Saturday, March 01, 2014

Jo's 2nd Blog Giveaway

I would like to show my appreciation to all my dearest readers, followers and friends for taking the time to linger around this humble blog of mine and leaving me some heartfelt comments every now and then. From this blogging hobby, I have gained a lot more frequent readers, made a couple more blog friends and also connected with some of you on other social media platforms.

As stated in one of my post earlier on, I plan to hold my 2nd blog giveaway after being inspired by the spirit of giving and receiving during the Valentine week. My very 1st and last giveaway of 3 different prizes for 3 different readers was a little on the generous side. And while the giveaway attracted many page views, participation and new followers, I realised that these new people who jumped at the freebies do not engage with me or follow up with my blog after that. Even the 3 winners slowly disappeared and stopped interacting with me. That said, it's perfectly fine as hosting the giveaway itself was quite fun and during that period of time, I got to know some new people and blogs!

This giveaway is open INTERNATIONALLY.

The gift set includes 4 items:
1. Kimmidoll Natsuki bookmark charm
2. L'Occitane Immortelle Eye Balm
3. Crabtree & Evelyn Citron, Honey & Coriander Hand Therapy
4. Fleurfaerie Korean Pink Dawn Like A Rose Ring


How to Enter

Minimum requirement
1. Leave me a blog comment to tell me more about yourself and why you would wish to win this giveaway. (+10 points)
2. Follow Jo's Jumbled Jardinière on GFC publicly. State your GFC profile name. I must be able to see your profile on the GFC widget on the right side bar. (+1 point)
3. Follow Jo's Jumbled Jardinière on bloglovin. State your bloglovin' profile name. (+1 point)

Collecting additional points for more chances
1. Follow me on Instagram. State your Instagram profile name. (+5 points)
2. Follow me on Pinterest. State your Pinterest profile name. (+5 points)
3. Follow my shop fleurfaerie on Instagram. State your Instagram profile name. (+5 points)
4. Like my shop fleurfaerie on Facebook. State your Facebook profile name. (+5 points)
5. Place a link of this giveaway on the sidebar of your web page. State the url of the web page. (+5 points)

This giveaway ends 1 May 2014 midnight Singapore time.
The winner will be contacted via email so please remember to leave your email adress.
I will pick another winner if there is no reply within 72 hours of my email.
All the best!

For standardization and to enter this giveaway, copy and paste the following portion onto my comments section and edit parts in [brackets] accordingly:

Minimum requirement
1. [Tell me more about yourself and why you would wish to win this giveaway]
2. [Your GFC profile name]
3. [Your bloglovin' profile name]

Collecting additional points for more chances
1. [Your Instagram profile name following iamjolene]
2. [Your Pinterest profile name following iamjolene]
3. [Your Instagram profile name following fleurfaerie]
4. [Your Facebook profile name liking fleurfaerie]
5. [The url of where you placed the link of my giveaway]

[Your email address]

Please note that I have removed the Rafflecopter widget due to a technical fault of not being able to retrieve your data. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. For those who have previously entered using Rafflecopter, could you please enter following the above instructions? Thanx a lot!


Show our love

For those of you who do not want to join my giveaway but wish to show your support by following and liking, please feel free to do so and let me know. I would love to check out your pages too!

Some of you who did not read my blog from before might not know that Fleurfaerie is my little online shop with my partner which I manage mainly on my own. If you would like to support my shop, like Fleurfaerie's Facebook page and follow Fleurfaerie's Instagram page.

And for those of you who like to be friends on Facebook too, add me as a friend on my personal Facebook page. Unlike some bloggers who have Facebook pages for their blogs, that's my personal Facebook page and I would only accept friend request of blogger friends whom I've been well-acquainted with. You should know who you are!

I've also emailed 3 of you special blog friends though I would need some time to put everything together. I shall keep all of you in suspense for now. Hahaha...


Aside to all Rafflecopter users:

I know many of you use Rafflecopter to host giveaways. I seem to be having problems with it to view all the entries. Upon clicking "show me the entries", the time bar is still spinning up till now and it's been 1 hour! I tried refreshing countless times, logging out and in again, tried on Chrome, IE and Safari browsers but to no avail. I wonder if I would need to revert to the manual mode of recording on Excel one by one like in the past. Do any of you know what's wrong? Thanks in advance!


  1. I love fashion, and I love to read :)
    the reason I want to win this giveaway is that I don't have any of these products in my country, crossing fingers :D

    1. Hey Karin. Please note that I have removed the Rafflecopter widget due to a technical fault of not being able to retrieve your data. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. Could you please enter following my updated instructions? You could reply under this comment for easier reference.Thanx a lot!

  2. wow thanks for hosting this amazing give-away! i always enjoyed reading your blog because you don't focus about something specific but rather just random things that happen in your life.
    i love loccitane and the kimmidoll is sooo cute!

    1. Hey Sandy. I never knew you have been reading my blog! I do see you around on some of my frequent blog readers/ blog friends blogs but coz you seldom comment here, I didn't know you have been reading! Hahaha... I also didn't realise you followed me from back then. >-< So nice to be acquainted with you on Instagram now too!

      Please note that I have removed the Rafflecopter widget due to a technical fault of not being able to retrieve your data. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. Could you please enter following my updated instructions? You could reply under this comment for easier reference. Thanx a lot!

    2. Hi hun! yes i've been following you for a while, but i'm really bad that i don't comment that often, sometimes i get really lazy, but i do read everything on the blogs i follow!

      So once again, thanks for the amazing giveaway, i like blogs that talks about random things and not just catered to a specific topic. I've also followed you on GFC and blog login and instagram, all those are under mizzsandychau.

    3. Hey dear,

      Thanx for re-entering the giveaway. You have earned points for the following:

      Minimum requirement
      1. 10
      2. 1
      3. ?

      Collecting additional points for more chances --
      1. 5
      2. -
      3. 5
      4. -
      5. -

      Total points: 21

      Supposed to follow on bloglovin too but it's ok. Will count as 21 points. I wish you all the best in winning! 。◕‿◕。

  3. Hi Jo I love the Kimmidoll. Already a follower of GFC and bloglovin. Now will follow on Pinterest and Instagram. I do not have an active facebook account so will pass that. Not sure whether I did the above rafflecopter right though. Good luck with the giveaway.

    1. It's great to see you (whom I've considered my frequent reader and blog friend) taking part! I'm also not sure if you did the Rafflecopter correctly too.

      Please note that I have removed the Rafflecopter widget due to a technical fault of not being able to retrieve your data. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. Could you please enter following my updated instructions? You could reply under this comment for easier reference. Thanx a lot!

    2. Hi Jo I have followed you in everything other than anything to do with facebook. As I said I dont have an active facebook account. I am following under the name
      A little about me. I am from Sri Lanka and a visit you once a week. That is when I post something once a week I visit my frequent visitors. I like the Kimmidoll. Happy to re-enter.
      Let me know whether this is ok.

    3. Hi PAPS, I think I haven't told you before that you're my only Sri Lanka blogger friend I know of and it is always very interesting to read your posts especially when you write about travelling within Sri Lanka itself. It is a beautiful place. I'm so glad we have stumbled onto each other's blogs some time back and kept the constant interaction!

      Thanx for re-entering the giveaway. You have earned points for the following:

      Minimum requirement -- 12

      Collecting additional points for more chances --
      1. 5
      2. 5
      3. -
      4. -
      5. -

      Total points: 22

  4. At first I thought you were giving away a blog and those things are not cheap so I was excited :) These items are equally lovely too, dear. My lady friend would enjoy most all of them. I never enter contests but, because it is sweet you of course I will enter. Go team me :)

    1. It's great to see you (whom I've considered my frequent reader and blog friend) taking part! It's really cool to see a guy taking part too and so sweet of you to try to win these for your lady friend. Truly sweet!

      Please note that I have removed the Rafflecopter widget due to a technical fault of not being able to retrieve your data. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. Could you please enter following my updated instructions? You could reply under this comment for easier reference. Thanx a lot!

  5. I love seeing your food posts, life events and interacting with you. It's like a little sneak peak into your life. I love how the prizes are things I can't usually get.

    7% Solution

    1. It's great to see a blog friend who followed from a few years back with regular interaction taking part!

      Please note that I have removed the Rafflecopter widget due to a technical fault of not being able to retrieve your data. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. Could you please enter following my updated instructions? You could reply under this comment for easier reference. Thanx a lot!

  6. Hey! Thanks for the giveaway and I want to win this giveaway cause I have never really win any giveaway before -no luck with such stuff- and it's really cool to win things! x

    1. Ah, a newcomer! Lovely to see you here, sweets.

      Please note that I have removed the Rafflecopter widget due to a technical fault of not being able to retrieve your data. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. Could you please enter following my updated instructions? You could reply under this comment for easier reference. Thanx a lot!

  7. The Kimmidoll looks so cute! Very nice giveaway.

    1. Thank you babe. If you're taking part in it, do let me know ok? I'm not able to view the details of participants from the Rafflecopter page.

  8. Omg I hope I did everything right. What an amazing giveaway. Fingers crossed. Btw I have the same experience when I host giveaway but it's always fun and I'm sure we will soon make another one :)

    xx Mira

    1. It's great to see you (whom I've considered my frequent reader and blog friend) taking part! Yeah... Those of us who hosted giveaway would certainly have that same experience! My exact sentiments dearie.

      Please note that I have removed the Rafflecopter widget due to a technical fault of not being able to retrieve your data. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. Could you please enter following my updated instructions? You could reply under this comment for easier reference. Thanx a lot!

    2. Haha the Rafflecopter sucks!!! Sure I'll do it again. Why would I love to win? Well I love giveaways and yours is amazing. I haven't tried any of the products before and they look great. The bookmark charm is the cutest and we don't have something like that over here. I don't have any luck this year and I'm sure that I won't win but participating is everything, right :D
      My GFC name: miri.glamdevils
      Bloglovin: Mira De Vils
      Btw that webstagram/instagram is my sister Holly's account but she lost the password hah. Right now we're not on that platform or pinterest :D

    3. Hey Mira, Thanx for re-entering! I'm a noob at checking bloglovin followers especially when they followed from long ago like you. It seems like I could only see the new followers' names from email notifications and the total absolute number from bloglovin without the names. I'm beginning to think that I'm quite a noob at anything related to blog. Hahaha... I would still count the bloglovin entry points in for you of course! I wish you all the best in winning! 。◕‿◕。

      Lol about the lost password. If you all are ever on Instagram or Pinterest, do let me know!

      Total: 12 points

    4. Mira, you are at 17 points now since Holly found back the Instagram password! Hehehe... You gals are such great Instagram follows! What a lot of cool pics.

  9. Hi Jo! The giveaway is very lovely and Im sorry that the people who won the last one stopped to interact with you since you are always very nice and fun, and I think your blog is a pleasant and worth reading which I enjoy everytime I stop by, with or without giveaways, in fact I usually dont take part in them (there is also a law in Italy that forbiddens it though many keep to sponsor or partecipate, situation isnt clear, so I always avoid them).
    I reply here, some Japanese brands are available here, I know their make up stuff is really great and I can only imagine the mascara!^^ Regarding the bug on the pic, you made me smile, luckily you didnt spot it while you take the pic, I would screamed for sure!:) Happy Sunday my dear, kisses! xo

    1. Awww... I always enjoy reading your kind and sweet words, Lilli. I never knew there's such a law in Italy that forbids taking part in giveaways! How do the authorities track and what would be the punishment for offenders? So sad that I can't see you participating.This is very interesting news and I'm always happy to learn new things.

      Do try some of the Japanese brands mascara. I wonder if they would work great on your Italian lashes as they do on mine. =D

  10. hmm im not sure if you can view the entries in your rafflecopter account until the giveaway is over. but when its over theres a link that will show you an excel file of all the entries, hope that helps! :D Q&A - to answer your questions, im a fairly new blogger who happens to enjoy meeting great people in this community, itd be great to win this cause its like receiving a gift from a friend who lives far far away from my country :)

    1. Thank you for your reply on the Rafflecopter problem dearie. Sigh... I tried Chorme, IE, Safari and I cleared all cache for all browsers thinking that could work as the clearing and using of different browser did work for other stuff but it's still the same problem for Rafflecopter. I tried the exporting too and they did send me an exel file for gibberish! I'm so peeved that I've to trouble all participants to re-enter again... That said... I shall repeat the same para to all participants:

      Please note that I have removed the Rafflecopter widget due to a technical fault of not being able to retrieve your data. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. Could you please enter following my updated instructions? You could reply under this comment for easier reference. Thanx a lot!

    2. hi jo, im sorry to hear about your rafflecopter troubles, heres my info :) GFC & BLOGLOVIN Shayne Naidas / IG queenofallyousee

    3. Hey Shayne. Thanx for re-entering! I'm a noob at checking bloglovin followers especially when they followed from long ago like you. It seems like I could only see the new followers' names from email notifications and the total absolute number from bloglovin without the names. I'm beginning to think that I'm quite a noob at anything related to blog. Hahaha... I would still count the bloglovin entry points in for you of course! I wish you all the best in winning! 。◕‿◕。

      Total: 17 points

  11. Hi Jo! I followed you under my old account, xLoveHappyx :) And you're right--I didn't stop by to comment enough! One of my big blogging goals for 2014 is to do better at keeping in touch.

    I'm entering your giveaway! I want to win your giveaway because I've never traveled much and to get a package from you would make me feel like I had visited or something ^_^ For rafflecopter, I just click "moderate entries" to see them. I don't know why it wouldn't load for you, but I hope it's solved soon. Try Firefox?

    I can't wait to see what you and the other 3 bloggers are up to! And that sucks to get those "flyby" followers, but I try not to let it get me down, either :) I've always felt weird about having a Facebook page, like I was being...over the top? haha But it's fun and no one else seems to mind, so I have one!

    Good luck, all.

    1. Yeah, No wonder you look and sound so familiar. Great to see you being more active! Hehehe... I would love so much to keep the frequent interaction with you going too. Thanx for your reply on the Rafflecopter problem. Oh yes, I tried Firefox too upon your recommendation. =( Still the same! I cleared all cache for all browsers thinking that could work as the clearing and using of different browser did work for other stuff but it's still the same problem for Rafflecopter. I tried the exporting too and they did send me an exel file for gibberish! I'm so peeved that I've to trouble all participants to re-enter again... That said... I shall repeat the same para to all participants:

      Please note that I have removed the Rafflecopter widget due to a technical fault of not being able to retrieve your data. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. Could you please enter following my updated instructions? You could reply under this comment for easier reference. Thanx a lot!

    2. I can't believe that Rafflecopter couldn't fix this issue for you! But I am happily re-entering :)

      Minimum requirement
      1. see above
      2. Galaxia
      3. Galaxia

      Collecting additional points for more chances
      1. hopeful_kiss
      2. hopefulkiss
      3. hopeful_kiss
      4. apinklipsticklife
      5. (in the sidebar!)

      hopefulkiss at gmail dot com

      yay! :)

    3. Hey Galaxia, Thanx for re-entering and for accomplishing all the steps. The way you did it is so neat! I love it! Thanx for the support and I wish you all the best. 。◕‿◕。

      Total: 37 points

  12. I'm Krystal , a lifestyle blogger :) I have been reading your blog for about a year now and I enjoy reading them as well ! ^__^ I'd love to win the giveaway because the bookmark is so adorable! + it would be great to try out the products you have included! ^__^ Thanks for the lovely giveaway again ! <3

    1. Hi Krystal, I had wanted to say I love seeing newcomers here but seeing you mentioning that you've been reading my blog for about a year, you aren't that new too. Lol! It's nice to know of "new" people reading my blog. You must have been a silent reader. Hehehe... Glad to have interaction with you now and I hope we could keep this going. =D

      Please note that I have removed the Rafflecopter widget due to a technical fault of not being able to retrieve your data. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. Could you please enter following my updated instructions? You could reply under this comment for easier reference. Thanx a lot!

    2. Hello jo ! Haha . I have been a silent reader for quite awhile :P I am too, hope we keep in touch. ^___^
      That's okay , I know there's always problems with rafflecopter widget. Here's are the infos :)

      2. GFC : krystal ♥
      3. Bloglovin :

      Additional points.
      1. Instagram : lattebabies
      2. Pinterest :
      3. -
      4. Facebook : 'Krystal Belle

      Email :

    3. Hey Krystal. Thanx for re-entering and for accomplishing almost all the steps. I'm not able to see any like from "Krystal Belle" for FB notification for fleurfaerie but I trust you and will count those points in. Thanx for the support and I wish you all the best.

      And yup, let's keep in touch! 。◕‿◕。

      Total: 32 points

  13. A sweet giveaway from I sweet person. I know we're all different, but I'm surprised the commenters didn't stick around.

    1. And a sweet commenter you! Not everyone is as sweet as you, Rick, so there's no surprise they didn't stick around. I'm sure you also experience that. =)

  14. Uhm, I'd like to win because that 'citron' cream practically screams my name?? :D

    (Hrm, I went onto rafflecopter just now, and I am actually able to see the entries from my past giveaway...I have no idea what is going on with your side of things though :((( Try again now, maybe??)

    1. Vanessa! You know what? I also thought of you as I was typing out "citron" in this post the other time! Lol... Thanx for your reply on the Rafflecopter problem. I tried each time I used my laptop on Chorme, IE, Safari, Firefox and I cleared all cache for all browsers thinking that could work as the clearing and using of different browser did work for other stuff but it's still the same problem for Rafflecopter. I tried the exporting too and they did send me an exel file for gibberish! I'm so peeved that I've to trouble all participants to re-enter again... That said... I shall repeat the same para to all participants:

      Please note that I have removed the Rafflecopter widget due to a technical fault of not being able to retrieve your data. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. Could you please enter following my updated instructions? You could reply under this comment for easier reference. Thanx a lot!

    2. Ah ok, I'm sorry Rafflecopter didn't work out for you then! (Another pro and con of technology, but dang, if your internet could've loaded it, maintaining entries would have been so much easier and less of a headache, hah!)

      Anyways, I guess I'll re-enter now!
      [Your GFC profile name]: Probably just my name. Or 'idiomhead'.
      [Your bloglovin' profile name]: ewvanessaurus
      [Your Instagram profile name following iamjolene: citronandguavaberry
      Email: citronandguavaberry[at]

    3. Hey Vanessa aka idiomhead. Thanx for re-entering! I'm a noob at checking bloglovin followers especially when they followed from a while back like you. It seems like I could only see the new followers' names from email notifications and the total absolute number from bloglovin without the names. I'm beginning to think that I'm quite a noob at anything related to blog. Hahaha... I would still count the bloglovin entry points in for you of course! I wish you all the best in winning! 。◕‿◕。

      Total: 17 points

  15. I hope this time I was lucky enough to be able to get kimmy doll for my daughter, thank you for sharing with us :)

    1. Nice to see a newcomer here and from somebody living relatively nearby! So sweet of you to try to wint hsi for your daughter.

      Please note that I have removed the Rafflecopter widget due to a technical fault of not being able to retrieve your data. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. Could you please enter following my updated instructions? You could reply under this comment for easier reference. Thanx a lot!

    2. Minimum requirement
      1. Im a young mother who besides the busy work at office also became a housewife at night Lol, and I want get kimmy doll for my daughter :)
      2. GFC: winda
      3. bloglovin: winda trisuci

      Collecting additional points for more chances
      1. Instagram @wind1403
      2. Pinterest winda trisuci
      3. Instagram @wind1403
      4. Facebook winda trisuci
      5. [The url of where you placed the link of my giveaway]
      6. email

      thank you so much Jo ^_~

    3. upsss, I forgot

      [The url of where you placed the link of my giveaway]:

      and I'm not new comer, I follow your blog since 2011 XD

    4. Hi Winda, Thanx for re-entering! Oops... You followed me since 2011? Ah ha... You are so silent that's why I didn't know. I hope to have more to and fro interaction with you!

      Weet! You are the only one who have accomplished all the steps! The way you did it is so neat! I love it! Thanx for the support and I wish you all the best. 。◕‿◕。

      Total: 37 points

    5. my english is not good, that's why I chose to become a silent reader hahahaa but I always read your blog :)

    6. Hope to see you around more often from now on. =)

  16. i love to win, wanna give this to my gf

    1. Hi anon. Did you participate? Please provide me with more details as I do not know who "anonymous" is. Lol.

      Please note that I have removed the Rafflecopter widget due to a technical fault of not being able to retrieve your data. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. Could you please enter following my updated instructions? You could reply under this comment for easier reference. Thanx a lot!

  17. I think I did everything right, haha! Giveaways can be tricky, I like doing them, but when I do...I suddenly have all these people following that never comment after or anything, so it can have a down side...but just do them for the fun and it should be ok. I entered for email is: Good luck to everyone!! I hope you have a marvellous week doll xx

    1. It's great to see you (whom I've considered my frequent reader and blog friend) taking part! Yeah... Those of us who hosted giveaway would certainly have that same experience! My exact sentiments. I'm sure you did everything right but I'm not able to view the entries on my side, dearie. =(((

      Please note that I have removed the Rafflecopter widget due to a technical fault of not being able to retrieve your data. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. Could you please enter following my updated instructions? You could reply under this comment for easier reference. Thanx a lot!

    2. Hello Kizzy dear. Since you're my long-time blog friend, I've totalled up the points for you.

      Minimum requirement
      1. 10
      2. 1
      3. 1

      Collecting additional points for more chances --
      1. 5
      2. 5
      3. -
      4. 5
      5. -

      Total points: 27

      I wish you all the best. 。◕‿◕。

  18. What a lovely giveaway Jo! You're so sweet to do this for your readers. Sadly there will always be people who just follow along for freebies but I guess with any giveaway you have to expect that. Anyway as you know my name is Rowena and I live in NYC. I don't talk about it much but I lived in Taiwan for a few years as a child. Everything included in this prize pack is so nice and I'd love to try that eye balm! Thanks for the opportunity!

    Rowena @ rolala loves

    1. It's great to see you (whom I've considered my frequent reader and blog friend) taking part! Yeah... Those of us who hosted giveaway would certainly have that same experience, sweets! I didn't know you lived in Taiwan as a child and thanx for sharing this little info with me! So does it mean that we could pepper our comments with chinese and you would be able to understand? That's so fun!

      Please note that I have removed the Rafflecopter widget due to a technical fault of not being able to retrieve your data. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. Could you please enter following my updated instructions? You could reply under this comment for easier reference. Thanx a lot!

    2. Boo for Rafflecopter so here we go again :)
      Thanks Jo!

      GFC: Rowena @ rolala loves
      Bloglovin' : Rowena @ rolala loves
      Pinterest: Rowena @ rolala loves

      Rowena @ rolala loves

    3. Thanx for re-entering, Rowena. Thanx for the support and I wish you all the best. 。◕‿◕。

      You have earned points for the following:
      Minimum requirement -- 12

      Collecting additional points for more chances --
      1. -
      2. 5
      3. -
      4. -
      5. -

      Total points: 17

  19. Thanks for the giveaway Jo! I'm Thais from Brazil and my dream is go to South Korea someday! I love all the prizes, thanks again!

    1. Ah, a newcomer! Lovely to see you here, sweets.

      Please note that I have removed the Rafflecopter widget due to a technical fault of not being able to retrieve your data. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. Could you please enter following my updated instructions? You could reply under this comment for easier reference. Thanx a lot!

    2. I received your message dear! Thanks for that!

      GFC and Bloglovin name: Thais Magalhães

      Extra entries:
      FB name: Thais Magalhães
      Pinterest name: Thais Magalhães

    3. Hey Thais Magalhães. Great that you managed to receive my msg and thanx for re-entering! Wishing you all the best!

      Total: 22 points

  20. My name is Alison and I live in Massachusetts. I would love to win this giveaway because I love beauty products. I was laid off from my job. Too broke to buy any new makeup..etc. Thank you for the opportunity to win!

    1. Ah, a newcomer! Lovely to see you here, sweets and sorry to hear that you've been laid off from your job. I wish you all the best in finding another job soon. =)

      Please note that I have removed the Rafflecopter widget due to a technical fault of not being able to retrieve your data. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. Could you please enter following my updated instructions? You could reply under this comment for easier reference. Thanx a lot!

  21. It is such a very generous giveaway. I live in Ireland enjoy interior design, the gym, walking my dog, blogging and instagram. I find instagram adictive. I don't know if you find it the same. I love following blogs from other countries.

    1. Thank you for sharing with me more about yourself as I really love to know more about my readers and blog friends. =)

      Please note that I have removed the Rafflecopter widget due to a technical fault of not being able to retrieve your data. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. Could you please enter following my updated instructions? You could reply under this comment for easier reference. Thanx a lot!

    2. Oh poor you I hope this works this time. This is such a lovely and generous giveaway. I live in Ireland I have 2 children plus a spoodle dog and almost forgot a husband too. I like the gym, fashion, interiors and paint every now and then. I love to meet blogging friends from around the world and learn a little about their culture. My profile name is Inge and my blog is chicncheerfull .

    3. Hey inge. Thanx for re-entering! So sorry to trouble you again. I'm having a little problem tallying your points so could you follow this format? I've already helped you to enter those info that you've provided. Most important info I need form you is your bloglovin profile name which you used to follow me and your email address. THANK YOU! ❣◕ ‿ ◕❣

      Minimum requirement
      1. Oh poor you I hope this works this time. This is such a lovely and generous giveaway. I live in Ireland I have 2 children plus a spoodle dog and almost forgot a husband too. I like the gym, fashion, interiors and paint every now and then. I love to meet blogging friends from around the world and learn a little about their culture. My profile name is Inge and my blog is chicncheerfull .
      2. Inge
      3. [Your bloglovin' profile name]

      Collecting additional points for more chances
      1. [Your Instagram profile name following iamjolene]
      2. [Your Pinterest profile name following iamjolene]
      3. [Your Instagram profile name following fleurfaerie]
      4. [Your Facebook profile name liking fleurfaerie]
      5. [The url of where you placed the link of my giveaway]

      [Your email address]

    4. My email address is Do not worry about multiple entries for me the fun is taking part. You have had to put so much effort into this giveaway. Have a lovely day.

    5. Haha... I'm still not able to tally your points accurately so I will count it as the basic requirement. Wishing you all the best in winning!

      Total: 12 points

  22. What an amazing giveaway Jo! I remember your last one. I definitely understand how you feel. The first year I hosted many giveaways. Some winners were sincere, but many were not. That's why I don't do as many. Sorry you had to go through that. I think many bloggers do. Some people spend their ENTIRE day looking for just giveaways offered on blogs. It's crazy! Oh well. We've known each other for awhile. You know I live in New Orleans. A place where there's great food and always fun. I love anything cute & sweet. I often mix fashion & beauty with FOOD. LOL I'm just a fun & sweet girl. I like making friends with my blog readers. I like comments with meaning. I hate getting insincere comments. Love learning about different cultures! I try to incorporate that into my blog. I've been reading a lot lately, so that bookmark would be awesome. Love both L'Occitane and Crabtree & Evelyn products. Both are so ritzy!!! The ring from your shop is so pretty :) It would be a great accessory for Spring! I entered. Good luck to all. My email is

    1. It's great to see you (whom I've considered my frequent reader and blog friend) taking part! Yeah... Those of us who hosted giveaway would certainly have that same experience! My exact sentiments and it's so sad to know that nice people like you have to experience that. We have quite a lot in common with regard to all these feelings about blogging and people so I perfectly understand. For this 2nd giveaway, I realise that I've got a lot more blog friends entering than the previous one with many fly-bys. From the last one, I also realised that like what you said, many people simply look out for giveaways on blogs and disappear after that! That said... I shall repeat the same para to all participants:

      Please note that I have removed the Rafflecopter widget due to a technical fault of not being able to retrieve your data. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. Could you please enter following my updated instructions? You could reply under this comment for easier reference. Thanx a lot!

    2. Hello Kim dear. Since you're my long-time blog friend, I've totalled up the points for you.

      Minimum requirement
      1. 10
      2. 1
      3. 1

      Collecting additional points for more chances --
      1. 5
      2. 5
      3. -
      4. 5
      5. -

      Total points: 27

      I wish you all the best. 。◕‿◕。

  23. Ahhh :) yes of course I'm entering!!!! Ahaha those entries were easy peasy ;) since I already follow u!

    I just came back from Yellowknife where i went to see the northern lights n omg it was amazing!!!!!! if you get a chance go see it! i think the closest for u is...norway? or iceland? maybe? haha i don't know my geography well!

    1. It's great to see you (whom I've considered my frequent reader and blog friend) taking part! Yeah... It certainly is easy peasy for you since you've already done them a long while back! Ah... No no... Norway and Ireland all too far coz I'm in Singapore. Hahaha... Your Northern Lights photos are amazing! That said... I shall repeat the same para to all participants:

      Please note that I have removed the Rafflecopter widget due to a technical fault of not being able to retrieve your data. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. Could you please enter following my updated instructions? You could reply under this comment for easier reference. Thanx a lot!

    2. Hello Grace dear. Since you're my long-time blog friend, I've totalled up the points for you.

      Minimum requirement
      1. 10
      2. 1
      3. ?

      Collecting additional points for more chances --
      1. 5
      2. -
      3. -
      4. -
      5. -

      Total points: 16

      I wish you all the best. 。◕‿◕。

  24. Thank you for the giveaway!
    The first think that represents me is how much I love my two little boys!
    Maybe I don't deserve to win because there are people who have been your readers for more time.

    P.S. Can I have your help here? Thank you in advance

    1. Even though you are one of my newest reader, I appreciate that you would visit and leave me comments quite frequently ever since we connected so you stand a good chance since everything is all random too. That said... I shall repeat the same para to all participants:

      Please note that I have removed the Rafflecopter widget due to a technical fault of not being able to retrieve your data. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. Could you please enter following my updated instructions? You could reply under this comment for easier reference. Thanx a lot!

    2. I had visited you a couple days ago, but I didn't have time to enter and I had seen you had written you had difficulties with the rafflecopter widget.
      Here are my details, but it's mainly as a support to a new blogger friend.

      2.GFC profile name: Demi Mist
      3.bloglovin' profile name: Demi Mist

      1. Your Instagram profile name: demimist
      2. Your Pinterest profile name: Demi Mist
      3. Your Instagram profile name: demimist
      4. Your Facebook profile name: Demi Mist

    3. Hey Demi, Thanx for being the 1st to re-enter and for accomplishing almost all the steps. The way you did it is so neat! I love it! Thanx for the support and I wish you all the best. 。◕‿◕。

      Total: 32 points

    4. I'm back again! Sorry that I included my url in 5. Now I noticed what it said!

  25. OK, here goes. I follow you both places and you know my reason is to have something nice for my ladyfriend--first part--check!

    Pinterest and both IG's followed. By the by, is that you in those banded leggings? In any event, WOW!!!! That was a wonderful surprise of a photo. Whew :)

    you already have my email of course, dear. OK, did I do OK? What did I forget?

    1. Hey RIck, Haha... Yeah that's me! Are you gonna feature me in some leggings post?

      Thanx for re-entering the giveaway. Haha... because you didn't follow my template, I had to do the job of re-organizing the entries for you. Haha... No worries about that though. It's just me trying to me neat for myself. You have earned points for the following:

      Minimum requirement -- 12

      Collecting additional points for more chances --
      1. 5
      2. 5
      3. 5
      4. 5
      5. -

      Total points: 32

    2. Oh I am so bad about following instructions. So sorry! And wow that was you in the leggings?!?! Your legs are amazing, dear. Must go back and inspect that further :) I would feature you for sure if there was one with both legs and face. Just legs re-posts seems tacky to me. Thanks for helping with my entry!

    3. Hahaha... There's the full length one. If you ever want to feature, I would be honoured. =)

  26. Hola ms Jolene I've read your blog, as my list read in my blog, but I never add you in GFC sorry, :) And now I really add you properly and complete. :) Let me follow your other media social and join your second giveaway ya :))

    Minimum requirement
    1. [I'm a student in college in third years and want to have many experience in Beauty stuff + beauty blogger. I'm new comer and really like to review many beauty stuff.I wish to win caused I want to try L'Ocitane deeply. Yes! L'Ocitane in Indonesia is quiet expensive for student like me >.< I really want to be more diligent to protect and care my body and my skin intensive than before. I wish I can try Crabtree & Evelyn Citron too caused my hand is really dry ]
    2. [My GFC profile name : Karina Melias]
    3. [My bloglovin' profile name : Karina Melias Astriandhita]

    Collecting additional points for more chances
    1. [My Instagram profile name following iamjolene : karinameliass]
    2. [My Pinterest profile name following iamjolene: Karina Melias]
    3. [My Instagram profile name following fleurfaerie: karinameliass]
    4. [My Facebook profile name liking fleurfaerie: Karina Melias Astriandhita]
    5. [The url of where I've placed the link of Jolene's giveaway: ]

    [My email address:]

    Thank you for give me this opportunity :))
    Karina Melias A

    1. Hi Karina,

      I'm so glad to see "Newcomers" here! Ok. I know you said you have been reading as a blog on on reading list and hence you aren't new. But to me, you're a new face around here and I'm glad you came out to say hello to me. =) I always love 2-way communication with my blog readers.

      Thanx for entering and for accomplishing ALL the steps following my "template". The way you did it is so neat! I love it! Thanx for the support and I wish you all the best. 。◕‿◕。

      Total: 37 points

  27. Thank you for the invitation great giveaway.

  28. Hi, Jo! I would love to have the first three items (Kimmidoll Natsuki bookmark charm, L'Occitane Immortelle Eye Balm and Crabtree & Evelyn Citron, Honey & Coriander Hand Therapy)! Unfortunately, I don't have Pinterest and Instagram accounts plus a warning saying "We're sorry. We were unable to handle your request. Please try again or return a bit later," has been popping out whenever I click 'Join Site'. :(

    Anyway, I just want to say that I admire you and your blog! I mean, this is obviously an effective marketing strategy. I wish you all the best! Keep up the good work!


    1. Hi Elaine,

      Thanks for checking out my giveaway! I realised that GFC was having problem too when I tried to follow some blogs recently. It's ok if you do not have Pinterest or Instagram accounts as those are for collecting extra points for extra chances. You could still fulfil the basic requirement and since GFC is not working right now, I will also count you in if you follow via bloglovin. Just remember to update me on your bloglovin name. =)

  29. hello jolene ,
    i go by the username va and love to interact with other bloggers like you . thanks for the invite , I was very happy about it .
    Ok things about me are - tea addict drinker so much that i have a tint of discoloration on my teeth , i love fashion but am picky about what i like and take a lot of time to look for things when i shop , like reading gossip blogs about celebs and what they wear and do , am a housewife for now , i like having true friends but here it is hard to find so at times you have to settle for social friendship like someone you can hang out with from time to time , the weather of where i am living in mumbai is too hot right now so it is tough for me since i am not from here but from us , would love to travel to more places someday , love looking through fashion mags and other type of mags like food , decor , health , and am into using natural products .

  30. i would like to win because i like the cute items you put in your giveaway like the kimmidoll bookmark and flower .

    1. Hi va,

      Thanx for entering my giveaway. I'm having a little problem tallying your points so could you follow this format? I've already helped you to enter those info that you've provided. I would need your email address. THANK YOU! ❣◕ ‿ ◕❣

      Minimum requirement
      1. Ok things about me are - tea addict drinker so much that i have a tint of discoloration on my teeth , i love fashion but am picky about what i like and take a lot of time to look for things when i shop , like reading gossip blogs about celebs and what they wear and do , am a housewife for now , i like having true friends but here it is hard to find so at times you have to settle for social friendship like someone you can hang out with from time to time , the weather of where i am living in mumbai is too hot right now so it is tough for me since i am not from here but from us , would love to travel to more places someday , love looking through fashion mags and other type of mags like food , decor , health , and am into using natural products. I would like to win because i like the cute items you put in your giveaway like the kimmidoll bookmark and flower .
      2. va
      3. va

      Collecting additional points for more chances
      1. [Your Instagram profile name following iamjolene]
      2. [Your Pinterest profile name following iamjolene]
      3. [Your Instagram profile name following fleurfaerie]
      4. [Your Facebook profile name liking fleurfaerie]
      5. [The url of where you placed the link of my giveaway]

      [Your email address]

  31. Hi there ! Thanks for the chance ! I am a medicine student, i am in my 5th year, one more to go ! I am obsessed with fragrances and i lovd good foid ! I would love to try L'occitane balm, i used several products from them and all are high quality ! Kisses.
    Gfc: Bianca Rogoveanu
    Bloglovin: bubble10


    Instagram: biancarogoveanu
    Pinterest: Bianca Rogoveanu
    Facebook: Bianca Rogoveanu

    1. Hi Bianca,

      Thanx for entering my giveaway! GFC seems to be down currently and I'm not able to see your name there. No worries though, as long as it is working again, do remember to follow there. Have totalled your points as such.

      Min requirement
      1. 10
      2. pending
      3. 1

      Additional points
      1. 5
      2. 5
      3. 5
      4. 5
      5. -

      Total: 31 points

      Thanx for the support and I wish you all the best. 。◕‿◕。

  32. These are some pretty great prizes Jo; the geisha girl keychain is really cute :)
    I don't particularly need anything, so I'm going to sit this one out and let everyone else try to win. Good luck with the giveaway!

    1. No worries, Rinny. You're too sweet! 。◕‿◕。

  33. Ohhh are beautiful things! I love it i waaant! :D Kimmidoll is su cute >w<
    Thanks for the giveaway honey! :D
    2. Melanie Miranda
    3. Bloglovin: The cherry blossom world

    Collecting additional points for more chances
    1. Instagram: @thecherryblossomworld
    2. Pinterest: Mely Miranda
    3. I follow your shop in Instagram too.
    4. Facebook: Mely Miranda
    5. I share your giveaway in a lateral of my blog:

    Have a nice day! ^^

    1. Hi Melanie,

      Wow! You're the only person who is able to follow me via GFC when it is down. I'm so surprised! Yay...

      Thanx for entering and for accomplishing ALL the steps following my "template". The way you did it is so neat! I love it! Thanx for the support and I wish you all the best. 。◕‿◕。

      Total: 37 points

  34. Minimum requirement
    1. [ is Erma from Indonesia, i love to join ur giveaway n hope i can win :p..btw..i ever work in Singapore..knowing u from s'pore makes me remind my friends there. and why i want to win this giveaway is b'coz it will make me happy coz we can win sumtin]
    2. [Erma Riestiana]
    3. [Erma Riestiana Bona Kartika]

    Collecting additional points for more chances
    1. [memomobona]
    2. [Erma Riestiana Bona Kartika]
    3. [memomobona]
    4. [Erma Riestiana Bona Kartika]
    5. []

    [Your email address]

    1. Hi Erma,

      It's nice to hear that you have worked in Singapore before! I understand that feeling of affinity.

      Thank you for joining my giveaway and accomplishing ALL the steps following my "template". The way you did it is so neat! I love it! Thanx for the support and I wish you all the best. Hope to see you around here more often too! It would be great to have meaningful interaction with my readers.

      Total: 37 points

  35. Hey! My name is Tanya, I want to thank you for that great giveaway.
    I'm from Ukraine, running fashion blog called Beautiful Adventures. I think that it is awesome prize, and I want to win so much.
    GFC - Tanya Soyer
    Bloglovin - Tanya Soyer
    I also follow you on pinterest and FB (Tanya Soyer)

    1. hey, Jo!
      thank you for your nice comment on my blog.
      maybe it was a mistake, but now I'm your follower. Please check.
      thank you :)

    2. You have earned points for the following:

      Minimum requirement -- 12

      Collecting additional points for more chances --
      1. -
      2. 5
      3. -
      4. Pending
      5. -

      Total points: 17

      I can't see the FB like from Tanya Soyer. Please check again and I would edit the points accordingly. Thanx for the support and I wish you all the best. 。◕‿◕。

    3. Hi, I follow you on FB now - Tanya Soyer
      please check it.

      thank you ))

    4. Hey dear, you have to like my FB shop page instead of adding me on FB. =)

  36. 1. Hey Im Claire from Holland. Thank you so much for this great giveaway. I really love to blog, draw, listen music And shopping! It would be so nice to win Crabtree & evelyn citron, honey & coriander hand therapy, because I'd never won something like this!
    2. [Your GFC profile name]
    3. Bloglovin: AboutClaire

    1. Instagram: ClaireMorena
    2. /
    3. Instagram: ClaireMorena
    4. Facebook: Claire Seegers Marinus

    Email address:

    1. Hi Claire,

      Nice to see a newcomer participating. Hope to have more 2-way interaction with you. There seems to be some problem though. I can't see you following on all the mediums stated here and hence, there isn't any points to be totalled. Did you miss out on the steps?

  37. 1.)Hi! I'm Agatha and I'm from the United States and I'm just a student (who can't seem to get enough sleep). I enjoy blogging and love reading blogs, but that is a luxury that has been reduced to little to none for me ㅠ ㅠ. I love art, especially acrylic painting and have an avid interest in makeup! I recently was able to do makeup for a great deal of people for a theater production and that was a great experience. I would like to win because that ring is so gorgeous (I love flowers!).
    2.)My GFC name is xiunnie
    3.)bloglovin profile is aga
    4.) My Instagram account is xiunnie
    5.) My pintrest name is Agatha T
    6.) My Facebook profile is Agatha Tatang
    7.) hopefully the link to your giveaway is in my links list! I have been having troubles with my blog.
    8.) and my email is

    Thank you for this lovely giveaway, and the time to come and drop by to invite me! That was incredibly sweet and I was kind of touched. I'm really amazed by your connection with your readers. :)

    1. Hi Agatha,

      Loving to blog and reading blogs yet not having enough time do sound like a problem many of us face recently. I identify with you. Being able to do make up for a theatre production sounds very fulfilling!

      You have earned points for the following:

      Minimum requirement
      1. 10
      2. 1
      3. 1

      Collecting additional points for more chances --
      1. 5
      2. 5
      3. 5
      4. - (Unable to find profile on Fleurfaerie likes)
      5. 5

      Total points: 32

      I wish you all the best. 。◕‿◕。


I love reading sincere comments and hearing your voice. While blatant self promotion of blogs and follow for follow requests are not advisable, I would love if you leave a mark here with a trackback link so that I could connect with you. I reply to comments here or on your blog so don't forget to check back on replies! =)