Sunday, February 16, 2014

London Throwback: St Paul's Cathedral, Millennium Bridge & Shakespeare's Globe

The throwback series for London has been thrown back even further with the turn from 2013 to 2014. All of a sudden, the London-Paris trip seemed like so long time ago. Who would have thought that January and February would be such a busy month? The wanderlust is beckoning once more as I view my travel photos.

Continuing on from the very first London Throwback, Day 2 would be separated into 2 posts.

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Day 2: A filling breakfast (19 December)

When Kh and I book hotels for holiday, we would usually choose those which serve complimentary buffet breakfast. We would eat our fill during breakfast such that we do not spend precious sightseeing time eating lunch outside.

My first helping consisted of carbs.

Subsequent helpings were targeted at the cold cuts, fruits and vegetables for a balanced diet.

Top left: I could jolly well be the spokesperson for Nutella. Back at home, I could eat 4 slices of soft white bread thickly spread with Nutella without getting sick of it.
Bottom right: Kh was tickled by the way I jazzed up the cold cuts, fruits and vege into a mini sandwich.

All decked in Armani for our inner wear.
Kh was wearing his Armani pullover over a polo tee while my Armani tee was hidden beneath my ClubCouture military parka jacket. Leopard print scarf is from Aldo.

People always say that London's skies are forever grey and dreary. After being greeted by the brilliant sunshine the previous day, we thought that those people were exaggerating. After drawing the curtains, I knew they weren't.

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Day 2: St Paul's Cathedral (19 December)

We are such spontaneous beings that we do not even have a basic itinerary to follow on our trips. Our itinerary all depended on the weather day by day. We decided to take the Tube to the city centre and do some River Thames walk. First stop was St. Paul's Cathedral.

St. Paul's Cathedral!

The many tents at the side of the cathedral got me all curious.

It was all so curious having the tents surrounded by metal barricades. Kh joked that they were probably quarantined or something.

It looked like people were protesting just about every little thing they were unhappy about. Yes, meat is a cruel business but as much as I love vegetables, I really cannot live without meat.

Ok... I must admit that this quote is good. These protesters seemed to make a lot of sense in nonsense.

Every little thing like I mentioned...

What a magnificent structure!

I forgot what these sculptures represent.

We felt so small with those towering pillars.

"Look, I'm Jack in Giants' World!"

Check out the ornate high ceiling.

"Jack" had no beans so he used an apple instead.

I love the feel of this shot that hubz took for me and this calls for an outfit shot.
Abercrombie Nadia Fur Jacket and cheap cheap FEP boots complete the whole look. I LURVE fur fur jackets... faux fur of course. This Abercrombie Nadia Fur is lined with faux fur on the inside that feels so soft and snug. It is my warmest winter wear but it is really heavy because of the fur lining.

I hate flash photography but those without flash had the background all washed out.

It turned out that those tents were part of an experiment from Tent City University. I'm not really sure what that's all about but this link and this link would offer more insights.

Juxtaposition of modern and olden architecture is some of the quirks I love.

Orange leaves were a pretty sight during the wintry months.

Heroes with Grimy Faces

And because I'm too lazy to explain, I snapped a picture of what was inscribed on the pedestal.

We were impressed by the spiffy Salvation Army glass building. Back in Singapore, Salvation Army buildings are treated as dumping grounds. People often deposit their unwanted items there, some in conditions bad enough to be thrown away.

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Day 2: Millennium Bridge (19 December)

This bridge looked different from all the other bridges along River Thames. It is too modern.

I'm glad to know that non-living things do pick up rubbish after the divine beings called homo sapiens.

People just went about their own business on the Millennium Bridge except for these two suaku Asian tourists.

This bridge simply doesn't go with St Paul's in the background.

I wondered if anyone could guess what the focus of this photo was.

Ooh!!! Yellow leaves! It seemed like autumn. So beautiful!

Apparently, this part of the bridge looks really good at night.

Chi Cats conquered Millennium Bridge!

Once we reached the bottom the of the bridge, we scrambled to take a picture with the autumn-looking trees.

I love the quote... The one behind the green bars. Kh thought it was duh.

At the other side of the bridge.

My silly ninja.

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Day 2: The Shakespeare's Globe Theatre (19 December)

Remember the photo from a few photos before? This was what I was capturing-- The Shakespeare's Globe Theatre. Everybody hated Shakespeare back in school where we had to study his plays for Literature. It was only after I stopped studying Literature as a subject did I grow to like Literature a lot.
Sidenote: Did anyone notice that insect-looking thing at the top of this picture? It gave me quite a shock as I was typing this. I seriously thought it was half a bug on my laptop screen! Now I'm wondering if an insect got into the way of the lens at that time or was it just part of a tree branch. I'm quite sure it was a tree branch.

Swan at the Globe restaurant is rated a high of 3.5 to 4.5 stars on various websites now that I'm googling it. Gosh! We should have checked out this restaurant. Then again, we were still not hungry from our heavy breakfast.

I love to look at model structures and solely at the structure... I don't know why whenever I'm editing photos, I tend to have another perspective of certain photos. Insect and bug aside, what I saw in this picture was what looked like the lady sitting on the man's lap.

From this perspective, it is all clear. And yes, that's Fee-fi-fo-fum in the background staring at the little people.

I want to own one of these books... for what? Just for the sake of owning some ancient tomes.

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Next part of London Day 2 would continue our walk along and around River Thames.

I hope to be able to blog more consistently. I would tend to space out photo-heavy posts as my photobucket accounts, which I use to host my photos, often run out of bandwidth. I recently found out that my Blogger photo account isn't reaching its limit any more and that I could use Blogger to host my image directly. After many years of blogging, my blogger photo storage almost hit the limit a few years back and hence I switched to Photobucket then. I guess with the merging of Google and Blogger accounts, my photo storage space increased.

Now, if only I have the time to blog more often without caring about spacing out image-heavy posts...


  1. I can't get over the cathedral! Omg'sh it is so gorgeous! HAHAHA The citizens of London are always protesting something. I love it, because they stand up for what they believe. Good for them. That breakfast looked so good Jo! You guys were dressed properly for the weather. It did look cloudy and overcast.

    1. I love it too and I say, good for them! It is good to stand up for what one believes in though not to do it overboard.

  2. A magnificent structure indeed!!! If I controlled design in the city, that new bridge would have been made to look old. I haven't come across the term the "Blitz" in a long time. It's amazing England was able to persevere until the world was ready to join the fight. Oh, that complimentary breakfast looked amazing. In the US, free is usually stale doughnuts or slimy scrambled eggs.

    PS - You have a very warm heart my friend. It's very endearing.

    1. The bridge is called the Millennium Bridge for a reason and naming it as such doesn't mean it has the right to look so stark in contrast eh? For my generation (or is it for me), the only time I come across "blitz" is for the Bejeweled Blitz game. Hahaha... That's so not profound. I've to go to US soon to know the diff.

  3. Wow you captured a lot of amazing pictures. Great blog hun.

  4. thats a HUGE DOOR! :3 its really beautiful though, i wish i can visit that place someday, btw i thought the reason why London scenes in movies & tv shows are always grayish is just bec of a video effect / filter. didnt know that they really have that ambiance ^^

    1. Lol! I used to think it was a filter effect too until more and more peoplw told me London is full of dreary grey skies with people who all dressed in black. I do have lots of friends who also love London despite the dreary grey and I'm one of them!

  5. Great photos of London. I call it my second home as I used to live there for more than five years. For a while I stayed near St Paul's as well. I realize that I have never been to The Globe Theatre though. Something I should do at some point...

    1. Thank you for stopping by my blog, dear. Ooh... That's cool. Where are you residing now? You seem to have been to lots of places from your blog.

  6. You snapped the best shots of London. I just love this city!!! It like I'm there again. I never get sick of Nutella too!! It's addictive. Wish you a happy Sunday sweetheart :D

    xx Mira

  7. Aaaaaadventure! *___* Ugh, all this architecture is so beautiful. Except for that boring bridge--lol it is definitely too modern for my liking, too. That ornate ceiling is called a coffered ceiling! It is done like that so it's not as heavy and the gravity pulls less down on it. Yay, art history! Amazing how we actually learn things. :D

    1. Wow! I really love it when I gain new knowledge and insights and especially so from blogging which is supposed to be a hobby. I actually googled "coffered ceiling" for more info too. Thanx so much for sharing, Ali! xoxo

  8. LOVE this look STUNNING dear :) I hope you had a lovely Valentines weekend.

    Check out my new post .....Stylish oriental rugs and modern decor:)

    Have a fab week

    LOVE Maria at inredningsvis - inredning it's, Swedish for decor :)

    1. Thank you for dropping by. =) Will check out your blog too.

  9. I really want to go back to London soon! I've never been to the Glob theatre, but literally every single one of my English teachers have taken a selfie there.

    1. English teachers taking selfies at GLOBE theatre sounds like the coolest thing ever! Lol.

  10. I can see that you enjoyed your tour of London and visited many of the places that I enjoy too. It was very wet and grey when we were there a couple of weeks ago. Thank you very much for your lovely comment and for deciding to follow my blog. I shall read some of your earlier posts when I get a moment!

    1. Thank you for dropping by, dear. We'll keep in touch. =D

  11. Hi Jo! I remember very well the previous post and I was waited the second part. Oh my, that breakfast made me so hungry! I can eat tones of white bread with nutella too!:) the St Paul's Cathedral is outstanding, feeling in awe! What a shame you didnt check out that restaurant, it inspires me! And lol, I didnt though it was a tree branch, seriously look like a bug!:P You are very adorable and well dressed up! Kisses dear! xo

    1. Another fan of Nutella! High 5~ I showed my hubz the pic again and he also concurred it was a bug. Yikes!!! How could I not have noticed it when I was handling the camera? Thanx for your lovely words always and have a lovely week ahead!

  12. Fab pics! London is so wonderful... I adore your jacket & leopard-print scarf! T.

  13. ok. i have to say i'm SO IMPRESSED BY HOW MUCH YOU CAN EAT. actually i should be more clear i'm not that impressed with how much you can eat (because I CAN eat that much too.. probably more) but what i AM impressed by is that you can eat that much and be SO TINY!!! ARGH! i'm just so jealous i have no words hahahahahha

    i have to eat like a rabbit and i'm not where as tiny as you are!! omgosh do you take extra nutella's and save them for later. i do that a lot.. i don't eat that much nutella but i always do that when i'm with my sister because she will sit there and just eat the nutella straight from the tiny little package haha. she can eat it by the spoonful when we're at home.

    oh btw peta is horrible.. they've been in the news a lot lately for secretly killing thousands of animals every year. they stink!! they're so self righteous and hypocritical.

    oh yeah i don't let him eat steak at home because too much red meat.. hahaha i love steak too but i think we're getting up there in age.. for me it's because i'm always trying to lose weight.. and the hubs has ALWAYS been skinny until THIS YEAR i've noticed and then all of sudden he's getting a "wheel" around his stomach.. and i read that that's the WORST kind of fat you can get.. direct link to heart disease!!!

    YES omgosh if/when we come to singapore we absolutely have to get together.. i know you and i would get along so well over beauty, shopping and food.. and hello our husband are both military officers it's a no brainer. i actually showed you and your hubs picture to my husband before and told him about you guys that he's an officer and a pilot for the sinaporean goverment he was SUPER impressed hehe!!

    lololol i'm a "ping ying" deunce.. i never learned ping ying because we were taught "Bopomofo" HAHAHA you know the chinese phoentic alphabet?? i'm not really sure what it's called in english.. but i did find this link to it on wikipedia

    are you guys taught "bopomofo" in singapore or "pingying"??

    1. I like to eat Nutella from the jar by a whole spoonful and yes, I actually snuck a few packs of Nutella from the buffet to eat with my crackers coz the food in Europe is just so expensive and I get hungry too often that I had to snack on cheap snacks. lol...

      I recently read some articles on Peta and about how they were killing many animals which had no homes. It's so hypocritical though somehow I'm always wary of things I read on the Internet.

      Hubz and I are also cutting down on food intake coz we're both starting to grow flabs. The wheel around your skinny hubz? My hubz has them too. He used to be lean and has packs. Maybe I should cut down on his red meat intake too as we're both steak lovers.

      Hahaha... I also told my hubz about you two. He would know a little bit here and there about my blog friends. This whole blogging platform is amazing, really.

      We learnt hanyu pinyin in school. I heard about bopomofo, detenele but I always thought those were hanyu pinyin too. I didn't know they were different.

  14. I've never been to any of these places! I should go to London again soon! I've only been three times but only once was to do touristy things!

    Corinne x

    1. It is always good to do touristy things for a start before delving into the local's culture. =)

  15. Great post dear...lovely pics..:-)
    thank you!
    have a nice week, dear

    1. Thank you for dropping by and have a lovely week, dear. =)

  16. What a great adventure, I do love this place, so much to see :))) Wonderful photos, love the architecture...amazing!! I hope you have a lovely week doll xx

    1. I will never get sick of London. We still have so much to discover from this little charming city.

  17. Every breakfast sound look like that, yum, the cathedral is so beautifully designed, your photos of London are truly wonderful, even on a dull sunless day. Have a great and productive week ahead!

    1. We still have so much to discover from this little charming city. Even if it is a grey and dreary city, I still love it. Productive week? That's a new one. I love it!

  18. Love London. Been there couple of times but not realized the bridge. Wandering whether I have been on it and I really can't remember.
    My son lives Nutella:)

    1. That modern bridge is called the Millennium Bridge. It is probably too modern and nondescript that you didn't realize that you've been on it? =)

  19. How fun you both got to travel and explore such beautiful cities. That's something I miss badly. Yummy breakfast (I love buffet style too) is a great start of a day. Looking forward to part 2.

    1. I have yet to edit Day 2 part 2 photos but I should aim to get round to doing it soon. Been nursing an upper respiratory tract infection and sleeping in over the weekend.

  20. Very nice and interesting photos!
    Thank you for the comment on my blog.
    I'm following you, I hope you could follow me too.

    1. Thank you for dropping by and for following me. I would visit your blog again soon! =)

  21. Stunning pictures! Great to see that you had a great time! I havent travelled for ages and have been really broke so am praying things work out for me soon

    1. I miss travelling too! I hope you would be able to build up your finance and start to travel again!


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