Saturday, February 22, 2014

RSAF 45th Anniversary Family Day

Two Saturdays ago, I attended the RSAF 45th Anniversary Family Day at Changi Exhibition Centre. The Republic of Singapore Air Force (RSAF) celebrates its 45th anniversary this year and it commemorated the occasion with visitors to the Singapore Airshow 2014. The hubz managed to get tickets for my parents-in-law and me --just the Family Day, not the Air Show. The tickets for the latter costs $22 and would only be held after the Family Day the following week.

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The Static Displays

Before we reached the RSAF pavilion, we walked past some static display both from the Air Force and the commercial sector. I didn't snap pictures of many, only the ones I was interested in.

This aircraft is invisible to radar. When my FIL explained to my MIL in Mandarin, it sounded like the aircraft was invisible. It was so funny when my MIL exclaimed and asked how it could make itself invisible.

The RSAF helicopters static display.

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RSAF Pavilion and Exhibits

The RSAF Pavilion showcased the RSAF’s history and achievements over the past 45 years. Aviation enthusiasts got to see the display of 17 types of aircraft and weapons systems, including the RSAF's fighter, helicopter and transport aircraft, unmanned aerial vehicles and ground-based air defence systems.

The hubz was manning a booth as he had a segment there. Hence instead of wasting time at the static display area, my MIL and I made a beeline for the RSAF pavilion. It was so difficult locating the hubz as his booth was all the way at the exit of the exhibition hall. His booth was about the 2011 OPS Blue Sapphire anti-piracy operations in the Gulf of Aden.

My hubz was one of the Super Puma helicopter pilots in the 2011 deployment who was involved in the foiling of pirate attacks when he first spotted a white pirate's skiff in the sea of blue.

Even though 2011 seems far away, this would always be a notable entry sealed in the history of RSAF as it was the first time Singapore foiled a pirates' attack in international waters. (I'm not too sure if phrasing it this way is accurate.) Anyway, I wrote two brief posts on the mission here and here.

When the crowd dispersed, we made kh do silly things like posing with his picture...

Posing with his picture with us...

And posing with the screen once his airtime came on. When I say "we", it was more of my MIL. She made him pose with the screen so many times just to catch the exact moment of his airtime!

This was the very machine gun used to sink the pirate's skiff.

Kh with my MIL and the machine gun. Kh wasn't the one doing the shooting. It was his colleague on the left (on the board).

A funny incident happened last week when the Air Show was officially opened to the public.
Kh texted me: "Wah... somebody just came up to me n say ur wife is a blogger right"
which was followed by: "................................"
and: "Shit.. I got no privacy!!!"

All these before I could even reply... Anyway, BIG HI VERON! Next time if you ever see me, do say hi to me ok? =D

Another of my long-term forum-friend/ blog-friend who eventually became friends also messaged me on Instagram saying that she saw kh and wanted to say hi to him, only that she was wondering if that would be awkward. Hahaha... why do I not meet all these lovely ladies in real life?

[Disclaimer: I'm not a blogger. Just someone who pens my thoughts on my blog.]

It was so difficult to capture a shot with no people at all.

While kh continued manning the booth which got increasingly crowded as the day went by, I walked alone to view the other exhibits.

The 2004 Boxing Day tsunami left an indelible mark in the history of South East Asia. Kh and I, together with his colleague and then girlfriend were holidaying in New Zealand at that time. Far away down south of the globe, we followed the news of the disaster which happened so close to home. If they were in Singapore at that time, they might had been deployed to bring relief to these tsunami-hit regions.

Providing aid to other countries.

The various wings.

The history of the air bases.

The Air Force was first established in 1968 as the Singapore Air Defence Command (SADC).

1st Generation uniforms looked kinda odd. A fashion critic would holler, "Remove that blue band!"

2nd Generation and beyond.

The new pixelized blue camoflage uniform.

Kids were able to try their hands at flying an F-16 jet.

Kh bluffed my MIL that people could have a go at sitting on this and she was really keen to try out!

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RSAF Black Knights Aerial Display

One of the major draws at the Singapore Airshow was the aerial display of Singapore’s very own RSAF Black Knights. It was last seen soaring the skies at the Singapore Airshow 2008.

The Black Knights is not a full-time aerobatics team. They are operational ready pilots.

The F-16 Fighting Falcons now wear the Singapore flag's crescent and stars on its fuselage.


A heart to end it all.

After Kh's finished his shift, he toured the exhibits with us.

Kh flies the Super Puma.

This totally reminds me of Om nom nom nom in the Pareidolia post I wrote not long ago.

With kh being our guide, a lot of exhibits were made clearer with his explanations.

For example, what I thought were just flags on display had a rich story behind them.

Just like a movie poster.

My favourite booth was the one where little kids could dress up in the various Air Force uniform for photo-taking.

This little girl sure knows how to pose. How cute is that!

All the little kids were so cute! They were really well-behaved. Nobody was seen screaming and shouting to don or not to don the uniforms.

 I even overheard grown men in the crowd cooing, "Soooooooooo cute...".

I lurve it whenever the kids wore the helmets that looked a little too big for their heads.

Kh was so excited to make fun of his friend's board. He asked me to tag his friend if I upload this on Facebook.

The food pack!

BMW for Singapore Airshow!


  1. Hi Jo! I remember the previous posts where you talked about it, you must be so proud of your husband :) The photos of you with his pic made me smile :) Wish you a lovely weekend, hugs xo

    1. Thank you for your sweet words, Lilli. I think I look horrible that day and totally not photogenic but that doesn't matter at all coz the star was the hubz.

  2. That would have been awesome to attend. I am fascinated with war planes and have been to only a couple air shows. There is an air force museum in the next state full of crafts from every era but I have not been since a wee lad. Such great pictures! His mother sure is proud of him and rightfully so :) Glad you had fun!

    1. I know you are interested in all these aircrafts! I hope you get a chance to visit that air force museum that's a state away from where you are. That would be something you would love!

  3. wow you must be very proud of your hubby :) this by far is my fave post from you, ive never seen any event like this ever before. its really really interesting for me. btw this moment -- "And posing with the screen once his airtime came on. When I say "we", it was more of my MIL. She made him pose with the screen so many times just to catch the exact moment of his airtime!" is really funny :D we did the same thing to a friend before, such a fun memory :)

    1. The one which caught the public's attention was actually the full Air Show exhibition and not just the Air Force segment. But with our scorching weather, I was glad to just view the RSAF's exhibits. I heard that the aerobatics team from the various countries were good! Yup my MIL can be very cute at times. Hahaha...

  4. AHHHH!!! this is so awesome. i can tell you're a #proudwifey!! and you should be because this is awesome!! that poster of your hubs is so neat!!

    my husband would just love going to see something like this!!

    i love mark ryden too i want to collect all of his books it's so freaky but oddly pretty at the same time i love it!!

    ugh!! so i found out like in the last week or so that apparently there's this entire website devoted to bashing bloggers and apparently there's one ENTIRE forum devoted to me. wtf. they said some really horrible and mean things on there.. like i'm stupid, fat, ugly, dumb, my life is so sad and pathetic, i'm a horrible excuse for a human being.. ect ect ect you get the picture. but at the same time i started noticing when the time stamps on their comments were on this (anonymous) website and i realized these people were posting sometimes the SAME day my post goes live. i'm not saying i'm not dumb or stupid.. but.. if you CONTINUALLY look/read something you have said 100 times over that it's dumb and stupid.. then who's really the stupid one lol. thanks for being such a good trained monkey haha. oh and however ugly and fat i am. at least i'm not obsessively stalking a blog and then sitting on a website talking about it all day long. because at the very least my life is STILL more fufilling then doing that lol #justsaying. when i first found out the hubs was like 'omg you should write to them on that website' and i thought about it. and i was going to.. but then i realized. I HAVE SO MANY BETTER THINGS I COULD BE DOING (unlike them) so i'm not going to degrade myself and be at their level.. and at any rate.. they've actually been driving a crazy amount of traffic to my website.. lol!!! and i've gotten approached by way more sponsors then i EVER have before.. and i think it's actually thanks to that website haha.

    anyways thanks for your kind words jo!!! i really appreciate it. i think there are just some people in the world.. that have too much time on their hands.. and deep down.. they're just really unhappy individuals. so to make themselves feel better they feel the need to try and pull other people down. if you're life was so fantastic.. you wouldn't even be concerned with other people's shortcomings!! that's my 2 cents. ugh thanks for letting me vent lol!!!

    1. I wondered what they do to all the boards after the event. Imagine the faces going to the dump. Lol... I mean I wouldn't want to be those back scene workers handing the boards as I wouldn't bear to throw away any faces of people still living. Ok that sounds morbid. Just like Mark Ryden's works. I saw a Mark Ryden huge hardcover book at the bookstore for $100+. The cover was powder pink fabric with just his signature doll face cameo portrait. Nobody would have guessed what a fine morbid book that is!

      OMG! I didn't know about that forum. Would you be able to PM me the url? To be very honest when I first stumbled upon your blog about 2 years ago, I was wondering about your lavish gifts from the hubz and I continued reading on coz bimbo as I was, I like to look at such pictures of material goods and just feed my eyes with luxurious sights. But as I followed your blog and read on, I realized that your hubz totally spoils you probably coz you totally deserve it. You must be a good wife and no, you're not a spoilt brat at all. In fact, I love the way you comment on other people's blogs. I could see how you really read the words that people have written and comment sincerely unlike many others who simply gloss over words and leave cursory comments. From the many pictures of you and your family, you and your friends, I could tell that you are one who value your family and friends a lot and ideally a person with treasured relationship with family and friends shouldn't be a stupid and dumb and having a sad and pathetic life.

      Haters will continue to hate. People who have a set perspective will continue to see things their way and not look beyond their perspective. They CHOOSE to hate and CHOOSE not to see things in another angle and sad to say, there's nothing the victim could really do to change all these but to ignore and laugh it off. Yes, it affects. Yes, it hurts. But after a while, you would see how by not stooping to their level to bitch, you are actually on a higher pedestal than them. And from every bad thing comes the good. The traffic, the sponsors are just some examples.

      I'm just glad that some of your long time blog friends took more time to follow and understand you and knowing you for who you are to have found a nice friend in you and boy am I glad I did that too.

  5. Quite an interesting day out! I have never been to an air show but seeing the photos, it looks absolutely spectacular.

    1. Thank you, dear. It is interesting but a really scorching day that day.

  6. It's nice they have a family day before they open to the public. The pics in front of the wall aren't silly, just proud family members showing their pride...a proud hubby and proud wife. I think the pictures of the kids in uniform are the cutest. But one thing, please tell me the uniform on the far right (in the 1st uniform pic) is a shirt and not a dress for the female officers!!!

    1. Thanx for the sweet words, Rick. Hahahaha... I think it is a dress! I'm not sure. That's the first generation uniform and kh said it is a dress.

    2. I think mini-dresses were in style in 1968, so it probably is true.
      And you two are a couple anyone would be proud to be related to.

    3. Hahaha... Those female uniformed personnel must have looked so HAWT back in those retro days! Thank you for your compliments always. You always have a good word for everyone. =)

  7. What wonderful pictures! And, what an awesome celebration event! T.

  8. Wow this looks like such an interesting show with so much so see. How fun it must've been for you to see your hubz in uniform and representing there. I bet you were one proud wifey :) And I can't remember if I told you this before Jo but the two of you totally have that cute couple look about you where you just seem very compatible with one another.

    Have a fantastic week!

    Rowena @ rolala loves

    1. I can't remember if you told me before as many people said the same thing before. Hehehe... Thank you for your sweet words, Rowena!

  9. Impressive. Your hubs looks smart with his official uniform.

    1. Thank you, dear. I like him best in his other uniform.

  10. BIG HI Jo!

    Will definitely come up to you if i see you outside!


    1. Lol! Yes yes, please do. But I'm super blur so you need to tell me who you are. I couldn't recognise an ex colleague at the airshow. So horrible. Hahaha...

  11. The little kids in the uniform pieces are so cute, love that!! Looks super xx

  12. Ahh I used to want to be a pilot when I was younger. (Until I was 17 I suppose!) I even did an internship at the Air Traffic Control at our airport and I used to read as much as I could about airplanes ♥ The show and the exhibition look really interesting. And the kids with the helmet hahaha so cuteee! Actually I also wanted to stop by to say that I created a new blog and a new google account (it used to be "Keki"). I hope we can stay in touch ♥

    The Blog is and of course we still got each others instagram :)


    1. I was wondering who you are when I saw your name on my email notification. The lovely Keki! Hahaha... I didn't know you were so interested in aviation. Thanx for sharing. Yes I would check out your blog soon. Please continue to stay in touch!

  13. Wow, Congrats to your husband Jo, what a proud achievement, it looks like a thrilling and exciting event, how cute is that little boy with the helmet on! You look lovely here. I didn't write it, I credited the writers in the end. Happy Monday Darling, hope its an enlightening one.

    1. Thank you, Sam. Ah, I didn't notice the credit for some poems I think. Thanks for letting me know. Have a lovely weekend!

  14. Jo, you are married to such a smart, intelligent, courageous and handsome man. He is extraordinary! It was fabulous to see him featured here. What an honor! I know you and family are proud. Thanks for sharing. He is an honorable man.

    1. Ah... Thanx for your lovely words, Kim. You're always so sweet! If I told kh what you have said, he would be flying to the moon. Lol.

  15. Yep!! I've been MIA due to knitting.. (sounds like a granny!!!) sighhhh haha

    Ok that is so cool seeing your husband on the wall! Maybe after the exhibit, you can take the cut out home ;) That'd be too funny!!

    1. Hahaha... You're anything but a granny, hun. Hehehe... The cut out would collect dust.

  16. So many things made me laugh while reading this post. You and your family are awesome! I love pictures you took and it's so cool to learn about the RSAF :) I'm following your blog under a different account now, btw! ♥

    1. Thank you, hun. I'm glad whenever people learn something new from my inputs as I'm always happy to learn new things too. I will check out your new account and blog.

  17. Very nice event! My son would love to be there.
    People recognise you from your blog? You're a famous blogger!

    1. Hahaha... No no... I wouldn't call myself a famous blogger. Or maybe not even a blogger. Just somebody who writes on a blog. Hehehe... Thank you anyway. =)

  18. Would an awesome event!! Yeah I remember you posted about the pirates and I said you must be sooo proud of your hubby or something like that. There's something about men in uniforms! Well he looks great in it. Haha you are already famous!! People know you!! It never happened that someone ever recognized me! Thanks for your lovely comments and b-day wishes. Means a lot to me. I'm glad that I have met you. Wish you a happy Sunday Jo!!

    xx Mira

    1. Thanx for your lovely comment, Mira. Hehehe... I think that's coz Singapore is too small and hence the probability of people recognizing one another is higher. I'm glad to have stopped by your blog some few months back and established connection with you coz you're always so sweet.

  19. This is so cool Jo, you must be very proud (I know I would be). I remember reading about this in one of your past posts and to really see what your husband did makes that story more special. I have been quite lazy (again) with blogging, hence a late visit. Hope you are well.

    1. Good to see you here again, Nelah. A late visit from you is always welcome. ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ


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