-carrot soup, clams with garlic and ginger, kailan vege with GASP abalone! I told my dad, "Wah, you think abalone very cheap ah?"

~19 April 2014~
Singaporeans being a tourist in our own country by going on our maiden Singapore River Cruise by Romancing You. This is the iconic MBS with the laser lights.

~25 April 2014~
I've got furry sneakers and running shoes now thanx to @gnahiy 's meow meow.

~27 April 2014~
We broke out of Break Out! Yeah... after 3 hints. Boo... It was so much more difficult than the highest difficulty room of Freeing SG which we played last month. Or maybe coz we are the Bimbos and Himbos group.

~30 April 2014~
Woo Hoo!!! I love finding craft stash in the mess of the art drawer just when I need them the most!

You can find me on Instagram by clicking the button below. If you like my pictures, do follow and drop me a message so that I could check out your page too! I really love it when my blog friends and I are connected on other social media platforms too since I know many of them don't blog as often yet have got a lot more updates on their Instagram page. I don't entertain follow for follow requests but if we have enough meaningful exchanges here, I would naturally follow you back, especially if you are my blog friend. Have a great week ahead!

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I feel like I've got lots to catch up on blogosphere. Thank you to those who have constantly been checking back here and leaving me sweet comments. I would get down to replying them soon and also to visit your blogs. This coming week is my birthday week and I reckon I would be quite busy with the number of friends asking me if I have a free slot. I've to spread all the meet ups over the next 2 weeks and as for tomorrow, I would be "fleaing" the whole day. My gal pal got a flea market booth and we are gonna clear the mess in our room by tranpsporting the mess from our rooms to the flea market venue. Our hubbies are so pleased at how much emptier the rooms look now. It was raining the almost the whole day at all parts of Singapore and hence the organizers cancelled the flea market today. I spent most parts of the day tidying more parts of my room and am feeling very accomplished now. 


  1. Ooh fleaing sounds quite enjoyable. I have no one who enjoys such things to flea with :( Birthday!?!?! 21 at last are we? :) That crepe steal picture of the day honors for me. Can just about taste it I think! Such great photography, dear friend. Always so much fun to visit your blog :)

    1. You know what? Just 1 hour ago, my gal pal texted me to say that the flea is cancelled. The organizers cancelled it due to bad weather and from a common friend staying at that area, she confirmed that it was/is pouring. I'm fine with the cancellation but the thing is, I've promised to lend my sis the luggage which I've packed my flea stuff in and I'm so lazy to unpack. Hahaha... But on the bright side, I'm relishing the time I have now to visit blogs. I feel like I've missed out on a lot!

  2. Helllooo again. I don't have instagram because I am such a tech-phobe but I love looking through Insta's of the month! I do the classic 'Favourites of the month' and I have gotten to love doing them each time because I think it makes me appreciate the small things in life monthly.

    Your real life escape game thing sounds SO fun. I absolutely love things like that, as well as outdoor activities like rock climbing. What is it like, exactly? You have to try and break out of the rooms? Sounds like sooo much fun.

    I love bloglovin'! It is the one way I get to see all the new posts from all my favourite bloggers and is so easy to use, I find. I will check if I am following you because I haven't seen posts up from you lately so I think I may not be subscribe. There are so many social media sites, it slips my mind to subscribe to everything for everyone. I'm from the UK but the North West, which is uncommon in the blogosphere I have found. My city is called Lancaster, to be precise, but it is so small I don't expect anyone to have heard of it.

    Hope you're doing well. Pasarbella looks totally up my street. Rosemary x

    1. Regarding your 1st para, I'm similar in that I find that these memories are more ingrained in me as I do all these recap. I remember occasions better than most of my friends coz I capture them on Instagram and blog. Sometimes while doing these updates, I would reminisce and smile to myself for all these little happiness in life.

      Yup, for 5D games, you are supposed to solve puzzles in various way and break out of a locked room. Quite fun!

      I have certainly heard of Lancaster before! Though I must say I know nothing about it. Is it a very old town?

  3. hi jo! wahh i saw that you went to taiwan.. but i am sorry to hear that you were sick for a lot of it :( boo that sucks!!! i hope you still had an ok time and that you're feeling loads better! i hope to see some taiwan pics from you soon :)

    omgosh that cicely place looks AMAZING!!! i LOVEE baked brie w/ the sweet fruits sooo delicious! and that pasta looks amazing. i can't believe that's like sort of a food court ish type of place would serve something so amazing look!!

    it's so awesome that your dad cooks.. and what more he looks like a seriously AMAZING chef too!! my dad has actually burned rice.. in a rice cooker. that's how bad he is lol!

    i love that cupcakes you made they're so so cute!! so pretty just like you ;p

    thank you so so much for your amazing comment. it really made my day. i think with blogging it's really easy to show what you want to show.. and for people to just see what they want to see kwim? but i think for me moving on from all my struggles ect. was being honest w/ ppl about where i've been and what i was going through/still am! thank you for being so supportive you have no idea what it means to me!

    1. I dunno how long I would take to post Taiwan photos up, considering the fact that I stopped at Italy 1/3 way and then started on London and then it's going on forever. Hahaha... Maybe I will post the recent ones forst and recount backwards. My blog timeline is in a mess but I'm just happy to be able to note down these memories on my blog.

      The whole "food court" is called Pasarbella and it is modelled to look like those English markets. Cicely Kitchen did serve some really good pastas even if they are in disposables.

      Thank you for your sweet comments too and I really hope that you will continue to blog and be true to yourself!

  4. The food looks delicious! I must have gained a kilo by just looking at them ;) Nice recap.

  5. Hi Jo! Hope life is treating you fine!:) Your insta-pics are always very lovely and for me interesting to check out everytime, you had an adorable account. Btw, Pasarbella sounds so good, that Nutella crepe inspires me a lot!:) I remember those cupcakes made from u and all the story about them, till now they make me watering, yum!:) Btw, Im sorry rained a lot and you had to cancel your plan, had a bad Sun even here, pouring down and so dull! I got a headache so I rest all the day. How thrilling is ur bday week! Will be careful to notice when the day is to make u the wishes then!:) Have a great week ahead dear Jo, hugs! xo

    1. This reply to my dear Lilli is really late. Thank you for all your lovely words. I always love to hear from you, sweetie. I hope the weather over in Italy is clearing up for the summer and that your health and energy is back too! Summer sales beckons!

  6. If I ever visit, Cicely will be on the agenda. Everything looks so good. The lighting must have been great wherever that first photo was taken....everyone looks so pretty! :)

    1. I'm so late in replying, Rick. Thank you for your sweet words always. The whole "food court" is called Pasarbella and it is modelled to look like those English markets. Cicely Kitchen is just one stall so make sure you check out the whole Pasarbella.

  7. This looks like a total blast! The cupcakes look super delicious I wish had one! You are totally making me crave sweets now! Agh!
    Ahaha! Anywho lets follow each other!

    Love from Canada,
    Marie at

    1. Thank you for dropping by, Marie. I love seeing newcomers around and I would check out your blog soon! I would usually follow back if we have enough meaningful exchanges and connections. Looking forward to seeing you around more often. =)

  8. I've been 2 times to go to singapore, I love your country.
    And I will go there again someday, and I hope to meet with you at that time.

    1. It's so nice to hear that you love Singapore, Winda! And if the next time you stay for a longer period, don't forget to let me know! We could arrange something if possible.

  9. Beautiful photos! Yummy, all the food looks delicious!
    And your self-cupcakes are adorable! >w<
    Have a nice day darling!

    1. Thank you for your comments, sweetie. Have a lovely week ahead!

  10. I wonder how playing 5D games feels like! Totally curious :D


    1. Thank you for stopping by my blog, Mitch. I love seeing newcomers here and would check out your blog soon! Hoping to see you around more often!

      As for your question. Different 5D escape reality companies would have different styles. You would be trapped in a room with a scenario and you are supposed to solve puzzles and break codes to slowly lead your way out of the room. Some companies would have spanking props. Some would just be simple ones. The fun lies in being able to solve the various puzzles and clues.

  11. These are great images, I love the cat sleeping on the shoes, haha. That is super sweet, bless :) I hope you have a marvellous new week doll :) xx

    1. Cats could really nap at the most uncomfortable spots! Check out this link, Kizzy. I think you would love it.

  12. Hi my lovely Jo!! I have checked all the comments and it's not there. Maybe it was in the junk box and I have accidently deleted it. I would have approved it and replied back (as always). I loooove this cute Insta post. Compared to you and think my life is so boring. That 5D real life escape looks like so much fun. We don't have that over here and the food soooo yummy. I have to try the whipped potato. I'm so sorry they canceled the flea market. I hate when they do that. Wish you a wonderful Moday sweetheart :D

    xx Mira

    1. Ah, it's just too bad and yes I know you would definitely approve and reply as always, sweetie. No no... everyone's lives of Instagram and other social media always look more interesting than ours. That's how I feel when I look at other people's page too. Hahaha... That's always the case eh? Like I think your life is so interesting and I love all your sisterly banters. xoxo

  13. Hi Jo, always wonderful hearing from you, hope you're doing great! Thats such a pretty picture of the four of you and the food all looks divine, how cute are those cupcakes! have a splendid week ahead!

    1. I always love hearing from you too, Sam. Have a lovely week yourself too! xoxo

  14. Replies
    1. Thank you, Chiara! Love seeing newcomers around here.

  15. I haven't tried a 5D Escape yet--- did you like the one you did? I need to check them out!

    1. Different 5D escape reality companies would have different styles. The earlier one featured here (FreeingSG) have spanking props which actually spoils easily as some customers tamper with them thinking they are part of the clues to be "broken" (yeah literally). Some companies (BreakOut) would have simpler props. The fun lies in being able to solve the various puzzles and clues. Do you have them in your country?

  16. The breakfast and cakes look so good Jo! Yummmm!

  17. Thank you so much for visiting my blog and for following and liking my pictures on instagram. I understand that you must be very busy and I wish you a very happy week. May is also my birthday month, right at the end.
    Hope you have a lot of fun!
    Take care

    1. You're most welcome, Alexandra! Ah... by the time I reply to your comment it could be your birthday since it is 31 May where I am. Happy birthday, dear! We are fellow Geminis then! xoxo

  18. Nice photos! The cupcakes look yummy!
    Oh, it's your birthday this week? Are you a Gemini? My birthday is on 30th.

    1. Thank you and Ahhhh... by the time I reply to this I would be wishing you a belated birthday. Happy belated birthday, dear Demi. Yeah to Geminis! We rule with our split personalities. Hahaha...

  19. Happy Birthday week Jo! Judging by all the delicious looking food pics you usually post, I'm sure you will have some yummy celebrations! Enjoy sweetie :)

    Rowena @ rolala loves

  20. Ayyyy, in case I miss it, Happy Early Birthday! :D
    Those cupcakes are too cute--I think they were previously in another blog post, right?
    I haven't eaten breakfast yet where I live (noon...but it's kinda lunchtime now) so I'm kinda hungry AND LOOK AT ALL THOSE FOOD PICTURES! I want that crepe!

    Vanessa | Citron and Guavaberry ʘ‿ʘ

    1. Thank you for your wishes, dear Vanessa. You didn't miss it. Yup, I wrote about the cupcakes during the easter week too. Hehehe... There would be some repeats on Insta and my blog at times since I'm always late in blogging. Hehe

  21. haha the cupcakes are so cute, and the homemade meal with the corn and the clams look delicious and healthy too! too bad that the flea market was cancelled, but you got a lot done so it was productive!! :D

    1. Thank you, dear Julie. Yes, I always love a productive weekend! I do hope they do not cancel the next flea market which is tomorrow by the time I reply to this.

  22. Your life always seems to be filled with something fun and interesting and so many food! lol. Glad to see them ^^
    Wow.. you will have a birthday. Hope the preparation is going well (:

    Dreamy Princess

    1. Instagram always tend to make a not-so-interesting life more interesting somehow. I realise it is always the case for many social media. Hehehe...

  23. Hi again, Jo! (:
    Yes, yes. You should go to work for Fashion line if it's something you love ^^
    Work in Fashion can sometimes be mean, though. There are plenty people that so cocky. Just got to ignore them! hehe...

    Dreamy Princess

    1. Yes, I totally get it when you talk about the mean people in the fashion industry. There are different types of mean people anywhere but the fashion line has got really snarky people.

  24. All those pictures are really cute, but most of all I like that one with a funny cat) It sleeps so calmly on those sneakers, which looks really cute:)oh, and those self-made cupcakes are super yummy and creative, such a great present, indeed:)
    Have a good day ahead, dear!

    1. Thank you, dear Alexandra. Hehehe... cats sleep in those most funny places. If you like cats, here are more funny cats sleeping at the most weird places with funny poses.

  25. Hi Jo! First of all, happie early birthday!!!! (Hope it's not over by the time you see this comment) ^^ I enjoyed seeing all of your pics on IG and on your blog! I know what you mean, it's easy to fall out of line with the blogosphere, sometimes i need to catch up too >_< that being said, I super super miss singapore and the 5 days that I was there just wasn't enough! Which is why I need your blog. LOL to tourist-stalk singapore AND your life. In the non-creepy way hahaah <3

    xoxo, Mango

    1. Hehehehe... Thanx Mango dear. Ah, I saw your comment right at that time you posted but by the time I reply, it is the last day of May. I welcome any tourist-stalk from you sweetie. More than welcome! Always glad to hear when my blogger friends say they love Singapore.

  26. You have some cute Insta shots. So much food porn! And you're right KFC gravy is only nice when it's really hot!


    1. Thank you, Sonia! Love seeing newcomers around here. My insta and blog have got lots of foodporn. hehehe... to tread carefully when hungry. Will visit your blog soon!

  27. You're most welcome! Thanx for reaching out to me which allowed me to discover your blog. =)

  28. I like you post on PasarBella.

    Had a recent bad experience with Cicely Kitchen (f.k.a. Five & Spice Kitchen) though. Standards may have changed since your last visit.

    The boss had a bad attitude and food was too salty. My partner ordered Brussels sprouts and sauteed mushrooms at Cicely Kitchen. Was informed that it would take 5-8mins. Instead, she was made to wait over for 30mins.

    When asked if the food was ready, the staff's reply was there were many orders before hers. My partner's sis told the teenage staff that he should have informed my partner earlier instead. We had gotten other food and were waiting for her return.

    I guess this comment must have peeved the boss Alicia Lin off. She came over, scooped the food from the cooking pan and chucked it to my partner & her sis. She said curtly "Nah, take it, take it."

    Unfortunately, the food was not worth the wait of my family of 7 as both dishes were overly salty. Not wanting to waste our appetite on mediocre food (no problem though with the Boston lobsters, prawns, fish, paella, crackling roast, Iberico pork, russian cakes and the wonderful ale ordered), I took the sprouts back to Cicely Kitchen, told the crew that it was too salty and they can have it back. Sauteed mushroom got chucked unceremoniously into the bin. Anyway, I was not expecting any money back.

    I believe if you want to run a F&B business, the least you can do is to be respectful of your patrons and cook them decent food. Else, you really should not be in this line. Based on what I read in The Straits Times SoShiok article, maybe home cook "extraordinaire" Alicia Lin knows that the end is near hence the terrible attitude.

    Don't take my words for it. Maybe my palate was tainted by the Iberico pork and lobsters. You might want try Cicely Kitchen again, see if the food is still good or get better service than my experience.

    Well, I certainly didn't......

  29. Hi Azimuth,
    Wow. I'm surprised to read this negative review on Cicely Kitchen. Back then when we ordered our food from them, we didn't wait too long. The service wasn't impeccable, just pretty normal and we were glad that the food tasted good. I'm horrified to hear about the boss's attitude. I believe that in the service line, attitude counts a lot. If you served the best food in the world but your attitude sucks, I wouldn't ever want to visit that place. Thanx for sharing. I'm sure you wrote a negative review on some websites too. =)


I love reading sincere comments and hearing your voice. While blatant self promotion of blogs and follow for follow requests are not advisable, I would love if you leave a mark here with a trackback link so that I could connect with you. I reply to comments here or on your blog so don't forget to check back on replies! =)