Saturday, May 31, 2014

London Throwback: Winter Wonderland in Hyde Park

Our night stroll at Winter Wonderland in Hyde Park was supposed to be a short post concluding Day 3 of London but it turned out otherwise.

If you are interested in viewing my previous London photo stories, click the links below:

Day 1: A Walk in the Park
Day 2: St Paul's Cathedral, Millennium Bridge and Shakespeare's Globe
Day 2: Borough Market, London Bridge and Tower Bridge
Day 3: The Tower of London Part 1
Day 3: The Tower of London Part 2

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Day 3: Winter Wonderland (20 December)

We were strolling through a park back to our hotel after a long day at The Tower of London when we caught sight of the dazzling lights of a Ferris Wheel from afar.

The multi-coloured lights from the amusement park beckoned to me. Like a silly bug seduced by insidious bright lights, I simply pulled kh along towards Wonderland.

Wonderland it was. It was only in retrospect did I realize that we were strolling through Hyde Park and had stumbled upon Winter Wonderland in Hyde Park.

We do not have such huge amusement parks back in Singapore and even if we had those temporary ones, they don't look as fancy as those in America and Europe.

When I saw on TV how beautiful amusement parks in the west look, I dreamed of visiting one at least once in my life. In addition to that, another amusement parks dream would be to visit such places during the cold autumn/ winter season since I have been living in a tropical country my whole life.

Boy was I glad we decided to walk back to our hotel and discovered Winter Wonderland by pure chance.

Merry-go-rounds and carousels always look the best out of all the rides. Um, not this kiddy one.

I had never been to a Christmas market in the night and I was completely overwhelmed by the sights and sounds of the market.

The warm orangey glow from these stalls filled the winter cold with soft fuzziness.

Ah, hot chocolate in the cold is one one of the best indulgence ever.

We were greeted by rides after rides as we strolled down the park. There were simply too many rides that we did not quite know where to begin.

I've never seen a roller coaster track glowing in luminous green before. On a separate note, my dear hubz looked strange in his beanie.

The most unique carousel "ride" is actually a bar if you look carefully.

What you would see next is a series of photos of rides which I would not bother to caption coz there are simply too many.

This guy who photobombed looked like he was in an MV.

Rides for the kids would always have the iconic London Bus, perfectly exemplified here...

and here...

This was a haunted house that certainly looked more enchanting than spooky with its splashes colours.

I really love to look at how the machine resurfaces the ice at ice-skating rinks.
Aside: I wanna ice skate but padded like a marshmallow, I guess I would fall with every glide.

Ever got stuck onto a wall before? This ride sounded fun! The only time I imagined anyone stuck onto a wall is when he or she gets lifted up against the wall by a bully or some inexplicable supernatural forces.

We spent quite some time observing this Irrgarten which translates to "maze".

It was funny to see people going through this funny maze and falling. But what attracted me most was an evil Santa at the front of this maze.

This emaciated and evil-looking Santa caught my attention in the most negative way ever. (He can move by the way.) I was stifling my giggles, shooting condescending looks at him and throwing puzzled expression at kh all at once. I noticed many people taking a video of this Santa and having the same confounding expression as me as well.

This is the video. Now tell me, did you have the same confounding reaction too? Oh by the way, if not for the music Let's Groove by Earth, Wind and Fire playing, I would not bother about this evil Santa.

Toys toys toys!

As this post concludes Day 3 of London, Rudolph bids you goodbye.

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What a whirlwind month May was! There is lots to balance to do and I hope June would be a good month with lots of meeting up and pigging out with friends. I've also finally managed to reply to all your comments and am slowly visiting back. Wait for me!


  1. Hi Jo! Omg this looks like so much fun. I was in London but haven't visited the Winter Wonderland in Hyde Park. I'm not too adventurous when it comes to riding the merry go rounds (or worse) ;-). Lol I watched the video. That's the worst Santa I have ever seen!! So this time I got your comment (thanks goodness). Wish you a wonderful weekend :D

    xx Mira

    1. Hubz and I are the adventurous kind that many friends from America said we would love Six Flags. We did not ride a single ride that night as I was more of into the photo-taking opportunities and being immersed in the whole Christmas atmosphere. Moreover I remember the fares for the rides were exorbitant. Being in the beautiful wonderland and taking photo were all free and fun. Hehehe... Oh gosh! You actually viewed the video. I'm sorry if evil santa spoilt your day. >_<

  2. That looks like so much fun! I do really love amusement parks--we went to a really big one for our honeymoon! But I've never seen a neon roller coaster like that!

    1. There must have been so many amusement park where you were. I hope your move has been a smooth one so far.

  3. You have a really fantastic blog :)) I like clarity. I see that you put a lot of work in this site. You are an amazing blogger ♥

    Feel free to my blog, I hope you like my site :)
    Kisses ♥

    1. Thank you for your kind words. Yes, lots of effort indeed and I'm glad I enjoy it. I will check out your blog soon!

  4. Hahahah that creepy, skinny Claus!!! Ewwwwww!!!! Jim Carey minus plastic surgery plus 1 santa suit :) And how were the Santa Toilets from the sign post? :) Ho ho whoa!!!! Wonderful photos! Such a magical place :) xoxo

    1. You actually viewed the video! I hope that evil Santa didn't creep you out. I didn't visit the Santa Toilets. Hehehe... I should have. They would have been cute I think.

  5. wow that looks so much fun!!!

    1. Hohoho... Fun taking photos and immersing in the atmosphere. I didn't take any ride.

  6. Hi Jo! :) Thank you! I always think that a tee and shorts outfit is comfy but I'm just not really "comfortable" in wearing shorts in public. :( hehe. anyway, thanks so much for your comment on my blog! :))) London is such an amazing place and I always wanted to visit it so thank you so much for this post. You've just made me love London even more :))) Have an enjoyable week!~

    1. Thank you for your kind comment. I really hope you get to visit London one day! I reckon that you would love it.

  7. The market must have been so cool to visit!!! My grandmother always talks about the markets when she travelled to London, many, many years ago.
    The glowing rollercoaster looks so awesome. And so many cool rides, though I don’t think I would ride some of them… a bit afraid.
    Take care.

    1. I love English markets or western markets in general. It is very different from Asian markets. It's a different kinda charm I guess. We did not ride a single ride that night as I was more of into the photo-taking opportunities and being immersed in the whole Christmas atmosphere.

  8. I would love to experience this event in London one day! Looks really fun!

    1. It is! And the best part is that it is free just for photo-taking and immersing in the atmosphere.

  9. I love all the pictures, it all looks so fun! Thanks for sharing all of these - it feels like I was there.

    Hunni of

    1. Love seeing newcomers around. Thank you for visiting and commenting. Would check out your blog soon!

  10. I love what you are writing about London, it's a great city which definitely worth visiting:) The weather is so hot now where I am, so it's a bit weird to read about winter and all that stuff, but really interesting to feel this Christmas' atmosphere for a while:)))) Lovely snapshots as well, did I say that you are such a charming girl?!
    Have a fabulous time!

    1. I get what you mean about the weather and reading about the cold in warm weather and vice versa. I feel the same too. Thank you for your lovely words. You are charming yourself!

  11. Ah Jo, this looks like fun! I love how well you document all the places that you go. This place looks pretty darn snazzy and is so nicely lit up--isn't it amazing how lights at night can appear so magical?

    1. I totally agree with you! So magical indeed. And thanx for appreciating my documentation too. xoxo

  12. Winter Wonderland is so amazing but so bloody expensive! Looks like you had a great time and got to see a lot. I absolutely love that churros stall. They tasted so nice the last time I went, especially in the cold. Hope you're having a lovely start to the week. Rosemary x

    1. We did not ride a single ride that night as I was more of into the photo-taking opportunities and being immersed in the whole Christmas atmosphere. Yes, you are right. I remember the fares for the rides were exorbitant. Being in the beautiful wonderland and taking photo were all free and fun. I didn't try any churros. You make me wanna have one now!

  13. This looks wonderful, we have something like this in Glasgow as well. Lots to do and see. The Santa was a bit scary, haha!! Am glad you had a great time xx

    1. You actually viewed the video! I hope that evil Santa didn't creep you out. I'm sure you enjoyed the Glasgow amusement park too.

  14. Hi Jo, your trip looks absolutely magical, these photos capture the fascination of your trip, what a great time of year to visit! Thanks so much for stopping by, wishing you positivity in your week ahead!

  15. great post! Love the pictures <3
    You have great Ideas and a interesting blog, I really like it!
    what you think, wanna follow each other?
    Just let me know, I would be happy :-)

    Kiss from Swiss, Kira

    1. I love seeing newcomers around. I would usually follow back if we have enough meaningful exchanges and connections. Looking forward to seeing you around more often. =)

  16. ohh the amusement park looks amazing, and how it glows at night! and haha I guess living somewhere tropical you dream of snow and cold weather, whereas I'm living in 8 months of snow and I constantly dream of the beach and palm trees!

    1. I totally agree with you on the climate. How true that the grass is always greener on the other side.

  17. What a wonderful accidental discovery! Serendipity at its best. I love outdoor Christmas activities, especially at night.

    I used to like the ride that sticks you to the wall. But once I made the mistake of turning my head to look at my wife. That did something to my inner ear and I felt sick for an hour afterwards.

    In the US the ice resurfacing machine is called a Zamboni. I like the name.

    1. Serendipity is a nice way to describe it and I absolutely love them! OMG about the ride making you sick. I wouldn't have thought of the danger of turning your head in the ride. It sounds almost scary that something more serious could actually have happened. Did that incident create a phobia after that? Zamboni? Cool! I learn a new word again.

  18. It's funny how no matter where you go in the world, carnivals all look similar. I strolled through one in Paris and it was just like what we have in the states. This one does look more extravagant than the ones I've been to though.

    1. I think that western carnivals are similar but different when compared to Asian ones. I think that the former are much more extravagant and enthralling. This London one could be the most extravagant since it is a Christmas one.

  19. Love this post! Mind checking out my blog and following me via GFC & Bloglovin'? A leave me a comment so I can follow back!
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    1. Thanx for visiting. I love seeing newcomers around. I would usually follow back if we have enough meaningful exchanges and connections. Looking forward to seeing you around more often. =)

  20. Wow amazing pics, i love this post so much;)

    1. Thank you. Love seeing newcomers around. =)

  21. Great pictures! Winter Wonderland always makes for a nice outing :) x

    The Belle Narrative

    1. Thank you. Love seeing newcomers around. =)

  22. park and photos look amazing, i'm sure you had a lot of fun <3

    1. Yes, I did. Thank you. Love seeing newcomers around. =)

  23. Jo, I'm so glad you shared this. I love amusement parks. Especially seeing different one's in other places. So gorgeous. You captured it beautifully.

    1. Thank you. It was beautiful and that's why I could capture it beautifully. Heh...

  24. I LOVE how you guys just accidentally stumbled in this wonderland! Also, my laptop volume was waaaaaayyy too high when I clicked that Santa video. Scared the heck outta me, L O L ._.
    Anyways, you'll be pleased to note that I've FINALLY booked my air tickets to London! I'm excited to finally see these places that you've visited in real life!

    1. Yes indeed. It was serendipity at its best. You actually viewed the video! I'm sorry that evil Santa creeped you out. Bad santa! I do love the music though. OMG! When are you going??? I've yet to even finish my London updates and you are going there already. Hehe... I'm sure you would have loads of fun!

  25. There's nothing more magical then a theme park at night and I can't even remember the last time I ventured into one past dusk. Probably seven years ago at HK Disneyland I think! Eeeek that is such a long time! Loving your photos, they're seriously stirring something from within me. My inner child perhaps! Ummm and what the hell is up with that Santa! Bahahaha so random!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog lovely and for your kind words. Let's definitely keep in touch.

    1. You write beautifully, Sonia. Thank you so much for your lovely comment. Hahaha... That Santa got everyone so puzzled and disgusted at the same time.

  26. Thank you for your kind words. Always love seeing newcomers around. I would check out your blog soon!

  27. Love all the pics in your post. They are all amazing ♥

    1. Thank you. Love seeing newcomers around here. Would check out your blog soon! =)


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