Saturday, August 03, 2013

Instagram Snapshots ~*July 2013*~

I'm still miffed about my bandwidth issue.

I was researching on free photo host for blogs and websites and came to a few sites where they did comparisons among all the free photo hosts. Photobucket emerged the top 3. I've got no issues with Photobucket at all except the very limited bandwidth of 10GB set for each month.While I wait out the next reset of my photobucket's bandwidth, here are July's Instagram snapshots hosted via my bursting blogger photo host.

 photo blogseparatorflowersmall.gif

~2 July 2013~
I've always loved ash brown hair. The ash tone I like is quite similar to the bottom left picture and that colour could only be achieved by bleaching before dyeing. I'm adamant about not bleaching my hair and hence my stylist did the colour closest to what I wanted and recommended me to use a silver shampoo to tone the colour over a period of time. Silver shampoo contains blue and purple pigment to wash out yellowish tones and preserve a platinum colour in the hair. The bottom right picture shows my hair colour changing to almost what I want during my first shampoo at home. Sadly after blowing it dry, the colour didn't remain like in that picture. I guess I've to be patient and await the results after a few washes.

~3 July 2013~
Soaked off my month-long gelish only to have new ones done. Doing gelish can b quite an addiction. This time I opted for subtle pink an lilac ombré nails. The ribbon art was added on a whim.

~4 July 2013~
Make Up Forever Aqua Eyes, Please colour me beautiful. I heard that you are made with water ballerinas in mind. Hence for SGD33 supported by Too Faced Shadow Insurance, I really hope my eyeliner doesn't smudge anymore. Thank you.

~4 July 2013~
Throw back Thursday. Picture titled "Where's Eiffel?" The Eiffel Tower was shrouded in mist during our lunch reservation at Le Jules Verne 2 years ago. We were dining in mist with no view to enjoy. 😣 Fast forward to now. 3 more days to our next holiday!!! Can't wait!!!

~6 July 2013~
Clearing my photoroll from watsapp photo downloads and other rubbish when i saw this gorgeous flower themed sash. So pretty!

~7 July 2013~
Bye Bye Singapore! Off to the land of Prada, Gucci and Armani and I don't even have a shopping list. This is insanely abnormal!

~8 July 2013~
The beautiful view of the Grand Canal from our room at Hotel Galleria, Venice. The room is very small but the awesome view, impeccable service and complimentary drinks in the common fridge more than make up for it.

~8 July 2013~
I really hope this video gets through the very unstable wifi here. We are putting up at Hotel Galleria, Venice for the night. The room is really small but the beautiful view of the the Grand Canal from the window is the prized catch.

~8 July 2013~
The no-frills hotel we chose --Hotel Ferrucci-- at Florence, Italy is our cheapest accommodation in this Italy trip at €300 for 4 nights. It surpassed our expectations when we saw that our room is the only room with a patio.

~11 July 2013~
We climbed and huffed and puffed to have this visual treat of Florence city centre. Totally worth the sweat and sore muscles. On a separate note, the wifi is so bad that I've to pull a chair to sit by the door and also walk outta the room along the corridor every now and then to get signal.

~12 July 2013~
We skipped the touristy Pisa and drove out to Siena from Florence for half a day. Siena is full of medieval feel with very cool weather. Felt like it was spring instead of summer as it got really cold at times. There we were at Piazza Del Campo with the clock tower in the background.

~12 July 2013~
I love it when hotel keys are actual keys made of metal and not key cards like what most modern hotels have.

~13 July 2013~
Hotel Villa Duse would be where we would be putting up at Rome. The 15 sec instavideo doesn't do justice to this beautiful room. I love the cozy reading corner with Italian encyclopedia.

~13 July 2013~
We reached Rome only at sunset as we spent a lot more time in the factory outlets en route to Rome than expected. The sun sets slightly before 9pm in summer btw. Check out the cute thin crescent moon in the beautiful hues of purple, pink and orange.

~13 July 2013~
These shoes are/ are not (circle the appropriate answer) made for walking the different grounds of Italy, from uneven cobblestone to brick roads to tarmac roads. They gave me so much pain due to the really thin soles but after a few days, I've gotten used to it. In fact, the fashionable ladies in Florence could be wearing really beautiful long dresses and then when you look at their feet-- all sorts of converse shoes! The mismatch look seems to be a fashion statement. I hope these shoes continue to take me through Rome function wise and fashion wise.

~14 July 2013~
Dear Charmaine, It's 12 midnight here in Rome. Happy Birthday Char Char! You would have been 8 this year. I'm so glad you sent your wishes up together with your sky lantern 2 years ago and had a glimmer of hope and faith to press on. 2 nights ago was our last night in Florence and there was a street bazaar. Little Italian kids were letting their sky lanterns with wishes written on up into the cool night sky. I thought of you and the night of your actual birthday 2 years ago. I know you are in a pain-free place looking down and watching upon mommy and kor kor with your cheeky smile and your signature Asian peace sign. Please continue to watch over mommy and kor kor and all who love you. Love ❤ Godma Jolene

~14 July 2013~
Love my newly purchased Burberry scarf at almost half the price of those selling in Singapore. Wore a tank top out today to beat the summer heat and this scarf came in really useful as a modesty cover when stepping into Roman Catholic Churches and during the night when the wind gets chilly.

~14 July 2013~
After going into so many churches, Sant'Ignazio Church in Rome is my favorite so far. Most churches in Europe have a dark gothic feel (no offence to Catholics) which truly overwhelms. This church gives a huge sense of peace. Beautiful organ music resonated all around and then the choir sang just like baritone in operas. The church is really brightly-lit with ornate baroque design and bold paintings on all the domes. After the singing, the mass commenced and we had to move away from the aisle.

~15 July 2013~
Reflection of the Rome Colosseum through the hubby's LV aviators on me. These aviators are so ME lor. I dunno why he doesn't want to let me have it. Hmmph!

~15 July 2013~
I wished my antique key ring could unlock the secret passages of the ancient ruins of the Colosseum.

~15 July 2013~
Bookish nerd trying to read Italian encyclopedia 1938--1948 from the antique bookshelf in the hotel room.

~16 July 2013~
My apricot drink was too sweet. So guess what I did with his beer? Yummy yummy fruit beer. And yay for free wifi in this humble ristorante just outside Vatican City. Polite wait staff with food served very quickly, quite unlike the 1.5-2h on average meals in Italy.

~16 July 2013~
Could you guess what book I'm flipping? Hint: Try to see the pic on the right page of the book.

~16 July 2013~
On our last day at Hotel Villa Duse, the sweet waitress gave us some love in our cappuccino. It's strange. Cappuccino originates from Italy but we don't get those nice art on our foam. Or are those only for latte? This is our first time seeing art on our cappuccino in Italy so though simple, it's really cute to see those hearts.

~16 July 2013~
Bye Rome! You have been good save for the merciless sun. Now for a loooooooooong drive to Milan.

~17 July 2013~
We decided on Hotel Berna, Milan after seeing the huge discount and raves on Trip Advisor. The room looks small and nothing spectacular for a 4-star hotel. Nevertheless, we were wowed by the double door security at the building, the free coffee and water at the Internet area, the secured wifi throughout the hotel and the complimentary juices at the minibar.

~17 July 2013~
Being very random, we made a detour en route Milan to visit the Leaning Tower of Pisa coz that's what all mainstream tourists have to do. All the touristy posing shots are in the camera though.

~18 July 2013~
Duomo di Milano is the only attraction in Milan that is worth visiting. It's really beautiful on the outside with intricate details on the facade. Each spire is actually a statue. The inside is really dark and you need to buy a wristband to be permitted to take photographs. The captivating features would be the elaborate details of the stained glasses. "The Gothic cathedral took nearly six centuries to complete. It is the fifth largest cathedral in the world and the largest in the Italian state territory."

~19 July 2013~
Last dessert for the holidays. Pear coated with chocolate syrup. Back to reality after hibernating.

~19 July 2013~
Sexy pasta

~20 July 2013~
Arm candy from @fleurfaerie. 2x3 bracelets on 1 wrist. Me thinks its an overkill of charms and pearls but hubby thinks it's beautiful. For once, the tastes swap places.

~20 July 2013~
First time eating escargot with croissant at La Petit Cuisine. This is more than an appetizer!

~20 July 2013~
Duck Confit with Gratin. Stark presentation but good casual French food.

~20 July 2013~
Time for some atas Bottega Gold wine. Anyone knows how the Bottega Rose tastes like? My mum always can't bear to open any new wine we bring home. The gold one is not bad! Side note: check out my sis @kezel and my reflection in the bottles.

~20 July 2013~
白痴 smiles from my sis and me through the Bottega wine bottles. Photo courtesy of @kezel.

~21 July 2013~
Sunday doodling. We had a tattoo theme birthday dinner for the Vios July babies. Gosh! It's damn difficult to draw on the loose skin of the wrist. I've got an ugly infinity tattoo on my left wrist (with the parts drawn in black pen faded by the end of the night) and some swirls on my right eye. Wrist: 15 min. Eye: less than 1 min.

~21 July 2013~
Sunday doodling. We had a tattoo theme birthday dinner for the Vios July babies and hubby is one of the babies. This was what I drew for him on his left arm. I spent 20 min on this and all he wanted to do was to wash it off after the dinner. So sad. Aside: me thinks he is a closet Beng. Can't stand that expression manz.

~22 July 2013~
Was clearing my photoroll and came across this. Cute @julestbl to come up with the theme for the July babies dinner. And yes it was a joke and no the hubby didn't agree.

~25 July 2013~
Seeing @canloveant 's picture, I decided to download bokeh apps. The app she recommended wasn't free so cheapo me downloaded a few other free bokeh apps to play around with the effects. So here is a self-absorbed picture like what 481039301630272 of Instagram users out there have on their pages. No photo app could correct my big small eyes, even one with the option of enlarging eyes.

~25 July 2013~
Throwbackthursday. Think I was two in this photo. Whenever adults say "Fold your arms and cross your legs", I stupidly obeyed. Then they would coo "soooooo cuuuute".

~27 July 2013~
3 elements I like in this beautiful illustration-- beautiful messy updo, pointy wings butterflies, intriguing melancholy.

~27 July 2013~
Never heard of this Italian brand Fracomina. But I knew I had to get this lovely top. I love the muted colourful prints, butterflies, lace and asymmetrical theme as well as a mixture of dainty and wild.

~28 July 2013~
Craving for seafood simmered in white wine sauce so I ordered Vongole and Cozze for appetizer and Spaghetti alle Vongole for mains. The waiter could not hide his laughter when he took my order. The hubz prefers to substitute "craving" for "crazy". All the soup was lapped up.

~29 July 2013~
Found on a caravan parked beside us at Piazzale Michelangelo.

~30 July 2013~
Lurve social media humour! I was googling for this minion comic up down right left after the hubz related it to me verbally. Finally found it!


  1. I have total vacation envy after looking at all your cool shots from Italy! The sights and the food look so amazing. I'm thinking my next European vacation has to be to Italy. I'm a big fan of MUFE Aqua Eyes. Hope it works out for you. Thanks for visiting! I'm very visual so I love Pinterest and pinning food somehow always makes me hungry. Google Reader was discontinued but I think GFC is still okay. I'm already following you on Bloglovin' dear! Happy weekend!

    Rowena @ rolala loves

    1. I'm pretty slow in my Europe travels. I have many friends who have already scoured different countries in Europe and I hear from many of them that Italy is actually best to be explored as a country on its own rather than as part of a European city in a Europe tour. How right they were. Have Italy on your agenda, Rowena. You would not regret it!

      I didn't know GFC wouldn't be discontinued. Silly me. My Google Reader does screw up at times and still show reading list. I love it when that happens.

  2. Hehe, I totally adore your tattoo doodles, Jo! Those are so neat. Why would he want to wash it off? It's so neat!

    Also, oh my gosh, sexy pasta! Hahahaha, how funny is that?! Wouldn't you just love to serve that to some unsuspecting neighbors one night for dinner and see how long it took them to notice? Aaaah that would be golden. :)

    1. Yes, tell me about it. No, tell my hubz about it. He doesn't like tattoo and he had work the next day. He dons a military uniform and hence had to wash it away as the tail portion would stick out from beneath the sleeve.

      Oh, I can imagine you writing a full personal recount on how you served your neighnour sexy pasta. *hehehe*

  3. Also if you ran out of places to host photos, you could always try Flickr. It's free for a limited amount of space but if you wanted to spend the extra money to get unlimited, it's really really worth it. :)

    1. I'm a cheapo and I only want to host my photos for free. lol... I know of many people who are using the free photobucket version without paying yet not encountering the bandwidth problem. Hence, the stubborn me is adamant about not paying to host my photos.

  4. Lots of gorgeous glad you had so much fun. So lovely. I hope you have a great weekend xx

  5. Hi Jo! Thanks so much for visiting my blog, I'm glad it lead me to yours! :) I loved seeing your breakdown of each day in July... I've always wanted to go to Italy, it has so much history, culture and architecture. I was living vicariously through your instagram pics. The "sexy pasta" totally made me laugh!!!! How could someone not eat it without giggling?? haha. It could be a great dinner idea to the start of a romantic evening, right? ;)

    Have a lovely weekend!

    1. Thank you for returning the visit, Christy. I always appreciate the 2-way communication from bloggers. =) Italy is a really beautiful country and if you manage to find the time, plan for a holiday there. You would love it especially since you mentioned that you are into history, culture and architecture.

  6. OMMGGG so funny we were in Italy at the SAME exact time (i'm currently editing all my italy pics hehehe :p LITERALLY as i'm typing this to you!) i can't believe it.. we were in the same country haha.. how funny :p

    i love your vacay pics :p

    omgosh dying over your ombre pink and lilac nails soo pretty! i love that see through gel-ish looking nails so pretty!

    haha you're not a bimbo.. the restaurant is actually called 2amy's because it's owned by 2 amy's AND that night we went to the restuarant.. two of the girls in our group is ALSO named amy!!! hahaha.. so that's why we joked "2amy's + our 2amy's = 4amy's" haha

    1. OMG, LISA!!! Are you sure we were in Italy at the same time? Gosh! We could have bumped into each other! There were soooooo many tourists. Which cities did you go? We went Venice, Florence, Rome and Milan. Ooooh... I would so love to see all your Italy posts and photos! I'm only editing Day 1 which is Venice. I hope to catch up on my blog this weekend. Don't we all love vacay pics? =)

      The 2 amys thing is just too funny already. I'm sure you all were laughing at the coincidence too.

  7. Great blog ^-^ Thank you for visiting my blog! Would you like to follow each other on gfc? I am following you now ^-^ Also, regarding to your comment, almost all mists are used for moisturizing your face. That mist in specific is made to calm and not irritate the skin.

    - kat

    1. Thanx for the reply about the mist and for visiting back. =) I appreciate the 2-way communication.

  8. So much awesomeness...and a touch of soooooo cuuuute! I couldn't see the page clearly enough to guess the book, so I'm going with not the Bible. :)
    I also going to guess that Char is happy and proud of her loved ones.

    1. Haha... You and your bible! It's a book of Da Vinci's work and that page was a feature of The Last Supper.

  9. you travelled a lot , we did in 2011 same trip Paris, Florenze, Venecia etc

    1. Thank you for visiting and for your comment. I hadn't travelled for 2 years with the hubby before this trip. =) This was solely an Italy trip and we visited 4 cities- Venice, Florence, Rome and Milan.

  10. I love your burberry scarf! Check out my blog if you get the chance :)

    1. Thank you for dropping by and commenting. =) I will check out your blog soon.

  11. It looks like you had such an amazing time in Italy!! I would love to visit sometime in my life. And I love your the shirt you got, it's so pretty! ^_^


    1. Yes, Italy is a bucket list destination if you love history, arts, culture and architecture. I'm sure you do. =)

  12. Great pictures! :) I just started a fashion blog recently and would love for you to check it out. Follow for a follow on GFC and bloglovin? I'll follow back xx

    1. Thanx for dropping by and commenting. I would check out your blog soon. =)

  13. This is such a wonderful collection of great photos! Love the one with the Eiffel tower in the background. The food looks so great! Thanks for taking the time to visit...have a great week!

    1. Thank you for visiting back, Sam. Have a lovely week ahead!

  14. It looks like you're having so much fun on your travels! I miss Italy so much and hopefully I'll be able to go back soon. You two make for such a cute couple! :)

    1. I'm sure you had lots of fun at Italy as it is a beautiful place. Awww... thank you for your sweet words.

  15. These were great jo! I love a hotel that has actual keys! You don't find that very often nowadays. Love that bracelet! It's so pretty! HAHAHA About the tattoos! You're good though. Love the leaning tower of pisa. It's always a great shot. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Great summary as always, Kim. Hehehe... Thank you doll.

  16. Copper is the worst base you could ever have for going ash! Have you tried cellophane? :)

    Beauty By Telie

    1. Actually I do not know if my hair is copper, I just called it copper brown as it looked copperish tone just as I was crafting that instagram post. Hehe... The silver shampoo changed my hair tone by quite a bit. Cellophane as in the material? Could you tell me more about it? I'm curious.

  17. Ash tone!!! I want to get that too but like you I also don't want to bleach my hair. Actually every time I go to my hairdressers determined to bleach my hair and get my desired hair colour he always manages to talk me out of it lol I want to try silver shampoo too but must use up all the shampoos I still have laying around first =P Is it working for you? You shall be my white rabbit for this silver shampoo thing hehehe

    Oh don't worry, I totally understand gel nail addictions of any kinda haha It's a shame the eiffel tower was being shy that day but you're in Italy now!!! Omg must be amazing!

    I like your red passport and omg no shopping list? That sounds abnormal hahaha When I went to Paris I told myself I won't be buying anything because I really didn't have the money (broke student) but I had enough to enjoy myself comfortably, then guess what? I come back with a new bag and wallet, I told the bf to never let me do that again!!!! Being super broke after was pretty painful -.- this is when you may start reminiscing your broke students days hahaha if you had any =P

    Your hotel view in Venice looks amazing and that view you huffed and puffed for is def worth it!!! Did you end up getting anything from the factory outlets and was driving around difficult? They really need to start making comfy but cute shoes for travel, I usually tough it out with my flats and change insoles every other day, I also always put bandages on my ankles just in case =) I love your new scarf!

    Omg your hubby's aviators, reminds me of my bf's sunglasses. He had a pair I actually liked and looked decent on me but guess what, he gave them to his uncle!!! Why not meeeeeee, given he didn't know I wanted them but still...speaking of maybe I should invest in a good pair of shades lol

    I wanna guess you're reading the kama sutra but I could be wrong so I'm gonna go with an art book hahaha how vague =P Milan looks fun despite the few attractions and I also love Trip Advisor for travelling tips and reviews too =D What a nice gift for your parents!! You and your sis look alike =P I know that might sound like "duh they are sisters" but my sis and I don't look alike at all!

    The tattoo you designed looks so pretty and hahaha your husband wanting to take it off, but all your effort!!! You should make him wear it until it rubs off haha You look super cute in the photo with the bokeh and I think your eyes look perfect!

    re:I won a free drink with the purchase of a pastry on the scratch and win card at the afternoon tea place, I think it's one of those "every card is a winner" type thing lol I am so happy it's super easy to change your blog layout now, I used to have to google html too, but now it's easy to find html codes too =)

    !!! When I said you look mature I just mean in comparison to your voice, I thought and still think you look 26!!! Which I don't think is old at all! Just that your voice is super cute but I imagined you to have this nice, womanly voice hahahaha How do you keep your youth? Bath in virgins blood? Tell us the secret!!! You look so nice!

    1. A thesis for a thesis. lol

      Psst... I've got many shampoo in my bathroom too and I alternate them. I've got 5 currently. My hubby always wonders how many heads I've got. Yes, the silver shampoo changed my hair tone quite a bit. The length looks a little like dark matt blonde (which could look like a tone I like too) but the top of my head still looks apricot brown (not the tone I like).

      I love my red passport too. hehe I'm very patriotic at times. In the end, I bought quite some stuff but no bags in sight! I think I've enough bags for now. Oh, but I'm really very sure you felt super happy buying and owning a designer bag and wallet. Plus consoling yourself that you've saved a lot buying them in Paris as opposed to Canada (which should be more expensive right?) Yes, I definitely have broke student days. I do not come from a well-to-do family and I worked every holiday and gave tuition to earn my pocket money and pay my school fees. That's why I end up splurging on myself at times. hehehe...

      I think it is important to get a good pair of shades as the lens are important in protecting our eyes. They needn't be designer as long as the lens and uv filters are good. I can't believe your bf didn't think of giving you the shades first. I would be so mad if I were you too. Hahaha... boys...

      Yep an art book is correct. It's a book of Da Vinci's works and that page featured The Last Supper. You could see how my sis look like from the wine bottles' reflection? Initially when I read this part about my sis, I was wondering when did I post my sis's photo on Instagram. =D

      26 is a nice age. Thanx for thinking I'm 26. I love the age of 25-26. It's young yet legal unlike 21. I shall tell everyone I'm forever 25 instead of forever 21. You might think I'm so morbid that if I joked and confessed that I bathe in virgin's blood, you might just believe it. Haha... I don't know. I guess it's the genes. My dad is above 60 and my mum is reaching 60 but both of them look so much younger than their friends who are a decade younger.

  18. How lucky you got to go to Italy! I've always wanted to go! Thanks for sharing all your beautiful snapshots and yummy food :)
    Oh, and thanks for stopping by my blog!

    1. Thanx for stopping by my blog too, Jessi. I appreciate the 2-way communication. Yes, Italy is a bucket list destination if you love history, arts, culture and architecture. I'm sure you do. =)


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