Monday, February 10, 2014

Instagram Snapshots ~*January 2014*~

I'm a little less than 2 weeks late in my compilation of Instagram photos from January so here goes!

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~1 January 2014~
Trying out this Statigram feature that recaps the top 5 photos of one's Instagram account. @tinsfans!!! Our photo collages rank 1st and 4th! Maybe it's our nerdy glasses, food and Polaroid. Lol
The video on my blog is automatically cropped and with no audio. View the Instavideo here:

~1 January 2014~
First meal of 2014. The sickly hubby asked for bread with butter and got jam with olive oil spread instead. The jam was home-made by a friend. It is so delicious in a healthy way that my mother-in-law asked for the recipe upon tasting it.

~1 January 2014~
Mixed Cats Schedule Book for 2014. I'm back to spending ridiculous amount for a Japanese schedule book. SGD$13.50 for a small and slim one. The first time I bought a Japanese schedule book was a few years back for almost $30. I haven't been buying them for the past 3 years. It had been tough hunting for a slim one that met my requirements. This Mixed Cats one has the best cat illustration among those short listed few.
The video on my blog is automatically cropped and with no audio. View the Instavideo here:

~4 January 2014~
Throwback Selfie Sunday. Wished it would snow lightly here in Singapore. I see a couple of my Instagram and blog friends commenting about snow where they are. Good and bad but mostly good. On a separate note, it's already 10am and I've yet to sleep. Been suffering from tummy ache since 9pm. I'm so hungry now but I think it would be better to sleep the tummy ache away.

~9 January 2014~
Farewell note as part of a scrapbook for my colleague whose last day is today. Will miss you!

~9 January 2014~
I love personalized gifts! I love the shade of pink, the pretty cat and the font of my name.

~11 January 2014~
Got this cute kitty fleece blanket last Christmas and I'm finally gonna use it now. $30 for a blanket. This kitty better keep me warm in the cinema.

~11 January 2014~
Yay!!! Haven't completed CandyCrush before new levels are added for a long time. Feeling accomplished now.

~13 January 2014~
One of the team building activities for today was to design 2 kites per group. Seeing that we had black, green, brown, yellow and blue paints, we could only think of panda and bamboo. Hence, we had Kai Kai 凯凯 and Jia Jia 嘉嘉 painted.
The story our group leader told the facilitator:
Kai Kai and Jia Jia represent the males and females in DFO who are equal in strength. The many bamboo signifies abundance since DFO manages resources. The pandas are surfing on the water which parallels the Chinese saying 一帆风顺. Furthermore, our recent DFO family day was at the River Safari where Kai Kai and Jia Jia are housed and we had lots of memories there.
The facilitator kept giving us a mixture of incredulous and impressed expression and said, "Wah. Like that also can."

~17 January 2014~
First time drinking Meiji probiotics drink at 99c a bottle since it is fast reaching its expiry date. Not too bad tasting but a little too sweet. Yakult is still the best!

~18 January 2014~
We are finally here to try the lengendary Sembawang Bai Mi Fen (白米粉)! We could never understand the hype about food that makes people queue long hours for it and hence have not tried it. Even friends with the same belief told us how skeptical they were but once the 白米粉 was in their mouth, they totally erased their prior snobbish belief.
A friend told us that the trick is to come here in the late afternoon/ early evening to avoid the long queue. No queue but still waited 30min for it!

~18 January 2014~
Tasting mouthful of the legendary Sembawang bai mi fen 白米粉! The hubz think it is legendary. I think it is more delicious than the normal zi char mi fen. Super full now. A long queue has started to form as we are finishing our meal.

~18 January 2014~
Back to the good old layering style whereby my hair doesn't fall to the sides in long "sheets". Plus, it's always good to have versatile long hair and short hair look.

~18 January 2014~
"Bullying" the bro-in-law's notti meow meow by shaking her butt butt. Look at her pissed off face.
Before this video, she was so well-behaved and compliant when I carried her and swayed her body and butt continuously from left to right. Once bitten twice shy. When I tried the same thing again, she started kicking like a frenzied cat in water. Haha.
Don't kill me, @gnahiy. Don't kill me, animal activists.
The video on my blog is automatically cropped and with no audio.. View the Instavideo here:

~22 January 2014~

~24 January 2014~
What sorcery is this??? It's the next opium. Didn't know the name of this snack, googled "flour snack ikan bilis peanut" and got its name-- Rempeyek! Can sit here and eat this the whole damn day.

~25 January 2014~
Been craving for McDonald's hotcakes & sausage and here we are! Heavenly!
On a separate note, I gave up our 4-seater table to a family of 4 and there was not a single word of thanks or gesture of appreciation. It was as if I'm expected to give up the table. Oh well...

~25 January 2014~
Pareidolia is hitting me again. Do you see what I see on the margarine?

~29 January 2014~
It's Chinese New Year Eve. The Year of the Snake would slither away to welcome the Year of the Horse. I'm not good with all the 4-word CNY wishes so here's wishing everyone the simplest pun-y 4-word Mandarin greeting for the year of the Horse: "马上有钱"! Happy CNY to all Chinese. And for the non-Chinese counterparts, enjoy the long weekend!

~30 January 2014~
Before: Chinese New Year reunion dinner 鱼生 (Yu Sheng).

~30 January 2014~
After (tossing): Chinese New Year reunion dinner 鱼生 (Yu Sheng). My family is so not civilized when it comes to tossing. Shreds on hands, whole chopsticks and all over the table. 😝 =p

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Valentine Day Gifts for My Blog Friends and Readers

It is Valentine's Day week and I've always loved Valentine's Day since schooling days. To me, Valentine's Day is a day when lovely school mates would run around the whole school giving sweet little gifts and sometimes really very big gifts like a huge balloon or stuffed Elmo to one another. I love giving and receiving and this is inspiring me to:

1) Hold my 2nd blog giveaway for all my lovely blog friends.
I'm still trying to sort out if I should use programs like Raffelcopter to help me with the tallying or to do it manually like the last time. The problem about me is that I'm pretty much of a techie idiot at times and even after reading up, I'm still unsure about how to use such programs. I'm also wondering what gifts I should include and the requirements for participating. My last giveaway of 3 different prizes for 3 different readers was a little on the generous side. And while the giveaway attracted many page views, participation and new followers, I realised that these new people who jumped at the freebies do not engage with me or follow up with my blog after that. Even the 3 winners slowly disappeared. So yup... I'm still trying to sort some issues out. Feel free to let me know what you think.

2) Send a little something to some of long time readers cum blog friends.
A handful of you have been loyally visiting my blog and leaving me really sincere comments and I dare say that our online interaction goes a lot further than merely being readers of one another's blogs. I feel that I've known some of you like a friend as we do know quite a bit about each other like how friends should. Also, I really appreciate all the kind words, the care and concern that some of you have been giving over the years. I can't possibly reach out to all of you right now but I have some of you in mind already. You will know it if you received an email from me. =)

Have a lovely week ahead!


  1. It looks like you had a pretty good month, except for that dastardly stomach pain. I hope you are catching up on your sleep.

    I think I did one giveaway that was open to anyone. But like you, I didn't like the results. I decided to have future giveaways be just for my current readers as a thank you for sticking with me.

    Being our friend is special enough, you don't need to do anything else for us. :)

    1. For people like us who truly engage with our readers, we often do not like how these giveaways turn out. I'm always glad to have people like you who stick by throughout. Being able to befriend kind people like you is my good fortune! I can't remember who stumbled upon whose blogs but I'm glad it happened. Just a small little something for people like you to show I care is the least I could do.

  2. Your little movies are always so cute. The kitty blanket I am jealous for but could not pull off anyway :) Your posts are always so bright and fun and smart and you should not use and too much in a sentence and I just did and I am OK with that and I hope you are too. Oops, sorry, a bit loopy :) You are such a great follow here and on IG and I am very glad to be even a tiny flit of light on the edge of your existence. It is my honor.

    1. You can certainly pull off the kitty blanket at home with Buddy. I've not been on social media too much recently. Looking at my Instagram account, I've really cut back a lot on pictures. You're too kind. It's my honour to stumble upon your blog and find a friend in you.

  3. These are amazing pictures doll, I love the tossing of the noodles one,t hat looks like so much fun!! I hope you have a gorgeous week ahead xx

    1. They do look like noodles, don't they? They are actually carrot and radish shreds. I love eating Yu Sheng. Have a lovely weekend!

  4. Hey Jo!
    I always enjoy looking at your instagram photos. Between the food, family photos, traveling and asian beauty products, they always make me smile. So keep it up. I feel the same way about giveaways. That's why I don't have them as often. Some bloggers only seek out giveaways and are not interested in your blog whatsoever. They win and they go. I feel it's so unfair to the other bloggers that faithfully visit your blog and leave meaningful comments. Even when I had a widget that showed the top commenters ...that became a problem. Some people would just leave any comment (a multiple of times) so they could be #1 on the list (so their blog could be & blog name). So I removed that from my blog's side bar. I'm not saying we have to be the best of friends, but I really do my best to leave meaningful comments. Also, if I don't hear from someone. I delete them. I mean, you CAN stop by at least once a week. LOL Some bloggers get mad...I'm like I've been visiting your blog AND commenting...YOU have the nerve to be mad at me and haven't commented but 2 times on any of my post. THE NERVE! LOL

    1. I find myself nodding to many things you've written when I was reading this off my phone. From my 1st and last giveaway, I realised many people actually create blog accounts, FB accounts etc just for giveaways. What's the point in having a "giveaway account"? I thought of engaging myself in their blogs and actually bothered to leave a comment even if it was difficult to find an appropriate post to do so. Maybe I should set more rules for future GA.

      I didn't know about that widget to show top commenters and I didn;t know people would leave many comments just for the sake of having their blogs shown. That's a really ugly act.

      "I'm not saying we have to be the best of friends, but I really do my best to leave meaningful comments." I really understand this coz I'm like that too. And as for you, you have a lot more readers, followers and blogs to visit and I really admire the way you continue to engage in your readers.That person you described at the end sounds like a really petty person. Keep up whetever you've been doing! You've got many people who leave meaningful comments too and I'm sure those who mattered would be able to see how sincere you are.

  5. The kitty blanket is soo cute!!! And haha, I love making pets dance. I make my dog dance sometimes, and although she's not impressed, this harassment is fun :D

    As for the giveaway, I personally would use Rafflecopter, and moderate the entries (aka deleting entries) so that giveaway accounts don't spam entries.
    Vanessa | Citron and Guavaberry ʘ‿ʘ

    1. Thanx for your input, Vanessa. I didn't know Rafflecopter could moderate entries. I'm so old school that such programs scare me. When I see giveaway using Rafflecopter, I wondered how to go about participating. Haha.


I love reading sincere comments and hearing your voice. While blatant self promotion of blogs and follow for follow requests are not advisable, I would love if you leave a mark here with a trackback link so that I could connect with you. I reply to comments here or on your blog so don't forget to check back on replies! =)