Monday, March 03, 2014

Chock Full of Coffee & the Unknown

Ongoing Giveaway

I'm having a 2nd blog giveaway and I invite all of you to check it out. It is opened internationally so feel free to participate if you're interested. Boys and Men are welcome to participate to try your hand at winning something for your significant other, sister or female friends! My only problem now is that Rafflecopter doesn't load the participants' entries when I want to view them as an admin. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I do not have to resort to manual entries like my last giveaway. 


It had been quite a long time since the hubz and I ventured further out during the weekend for food due to a couple of reasons. The night before when kh suggested having brunch the next day and checking out the 3D kitty latte foam art at Chock Full of Beans, I was pleasantly surprised. He had been brushing off my suggestion to have a 3D kitty for as long as I knew such a thing existed in Singapore and I felt that he was trying to cheer me up.

We started our Sunday with a late brunch at The Coastal Settlement (TCS). We've been there a couple of times on our own and with family and friends, trying out both old and dishes and always liking what we ordered.

[Image Credit]

Truffle fries are one of my favourite kind of fries ever but the truffle fries today wasn't as good as they should be.

Kh's mocha

My Chocolate Milkshake.

Kh finished every single bit of his Big Breakfast.

My Wagyu Cubes Salad wasn't as good as the last time I had it. It was sweet and I could even feel the sugar grains (yucks). I'm ok with sweet salad dressing if they are fruit sauce like orange, apple and the likes. Not when it tastes sugary. Some of the raw vegetables were much too bitter than the usual bitterness of some raw vegetables. We were actually craving for TCS's Steak and Eggs but it seemed like that dish was no longer on the menu.

I love the vintage decor of the whole eatery.

A vintage BMW could only happen in TCS.

As if our coffee and chocolate wasn't enough, we were up and about for round 2 of beverage...

At Chock Full of Beans.

Due to time constraint, there is a limit of only one 3D latte foam art per table. The rest of the art would be random. Since I've been wanting to "own" a 3D kitty drink, kh had to settle for 2D.

Kh got Keroppi in his Mocha! Yes, he ordered mocha AGAIN and asked, "Why did they gimme a FROG?"

He tried stirring the mocha without destroying the Keroppi.

My Hazelnut latte arrived about 15 minutes after his but it was well worth the wait!

I simply couldn't get enough of snapping photos of my cute kitty cat!

High 10 with your cute little paws!

Yeah... I had to snap 1947594936 pictures of me and the kitty cat before I drank it. I mean, it isn't every day that I have a 3D kitty foam art.

Kitty cat and kitty art. According to kh and some other close people, they think I have cat-like tendency. In fact, kh often says that if I were to look like an animal, it would be a cat.

Kh's favourite moment at Chock Full of Beans was when he could DESTROY the "stupid cat".

He murdered it by smashing its brains in.

As seen in this video.

It was just a simple late brunch outing, followed by coffee and plain hanging out, doing nothing much. However, I felt quite happy. I have not been feeling the best physically, emotionally and psychologically for quite some time.


Unwell physically, emotionally and psychologically

Since last Friday, I was plagued with Upper Respiratory Tract Infection (URTI). I've already known my pattern for URTI. First the throat, then the cold and cough overlapping till it all ends.

The very bad throat full of sores and ulcers coupled with headache and a slight rise in temperature would be the first warning sign that I would suffer from URTI. These symptoms came last Friday and I thought that with enough rest over the weekend and self-medication, I would be well in no time. The bad throat cured in 2 days but the leaky blocked nose replaced it over the weekend. The cold this time was quite bad. I was practically blowing very thick and sticky mucus from deep within all day long. I reckon I scared many colleagues when I came back to work on my 2nd day of MC last Tuesday.

I've been blowing my nose every single day and still, the thick sticky mucus kept surging. (I know... eeew) Initially, I stayed away from Western medication and was taking Barlean's Olive Leaf Complex as it came in the mail just in time the previous Saturday. Apparently, I should start taking it to build up my immunity when I'm well and hence, a trip to the doctor and the Western medication was unavoidable in times of sickness. To curb the blocked leaky nose, I had to take some medication to loosen the mucus. This medication did a super yucky and uncomfortable thing-- it made the mucus flow down my throat. I've never in my life experienced such thick mucus coating my throat to the extent that I had difficulty swallowing and breathing even if on the other hand, it allowed me to breathe coz my nose became unblocked. There were times when I felt that the stickiness were hanging midway in my passage, unable to slide down. I really hated that feeling.

While I was still snorting thick mucus, the phlegmy cough arrived. The phlegm was thick and deep in the lungs which was really uncomfortable. There were many times when I coughed till I retched for the phlegm to be expelled.

It has since been a little more than a week and while I'm still blowing my nose and coughing, the mucus and phlegm has become a lot less viscous and more manageable as I'm typing this.

If you remember, I suffered from gastric flu during the CNY period. I was also tired physically. I was doing too much after work. I think I really deserve it for slapping too many tasks upon myself to do but I needed to take my mind off unpleasant things at times. The good news is, I've been so tired out that I no longer suffer from insomnia. I've been getting more sleep than I ever had over the years.

Aside from all the illness, I've also been feeling rather down emotionally and psychologically. I can't really explain why and I also don't wish to go there. Only a handful of close friends are somewhat aware of my instability which I couldn't explain myself too. I guess I'm able to hide when the time comes but it really is difficult to pretend at times. The feeling comes and goes. I could cry for no reason and then pick myself up and smile again. Well, if you ask me. I think I should go seek some professional help if this continues but for now, the stronger side of me would always take over and pull my weaker self up and I'm always thankful that as a Gemini I have 2 very opposing sides each helping the other when the need arises.

Thank you for reading up till here for those who did. I may or may not reply your comments with regard to this as it took me some time to decide to share my feelings here for all to see.


  1. Great post dear...lovely pics..:-)
    have a nice week, dear

  2. oh jo!! my heart goes out to you babe. i hope you recover swiftly and soon!! as for emotionally i'm so sorry to hear about that. i know sometimes when we're not feeling the best emotionally it can manifest itself physically too.. ie. could be contributing to your URTI. i hope everything works out and that things are a lot smooth and happier soon!! i'll be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

    but you look like you have a very loving hubs :p hehehe. you guys look like you had a fun day.. his breakfast looks OMFG delicious!! so good!

    and that foam cat is CRAZY amazing. how they do that??! you look so pretty posed with your 3D cat :)!!

    oh btw's i'm following you on gfc.. but i don't need to enter the giveaway i just want you to know i'm there for you girl! heart you hon!!

    1. Thank you for your kind words, sweetie. I feel so much better reading all the kind and lovely words from all of you. =) I'm recovering slowly physically, left with the the occasional cough now.

      I think the next time I revisit this cafe, I shall do it on a less busy weekday and asked to sit inside so that I could watch the barrister perform his/her 3D craft!

      Thanx for your support! I thought I saw that you followed on GFC long ago. Hahaha... But it's also quite weird coz many of my blog friends who followed from long time ago have been appearing on GFC followers only recently. I guess if could be a change in profile or some other blog info die to all the merging of google and blogger.

      I hope you have been well. Will be dropping by your blog soon!

  3. Jo, your 3D kitty art foam is the cutest think I ever saw! When I saw it on IG, I was craving a hazelnut latte as yours, here we hvent similar things :) Glad you had a nice Sunday out. Im really sorry you have been so ill, hope you get better really soon and also get some rest. Regarding your insomnia, I remember it since I also suffer of it. Mine is still here though ^^' Regarding your feelings, I think is normal having those happens to me too..what I can suggest is to not hide but just express what you have inside :) Take care Jo xo

    1. Thank you for your kind words, dear Lilli. I feel so much better reading all the kind and lovely words from all of you. =) I'm recovering slowly physically, left with the the occasional cough now. Thank you for sharing with me about your experience too. It is always comforting to hear of people empathizing due to similar experience.

      (=^・ェ・^=) Here's a virtual kitty cat 3D hazelnut latte for you!

  4. So sorry to hear you have not been well. You look fabulous (as always), and it sure looks like you two enjoyed yourselves. That kitty latte is priceless! T.

    1. Thank you for your sweet comment, Tina. Have a lovely Sunday!

  5. Of course no reply is needed, dear. Just know you have all the positive, healing energy I can muster heading your way and will continue to do so. Plenty of stories that relate but all that really needs known is your friend is here for you and supporting you in any way he can.

    3D kitty was amazing! I have never seen such a delightful thing. They are quite the artists there. And your husband's breakfast looked so amazing. I am stuffed and yet hungry again :)

    1. I'm here to reply anyway. =) Thank you for your kind words, dear Rick. I feel so much better reading all the kind and lovely words from all of you. =) I'm recovering slowly physically, left with the the occasional cough now.

      I'm not able to send a virtual emoticon breakfast to you so I hope a virtual 3D kitty latte would do. You could share it with Cali and Buddy. (=^・ェ・^=)

  6. Hi Jolene! Sorry to hear you havent been well, hope you recover soon! Fighting an emotional battle is tougher than a physical one, but do remember that you have loved ones around you who truly care for you. (Btw I think it is so cool that your husband is in the Air Force! He must have so many interesting stories :D)

    Your wagyu cube salad looks absolutely delicious but pity the dressing wasnt on par, the 3D coffee looks awesome too but I haven't had a chance to try these cafes out in KL.. should make the trip soon!

    Hope you feel better soon!


    1. Thank you for visiting back and for your kind words, Xen. Really appreciate and love reading such thoughtful comments especially from new people coz many usually just leave cursory ones. Hope to continue interacting with you! 。◕‿◕。

  7. This looks like such a fun time husband and I haven't been out for a while now too. I love the 3d kitty, that is really fun!! I hope you get to feeling better doll, the cold has finally left my house here, so I hope the same for you too!! Xxx

    1. Yes, dear Kizzy. You have been ill for quite a while too esp with the really freezing climate over at your side.Thank you for your kind comment and have a lovely Sunday!

  8. First of all, since this my first time visiting your blog, I wanted to compliment your blog's design- it is so fresh and so frickin' adorable! :) It is a pleasure to see! :)
    And second of all, the meals and the drinks you guys had, look so delicious! I wish I could try that kitty face latte, I probably would take hundreds of pictures of it as well! :D
    Have a great week!

    1. Thank you so much for your kind compliment on my blog design, Maddie. I was into the white background minimalist feel and did an overhaul a few months back after reading up a lot of html coding and also spent some time with photo editing for the header and buttons.

      Thank you for visiting back and for your lovely words. =)

  9. The 3D foam art is simply amazing, too cute to drink. So sorry to hear about your ill health dear, praying that you get well soon.

    1. Thank you for your kind thoughts and prayer. Must have worked! =D

  10. Jo! I saw you put up that kitty cat foam drink and it's too precious. Haha, I would have not wanted to destroy it either, but you gotta do it eventually. ;)

    Oh no oh no. I'm sorry to hear that you've been feeling unwell in so many ways. I wish the best in your recovery and hope that you have many bright days ahead. Take it easy and enjoy things when you can. I'll be thinking of you, lovely!

    1. I had wanted to slowly drink up the latte and if the foam kitty was still intact by then, it would look like it had sunk into the abyss of the cup and that would be cute too. Too bad, the hubby had to destroy it. (T_T)

      Thank you for your kind words, sweetie. I feel so much better reading all the kind and lovely words from all of you. =) I'm recovering slowly physically, left with the the occasional cough now.

  11. The foam are is so cute, the food in the place looks lovely but it sucks that the chips and salad weren't not as good as before!

    I'm sorry you've been ill, I've just gotten over a similar illness, I felt so rubbish for about a week and a half but I'm over it now. I'm also sorry you've got other things going on, I hope it isn't anything too serious and you feel better soon.

    Corinne x

    1. Thank you for your kind words, Corinne. I feel so much better reading all the kind and lovely words from all of you. =) I'm recovering slowly physically, left with the the occasional cough now. Have a lovely Sunday!

  12. Those sculpt drinks are so so cute. Sorry to hear about your illness. There is a bad fever going around here too with starts with a cold and cough and then very high fever for 8 days. It just makes you lifeless. Hope you get better soon. Hope whatever you feel down about will soon go away and you can get out of it. But everyone goes through like this sometime or the other. I too sometimes get really down and frustrated and sad. But as you say your stronger side takes over and you get on with it. Just hand in there and talk to someone. If you would like a strangers ears who will not judge you please feel free to drop and email. Will love to give an ear.

    1. Thank you for your kind words, Paps. It is also really really very sweet of you to offer a listening ear. I really appreciate your kind gesture. I feel so much better reading all the kind and lovely words from all of you. I'm recovering slowly physically, left with the the occasional cough now. As for non-physical, it comes and go. Still grappling with it but I'm ok. =) It is always comforting to hear of people empathizing due to similar experience.

      Have a lovely Sunday!

  13. The 3D kitty latte foam art is just amazing. How clever and creative to be able to do this. Hope you are feeling better soon.

    1. Thank you for your kind words, miss b. Have a lovely Sunday!

  14. I am so hungry after this post. Hope you are feeling a bit better and a little more positive. Sending you lots of kind thoughts.

    1. Kind thoughts received! Thank you for your sweet words and have a lovely Sunday!

  15. I remember loving the pics of your kitty drink on Instagram! haha So funny that he got a frog. Also, those fries look sooo good. I know it must be terrible to deal with such an illness, plus not feeling well emotionally. Personally, it's really easy for me to be "down" emotionally this time of year...I hope you have things happen soon which make you smile and feel really happy.

    1. Thank you for your kind words, dear Galaxia. I feel so much better reading all the kind and lovely words from all of you. =) I'm recovering slowly physically, left with the the occasional cough now. Thank you for sharing with me about your experience too. It is always comforting to hear of people empathizing due to similar experience. I hope you have a happy and lovely Sunday!

  16. That 3D Kitty Latte Jo was awesome! HAHAHAHA I'm laughing at how many pictures you took of it. I would've done the same thing. It was THAT CUTE! Guys always like destroying things. Poor kitty! Great video of it. I've been sick with the flu myself. I commented some the other day and now just getting back to it. I probably won't blog until Monday. Still trying to get better. You have nothing to be ashamed of. I think in all of our lives, we all go through something that bothers us. Don't feel bad reaching out for professional help. That's why it's there. It's not a reflection of you. You must do what makes you feel better. ((hug))

    1. It's the flu bug season here too and I hope you have recovered fully too. Thank you for your kind words, dear Kim. I feel so much better reading all the kind and lovely words from all of you. =) I'm recovering slowly physically, left with the the occasional cough now. I hope you have a happy and lovely Sunday!

  17. I think kh is right. If you were an animal, it would be a cat. I would be a bear.
    Last Friday I was getting sick--low fever, sore throat, general yucky feeling. I used a zinc spray in my mouth in the morning and after dinner the next three days. I also added hydrogen peroxide to my mouthwash/gargle before bed. By Monday morning I was fine. You may have tried this already, but if not I hope you'll consider it. I hate the idea of you being sick...and upset. If you want to "talk", please e-mail anytime.

    1. It's the flu bug season here too and I hope you have recovered fully too. Zinc spray? Wow! It sounds like it worked like a charm for you. I haven't heard or tried it myself and will be trying Olive Leaf Complex for now coz my herbalist friend swears by it and she doesn't touch synthetic drugs for herself and her whole family too. Thank you for the knowledge, Rick. It would help a lot as I could research more on it for alternatives. (The Olive Leaf Complex though raved is a little too sweet for me)

      It is really really very sweet of you to offer a listening ear. I really appreciate your kind gesture. I feel so much better reading all the kind and lovely words from all of you. I'm recovering slowly physically, left with the the occasional cough now. As for non-physical, it comes and go. Still grappling with it but I'm ok. =)

      I'm trying to picture you as a bear now!

    2. Picture me scratching my back on a tree. lol

    3. I can't picture that!
      Only this... ʕ˙ᴥ˙ʔ

  18. Hey Jo! :) What a lovely little post, it's always fun catching up ! I remember seeing some of these photos from your instagram feed recently but I started drooling all over again when I saw those Mochas! *-* They're absolutely amazing, I've never seen anything quite like this before - and boy do I spend a lot of time checking out food pics on instagram and on random blogs lol!


    1. Hahaha... I also love drooling at food pics on blogs and instagram though I really hate it when I stumble upon them just when I'm all hungry in the middle of the night!

  19. I wouldn't want to touch that cute drink! Haha! I think that place is cool to create that idea for their drinks. I always admire restaurants with unusual ideas! I believe if you're going to put up a business, you should have your unique offer. Makes everyone want to try what you have. Well in short I'm just totally fond of restaurants and FOOD! Haha!

    1. That certainly is a very innovative business idea. Many people flock to that cafe precisely of the 3D latte art. It is also a plus point that it is a 4-star rating eatery with good comments on their coffee. Hence, it isn't just a novelty. Would love to try their food the next time round!

  20. Oh my god the latte and the mocha are literally the cutest things. I totally miss stuff like this back in Asia. To look at the food porn while hungry is q bad idea as I am starving. Hope you feel better soon Jo. Take care.

    1. Thanx for your concern, Nelah. I hope the food pics didn't cause you much distress. Asia has the cutest things around!

  21. On no I'm so sorry to hear you're not feeling well. Hope you get well soon physically and emotionally. I don't feel to well myself and I'm dealing with an awful insurance company (I didn't expect them to be crimnials but they are). I even hired a lawyer but he sucks and is expensive too. Okay enough of my problems. Sorry that the food wasn't as good as the last time but I think that amazing 3D kitty art hazelnut latte made it up!! Omg I want one too!!! Sadly we don't have that over here. Wish you a lovely Sunday and don't work to hard!!

    xx Mira

    1. Hey Mira. Your whole insurance company ordeal sounds really dramatic and interesting though I know it's distressing and not at all interesting for you. I'm sorry to hear about the sucky lawyer too. What an awful thing to happen and I do hope everything gets sorted out for you soon.

      Here's a virtual 3D kitty latte art for you! (=^・ェ・^=)

  22. How adorable! I don't know if I would have the heart to drink it and MESS UP THAT PERFECTION :D

    1. Hahaha... I didn't have the heart to destroy it and so the hubby did the job for me before I could even protest. =(

  23. That kitty latte art is quite adorable, I've never seen anything quite like it! Sorry you have been sick, though. Thanks for your comment on my blog! I've had some fun adventures in Singapore in my day...

    1. Thank you for stopping by and following via bloglovin, Rachel. I would love to keep in touch with you too and would also follow you via bloglovin since I know you have that too. Will also try to follow via GFC. Hope that problem gets fixed soon! It's good to hear that you've been to Singapore before!


I love reading sincere comments and hearing your voice. While blatant self promotion of blogs and follow for follow requests are not advisable, I would love if you leave a mark here with a trackback link so that I could connect with you. I reply to comments here or on your blog so don't forget to check back on replies! =)