Friday, February 14, 2014

Valentine's Day -- A Double Dose of Love

Happy Valentine's Day to all of you! It certainly didn't feel like Valentine's Day today. Mine was rather nondescript like any other work day. How did you spend your Valentine's Day?

Something worth noting this year is that Valentine's Day and the Lantern Festival (元宵节) fall on the same day this year.

The Lantern Festival, which is also known casually as Chinese Valentine's Day, is a festival celebrated on the fifteenth day of the first month in the lunar calendar marking the last day of the lunar new year celebration. The last time that happened was 19 years ago! Hence you could imagine how many Chinese couples have chosen to get married on this date?

Interesting facts aside, I was simply mesmerized by this whimsical pastel photo shoot. It was featured on Style Me Pretty Australia. I've always had a thing for pastel coloured desserts as they always look so good in photos. I can't decide which is my favourite detail as I love them all. Which are your favourite details?


  1. Wow that's pretty special! How cool to get married on this date!
    This shoot is like a pastel wonderland. I love the pompom cupcake toppers!
    Happy Valentine's Day and Lantern Festival Jo!

    Rowena @ rolala loves

  2. Oh I didnt know about the Lantern Festival, very interesting. Love pastel colored sweets too, this shooting is just so adorable and tender! Happy Valentine's Day dear Jo! Many kisses! xo

    1. I as a Singaporean Chinese didn't know it was called lantern festival as Chinese in Singapore and Malaysia tend to refer to the Mid Autumn Festival Lantern as Festival too! xoxo

  3. Well lantern day sounds very interesting, I like it :) Happy Valentine's day as well doll, these are gorgeous pictures, love pastels :)) Have a great weekend xx

    1. It sounds interesting but we do not release lanterns on this day. The people in China do. We practise slightly different culture.

  4. Happy Valentine's Day to you too! Mine wasn't anything special either, I work during the day and my boyfriend works during the evening so no plans for us. We did have lunch together though, which was nice.

    I've always loved pastel colours as well and those photos look amazing!

    1. I'm glad you all managed to have a nice lunch together! The company mattered most. xoxo

  5. The edible details are my favorite :)

    Had a working V Day as well and then a 2 hour drive home that is normally a half hour due to massive snow. But day ended nicely with deep dish pizza and a trip to the symphony. Lovely pictures, dear :) Been missing you on IG

    1. 2h-drive for a usual 30min-drive sounds like a massive snowstorm! I'm glad you got home safely and had warm pizza! I've not been too active on social media nowadays. Been very busy and I wished I could have more time. =D

  6. Ah, so pretty! I love all the pastel mint! That's probably my most favorite pastel shade. ^_^ Loved the fun facts about Lunar New Year. Hope you had a festive and happy Valentine's Day and Lunar New Year! Wishing you the best in the new year!

    1. Pastel mint? Hehehe... I called it Tiffany colour. LOL! xoxo

  7. ohhh these pictures are so pretty!!! i love it so girly and pretty would be so perfect for a baby shower or bridal shower!

    ours was pretty non-descript to.. i just made some ribeye and scalloped potatos for dinner because my husband complains i don't let him eat steak lololol!

    i am suprised you've never been to taiwan! it's so close to you!! but i've never been to singapore and i really want to go i love curry hehehe!! and i'm obsessed w/ laksa!

    haha you're so funny well i'm actually pretty much raised in the US.. i was born in taiwan.. but have been in the states since i was 4 so for taiwanese ppl i'm basically considered a 'wai gou ren' hahaha :p

    1. Ribeye and scalloped potatoes sound so mouth-watering! That's not nondescript at all. Lol... It's a nice little feast for the hubz. Ooh... Why don't you let him eat steak? Too much red meat? We LURVE steak!

      Haha... next time if you ever some to Singapore, you've to let me know! The boys can have their men's talk and we would definitely have loads of fun! I met up with a blog friend when she came to Singapore too and now both couples are like friends who get along pretty well. I love such spontaneous friendship. It's amazing. I would take you to try various versions of laksa! Curry? We have lots of types of curry too. Chinese, Malay and Indian all have their own curry.

      LOL!!! I really laughed out loud when I saw "wai gou ren" and thought of dogs! It's "guo", not "gou"! Hehehe... Cute you!

  8. A stunning photo shoot would work so well for so many events from baby shower to bachelorette really think it is so feminine and pretty

    1. I think I might just have some baby shower inspirations for the future. xoxo

  9. That is so cool about the dates! I bet a lot of people got married. I love pastel sweets also. They look so dreamy in photos. Happy Valentine's Day Jo! Hope you're having an amazing weekend.

  10. It is too hard to choose. I would be happy to try whatever was closest on the table. :)
    I started the day by scraping ice off our driveway and vehicles. Almost no one was at work. KH got flowers (which you saw) and takeout for dinner. Today I took her out for Mexican food.

    1. Is V day a designated holiday where you are or people took leave to celebrate or was there a massive snowstorm such that people didn't have to go to work or school? The takeout dinner and Meican dinner sounds lovely. I'm sure you and KH enjoyed yourselves. =)

    2. Because of the snow and ice, work started 2 hours late and people were given permission to take leave without getting permission first. Today I'm taking kh out for steak.

    3. Yay for being allowed to take leave w/o prior permission. It sounds so good but Nay for the snow and ice. That must have been terrible! The steak sounds like a perfect ending!

  11. These pastel colors are so sweet and appropriate for wedding Jo. Love everything from flowers to sweets, too pretty to eat. I spent a day at work on Valentine’s day too. I am not big on this day so it didn't really bother me.

    1. This could also be an inspiration for baby showers! Glad that your Valentine's Day was productive!


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